Friday, May 29, 2009

bye bye!

ystd was kinda quite a bored day coz i all i did was dl-ing stuff n watch my k drama.. heh.. ok la, not bad la. i wanna run, but the weather a bit not nice. it was kinda cloudy n im scared that it will rain, so i decided not to run n hog in front of the pc whole day n not online, coz even if im online, nobody will chat w me, i also hv no one to chat w. so it's useless to be online. heh..

k drama is getting more n more exciting n im at the 163th ep. wootz!

anw, i went jogging today, wah shiok! the weather is cloudy still but mak assured me that it's juz cloudy n not gg to rain, so i went to jog! alamak! did u know wat happen? i was abt to end my jogging, then my nike sports shoes pulak la the sole came off la!!! initially a bit only, then as i walked further, came off COMPLETELY! haha! damn paiseh can? heng ar im alrdy at my street, so nobody sees it.. hoho!!

how sad.. these shoes had lotsa memories.. the adidas is from my sis, coz i did well in the exams.. n the nike one is i bot myself.. ex sia..

there goes my nike n adidas sports shoes who had served me for like 5-6 yrs i think.. yes.. it's that long n i cant wait to buy a new one! it's really time i bot a new one la hor.. :)

and anw, ive been trying hard to sleep early nowadays.. it's healthier that way ya. n so i did ystd. i swithced off the tv at ard 11+, then i think lied for sometime, so i think i was asleep by 12+ or so. heh..

oh yes!! omg! i tell u! i alrdy rcv an email regarding choosing time table.. i hate sch!! ahh! i tried to think positive n be optimistic.. haizz.. let's not talk abt that..

tmr will be a long day for me.. tutoring in the morn n meeting my sis to cari kain in the noon.. then on sun, hopefully, the cycling activity is still on. wootz!

til then.. oh ya! the new chinese drama at ch 8 is a must watch! all the amazing actors n actresses are love!! watch kk???

haha!! i love those t-shirts.. thats one of their forfeits.. t shirts with nipples can be seen. haha!

ohmiya sk! loves! some stupid acts..

haha!! nino with stockings over his face.. gosh!

drawing his nostrils.. oh no is sure damn hot here with goatie.. wahlao! not anyone w goatie shuai sia..

love love!! love them both!! nino n ridaa!

ps: i was busy screen-capping ashita's n crazy moon's pv.. jeng jeng!! ahh!! kawai! kakoi! sugoi! i love him!! loads! ahh! faint!
my favs!!!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


so today's the day.. the closing date for the major streaming n i ve made up my mind that these are my choices..

1. HR, 2. Marketing, 3. Banking

n u don hv to know the rest coz they are not what i want n they nvr ever come across my mind n i will nvr get it anw. hoho! now, all i hope for is that i get what i want n that my nx 2yrs will be ok, coz 2yrs is gg to unbearable if anything goes wrong. i wanna grad with a 2nd upper, thats the most i ask for. Insya-Allah, i hope ething will be ok. one week from now, on the 4th of june, i will get the results. wish me lucks aite? :)

subete ok, zenbu alright
ething's ok, therefore alright!

anw, u know, i really cant sleep early mann as much as i want to.. a bit irritated sia. i was watching yamada taro, then at ard 1230 or so, i felt sleepy so i switched off n went to sleep, but i cant!! then i got frustrated coz no amt of tossing n turning will make me sleep, so i on my pc.. haha! n thr went my night, i was arashi-ing.. some it was raining, then i cant sleep.. wah seh! a bit wasted rite, but seriously i cant sleep early as much as i want to. my sleeping time is always 3+.. n i nvr sleep in the afternoon leh.. n i wake up at 10 leh.. siao liao.. tsk!

so wat did i watch ystd, or rather juz now morn? hoho!! loads n i has a super gd laugh but the highlight of it was when i watched a documentary of nino.. ahh! all the more i love him after watching that.. he's one idol who is himself.. n ogu-san described in one word, which is natural. in a way such that when he is acting, he is not acting, but he is himself. he carried the character so well it's like he is like that. if u get wat i mean. not many ppl can be like that sia.. i watched so many of his dramas n movies, n yes i can see him carrying the character so well. asked him to act as a disable, that's chicken to him. i wanna watch marathon, whr in that show, he acted as an autistic. gosh! he got into the character so easily laa! i hope someone will upload it with subs coz the one that i saw has no subs. anw, nino rocks! he made it into the intl entertainment at such a young age, clint eastwood is full of praises for him.. ahh! gotta love him sooo much laa! sometimes, i feel that i love him more than takuya.. hahahaha! oops! thats kinda inevitable i guess.. hoho! nino daisuki!

and because of that, i dreamt of him laa!! nanka, we're frens laa.. hahaha! crazy i know.. then nvm.. i also dreamt abt anor person. this one. bluek! wonder y on earth i wld dream of that. sheesh! shant talk abt it.. coz it's juz gg to spoil my mood.. tsk!

n today i woke up a bit later. heh.. at 11.. then swept the floor n then mopped too.. then later gg jogging since it's sunny.. yay!

n juz now i watched arashi no shukudai kun.. gosh! freaking funny at them playing games with stupid forfeit.. haha! let the pics show u how funny n stupid it is.. ahh! thr's nothing to hate abt them man seriously. i love all of them to the max! arashi's LOVE!!!

n vs arashi is also damn funny omg!

n im gg out this sat! yay! im gg to arab street w my sis to find kain for raya.. juz gg to get one black lace kain n anor one, im not sure what tho.. i also donno clr to get.. i wanna get the clr that i nvr wear b4 for raya.. so what will it be? i donno sia.. we shall see how.. yay! cant wait! hopefully i can get sthing coz i don wanna think abt it anymore.. hoho! i also wanna get bacg n shoe for raya coz it's beenm 2yrs i nvr buy shoe n bag for raya.. but that will be a bit later.. :) but b4 that, i will be meeting wawa for tuition 1st, so we shall meet at bugis.

a report on takuya's new drama ratings.. credits to asianfanatics..

As expected for a drama starring Takuya Kimura, viewership ratings were high, achieving 24.8% in the Kanto region and 25.2% in Kansai.

