Saturday, July 19, 2008

suaku yes i am

ystd was for soo long,ystd was the 1st time i stepped into the ctrl library..hahaha!suaku?ohwells..dats mee..heh..ya,met syahirah n we went to the library n start to hit the notes..haha!as usual,she ended up teaching me n refreshing my memories of accounts..haha!gosh!u can juz forget abt it n know nuts abt it if u nvr keep in touch for sooo long..hello,3yrs ago sia..i can barely rmb..LOL!i hope im nt wasting her time..pfft!guilty..then..nothing to do,take pics..hahahha!

oh ya!before i forgot,i also borrowed mitch albom's books,for one more day n five ppl u meet in heaven..recommended by daz..a muz read!henggg that central library has them..woot!reading n it's very nice..=)

notes..notes..notes..hers n mine..berselerak jek lebih..LOL!

hahha!i put my camera on the bookshelf,on the self timer n click!hahahha!one holding a pen,one holding hardworking..haha!

uss..indah n syah..

let's juz compare the 2 pics..haha!same position.both wearing specs,juz that her hair was short..n i think this pic is abt 2yrs back..hahaha!

TSK!mcm fhm..hahha!oh wells..

randomly,in chronological order..haha!

TSK!his bro's wedding has to be on the same day as my cousin!so there goes my chance to SEE him upclose..i was tellling siti abt it,n she asked me..ehh,that guy still exist?haha! much as i don wanna think abt it,i juz's one sided all along n im shiok sendiri i happened that juz now while i was having breakfast,the radio had to play dewi..tsk..again,he came into my mind..haha!n u now,other than him,suddenly,a name that nvr came across my mind for like a super long time,suddenly came back..n,it happened that he looks like someone i saw on tv juz now..n all the memories can pouring back..haha!so much of coincidence..but nah..nt a big deal,but juz blog it..haha!

as u know,olympics is ard the corner,n omgosh!!out of all ppl in the world,jade seah has to be one of the commentator..TSK! random but ya..i don like her..

when i was gg crazyy over archie's rendition of crazy,the radio played that song..gosh..archie's nicer..but still,kudos goes to gnarls..n ive heard jason castro's rendition,i wont say it's nt nice,but can be better..arhie's the best..

n i had one of the weirdest dream ever ystd..haha!n i cant believe it..n i was crying over HIM when he went out with a gal n i saw it with my own eyes..hahah!crazyy or wat? the dream,i was crying VERY hard..hahahah!funny cann?but u know,i wish we are on talking terms..ohwells..but nvm..we're grown ups i tink I WILL mature in time..hahahha!pffftt..cite dulu masih budak kecik lagi..wish it was different now..

anw..archie's clear n close up performance pic during the grp performance singing pls don stop the music..he's sooo cute wearing the harry porter's jacket..haha!i like!!Woot!tho i don like harry porter..=p

n u know..u shld see this..

michael john was wearing a t shirt that has arhie's face..haha!it's one of the fan cute..for once,i like him for that..hahhaha!

n below is pics from slc,utah..gosh!

singing angels..

that bigg smile..gosh!=)

n in this video,u can hear CLEARLY his speech to the audience..n he was serenading "UTAH"..sorta welcoming utah..or sthing like coz it's his hometown,so he shout utah..more like singing..gosh!nice or wat?awwww...goosebumps mann!

his 2nd vid blog..soo sweeeeet!=)

n this!gosh!im oh so honoured n proud of's a clip of sytycd,just recently,a couple dance pas de deux to archie's rendition of imagine..n that irritating lady judge commented BEAUTIFUL SONG..but of course!!!hello,who sing?n ppl at fanblast i think also felt the same..they feel proud for him,got chills when his name appeared in the screen..=) im all smiles..n even the choreographer loved it..SWEET!

n this vid is from st louis,during the last bit of the grp performance..archie was pointing to cook n he was jumping also..haha!party mood,so he jumped..CUTE!soo innoncent..n michael john..his dance move,crazyy..haha!i know he's wacky..LOL!nice clip from st louis.. thats quite a looong post of pics,videos n random bits n counting down to sch starts..n i hope all goes well for me..insya-allah..=)

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