Wednesday, November 15, 2006

photos 2nd part

2nd day..

my grp is the purple grp..our grp name is tomorrow!
our cheer is the sing from one od the musicals..hahaa!=p

lawsonn all set ready go!

huh?what?ehh?this one..ehhh no!!that one!

think think!!!

1 2 3..cheesee!! lawsonn,winston,roxanne,mori,ming wei,me..=)woohoo!

dixon's subaru!!Woohoo!!

maggi mee!!uncooked..


apple hanging on the tree...

weee!like at last..we found it..this was easy tho..=)

where is the packet of chilli sauce???

water bottle..this was our 1st station if im nt wrong..but it became last..haha!

this station is hard..the thing is small..

i like this pic a lot!!saw the airplane behind?damn nice shot la!heh..


very tired liao..

foodie time!!

jocelyn all ready to shooott!!attack!

they are suppose to sing n perform..damn cute!!they even perform for our neighbour!haha!

my face was drawn by ning zhen...with lipstick!!eee!hahaha!

i have more than this...but haven get the photos yet..will upload agn!!til words..

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