not much to update..intially,i wanted to go imm,but the weather is soo mendak,soo moody,i also no mood to go out..juz stay in..stay in liao,nothing to do,suddenly,i wanna watch smap..haha!so there goes my late noon,smapping ard..damn nice cann?gosh!!ahhh..nvr get sick n tired of it..=)))now that sch's gg to start,i wanna smap ard and rewatch takuya's dramas..heh..ive started rewatching hero..woot!change 1 more episode to go..n finally i got to watch love generation thx to mysoju..mysoju roxx!!im soo in love with love generation's current blog song..hahah!ohwells...
Crystal Apple : The meaning behind the apple is that there is only one true love, between Adam and ... Eve, that is. A crystal is very fragile, and when one would look in it, his or her views would appear upside down. The apple is seen upside down for the 1 of the 10 episodes. At the last episode, however, the apple is no longer upside down. that is a theme of Love Generation..nice!!
kawaiii neee!!!=)))
n i donno if i ever embed this vid..but oh i love it soo much!singing la la la love song,ost of long anor favv..=)
my lil gift of remembrance for society..heh..=)
i may be all crazyy over my takuya n smap,but i still havent forgotten abt my lil archie..haha!gosh!cute or wat?tsk!pics from indianapolis..=))

i loveee that smile..soo wattt sia..haha!i donno hw to describe..

talking n signing at the same bz!!

laugh!!hahaha!sooo niceeee!!

run run!

i loveee his tee!A for Archuleta..heh..i tink it's an A on the tee..hahaha!
i cant believe sch's gg to start soon..i will be hitting the books agn n busy agn n im gg to start all over agn..the thot of n bad..ohwells..i juz pray for the bez..til then..ciaoz!!
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