Sunday, May 17, 2009

i wanna sleep and Dream

shit!i was really sleepy juz now watching tv,then when i off tv,i cant sleeep!dang it!then on pc lorr..wonder wat time will i fall asleep..

Yume by nino from how's it going concert..

Even till now I can't recall and don't want to remember
Whether it's this snow or rain or night, they're all not lies

Your future and my future intersecting,
this will definitely not happen, we're separated
I'm regretting, after seeing those eyes
Having to return to reality and wake up from the dream

The thing that hurts the most is because of you, you were too frank
& the saddest thing is because you really did love me

Even till now I still cannot be hurt
Not being able to live with you, our hearts proceeding together...

Even if on a whim, it's okay
You lying that you love me
Because now all I want to do is go to sleep
and dream of dreams that will never come true

he cried while singing the song..gosh!too bad thr's only mp3 of it,not the vid.. :( i love him! loads!

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