This marks the best opening of any drama series this season by far, and it is also that time slot's (Saturday 8:00pm) highest ratings since TBS began airing dramas in the slot last spring.


but of course man! it's takuya we're talking abt here man! wootz! :)

ok i wanna sing crazy moon then off to jogging! :) ciaoz!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

super random ething under the sun

this summer (coming autumn) is sure gg to be great!! coz loads of nice dramas n sps are coming up!! wootz!

takuya's drama, MR BRAIN, juz debuted on saturday..cant wait to watch! so long liao nvr watch takuya.. wootz! this time, his hair is back to the long one, like those in gatsby ad.. wootz!! so long nvr see him with long hair also.. wootz! takuya rocks!

love love!! shuwen send me this pic to show her idol..

then.. also thr's new drama by ryo!! wootz! ive been busy arashi-ing i fgt abt him.. heh.. yes, his character is sure damn nice in the drama.. if i rmb correctly, he is a teacher.. plus shuwen told me in that drama, he is a baddie.. woootz! sure damn cool like in last friends..

yamapi also coming out w new drama!! wootz! togther with someone i fgt who..

then tegoshi also! ahh! he's such a cutie with that new permed hair.. i think he's acting in an SP...

n nino has a new stageplay! ahh! one great actor.. tho i will not hv the chance to watch the stageplay, but i know it's gg to be equally great! n i definitely cant wait to watch his psychiatrist act! wooootz! love nino!!

shots of him in the SP.. gotta love that checks mann!

crazy moon n ashita's pv is out.. omg!! damn gorgeous!! damn nice! im like head over heels laa watching the pv.. for crazy moon, i gotta love the dance steps.. very how to say, hmm, relax n not so like all do same steps tgther kinda thing.. aiya i donno how to explain.. heh. n like all other fans, yes their dancing improved soo much!! ahh! i love nino's solo parts in the song.. be it vocally n dance steps.. ahhh!! n i dl-ed their performance in music station. wahh!! damn nice!!

omgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomg! nino is sure damn hott!! ahhh! im gg crazy n i always rpt that part whr he danced solo for like 5s.. hahahahaha!! damn kakoii!! ahh! im like hyperventilating cann? they're gg to appear agn in utaban n music station yet agn.. wootz! i think maybe gg to promote ashita.. cant wait to watch it tho i donno wat on earth they're talking abt.. haha!

from music station..ahh!!! faint!! i love nino at the back thr! rida's soo cute w that blue jacket!

and ashita's pv is sure damn nice n touching.. omg! the song is damn meaningful n i like it v much.. nino's hair is LOVE man in this pv.. makes him more mature n not look kiddy.. this single rocks so much mann! one very upbeat hit, the other slow n relaxing. nice combi! LOVES! ARASHI ROCKS BIG TIME!

his hair.. is FAINT agn!!

n yess! i cant wait to watch hey hey hey whr arashi performed ashita.. ahh! nice nice! will watch later!!

now i know y i love crazy moon coz it has the retro feeling.. yes! wootz! LOVES!

and u know, i feel like gg out this wk, but then, at the same time, i don feel like gg out.. sheesh! i very much wanna go uniqlo eversince it opened but until now also haven go.. i wanna go coz i wanna get a polo t.. some more when i see nino's pic in that polo t, all the more i wanna get that same striped polo t.. haha! n i wan more checked shirts too!! ahh!! shall see how man.. if not, i can foresee that i will be staying at hm agn one whole wk other than meeting wawa for tuition..

but nx wk on the 3rd, i will be gg out with society agn! yay! this time, to celeb those who will be enlisting on the 3rd.. hoho! i hope more ppl will come, inc the subcomms too! :) gg out with society is LOVE!

ohya.. i think i wanna start jogging in the morn starting from nx wk, coz the air is fresher. furthermore, nx wk sch hols will start, so no students to block the pathway.. and mak reminded me to pay back my fasting.. even b4 she started to finish her sentence i replied "ye, tau". means yes i know.. hoho.. she always reminded me to pay back.. like i will fgt..

i feel like eating mcd hotcakes! this is since last sem sia i wanna eat but nvr eat. then ystd watch yamada taro, they ate the hotcakes.. all the more i wanna eat too! okok i think i will eat to satisfy my cravings.. wait for me hotcakes! i thot i wanna make myself, but i think it wont be as nice as mcd.. haha!

n u know hw much ive been talking abt sec sch days or either that i suddenly thot of sec sch days n reminisce abt those yrs.. ahh! high sch days are the best mann! like seriously.. ething is so nice.. be it from company, to teachers n even sch work! tho i don really like my cca but i can oogle at guys.. heh.. sec sch days is the only time i love ething abt it even studying.. now, uni sucks! like sucks big time. try being in that position, n u will know y im suffering.. really.. ppl think im taking it too hard or watver the reason is, but i think this kinda thing, unless u experience it, then u know.. at least for me.. im not so optimistic this time n it's saddening.. :(

talking abt uni, the coroner's inquiry is coming to the 5th day today.. if nothing goes well, it will be extended.. it's very serious.. i caught the news abt the 10 witnesses brot in ystd.. n david's bro was not satisfied with the video that recorded the part whr david was on the campus.. he will be bringing in a video expert to cross examine that video.. whether it is fake or real.. coz he believed that the man inthe video is not david. more imptantly, wat they're trying to fight is that david nvr plunge to his death. n they strongly believe that. i also wish that the truth will come to light soon.

oh yess!! i watched himitsu no arashi ystd also!! omg!! nice! hahah! jun n nino challenged to a game of super mario. damn cute! omg! i love how nino played the game so pro-ly.. gosh!! he is really an otaku. tho at the end of the game, he lost! tsk! but hey.. i think coz his stages are much harder as compared to jun.. serious siaa.. not being bias or wat.. but really! haha! but anw, it was a fun episode n i like!

nino!! ahh!! :)

nice white jacket n pink top!
engrossed n concentrating.. LOVES!

n then thr's also the bakakoii pv.. haha! i gotta love it.. damn nice! bakakoii means baka + kakoii = stupid + cool.. hahaha! love love!

lastly, i finally got to watch ao no honoo!! omg! u donno how much trouble i took to watch juz this one movie n it's so oh so damn freaking nice n nino nvr fails to impress me with his damn powerful acting.. his characters are always alive n it's so real. omg! i dl-ed it finish on sunday night but only managed to watch it today coz i didnt know that i muz combine all the parts together.. so i asked jun xing n the owner who uploaded the movie.. so they enlightened me! n ta daa! i got to watch! ahh! damn nice damn nice damn nice! nothing is not nice when it comes to nino mann! it is so touching i had to cry.. he died in the movie.. :( omg! i love him! ahh!

no no im not being chikopek. hahah! nice kann! juz came out of the bathroom after the interrogation.. ahh!! love! hot!!

n this new cm for AU that arashi is endorsing.. ahh!! nino cute!! heh.. with that checked shirt.. ahh!! love! the hp is damn cool cann?

this phone is sleek!

i love blue clr! gosh! damn nice!

pure.. love!

i wannnntt!! die die also i wan flip phone, if not, i will stick to this lao kok kok phone.. hoho!

