Monday, July 21, 2008

mojakura sensei..loveess!


im gg crazyy here so u can ignore meee..hahah!omgosh!

ok,so here's how it all was quite bored at night ystd,so i went online,n suddenly,i wanna go know this site existed,but i hv NVR visited i decided to surf reason of visiting that site is to see if it has my korean drama coz all other sites dont hv..skali,mysoju also don hv..then,since im at the site,juz see lor wat other dramas it has..SKALI,SURPRISINGLY,THERE IS CHANGE!OMGOSH!i cant believe it!im oh soo happy laa!tsk!other sites either don hv,or no eng subs..ape lagi,I WATCH LAA THEN TIL THE WEEEE usual..hahahha!wooot!however,until ep9 only.the last epi will be coming soon..til then,i will be a gd girl n wait for it patiently..hahahah!anw,gosh!!while i was watching,i was busy pausing n print screening my self proclaimed HUBBY..hahhaha!woot!COOL OR WAT?gosh!siao la la!!=p

u know,tho the show is abt politics n all,but hey!it's moreee than that laa!it was soo funny that i couldnt stop laughing at each n everyone's actions..gosh!i love them all..coz some of them have acted with takuya in many other dramas..from hero to wealthy!im loving it!once the dvd is out,IM GG TO BUY IT!it will be even better if the dvd is a collection series,which includes behind the scenes..woot!


gosh!cute!!haha!i love his hairr...sthing diff,sthing refreshing..woot!he was a teacher b4 becoming japan's PM,n his students called him mojakura sensei,which means unkept hair/messy hair teacher..hahah!gosh!i don mind having such a teacher laa sehh!awwww...

with his noob noob specs..gosh!it's a fad to wear that..but i don suit..haha!if not,i will wear sia!mau berani jek..hahahah!woot!there's this part when one of the minister visited him at his house,n when he saw takuya,he went "omgosh!ur hair is exploding"...haha!n takuya replied.. "oh,it's natural.."..i think he was shocked to see his hair like that..coz after straightening,he will look like this..

jeng jeng!!Woot!cool or wat??so etime he had to so his hair..cute kannn?hahahah!gosh!tell me,tell me,who doesnt want such a handsome,young PM..gosh!ive yet to see one handsome PM YOUNG..haha!

this part was damn funny!!!they were gg thru piles n piles of docs,n his special aide fall asleep,with head in the suitcase..LOL!!he's abe fav too..he's the damn TALL guy in hero...the 2 of them really hv chemistry w each other..=))

the 1st time he ran an election..haha!gosh!curly hair,wavy hair,straight hair,short,long..I STILL LIKE HIM!

him in bow tie..aww...i like..

i LOVVVEEE his pout!i love the way he breaks into a smile..he will like twitch his mouth,then finally sorta pout n reveal smile..awww!*melting...*

hard at work..gosh!!love him in that specsss!

he even sleeps BEAUTIFULLY!gosh!!

woot!so das ne..

him in an advertisement to during the rally..cute or wat??they called him the PARLIAMENT PRINCE..i also wan a parliament prince here..the adv was sooo funny n cutee!hahaha!like some celebrity kinda adv when he is gg to be the PM..

n he has a website so that he can sorta be near the citizens,the citizens can connect w him..cute or wattt??awww...


i wonder when will the world ever has a young PM..or maybe there is but im nt aware of it..anw,i also wonder if the japanese will be inspired by this n the young will be interested in politics..coz in gdluck,takuya has inspired many to be a pilot..but u know,i read from the forums that the ratings arent that gd in japan..gosh!!it's such a niceee drama,sooo DIFFERENT from normal dramas..TSK..anw,im loving it v much!from the day i know abt it,i know liao the show rocks!hello,tell me which show takuya act not nice??hahhaha!true lorrr!
n to end my takuya craze,new endorsement by him..the hp *hyperventilating..*

oh ya..i saw some smap vids too..lovesss!
CHOP!ooo..thats nt the end of my post...haha!i can nvr hv enough of archiee still laa!nvr!haha!now,they 2 are like my ething,my craze..haha!
the videos are DAMN CLOSE UP n i LIKE it OH SO MUCH!!they're from slc utah still..the person who video-ed this down has gt GOOD camera!kudos n cheers!
him singing angel..
n see this comment..It's not their fault,but the first 8 acts are a mere prelude to the reason 90% of these people are at the concert, and he's on the stage right now. Cook has to follow him, a daunting task. Those 12 million votes are definitely not at these concerts, they must be in cyberspace somewhere.
singing apologize..
stand by me..
i like 2.34min soo much!when he sang tumble n fall with his hands actions..gosh!in betw the beautiful girls part,he sang "c'mon utah"..gosh!damn lunak merdu cann?haha!n his dance mooves,gosh!damn nice n sleek laa!he's improved a lot..lotsss!then in his speech b4 he sang,he said to the audience nt only stand by him,but also stand by the rest..sooo nicee..
one comment-he can sing the phonebook-the abc's and now the "states of america"---UTAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!
yess!this boy can sing ANYTHING!
wysylm..u can see that ebody stand up..soo supportive n super love him oh soo much..who doesnt?=)i love him when he spread his arms n he then sorta clench his fist n bring them down back..gosh!!soo into itt!so feeeling!
comments-You could hear when david said the one and only sugarfoot is was like silence, then he said thank you and the crowd errupted!! in cheers!!haha..true ehh...sugarfoot refers to cook..
I loved seeing his profile and even the back of David's head on this one! He doesn't have a bad angle - he's 360 degrees handsome. And he doesn't have a non-genuine bone in his body. Thank you so much for these amazing videos.but of course!!
n this is the video from tacoma backstage after the show..
ok..this such a looong post i tink..haha!n im crazyy yes i know n am aware..haha!proud lorr!ok til then..i hv more impt things to do now.pls stop takuya-ing n arhcie-ing indah!tsk!haha!til then..ciaoz!=)

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