Monday, May 18, 2009

nothing much ne!

it’s Monday..time REALLY flies,seriously..n im not getting sick staying at home.heh..

B4 is start anything,thr’s really sthing wrong w blogger n im so freaking irritated..somehow,when I logged in to blogger,suddenly,my dashboard has 2 authors!!omg wtf laa!damn angry ehh!!then the other author is my cousin’s fren..then I kanjiong liao,I smsed afiqah..then somehow,ok liao..wahlan neh!hen angry lorrr..suddenly,someone I donno tag my blog..then,say im using her account to blog..wahlao!!blogger sometimes sucks laa I tell u,donno how come become like that..damnangry..ahh!but I cant afford to chg to others coz ive been using blogger n accustomed to it n loads of memories in blogger n don hv the heart to chg.ahh!hope nothing goes wrong agn..damnit!

Anw,and so I said that I wld stay at home both sat n sun,but I ended up gg out on sun to accompany wan qi to buy stuff..hoho!n sorry gal,but my headache is really killing me n cant acc u any longer at iluma.wtfish man I tell u..when I went out with society,I was having a damn painful tummyache,n then,when I met wan qi,I had to have was freaking painful.soo long liao nvr had it.the moment I reached home ystd,I st away grabbed the medicated oil n asked mak tu massage my head.ahh!relieved a bit,but still there..then I lied down for a while,then ate,n after that,I really don hv the energy to do anything else n was dozing off..but I cant stand not bathing,so I dragged myself to bath..and then still needa lay my bed..n after all that,ard 11.20 or so,ZONK OUT!wah shiok!!like finally,im able to sleep like so early..i was awaken by the sun at 8+,wah early to wake I finally woke up at 1030..ahh!feeling much better now..that time of the mth,it sucks so much n I hate it..bluek..but ohwells..

But at iluma ystd,at comic connection,I saw 1 photo collection of ARASHI n I feel so damn tempted to buy!!omg!faint!n the pic s are all so nice!!thr’s NEWS too!!!ahh!but I managed to refrain myself from buying..phewww!

Nothing much today,I juz finished anor drama recommended by shuwen n it’s nice..the drama is nobuta wo storyline..sthing different..n what’s’s yamapi..wootz!n shuwen’s idol is shuai too..haha..after this,I donno wat to watch liao..hmm..n shuwen’s flying off tmr..i hope she will have a safe trip..cant wait for my AAA n mags!wootz!loves!

And by rite,there are 2 activities today but I don wanna is dinner by my ntu classmates..i don wanna go coz 1,no money..no2,I don wanna bother them with eating at the limited places that I can only,skip it..hoho!plus im kinda lazy too..then anor one is the last whole society outing,MC + SCO..this one also lazy to go coz 1,no money..no2,not really interested to go coz i don really like to mix with SCO..not that they are not gd,but I juz don like..since 1st yr soc,I don like liao..maybe coz not bonded,hence I will feel out of I’d rather skip it than feeling uncomfy..further,I think they are meeting at coffee club,n I cant even eat at coffee club,so wat for go? skip lor..i see MC can liao..

And something really bothered me..wan qi said that im being bad n rude..haizz..guilt kinda struck..but..i donno mann..haizz..anw,I’ll juz go with the flow n we shall see how..u think I wan this way too?no way!haizz..

Oh yaa!!chg new pic agn for my blog!!nice or nott??damn nice siaa..haha!all looked serious n shuai..ahh!this is the latest ARASHI pic from SONGS mag..wootz!shuai shuai!love it!!

til then..ciaoz!

4more days to results..all i ask for is 2nd upper..

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