ok this is such a long entry n full of my idols.. hoho! i donno wat to do now.. maybe ctinue watching my k drama.. tho i hv loads of some impt things to do. ehem.. shant say here.. heh.. oops!

til then.. ciaoz mann! i love blogging! haha!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

new pic yet again! ;)

my hand is itching to blog..i guess it's gg to be a long post whr shall i start ehh?

this one whole week,i didnt go anw at all n i didnt spend anything n that's gd!happy ne!save save save mann!i juz went to tutor wawa at je lib..

im watching the k drama at ch u that i told you abt,but i watched it online coz it's getting more n more interesting n i cant wait to see wat happened next..heh..nice ehh!omg!i got soo emotional la watching that drama..manjalara also!haha!love n friendship is soo n women are complicated..sheesh!watch it n u'll now at the 98th epi..altgther i think thr are 172 ep..hoho!!but each ep is only half an ok laa..then i skipped those parts that im not interested n concerned with,so i can watch n finish it v fast..heh!lets see when i finish this drama..SHIOOKKK!

oh yaa!anor worrying thing.i think im growing fatter!!ahh!oh is it i think too much?i gained by 0.5 kg!i thot it is ok..but now,come to think of it,i think not ok!!my hip is getting bigger!omg!!i had a hard time fitting into my jeans laa!haha!ok this is no laughing matter..either i maintain that wt or grow fat n i cant fit into anymore jeans..ahhh!i wonder wat exercise is gd for maintaining hips..haizz..n my tummy is forever the buncit unless i berak then not buncit..haha!but 1day ppl dabian once leh..

n i wonder if jogging/running will make ur leg bigger..u know wat i mean?haha!coz thats the only exercise i do..wanna go n play badminton,no company..aisha is always on OT..the rest,ahh...cant be bothered to for other frens,too far liao so cant play tgther..ahh sian rite?sheesh!

talking abt workout,ive alrdy decided to jog eday on wkdays,unless im gg out or period,then i wont jog..also,since im staying at home,i wanna learn to my mum out..then ask her to teach me how to cook..yup yup!thats wat im gg to do..then if im hardworking enough,i will jot down the recipe,so who knows,one day,i can cook dinner then my mum can goyang kaki..this is the only time i can do such things coz when sch resumes,i wont hv any time anymore..i will be busy schling n once i reach home,i will be too tired to do anything other than tutorial..

oh ya!!talking abt jogging..u know wat happened to my adidas sports shoe or not?the sole came off!haha!!sheesh!ok la,the shoe has been w me for so long eversince sec sch it's only rite that the sole came off..sheesh!i tried to glue back tho,so i hope tmr when i run,wont came off half way if not paiseh sia!i hv anor sports shoe tho,the nike one..also from sec sch time..also,it's only a matter of time the sole comes off too..hahah!then i told mak i wanna go to the cobbler to get it fixed,but she said no use,might as well buy new i think,it's time i bot a new one..those 2 pairs has been w me for long enough n they're really depreciating..heh..i hope i can get a new decent pair below 50..have or not ehh?haha!either nike or adidas but i prefer nike..we shall see mann..i shall shop for sports shoe soon..

also,i plan to paint my living rm this coming june hols..coz my nephew is having hols,so he will be gg back to his i told my mum i can help to paint the wall..yay!

i managed to chat w shuwen for a while n she bot my AAA liao!!not sthing that im overjoyed..coz so long as the stuff are not with me yet,i shall assume that it's not sthing to be happy abt..haha!!i cant wait for the mags too..i hope it wont be crumpled n all when they reach my hand..wah i tell u when i rcv those stuff,im sure i will be ecstatic like wat laa..hahahaha!

more pics that i uploaded from asianfanatics..n hence the new pic for my blog..damn nice kannn?i felt so accomplished laaa coz i edited the pics myself then arranged until like tat til 4+ am this morning..wah seh..swee!!gosh!!nino is sure damn cute with that hairstyle..his pics are all over my hp..both my wallpaper n my screensaver his face..ahh!!see that peace sign..see that hair..see that smile..who will not faint??haha!!ade tak mly version of nino?hahah!mann!i love him!AHH!

the new pic that i love soo much!!

from popolo..ahh!nice ehh!!this one they shoot pics of them in bridal wear..ahh!!nino's soo cute n shuai with that cute little bow tie..the rest are equally hot too!!n i love rida's coat..damn nice..i love nino's parting!!AHHH!!same as mine lehhh...

anw,im repeating yamada taro!!hoho!!n because of watching that,im craving for seoul gdn..yosh!

sho n nino in yamada taro..kawaii!!nino's only 20 at that time..cute kannn!!!

i love this episode whr he became the maid in sho's house.haha!damn girl kann!i like!!!pretty! :)

ok laa..wanna ctinue w my drama..ciaoz!

i've nurse the hurt,the wound..hope all goes well for me in the nx half of thr yr..insya-Allah..

Friday, May 22, 2009

im so sad..

ok im like crying really..

my results..i donno..ahh!i donno whther i shld be happy n bersyukur or be sad n cry..ok im actually crying alrdy..tearing v hard when im on the line with nat a while ago..almost cldnt say out my cumulative gpa to her..

a B- can pull down ur gpa soo much..ya like so sad seriously..altho a while ago i said that im ok with watever results i get,but when i see my results,i was like speechless..

n when i see my degree audit to look at my cumulative gpa,all the more i wanna wail..ahh!!i donno i donno i donno!!im like so moody now..

it's like my mind is suddenly blank soo don hv mood now yet i don really wanna sleep..ahh..i need some time to get into terms with it..

2nd upper is still very far..haizzz... :(((

ive nvr felt this sad b4 over sch stuff.. ;(

Thursday, May 21, 2009

one more day. nervous!

aahhh!!i tell u,i cant sleeep i think!coz im so excited,nervous,kanjiong,scared of getting my results tmr!!it said that we will get back on the 22nd,but i wanna know exactly at wat time of 22nd..0000 is 22nd liao rite??ahh!!i tell u,this results,is like make it or break it..tho im prepared for watever the result is,but at the same time,if i don get the grades that i think i will get,i will juz go ahhh!!like not that i set a high expectation of myself,but i donno..somehow,i juz felt that i can better this sem,but somehow,at the same time,i don hv the confidence that i will do well..ahhh!mixed feelings siaa!damn painful!been thinking abt it day n nite..n after that,that's not the end of the story..i still hv to rank my specs!!my major!!n ive yet to decide my major!!i hv to choose carefully so that i wont suffer for the nx's damn very impt n im oh so donno wat i wanna do..shit mann!ahh!!wish me lucks!!

