so i was lazing ard n watching ryusei's last disc..(i donno how many times i rpt that..heh..)i was already rilek rilek after a nice bath n all..then i saw an sms..zai asked me whr was i..then he asked me acc him to shop for his step mom's bday present..AIYOOO!!i tell u actually i damn freaking lazy ehhh..sooo last minute plus i seriously lazy n already had plans to go jogging..but then,i pity him ar n he kept pestering..aiya!!go laa!haha!tapi ikhlas ehh..sincere ehh..tho i complained..heh..
so i told mak im gg out n she gave me that look..hoho!coz i juz went out on monday,then gg out agn..oops!then also asked her whther she wanna exchg money..since im gg who knows town's rate is higher..futhermore,i also needa exchg for my jb trip this thurs with miss tan wan qi..heh..
so yupp..accompanied him to find the bag..aiyo..byk leceh laa..coz cant decide wat to buy..sheesh!mcm aku yg nk belikan utk mak aku..ok guys donno anything so that's y he asked me to accompany..hoho..
then he went to this shop called ben sherman i think..wahhh!!i tell u,thr are loads of checkered shirts!!but they are for guys laa..but that's not wat i wanna sayy..thr's this one shirt that looks super the same as the one that nino wore for believe pv!!ahhh!!then i cant help but smile..coz that shirt is juz damn super nice!!i wanna take a closer look,but there was no display..n i cant possibly unfold it rite..scared ar..haha!but anw,gosh!i like that shirt super soo much!!nino!!ahh!see laa,this kinda thing also i can rmb nino n arashi..hahaha!im gg crazy..
yess that's the shirt im talking abt!ok laa,maybe not exactly the same,but....damn alike!n i like!!
heh..then went to eat..then went to hmv..haha!as usual,i went to see japanese section..ahh!finally!i saw arashi's believe single n also,NEWS' koi no ABO single..ahhh!seeing them is enough to make me happy ne! =)) hohoho.. LOVESSS!!!
then donno whr to i said juz walked to bugis coz i wanna see the new shopping ctr..ok it's soo kosong n empty coz not fully open but it's damn nice..heh..then bumped into ain n din n their fren,ehh i think her name is nadira..sthing like that..hoho..damn suay to meet ppl..b4 that i bumped into some other ppl but i nvr say hi coz they nvr see,n i also don bother..coz not close..
anw,along the way,zai asked me abt late malik's death..u know wat he said?he said that this is a lesson learnt for me..if i like someone,i shld juz tell that person..coz u may nvr have the chance..but u know,actually,i hv no regrets or watsoever..wat matters is that i know him,he knows me,n that is all that matters..suddenly,i missed him..was a bit emo then..
ok that aside..ahh at bugis was when my unprecious tues became a precious n loveable one..haha!it's at kinokuniya!!wah faint ehh!!i saw SOO MANY PICTORIAL BOOKS N MAGS FROM JAPAN until i go crazyyy laaa!hahah!like faint!omg!!n zai had to layan him as i showed him my idols..who i like..i asked him who is handsome..hoho..i said to him juz listen to wat i got to say n entertain my crazyness..hohoho!n managed to snap pics of them secretly..
see that whole row of arashi's pictorial book??omg laa!i tell u if im rich,i wld've bot them w/out 2nd thots..but coz im bimbo (poor in japanese),juz take pic lor..hahaha!but one irritating thing is that it's all wrapped up such that thr's no sample to see the content..sadd!
anor one...wahhh!!damn nice!!see my nino!!ahhh!
mags mags!!latest one ehh..may edition!!arashi!!along with other idols..all i like all also hv!!!but it's 15++ bucks!n im super broke!sad!!
NEWS!!ahh!!!top middle is ryo!!n middle bottom is favv!i don care if zai said ryo mcm tak mandi..hahahaha!pfft!
and jeng jeng!!i bot a mag!!hahah!it's only 3bucks!hahaha!tho thr's only 1pg of nino..but oh wells..who cares??haha!3bucks for 1 full pg,im happy!!see!!door to door!best SP!woots!nino!ahhh!i love this!!gotta cut this nicely n put inside clear folder n display on my study table,juz beside takuya's mag..wootZ!loves!!
n a while ago i was chatting w siew peng coz i wanna show her whether she likes this bag..coz i wanna buy for her for her bday..n eayh she likes it!so now all i hope is that i can get it from peimin by friday since siew peng's celebration will be on friday..=)) so i no need stress liao over to get for her.. =))
ok it's 2.20am now..n it's shiok..i think i wanna see if thr's any drama watch so far is the quiz show and juz started watching smile,starring jun..1st time watching jun's drama! =)yay!n i think i wanna rpt uta no oniisan coz i miss ohno..heh.. =)) til then..
gotta love him..yess! =)
ps:i think im fat..since im staying at home,i shld not eat soo much..n ive been quite gd at it..haha! =p
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