Tuesday, May 05, 2009

ear phones not equals to deaf

b4 i start..nice or not my new blog pic??!!??damn nice lorr!!ahhh!!wo xi huan!!heh..

ahh..im actually very tired n sleepy..for the 2nd time i feeling as such,if not,i can tahan until the wee hrs..

u mus be thinking then y the hell i don wanna sleep..heh..coz it's mask day..so im putting on my mask..then online a while..then only i go to sleep..heh..

so i started teaching wawa..hoho..indah seh ajar..i really cant teach..no patience..hoho..but hopefully in time to come,will be better..wawa gotta work damn hard man!!u go girl!!

then headed to sch for meeting n oh man..i didnt know that the meeting is soo serious..i shant blog any further..coz it will be very long n i don really hv the mood to blog abt it..hoho..

that aside..an interesting article in today's my paper attracted me soo much..the heading goes "teens with headphones: hints of psychological disorder?"..

ok la,im not really a teen,but i always hv my earphones on..be it when im studying,juz lazing ard,when im online,sometimes even when im watching tv,i will have my earphones on,n juz read the subs..haha..that is if im watching some dramas other than english n malay..

then when i read the article,i start to worry coz it was said that with earphones/headphones on,will lead to deafness or psychological disorder..

BUT NOO!!PHEWWW!haha!it is unlikely u will go deaf unless u're exposed to loud music for a long,continuous period of time..and as for psychological disorder,it depends..a psychiatric consultant said this.. "we hv to see how a person functions. If he doesn’tdo well academically, has problems socialising and also dons headphones all the time, then there is a high possibility that he is suffering from a psychological disorder. “Otherwise, donning headphones for long spells is a sign that the person needs to feel like he is not alone – (ameans of getting) a sense of security, basically. They turn to headphones because the music keeps them company.”

n this is sooo true!haha!im lonely..hahahaha!so i need arashi to accompany me n make me smile from ear to ear..hearing them is soo relaxing..

soo...i don really hv to worry..haaha!u know y i like to use earphones rather than juz hear from my laptop?coz if not,it's soft!then u cant really hear properly..then some more my house sometimes noisy..my nephew so colok n talkative i cant tahan..haha!hence the earphone..my saviour..

ok im so random i know..hoho..im tired..i think i wanna b kuai n sleep..but i hv the urge to watch jun's smile drama..haha..

ok..time to peel my mask n i'll decide whether to sleep or watch drama..=)

AND i cant nvr have enough of dear nino-kun..

gosh!isn't that such a dearie??i wan him to carry my child like that!ehh my child?nooo!!our child!hahaha!sial laa!prasan!but really..omg..i wan him!!


love that smile..AAA damn rocks!!i really wan AAA!!

singing with so much emotions..i love nino!!

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