ok so today i was hogging in front of my lappy coz i don feel like watching tv..and so i had a gd laugh..heh..oh yaa..n so mr kris allen won feelings leh..coz my AI is archie..hoho!but congrats anw..heng ar im not gg crazy over AI this time,if not,i will be a damn busy fangirl!LOL!like really siaa!even siti agrees with me..heh..

then i went to jog..n the weather is quite unpredictable today..yes it is..i was like running,then suddenly the sky turned dark,n the wind is like blowing quite strongly n i don wanna get caught in the rain coz if not paiseh sia run..hahaha!but then,when i reached home liao,tk hujan!!no rain!hah!tricky..tmr no plans..i thot that i will be meeting wawa tmr,but can jog!! :)

ohya,u know,when i looked out of the window juz now from my room,i saw a grp shuqun sec students were walking at the carpark heading somewhr (obviously..haha!)..n it reminded me of the times when i always loooked out at the window to see if the boys were this guy's house who used to live in the same blk as me,4th storey..haha!or sometimes i will look out for them from my corridor..heh..for some!those days..nonsense n childish..sheeeesh!haha...somehow,it reminded me of the past a lot nowadays..

n even when i was reading TODAY paper,in the sports section,thr's this bruneian footballer who looks like him!omg..

lastly,beautiful song by him..really meaningful n so sad..LOVE!i love the way he performs..u know,his fingers will always be either strumming the guitar or playing the piano..ahhh!loves!

Konseki/Kako ~ Traces of the Past
Composed and Written by One & Only One KAZUNARI NINOMIYA

Not disappearing, only lingering..
The traces of the rains before summer of the tears that just won't dry up..
Unerasable, unerasable, that which appears in the darkness, the shadow of my beloved..

Walking by the river under the rays of the setting sun,
Together with you, our smiling faces leading the way..

What shall we have for dinner tonight?
Such a small, so very small and simple kind of happiness it was..

Even though you've died, you live on deeply embedded in my heart..

Even if i fall for another person,
they will never be more that just another person..
No matter how many seasons pass by,
I am really afraid that if i let go, you will just fade away..

Looking at the violet, what a beautiful flower it is..
But it'll wither away someday, won't it..

When time crosses the path of the crimson twilight,
it's just the two of us left behind on the water's surface..

Our shadows slowly overlapping to become one, and my lone shadow remaining..
That's what i'm afraid of..

When i belatedly realise this, it's just me left alone on the water's surface..

The seed in my heart that I buried on that day began to bud 20 days later..
My love that will never change even if it has taken a different form..
A kind gentle light..

kejap nye!

uwahhh!!laziness kinda struck today n i jogged such a short distance..haha!n mum was like.. "ape yg kau jogging?kejap nye..aku blm habis masak kau da dtg balik.." hahah! she was saying am i jogging or wat? like so fast come back liao,she hasnt finish cooking i came back liao.. lol!! no la,actually i started well ehh,but coz of that period,i cant run any's quite painful,so i ran shorter distance but i think my speed is not bad lehh..heh..wat matters i still went out n jogged..hopefully later can run the usual distance..

anw,earlier this morning i got a call from hui sin,she is recommending me a job..for updates yet,so i will juz wait..doesnt really matter if i get the job or not,coz like i said,im happy with the way i am now..tho no money only..haha!

and as u know,im following this korean drama in ch u,n this scene suddenly brot back some memories back then in sec sch..i think in korea,it's a norm to give gloves as gifts or as an appreciation or watever it is..then in the drama,the guy rcved 2 pairs,both from girls..haha!n it reminded me of the gloves that i rcved from nurul on my bday..ok i fgt exactly which grade i was in..but it was funny..coz it all started with us gg crazy over winter sonata n i was like so touched n attracted when the choi ji woo rcved the glove from the guy in drama..ok i fgt the guy is bae yong jun or park yong ha....then if i rmb correctly,i also wished that someone wld give me gloves too..haha!of course from a guy..but lol!i got it from nurul instd..i fgt if she shared w zai or not.but anw,it was funny n it brot back memories from last time back then..time flies..n i still hv that pink glove..nice!haha!tho i don hv the chance to!!maybe when i go ice skating i wear..lolol!

that aside,i cant wait for the verdict of david widjaja's case..somehow,his family doesnt except the autopsy rpt n if u ask me,i also don agree..there are 28 witnesses altogther to stand on trial n it will be over 5days i think n if needed,then they will extend the i hope sthing fair n just is being done here..i feel for i said,u donno wat undergrads go thru unless u go thru urself..i mean it's like we try our best here to be happy n all,but it's not easy..

stil got wat?oh yaa!!!h1n1 spread to tokyo!!omg!!1 cfmed case in tokyo.i hope shuwen will be ok sia..if not scared kena quarantined,jia lat!!the numbers in japan are increasing like so super rapidly!!scary!!!

n yess!!american idol finals!not bad!tho if u ask me,last yr's was far much's like last yr,both cook n archie are like on par..but this time,kris kinda weak,but i still like him over adam..adam is cool..actually,no preference..coz i don follow up..archie is my one n only AI..hoho!maybe if i can wake up at 8am later,i will watch LIVE..anw,watch also,maybe watch archie if he;s invited,,otherwise,i don really care much.who wins,doesnt really matter..hohoho!n i love kris' version of what's gg on..NICE!n the winning song too,tho it's a bit too tad high for him..but ok la..he managed to pull it off.. :)

anything else?ehh..more n more of mood for drama arashi-ing 1st.. :)

2 more days to results..

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

im such a fangirl!! faint!

omg!!!i juz watched archie's vids from youtube..omg omg omg omg!!!he's simply awesome..he's my only AMERICAN IDOL..i kinda regret not gg that day..but mann!!i was kinda moody n tired from studying that day..ahh shit!!

n i saw the vid of him arriving in spore..n thr's this makcik kai tudung mak kau bukanmain lagi la die grab david n take pic of him!!ahh!jeles laa siol!!hahaha!yes im jeles over a makcik!gosh!!ahh!!i love him big timee!!

i love CRUSH!! i love A LITTLE TOO NOT OVER YOU!! i love his rendition of A THOUSAND MILES!!



n u know,crush n a little too not over you has got such a deep meaning n if u ask me,the song is soo meaningful that when u hear,u will feel all the least for me..omg!!u know,these 2 songs,one day,ONE DAY,i shall dedicate to my one n only dearest,my one n only most love..til then,it shall be kept in my heart n i shall sing to david archuleta only..hoho!!like seriously..these 2 songs damn deeeep!

why do i keep running from the truth
all i ever think about is you
you got me hypnotized, so mesmerized
and i just got to know..

