this summer (coming autumn) is sure gg to be great!! coz loads of nice dramas n sps are coming up!! wootz!
takuya's drama,
MR BRAIN, juz debuted on saturday..cant wait to watch! so long liao nvr watch takuya.. wootz! this time, his hair is back to the long one, like those in gatsby ad.. wootz!! so long nvr see him with long hair also.. wootz! takuya rocks!

love love!! shuwen send me this pic to show her idol..
then.. also thr's new drama by ryo!! wootz! ive been busy arashi-ing i fgt abt him.. heh.. yes, his character is sure damn nice in the drama.. if i rmb correctly, he is a teacher.. plus shuwen told me in that drama, he is a baddie.. woootz! sure damn cool like in last friends..
yamapi also coming out w new drama!! wootz! togther with someone i fgt who..
then tegoshi also! ahh! he's such a cutie with that new permed hair.. i think he's acting in an SP...
nino has a new stageplay! ahh! one great actor.. tho i will not hv the chance to watch the stageplay, but i know it's gg to be equally great! n i definitely cant wait to watch his psychiatrist act! wooootz! love nino!!

shots of him in the SP.. gotta love that checks mann!
crazy moon n ashita's pv is out.. omg!! damn gorgeous!! damn nice! im like head over heels laa watching the pv.. for crazy moon, i gotta love the dance steps.. very how to say, hmm, relax n not so like all do same steps tgther kinda thing.. aiya i donno how to explain.. heh. n like all other fans, yes their dancing improved soo much!! ahh! i love nino's solo parts in the song.. be it vocally n dance steps.. ahhh!! n i dl-ed their performance in music station. wahh!! damn nice!!
nino is sure damn hott!! ahhh! im gg crazy n i always rpt that part whr he danced solo for like 5s.. hahahahaha!! damn kakoii!! ahh! im like hyperventilating cann? they're gg to appear agn in utaban n music station yet agn.. wootz! i think maybe gg to promote ashita.. cant wait to watch it tho i donno wat on earth they're talking abt.. haha!

from music station..ahh!!! faint!! i love nino at the back thr! rida's soo cute w that blue jacket!
and ashita's pv is sure damn nice n touching.. omg! the song is damn meaningful n i like it v much..
nino's hair is LOVE man in this pv.. makes him more mature n not look kiddy.. this single rocks so much mann! one very upbeat hit, the other slow n relaxing. nice combi! LOVES! ARASHI ROCKS BIG TIME!

his hair.. is FAINT agn!!
n yess! i cant wait to watch hey hey hey whr arashi performed ashita.. ahh! nice nice! will watch later!!
now i know y i love crazy moon coz it has the retro feeling.. yes! wootz! LOVES!
and u know, i feel like gg out this wk, but then, at the same time, i don feel like gg out.. sheesh! i very much wanna go
uniqlo eversince it opened but until now also haven go.. i wanna go coz i wanna get a polo t.. some more when i see nino's pic in that polo t, all the more i wanna get that same striped polo t.. haha! n i wan more checked shirts too!! ahh!! shall see how man.. if not, i can foresee that i will be staying at hm agn one whole wk other than meeting wawa for tuition..
but nx wk on the 3rd, i will be gg out with society agn! yay! this time, to celeb those who will be enlisting on the 3rd.. hoho! i hope more ppl will come, inc the subcomms too! :) gg out with society is LOVE!
ohya.. i think i wanna start jogging in the morn starting from nx wk, coz the air is fresher. furthermore, nx wk sch hols will start, so no students to block the pathway.. and mak reminded me to pay back my fasting.. even b4 she started to finish her sentence i replied "ye, tau". means yes i know.. hoho.. she always reminded me to pay back.. like i will fgt..
i feel like eating
mcd hotcakes! this is since last sem sia i wanna eat but nvr eat. then ystd watch yamada taro, they ate the hotcakes.. all the more i wanna eat too! okok i think i will eat to satisfy my cravings.. wait for me hotcakes! i thot i wanna make myself, but i think it wont be as nice as mcd.. haha!
n u know hw much ive been talking abt sec sch days or either that i suddenly thot of sec sch days n reminisce abt those yrs.. ahh! high sch days are the best mann! like seriously.. ething is so nice.. be it from company, to teachers n even sch work! tho i don really like my cca but i can oogle at guys.. heh.. sec sch days is the only time i love ething abt it even studying.. now, uni sucks! like sucks big time. try being in that position, n u will know y im suffering.. really.. ppl think im taking it too hard or watver the reason is, but i think this kinda thing, unless u experience it, then u know.. at least for me.. im not so optimistic this time n it's saddening.. :(
talking abt uni, the coroner's inquiry is coming to the 5th day today.. if nothing goes well, it will be extended.. it's very serious.. i caught the news abt the 10 witnesses brot in ystd.. n david's bro was not satisfied with the video that recorded the part whr david was on the campus.. he will be bringing in a video expert to cross examine that video.. whether it is fake or real.. coz he believed that the man inthe video is not david. more imptantly, wat they're trying to fight is that david nvr plunge to his death. n they strongly believe that. i also wish that the truth will come to light soon.
oh yess!! i watched
himitsu no arashi ystd also!! omg!! nice! hahah! jun n nino challenged to a game of super mario. damn cute! omg! i love how nino played the game so pro-ly.. gosh!! he is really an otaku. tho at the end of the game, he lost! tsk! but hey.. i think coz his stages are much harder as compared to jun.. serious siaa.. not being bias or wat.. but really! haha! but anw, it was a fun episode n i like!

nino!! ahh!! :)

nice white jacket n pink top!
engrossed n concentrating.. LOVES!
n then thr's also the bakakoii pv.. haha! i gotta love it.. damn nice! bakakoii means baka + kakoii = stupid + cool.. hahaha! love love!
lastly, i finally got to watch
ao no honoo!! omg! u donno how much trouble i took to watch juz this one movie n it's so oh so damn freaking nice n nino nvr fails to impress me with his damn powerful acting.. his characters are always alive n it's so real. omg! i dl-ed it finish on sunday night but only managed to watch it today coz i didnt know that i muz combine all the parts together.. so i asked jun xing n the owner who uploaded the movie.. so they enlightened me! n ta daa! i got to watch! ahh! damn nice damn nice damn nice! nothing is not nice when it comes to nino mann! it is so touching i had to cry.. he died in the movie.. :( omg! i love him! ahh!

no no im not being chikopek. hahah! nice kann! juz came out of the bathroom after the interrogation.. ahh!! love! hot!!
n this
new cm for AU that arashi is endorsing.. ahh!! nino cute!! heh.. with that checked shirt.. ahh!! love! the hp is damn cool cann?

this phone is sleek!

i love blue clr! gosh! damn nice!

pure.. love!
i wannnntt!! die die also i wan flip phone, if not, i will stick to this lao kok kok phone.. hoho!
ok this is such a long entry n full of my idols.. hoho! i donno wat to do now.. maybe ctinue watching my k drama.. tho i hv loads of some impt things to do. ehem.. shant say here.. heh.. oops!
til then.. ciaoz mann! i love blogging! haha!