Sunday, July 13, 2008


omgosh!!!!david's first single will be out ard nov 8..i think somebody's bday is on that day..anw..woooohoo!!im like...hyperventilating..excited..omgosh!n he's 1st single will be called CRUSH!doesnt it sound like cooool!omgosh omgosh!im oh so much looking fwd to it laa then?woooot!i might wanna buy cook's too..wooot!these 2 davids rock me laaa,but archuleta rocked me mooore!gosh!

some youtube vids of him during the meet n greet session..

signing autograph at san jose,california..there's this lady who asked him who did he sing for when he sings when u say u love me..but the lady is like damn irritating coz she kept bombarding him when he hadnt even finished his answers..tsk!oh oh!!his fav phrase when he cant recall sthing or sthing happened..DANG IT!gosh!damn cute cann when he said that?crazyy laa crazyyy!

at portland,oregon..he soo cute,climbing up i think a step or sthing so that he can see n reach the ppl..CUTE!kept looking at the wrong camera coz he was looking at the camera of the person who was videoing him..haha!n he was so nice as to explain to everyone y the others are not out as much as they tried to..awww...he's such an angel mann,really..patiently autographing,move to anor side n ask if there's anymore,taking pics..awwww...i wish i hv the moolah n flyyyyyto america n attend at least 1 of the AI tours..any sponsors?hahaha!

anw,US has SOOOOOOOO MANY cities n states n i know nuts which is whr,wat does each of the abbreviations/acronyms stands for..hahaha!n lemme tell u when he performs at his own city,which is utah,on july 14 n 15,which is mon n tue..i cant imagine the chaos..woot!looking fwd to it mann! archie's aside..i had a rocking gd time today from one end of town which is far east to anor end of town which is PS,then to bugis..haha!crazzyyy..but nice okk??with wan qi's accompany..woot!damn shiok ar..we spent like 3hrs plus i tink at far east..haha!i looked for belt coz they're only 3 for 10..then she bot skirt for 10bucks so cheap like watt...if not so short i also buy..haha..then saw mitju having sales so wq bot the's only 2 for's DIRT CHEAP CAN?if only gt my size..i also bot loorrr..but ohwells..but but..i was not left out with nothing!mondo also has 2 for 15 laa!bezz i bot 2 shoes too..haha!then tired leh,plus wq was hungry,so went ljs to hv fast n quick lunch..anw,i wasnt that hungry juz share share lorr.. was near 5 alrdy,we skipped mango n walked to PS..she went marks n spencer to get salsa sauce,then went to this fashion n i got a bottom..woot n im loving it..weeet!then walked slowly to bugis..hahah..since she's free,asked her juz walk down to bugis..n also,i still hv some money which can be spent as the shoes i bot are cheap..n sooo..suddenly..i saw,or i tink wq saw the bucket bag or fisherman bag which my sis calls it..for 6BUCKS!!!last piece also..damn nice alsooo..wat else?juz take laa!hahaha!6 not joking..then i bot the 3 for 5 studs alsoo..the earrings werent that nice so bot all studs..woot n i like!ahhhh!im gg crazy!all in all,i only spent 51buckeroos for 2shoes,a bag,a short pants,3belts n bargain or wat?hahaha!

thx ah qi out w u is always funn..haha!always get the cheap cheap gd gd stuff..n indah is oh soo happy today but her leg is aching n killing her..but ohwells..all worth it!now..all i need to buy is some formal clothes for standby coz it's time to stock my formal clothes plus a sch bag..=)sweee!!n mak says the things i bot all nice exc for the pants coz she said like seluar tido..hahahha! japp lorr!tsk..LOL!=p

the 6bucks bag..i like!damn clrful..looking at it,can match my greeeny green shoes!

my mondo 2 for 15bucks shoes..tho the auntie refused to give me new pairs..tsk!but wat the nvm..close on eye..the green damn donno wat to say..LOUD..hahah!

my seluar tido my mum calls it..haha!nice lorr!i wanna buy a more strking n loud clr,but don dare..haha!

n n..i hv to keep this in mind..a MUST WATCH no matter wat!

~hsm 3 (actually,can wait for riana to buy the dvd..hahaha!)
~prom night the movie

ok..yet anor long composition as said by nurul..haha!tmr's madrasah..i tink i better get some sleep..zzz..

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