a little too not over you~
tell me why
you're so hard to forget don't remind me
i'm not over it
tell me why
i can't seem to face the truth
i'm just a little too not over you

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

wishy washy's tuesday..which is coming to an end in like 10mins was quite ok..when i woke up,i was like,"ehh,since it's sunny,y not wash my sofabed sheet n the pillow cases.."..then my mum "wash lor..".. ok!wash! i dump all in the washing machine..bedsheet n 6 pillowcases n my blanket..then sunned all my pillows too..wah shiok!tonight when i sleep,it will be a shiok nite sleep.hoho!

then,somehow,i wanna clean up my study table too n put up my nino's pic mag that i bot some time ago..cozi finally managed to locate my penknife..haha!while cutting that pg out,i realised that thr's alo hiro's pic inside!!so i cut it out too..wah shuai!my 3bucks now seemed more worth it..n the rest of it,i shall pass to shuwen when she comes back from japan..i hope she has landed safely..

some news..h1n1 flu kinda got worse..japan unexpectedly has 170++ cfmed cases jz over the weekends n it's scaryy..then,still got the parliament speech..eversince ive been staying at home this hols,i've been watching cna n following news..haha!i think it's quite cool n interesting..shant talk abt news..boring..hoho!!

oh yess!im repeating hero..haha!takuya rocks!gosh!i love him!love the whole cast of hero.. :) n then juz now watched arashi randomly..funny shit n i love them too..gosh!arashi rocks too much until i donno wat to say n i kept saying the same thing..hohoho!

i wonder wat to do after this..wanna bloghop,but those ppl's blog whom i read seldom update..boring..haha!then,i think i shall continue arashi-ing coz i donno wat drama to watch online..til then..ciaoz!

pics of my newly-tidied study table! :)) LOVES!

chg wallpaper of my lappy..arashi goes to work!

newly-arranged corner..much neater with all the pics! LOVES! i cant wait for my arashi mag to come n it shall be displayed right here!

the whole table..nice!i hope it will be kept this way for looonng..haha! coz i juz love to clutter all my barang2 on the table n it will be messy agn.. hoho! ;p

lastly..chibi nino!!ahh!how cutee!!gosh!i wanna pinch him!ahhh!!

tmr shall be jogging dayyy!! :) looking fwd to a better better dayyy always! :))

3 days to results..

Monday, May 18, 2009

nothing much ne!

it’s Monday..time REALLY flies,seriously..n im not getting sick staying at home.heh..

B4 is start anything,thr’s really sthing wrong w blogger n im so freaking irritated..somehow,when I logged in to blogger,suddenly,my dashboard has 2 authors!!omg wtf laa!damn angry ehh!!then the other author is my cousin’s fren..then I kanjiong liao,I smsed afiqah..then somehow,ok liao..wahlan neh!hen angry lorrr..suddenly,someone I donno tag my blog..then,say im using her account to blog..wahlao!!blogger sometimes sucks laa I tell u,donno how come become like that..damnangry..ahh!but I cant afford to chg to others coz ive been using blogger n accustomed to it n loads of memories in blogger n don hv the heart to chg.ahh!hope nothing goes wrong agn..damnit!

Anw,and so I said that I wld stay at home both sat n sun,but I ended up gg out on sun to accompany wan qi to buy stuff..hoho!n sorry gal,but my headache is really killing me n cant acc u any longer at iluma.wtfish man I tell u..when I went out with society,I was having a damn painful tummyache,n then,when I met wan qi,I had to have was freaking painful.soo long liao nvr had it.the moment I reached home ystd,I st away grabbed the medicated oil n asked mak tu massage my head.ahh!relieved a bit,but still there..then I lied down for a while,then ate,n after that,I really don hv the energy to do anything else n was dozing off..but I cant stand not bathing,so I dragged myself to bath..and then still needa lay my bed..n after all that,ard 11.20 or so,ZONK OUT!wah shiok!!like finally,im able to sleep like so early..i was awaken by the sun at 8+,wah early to wake I finally woke up at 1030..ahh!feeling much better now..that time of the mth,it sucks so much n I hate it..bluek..but ohwells..

But at iluma ystd,at comic connection,I saw 1 photo collection of ARASHI n I feel so damn tempted to buy!!omg!faint!n the pic s are all so nice!!thr’s NEWS too!!!ahh!but I managed to refrain myself from buying..phewww!

Nothing much today,I juz finished anor drama recommended by shuwen n it’s nice..the drama is nobuta wo storyline..sthing different..n what’s’s yamapi..wootz!n shuwen’s idol is shuai too..haha..after this,I donno wat to watch liao..hmm..n shuwen’s flying off tmr..i hope she will have a safe trip..cant wait for my AAA n mags!wootz!loves!

And by rite,there are 2 activities today but I don wanna is dinner by my ntu classmates..i don wanna go coz 1,no money..no2,I don wanna bother them with eating at the limited places that I can only,skip it..hoho!plus im kinda lazy too..then anor one is the last whole society outing,MC + SCO..this one also lazy to go coz 1,no money..no2,not really interested to go coz i don really like to mix with SCO..not that they are not gd,but I juz don like..since 1st yr soc,I don like liao..maybe coz not bonded,hence I will feel out of I’d rather skip it than feeling uncomfy..further,I think they are meeting at coffee club,n I cant even eat at coffee club,so wat for go? skip lor..i see MC can liao..

And something really bothered me..wan qi said that im being bad n rude..haizz..guilt kinda struck..but..i donno mann..haizz..anw,I’ll juz go with the flow n we shall see how..u think I wan this way too?no way!haizz..

Oh yaa!!chg new pic agn for my blog!!nice or nott??damn nice siaa..haha!all looked serious n shuai..ahh!this is the latest ARASHI pic from SONGS mag..wootz!shuai shuai!love it!!

til then..ciaoz!

4more days to results..all i ask for is 2nd upper..

Sunday, May 17, 2009

i wanna sleep and Dream

shit!i was really sleepy juz now watching tv,then when i off tv,i cant sleeep!dang it!then on pc lorr..wonder wat time will i fall asleep..

Yume by nino from how's it going concert..

Even till now I can't recall and don't want to remember
Whether it's this snow or rain or night, they're all not lies

Your future and my future intersecting,
this will definitely not happen, we're separated
I'm regretting, after seeing those eyes
Having to return to reality and wake up from the dream

The thing that hurts the most is because of you, you were too frank
& the saddest thing is because you really did love me

Even till now I still cannot be hurt
Not being able to live with you, our hearts proceeding together...

