Friday, July 18, 2008

cut!'s like 2.30am n i can't bloody sleep n i donno y..tsk!anways,since i cant sleep,lets juz randomly blog..hahah! i went to trim my hair..pfft!n i think i don like my fringe..pfftt..but oh wells..will get use to it soon..n hair oh hair,pls faster grow..=(..thx to dayah,n tiq who somehow come along coz i tink they are gg out or sthing..haha!it was kinda last min coz i thot nurul cant acc me,then i asked mar,she was working..then i was like,ok la,nvm..not urgent also..skali,at ard 2 nurul called me n asked me whther i still wanna go,then ok,at such a short time,we managed to catch up somehow..i wish nthing but the bez for them..thx for sharing,coz at least,i felt i kinda still exist or some sort like that..haha!ok,i maybe thinking too much as always..=p

talking abt cutting my hair juz now,while she wanna cut my hair,i ask her hw much.then she asked me am i in sec sch..donno wat has come into me,i juz said yess.hahaha!like hello??sec sch n uni student FAR WAY TOOO MUCH DIFFERENT sia..haha!i also donno y i juz least,i shld say poly or wat laa kann..hahah!then wan qi asked me whther i felt guilty coz i will get guilty lying or doin sthing nt very gd..haha!n i told her..HELL NO!coz my hair's i don feel guilty..haha!but soo's no doubt the aunt said im in sec sch..haha!ohwells ohwells..

oh yess!sthing that PISSED ME OFF SOO MUCH!i hate BIANCA from america's next top model (antm)..GOSH!i feel like cursing her..i tink i alrdy did..haha!gosh!she;s such a bitch,bicthing abt ebody,belittling ppl who did NOTHING wrong w her!gosh!i cant wait for her to be booted out of antm..but im oh soo happy that my fav WON this cycle..woot!=)..but still,i wan dat bloody bianca to be out rite from the start..hahaha..pffftt!

more on love n support for him grow each day..=)

ok til then..i tink i better sleep now..lest i cant wake up later n meet syah to teach her some accounting..haha..mcm fhm jek tau aku ni..tapi insya'allah leh ajar die..=)..ciao!

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