Tuesday, July 15, 2008


mar called me early in the morning as she needed some help..ok la,not that early..it was 10am..i was still dozing away..haha!but anw,coz i needa logon my pc to help her,so after i helped her,i had the urge to surf the net laa!hahahaha!wat else but archie!!LOL!so see see look look..then mar called agn..thx to archie that i haven logoff..haha!gosh!more n more vids of him from utah..gosh!n fanblast provided mp3 version,damn clear of his crazy n wotwtc..gosh!damnnn nice!!!

more videos!!!im gg crazyyy!nothing else can describe me rite noww..crazyyy!!

u gotta watch this mann!gosh!he sang waiting on the world to change,the one he sang in idol audition whereby he gt his tix to hollywood..sweeet!soothing!mesmerizing!it was accompanied by his vocal coach...tho he forgot one part,but oh well!heck!still damn nice!even when he fumbled,gosh!it juz flows n sound damn niceee!i cant love him more..!

him doin the weather forecast..hahah!damn cute n candid!imagine,if he was the weather forecaster,ppl don care a hoot abt the weather..they will juz droool at the sight of him..haha!

this meet & greet session is damn cute!there were these mother n children,she dressed up her children to be archie angels..gosh!damn cute!n there were a grp of fans singing you're the voice..then the fans asked him to sign watver they have on hand from purse to hp to ipod..crazyyy..if i were there,i will also ask him to sign my everthing siaa!haha..

see!damn cute ritee?awww!

well,wat can i say?everyone's crazyyy over him..his juz not this pretty boy,but hey!big time talent laa sia!

singing wysylm..he cried when he was abt to end the song..he wiped his tears..aawwwww!so touching omgosh!u can barely hear him sing coz all the fans were like screaming their hearts n lungs outtt!crazynness!if i were there,i wouldnt hv voice now too..haha!n n ..i will go for both 2 days!haha..that is only an IF..ohwells..but yeah..all his performances,u cant hear him sing..i wonder if he can hear himself...haha!


moreee of him later...still got radio interview..i tink it should be now or a bit later..haha!woooot!

n to end this entry..pics when i went town n bugis with ah qi qi!

my plaza..sunshine plaza..hahahah!i once posed with the plaza itself,but not nice..wanted to pose agn,but troublesome,so ah qi qi said juz pose with the sign..haha!

ah qi qi said we were like lost tourist..tourist sesat..then i tell her she's from taiwan,but she wans from china..im from..oh well of course,japan..haha..prasan!tsk!=p

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