Even if on a whim, it's okay
You lying that you love me
Because now all I want to do is go to sleep
and dream of dreams that will never come true

he cried while singing the song..gosh!too bad thr's only mp3 of it,not the vid.. :( i love him! loads!

Friday, May 15, 2009

the golden bowl

Today is such a shiok day n I love it very much.

Going out with society is soo much loved.. I very much miss them.. and also coz the guys are going to be enlist soon.. mann, they’re really going to be soo much missed seriously..n I hope that despite the enlistment,we still keep in touch somehow..ahh!it’s been a long time eversince I felt soo happy like today!thx ppl!tho Christina,dee n daz were not thr,but they’re in my hearts.. :)

N so I was late..coz I woke up early in the morning to meet wawa to teach her..then when I reached home,I was like sleepy n wanna take a I woke up at 2 thinking that I can get ready by 2.30..hoho..but cant..i left hse only at 2.45 n reached city hall mrt at 3.40pm..paiseh..hoho!!

Then hungry,went to grab a bite 1st at mac..then waited for mj,then headed to super bowl for bowling!!wootz!!love love!!this is like the second or third time I bowl..hoho!!

1st round I was damn freaking lousy..longkang all the way!!haha!n im the lowest..but nvm..this one warm up..

Somehow,the 2nd round was far much better n im the highest..hahaha!funny!!n the most amazing thing is that I managed to strick!that is like my 1st ever strike laa!hahah!luck ar..hoho!then spared some too..this one also heng suay..haha..somehow the lane is faulty,then I managed to spare..but not okk?only 1 I think..the rest all I think my bowling did improve..haha!!they called me an underdog..haha!i cant believe myself too considering that I don’t bowl often..the last time I bowl was back in merrill..hoho!

Then donno wat to do,coz we donno if daz is coming,so went arcade..haha..nah,no my cuppa i juz watched them play..then siu cing n I sneaked off to buy yue shun’s bday present..we bot him a beainie from ripcurl..nice ehh!!i like!!

Then we proceeded to breeks for dinner..all hungry liao coz it’s 8+..then marcus came of the subcomms that I like..haha!him n anor one is joe han..sooo long nvr see him,then when I see him,wah she,I think he looked more shuai w that specs n checked shirt..hahaha!got jap the gan jue sia!!serious!then some more his took out his braces also!aiyo shuai!loves!n I juz found out that he’s a Malaysian!aiseh!haha..n yes he’s a richie..i rmb the mc told me..when introducing..heh..he drove thr any other guys out thr like him,older pls..hahaha! :)

N so dinner was ok..not bad..i ordered curry rice..coz it reminded me of hayashi rice from ryusei..hahahah!i know this is crazy..

Then we got the staff to bring us that one pc of cake we bot from secret recipe for yue shun’s bday..haha!we sang bday song..the staff are all really helpful.. yue shun was a bit bit shy..haha!then gave him the present..n glad that he loves it..

Then home sweet home..short and sweet outing..i love them!!regardless of those things that love!!

Anw,otw home,was telling yueshun abt my small prob..then we went on talking a bit abt it..then he said that late malik is different from other guys..n yess I gotta agree on that soo much!no no im not saying this coz I like him,but I like of course of the way he potray’s like he’s friendly n all,but friendliness is different from other ppl that I know of,n that his friendliness really wants u to be friends with him coz of the way he carries himself n that is super true..mann,at the mention of his name,I kinda miss him..while walking home,suddenly,he was in my mind..semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat. Amin.

N my stomach cramp is so damn painful n it comes and goes..irritating..argh!

Ok la,enjoy the very super tired like wat..weekends will be staying at home day coz I cant afford to go out n also,no one chio me..even if someone chio me,I will reject..must save money!! scorer!

the society this pic very much!

happy bday man...ya,man,not boy..21 liao..


happy society 08!

w siu cing..

with the subcomms..loves!heh..

gg botak soon..

gg to be very much missed!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

touched & happy

On Dealing with Bad Situation- Your Reaction is the Key

WHATEVER the incidents that frustrate you in your life are, they are more likely to be influenced by how you react to them than the incidents themselves.

If you’ve ever wondered why such incidents happen to you more so than to anyone else, you may want to consider applying management guru Stephen Covey’s 90/10 Principle to rid yourself of these frustrations once and for all.

This principle is founded on the premise that 10 per cent of life is made up of what happens to you, and the remaining 90 per cent is decided by how you react to those events.

Take, for example, this scenario: You are having breakfast with your family. Your son spills a cup of tea on your office shirt. You have no control over what just happened. But what happens next will be determined by how you react. You may swear or shout at your son for being so careless. He breaks down and you turn to your wife, accusing her of placing the cup too close to the edge of the table. She starts an argument while you stride to your room to change out of your shirt. Your son is too distraught to finish breakfast. The delay causes him to miss his bus. Your wife leaves for work. You decide to take your son to school and end up getting fined for speeding. Your son, still angry at you, slams the car door without saying goodbye. You get to the office half-an-hour late and realize you had forgotten to take your laptop with you. It was, all in all, a very bad start to the day. Then, it gets progressively worse and you wish the work day would end soon so that you can go home. When you do, you find both your wife and son refusing to talk to you.

You ask yourself: Why did I have such a bad day?

Was it the tea that caused it? Or was it your son?

Nope, you were the one responsible. You, and you alone! How you reacted in the seconds after the tea was spilt set off a chain of events which led to the day being a bad one.

If you had applied the 90/10 Principle, this could have happened instead:
Tea is spilt on you – the 10 per cent you can’t control. But you can determine the outcome of remaining 90 percent. Your son is about to cry. You put your arm around him and tell him that it’s okay.

You change out of your shirt, grab your laptop and head for the car after kissing your wife goodbye. Your son waves to you from the bus and you get to work on time. You feel on top of the world and the day is off to a great start. Isn’t it strange that both scenarios started out the same way but ended on vastly different notes?

My friends, don’t let the 10 per cent that happens to you lead you to make wrong decisions for the remaining 90 percent, which is very much within your control.

For example, if a car rudely cuts into your lane, a taxi driver sounds his horn at you, a colleague passes a negative remark, your maid stains your favourite shirt or, worst of all, your boss tells you that you’re fired, take a deep breath.

