Sunday, May 24, 2009

new pic yet again! ;)

my hand is itching to blog..i guess it's gg to be a long post whr shall i start ehh?

this one whole week,i didnt go anw at all n i didnt spend anything n that's gd!happy ne!save save save mann!i juz went to tutor wawa at je lib..

im watching the k drama at ch u that i told you abt,but i watched it online coz it's getting more n more interesting n i cant wait to see wat happened next..heh..nice ehh!omg!i got soo emotional la watching that drama..manjalara also!haha!love n friendship is soo n women are complicated..sheesh!watch it n u'll now at the 98th epi..altgther i think thr are 172 ep..hoho!!but each ep is only half an ok laa..then i skipped those parts that im not interested n concerned with,so i can watch n finish it v fast..heh!lets see when i finish this drama..SHIOOKKK!

oh yaa!anor worrying thing.i think im growing fatter!!ahh!oh is it i think too much?i gained by 0.5 kg!i thot it is ok..but now,come to think of it,i think not ok!!my hip is getting bigger!omg!!i had a hard time fitting into my jeans laa!haha!ok this is no laughing matter..either i maintain that wt or grow fat n i cant fit into anymore jeans..ahhh!i wonder wat exercise is gd for maintaining hips..haizz..n my tummy is forever the buncit unless i berak then not buncit..haha!but 1day ppl dabian once leh..

n i wonder if jogging/running will make ur leg bigger..u know wat i mean?haha!coz thats the only exercise i do..wanna go n play badminton,no company..aisha is always on OT..the rest,ahh...cant be bothered to for other frens,too far liao so cant play tgther..ahh sian rite?sheesh!

talking abt workout,ive alrdy decided to jog eday on wkdays,unless im gg out or period,then i wont jog..also,since im staying at home,i wanna learn to my mum out..then ask her to teach me how to cook..yup yup!thats wat im gg to do..then if im hardworking enough,i will jot down the recipe,so who knows,one day,i can cook dinner then my mum can goyang kaki..this is the only time i can do such things coz when sch resumes,i wont hv any time anymore..i will be busy schling n once i reach home,i will be too tired to do anything other than tutorial..

oh ya!!talking abt jogging..u know wat happened to my adidas sports shoe or not?the sole came off!haha!!sheesh!ok la,the shoe has been w me for so long eversince sec sch it's only rite that the sole came off..sheesh!i tried to glue back tho,so i hope tmr when i run,wont came off half way if not paiseh sia!i hv anor sports shoe tho,the nike one..also from sec sch time..also,it's only a matter of time the sole comes off too..hahah!then i told mak i wanna go to the cobbler to get it fixed,but she said no use,might as well buy new i think,it's time i bot a new one..those 2 pairs has been w me for long enough n they're really depreciating..heh..i hope i can get a new decent pair below 50..have or not ehh?haha!either nike or adidas but i prefer nike..we shall see mann..i shall shop for sports shoe soon..

also,i plan to paint my living rm this coming june hols..coz my nephew is having hols,so he will be gg back to his i told my mum i can help to paint the wall..yay!

i managed to chat w shuwen for a while n she bot my AAA liao!!not sthing that im overjoyed..coz so long as the stuff are not with me yet,i shall assume that it's not sthing to be happy abt..haha!!i cant wait for the mags too..i hope it wont be crumpled n all when they reach my hand..wah i tell u when i rcv those stuff,im sure i will be ecstatic like wat laa..hahahaha!

more pics that i uploaded from asianfanatics..n hence the new pic for my blog..damn nice kannn?i felt so accomplished laaa coz i edited the pics myself then arranged until like tat til 4+ am this morning..wah seh..swee!!gosh!!nino is sure damn cute with that hairstyle..his pics are all over my hp..both my wallpaper n my screensaver his face..ahh!!see that peace sign..see that hair..see that smile..who will not faint??haha!!ade tak mly version of nino?hahah!mann!i love him!AHH!

the new pic that i love soo much!!

from popolo..ahh!nice ehh!!this one they shoot pics of them in bridal wear..ahh!!nino's soo cute n shuai with that cute little bow tie..the rest are equally hot too!!n i love rida's coat..damn nice..i love nino's parting!!AHHH!!same as mine lehhh...

anw,im repeating yamada taro!!hoho!!n because of watching that,im craving for seoul gdn..yosh!

sho n nino in yamada taro..kawaii!!nino's only 20 at that time..cute kannn!!!

i love this episode whr he became the maid in sho's house.haha!damn girl kann!i like!!!pretty! :)

ok laa..wanna ctinue w my drama..ciaoz!

i've nurse the hurt,the wound..hope all goes well for me in the nx half of thr yr..insya-Allah..

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