Friday, July 04, 2008


haiz oh so boredd...pfftt..i donno wat ive been up to this whole wk..haha..i tink went to the bank one day to fill up the giro form..then i baked the cookies n it's very sdp..hahah..then jz now i went to masjid to register for the class that will start this sunday..ya thats all..hahaha..

meeting wq up tmr as she wanna buy shoes,get her cousin's present n also pass me things..i also needa pay her money..

talk abt money,i alrdy don hv money..haizz..irritating..beh nk byr bende byk..from bills,to baju raya yg hantar upah,pay rai for the shoe..haizz..tho i get the gst money,i wish i can get more..hahahah!

n tho i found out long ago from gh n ch they all that i had to keep a minimum in my acct when im 21,i only wanna take action damn toot cann?haizz..such an impt issue like this n i can dragg..wats wrong w me laaa?im damn irritated the bank for nothing..pfft!

n i had 2weird ppl addded ppl added me in myspace but i don give a damn toot..hahahah..ewww..even my facebook gt 2 ppl added me i still haven accept coz i donno them n i don think i wanna know them..klu handsome takpe..haha..k aku jahat..

n u know there's nothing much to so boreeedd...haizz..

oooo..while blogginf i sidetrack a bit n saw bits of the AI tour vids of archie!!omgosh!!!i like!!

singing apologize..sooo cute!!

singing stand by me plus a bit of sean kingston's beautiful girls..

i tink he breezed it..very him n very natural..i pressure n all unlike idol,ure being judged..=)

omgomg!!!n i juz saw this video whreby both davids did the headstand..refer to the description below courtesy of DannyIsAlien..i cant embed coz no embedding allowed..awww...david c carry for him his brotherly..u shld see the vid man..aawww!maybe i paste the url..

A video we took this morning of David Archuleta and David Cook do a handstand (with their shirts tucked in) in the San Diego Sports Arena Parking lot for their fans before the concert. Sorry there is no sound. To make up for it, we'll point out for you that you can see Archie's backpack behind David Cook. (Yes, he brought his backpack with him) :)

ahh..i cant nvr get enough of it nt soo crazy over AI..but now,im gagaga!! im blogging,im actually pausing to you tube him..haha!u know,i am sure many ppl out thr are gg crazy over him..the young ones will be like aww,u r so cute i wanna be ur gf,ur friend..then the older one wil goo,awww,i wanna adopt u,hug u,kiss u,squish u..hahahah!

okok..i wanna ctinue archuleta-ing..haha!

ps:i hope he accepts my friend request..=)

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