Now, think very, very carefully, because what you do in the next few seconds will determine whether you come out a “winner”, or face a disastrous outcome. You decide!

something to think about n it's really true.. :)

today is fine..n im loving it..but some things juz had to spoil it..ahh!cant take like so frustrated..but i always think that im thinking too much..anw..fgt abt it..

i slept for like 5hrs..haha!coz i watched Mei-chan no Shitsuji til like 5am..i wanna finish it,but nvm..sleep!hahah!then ctinued juz now til the end..n it's like omg!damn nice!i love it!i love the last episode soo much when hiro kissed the was such a sweet kiss i tell u then he said, "sshhh!this is a secret between u know,love is prohibited between a butler n his lady.." ahhh!!i was like damnit shit!damn sweeet!ahhh!!!!hahaha!aku lak yg excited kann!hahah!gosh!this drama really rocks!hiro is sure damn SHUAI!

but sadly,HE'S MARRIED!yess!i juz went to search abt him,then he married this yrin february!!CRY!n his wife is some singer who is the same age as me!!gosh!!lucky or watt??at the same age,she's alrdy married to such a hottie,n here i am,still struggling studying n chasing idols like mad n crazy..hahha!lucky lucky her!!

i think if hiro is under johnny,he sure will be more's like he's got the looks n all..n he's a model also..lives in switzerland for 6yrs,that makes him fluent in english..wats more,graduated from keio uni..wahlao!!i hope he will go far looking fwd to see him being the lead in dramas coz so far,he only lead 2dramas,zettai kareshi n Mei-chan no Shitsuji..he acted in hana kimi also,but i think as extras..donno wanna watch or not ehh..maybe if nothing to watch,i watch lorr..haha!

oh yesss!n he will be acting in MR BRAIN!cool or wattt???TAKUYA N HIRO in MR's a must watch!!!loves loves!!

ahh!!!i went ahhhh in the middle of the wee hrs while watching this scene..soo touching!!!CRY!

seee!!shuai riteee!!hahahaha!ahhhh!!faint!

anw..after finishing the drama,mann!!reina replied my msg!!then i got to dl my ORION!!gosh!!she's an angel laaa!tho she doesnt really understand english,she tried her best to explain to me how to dl from the website..gosh!!she's sure damn kind to bother me..haha!

yes,Ⅰ am japanese.

Please access this URL.

next,Please click mp3.

[変換開始クリック] ←click piease.


「規約に同意してダウンロードする」←click downroad

(無料) ←click

When it is displayed with "Service Unavailable" or "error", after a click, it is crowded.
I click [戻 る] of the browser and come back, and please click [Download] again.

seee..soo polite rite..kept pleasing in her reply..gosh!touched! :) i was sooo happy i had to sms wan qi to share w her this news..hohoho!!

i cant help but smile from ear to ear..coz nino's version of many songs rock soo much n i love it..i love his voice..gosh!damn cute!his cover of natsu is cute!!n takuya's cover is mann..haha!nice nice!i like both!!all in all,i hv 13 of his versions..damn nice..i gotta love it..most liked is ORION, Friendship, Natsu, Pikanchi Double & Kazimidori.. much much loves!!! ahh!!

i think im smart..i not only know how to navigate a cheena webby,but also japanese webby..hoho!!yes that url is in japanese..hoho!after seeing her guidance,it kinda can go inside my brain,then happpily dl other covers..hoho!

then happily dl liao,i was a bit pissed somehow,n i cant help but needa let it off n ranted to yueshun..haha!poor him had to listen to my rants..he's a great listener n i enjoyed listening to his gg to miss chatting w him when he enlist on june 13..thx mr lim for ur listening ear n view.very much appreciated.. :)

then off to jogging!wah shiok!!this time,i jogged farther n longer..tho twds the end,i slowed down..heh..30mins..wah shiok!accompanied by new dl-ed songs of nino..i cant ask for more..LOVES!i can say jogging is my next fav sport after badminton.. :)

then ctinue w more tv..then now blogging..donno wat to do after this tho..hmm..maybe test test watch hana kimi see hiro got a lot of appearances or not..heh..nx time ask shuwen wat other dramas she recommends..i think she will find me irritating coz i finish dramas so fast..haha!cant help soo free..hoho..

n i hope tmr will be a better day..will be meeting wawa at je library at 10,then meet society at 3pm for bowling n dinner.. :) hope all goes well...

my artwork for all the covers i dl... :) LOVE NINO!LOVE KAZU!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

viva smap! is such a nice day n i love it..for once,i feel soo peaceful..after those was sunny the whole day n that's wat im waiting no,not that i don like the rain,but it's been raining,so i long for the it was sunny!!yea,i came out finally..haha!then i went to jog..wah shiok ehh!!jogging is really sooo's like juz run,run n run..put aside all your worries,then juz run until u cannot tahan..then cool downn..wah!that feeling is satisfying..wootz!so i jogged as usual,then i brisk-walked towards the end to cool down..wah shiok!love it! :)

but b4 that,i went to imm to kill time..ok la,not really kill time,but coz i needa transfer money to shuwen for my dvd n mags freshly flown from japan..hoho!then at the same time juz browse at daiso..i love daiso..juz looking ard at stuff makes me happy..some more they play one song super nice but i donno who sing tho..but that aside,i love the frames at daiso!!kireii!!omg!i aim this one frame,u can put 2 pics on the frame,if u get wat i reason for buying that frame is to frame up my takuya's pic..hahahaha!yess!if not,juz keep only,for wat rite?that pics are all from japan ehh..from kazuko-san specially for me,a smap n takuya fan!hoho!loves!so i shall get that frame soon..i think can fit.. :)

then i don really wanna go anywhere else,so headed home..n it's so boring w no tv shows,so i played my POP-UP DVD also flown directly from japan..thx to mel's sis who bot for me!! :)..
ahh!!gotta love smap forever n ever n ever n ever!!u will nvr get sick of their songs,both new n old..each time i listen,it is still as refreshing as ever..LOVES!n i love takuya kissed shingo when they sang bang!bang! my fav song,my fav duo..wootz!loves!

a short sweet day..i love it!n fyi,i off my hp for the whole day ystd til this morn..coz lately,the hp's irritating..ehh noo..rather,the smses n phone calls are irritating..hoho!but that aside,i chged my greeting msg..haha!nice ehh!chged to love situation..omg la!do u know wats my greeting msg b4 this?3 words by vince..gosh!!that was like SUPER DUPER LOOOONG can?hahaha!now now is ARASHI..shld off my hp more often then ppl can hear how sweeeet arashi is..hohoho!! :)

n yes!!anor thing that made my dayy!!u know,ive been trying hard to find nino's version of orion,one of the insert song to ryusei,but to no avail.those that ive dl-ed b4 were either not clear,cut,or edited until not nice at all!haha!then i sian liao..then somehow,i tried my luck to send a msg to this girl from youtube (i assume since the username is reina) n asked her if she is willing to share her orion coz it's super crystal n clear n damn nice n i fav it since i don hv the mp3 n can only hear from youtube..n she replied meee!!damn shiok cann?im soo elated like wat ar!! :))

Thank you for a message. I am weak in English, I do not understand it well. Do you want to do DL of this music? I come in DL.

wahh sweeeet!!she's a japanese when i see her profile!!!then i replied her back this..

