from las vegas, nevada...=)

cute or watt?clutching the archie's water bottle,while signing n posing..
from LA, california..

wah i tell u..i love this part..u know the platform raised from below..he was on the piano singing to angels..awwww!!!i like!with the smoke effect..gosh!who can not faint from his performance?WORLD CLASS!woot!

soo full of emotions..i like!
from san jose, california


enduring the hot sunnn..sweating every bead..but still coool..
from portland, oregano

soo serious..i like!!

i think he's gt baby fats..haha!cuuuteeee!!i like him smiling like that..*melting*

i wan the water bottle!the fanblast created it for him..i had no idea if i can get it.. now i know..he climbed the railing..the idols are always "gated",lest the fanss will grab n snatch the idols..haha!

sexyy buttt!sexyyy backkk...yeah!hahahah!i sound soo chikopek!

from one anor meet all the fans..

awww...soo cute shielding from the sunshine to pose..

woot!i love this pose..dgn penuh smangat!!
so today he will be performing at utah salt lake city..waiting for the updates..cfm kecohhh!woot!n he updated his blog..nice..=)
i wanna say anor thing..for the 1st time i watched apprentice..after 7 seasons..haha!i was rooting for this korean guy called james sun,but somehow,donald fired him..haizz..i tink he suits to be the apprentice as when he 1st came to america,he was nothing..then make it big,own his IT company..good or wat?but the winner is stefani,a defense attorney..if u ask me,i don see how a defense attorney can be an apprentice..maybe from the law's side of view..but james is an entreprenuer,i guess he has much better experience n gone thru more ups n downs does she had..anw..i support hin the fact that he's korean n he's cute..i like him!his 2daughters damn cuteee..he's blessed with such great family..his wife n daughters..big house..own company..i support him this season..within such a short stint,i like him!he should have been hired..tsk..
monday blues..not much to do..i juz have to apply for my ezlink..n most prolly on frid,i will be meeting syahirah coz she wans me to teach her im gonna hit the notes to refresh so tat i can teach her..haha..klu tk uat penat jek turun ajar die..heh..til then..DAVID A ROCKS!
oh oh!!i forgot..miss universe goes to venezuela tho i wanted mexico to win but she came in 5th..haha!ok laa..all the top5 are beautiful..
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