I’m sorry if you don’t understand English. I assume you are Japanese? Sorry, I can’t really speak Japanese :)
Ya, what I mean is I want to dl. So do you mind sharing with me your version? It is very nice and clear. Maybe email me the mp3? Or do you know where I can dl, because those that I dl before are all not nice.
Arigato for your reply. I am very delightful!

:)) hope to hear from her sooon mann!!n that she will send me her mp3..damn nice!!i think it's far much nicer than the original..nino sang in his own way with soo much emotions n feelings..daisuki! :)))

oh ya..NP has had its graduation..mann..time flies ya..i felt as if i graduated,it's anor batch graduating..those moments..i tell ya,u're juz gonna miss NP..esp BA..NP ROCKS!i still rmb,when i was waiting for the ceremony to start,even when it started,i teared a i got from e'one..if not for them,i wldn't hv graduated..LOVES!n soo,CONGRATS GRADUANTS 0809!!!

ok laa..thats all i guess..i've watched finish my boss my hero n it's very nice n touching..i love tegoshi after watching this..he's soo cute laaa back then..the drama was in 2006..n he's a leftie!! i hv hots for leftie sia..hahahaha!n now,im watching anor drama,titled Mei-chan no Shitsuji..the reason for watching this is coz thr's mizushima hiro.. :))..

n ive watched the quiz show ep not yet uploaded..sheesh!a bit slow..okok..that's all..hoho!

n finally..arashi n nino! :)) u can juz ignore this.. hoho!

this time,i wanna share i love fedora hats..nino in fedora hats is kinda cute tooo!tho i think takuya in fedora hats is the best of the best..heh..but still,i think nino looks equally hot too!

ahhh!!kakoii!!coool kannn!!ahhhh!!kazu!!

ahhh!!see seee!!this is back in 06,arashic album..

i cant say anything but juz SMILE..

even in cap,equally cute..

n i saw this checkered cap in city square the other day w wan qi n wanna pose w it,but the salesperson are everywhr,so no chance to take..i think i looked nice in it..hoho!!oops! =p

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

be with you

it was a rainy day..the pouring made me wanna sleep soo much!n yes i slept soo much!!ahh!!like really a lot..til i droool!ahhh!i know this is embarassing but ohwells!haha!who cares?seriously,donno y..i woke up at 10+..then when it was 12+,i was like telling mak.. "ehh mak,mak da mandi kejut indah..indah nak tido dulu..ngantok ar..hujan uat org ngantok seh..".. haha! basically, i was telling my mum when she bathe alrdy, then wake me up, so that i can bathe. then i said the rain made me sleepy.. haha! also, coz i bathe v long, so normally i will let mak to bathe 1st.. then she replied me saying that she still needa wipe the windows n all, so will take some time. then i replied it's ok laa, coz i really wanna sleep.. damn sleepy.. hoho!! n so at 2pm, she woke me up.. i lazed ard, 2.30 then bathe.. haha! busuk!

finished bathing n all, nothing to do, i watched the last 1 n a half epi of ryusei.. did i tell u this time, when i watched ryusei, i nvr on subs.. hahah! so that i concentrate on seeing nino n ryo.. haha! coz if i read subs, no chance to oogle at nino.. haha! n i juz realised that the young nino in the drama has a mole at the chin too! hahaha! steady ar! muz match w the big nino mah.. hoho! kawai!

then i went to transfer money for my baju that i bot from the sales of valeries' online shop.. i wanna jog one ehh today, but rain!! tsk! no shiok! hopefully later wont rain coz i really wanna go n jog..

n yes for the 1st time im feeling monday blues.. donno y.. sheesh! that feeling sucks yaa..

i think tonight i wanna sleep early.. body a bit aching.. head a bit bit painful too..

n juz now, i watched a bit of SUMMER TOUR 2007 FINALTime.. wahlaoo! damn nice ehh! haha! ok la, since when arashi's not nice rite? hoho! it's super nice omg! i had goosebumps laa watching their concert! n im so freaking tempted to buy!!! but no no! im ctrlling myself not to buy.. so i will juz get AAA and mags.. 100$ fly.. hoho.. but nvm! worth it siaa! arashi lehh! hoho!

back to the concert, while they were singing be with you, aiba cried! awww! touching ehh! this is the line that he sang n he teared.. touched!

Hitogomi ga nagarete isogu hito no naka de
Kanashiku natte kimi no namae yonda

Within the crowds of people rushing around
I felt sad and called out your name

loves!! aiba is quite sensitive i shld say.. love it!

n i gotta love this song!! WAVE.. i love all the songs in Time album!


We said that if your summer stands on the shore, we could meet here again.
Ah, isn't it painful? I want to embrace you once more.

The top of the wave makes your eyes shake, before the falling fireworks disappear.
Ah, isn't it too short? Tomorrow we'll be going on different paths.

Everyone's WAVE! Shaking emotions.
A simple WAVE! No turning back.
Our WAVE! I will follow it.
I love you from the start.

I'll ride the wind and sing a love song, no matter how many years pass by in the future.
Ah, I can't reach you. This will only be for tonight.

Everyone's WAVE! With hesitations.
A simple WAVE! Passing through.
Our WAVE! Don't go.
Still in the same place with you.

We will meet again at the "common" place.
We slowly lose sight of the surroundings.
I don't hide this feelings, if we convey them, we will be more closer.
The wave is coming near, I want to see more of what's inside your eyes.
The thoughtless words are not enough.
It goes beyond the thoughtless words.

Everyone's WAVE! Shaking emotions.
A simple WAVE! No turning back.
Our WAVE! I will follow it.
I love you from the start.

Everyone's WAVE!
A simple WAVE! Passing through.
Our WAVE! Don't go.
Still in the same place with you.


n some pics from Time.. wootz!

love the BLUE background!

hahaha!this pic cracked me up!donno y nino pose like that..mcm sedia position gitu..

nice... white n silver..



kazu! yellow siaa! seee that faint smile.. ahhh!



oh yes!! wan qi told me abt her outing to the gay club.. haha! ewww! i refuse to hear more details of it.. er xin! n she told me maybe that somebody is gay too! then i was like hell nooo! then i kepo ehh go see see.. but donno ehh.. then that wan qi also kepo! she also went to see see ystd! haha! i hope it's not true.. seriously..

n yes! im gg crazy.. eh noo! i will be reaaaalllly crazyy if im gg crazy over it.. rather, im IRRITATED! bluek! =p