was funn..though i was always cursing those damn customers who always nvr fail to make my life difficult n troublesome..haha!it's nearing christmas n i had to wear the christmas hat at work..haha!damn funny la!plus very rimas too..hehe..been working both fri n sat..tiring..
juz now..i was bored to stiff at home...ebody went out with their friends or bf..nobody can accompany me out..called my sis,cant get i did a bit of tutorial..then at 3,my niece called me..then she asked me why i called her..i told her i wanna go to her house..then she said come i sis phone is always hanging..n she didnt hear her handphone ringing..ah bagus la tu..hahaha!
got ready n offf i went!!i went to causeway point buy hady's n jeong hoon's album..but ended up buying hady's album only cause jeong hoon's abit ex..i went to cd rama n MJ,all same,i decided to put on hold 1st n find out hw much is sembawang selling..hehe..
then walked ard some more,hoping to get sthing..but went to my sis's house last i reached..n then,a while later,i listened to hady's album..wah seh!!damn nice la!i like it mann!!so soulful n r&b-ish...wah seh!i like ordinary ppl,merpati,rock wit u,what's left,mercy mercy me n juz the 2 of us..lagenda was a bit too slow this time..zZz..i prefer the live version of u give me wings..i've nvr liked freedom n u've gt a friend..but overall,it's worth ur money buying..beli jgn tk beli!!support mly!!hehe..don burn or dl ok?muz support local artiste like him!full of talent!woohoo!but still..i like joakim..muahaha!

nice cover..i wished it cld be better than this..
u know,riana rmbered all the HSM dance steps!!!omg!hahaha!she still HSM-ing..hahaha!sh danced juz now with rudy..haha!hmm..talking abt her,im proud n happy for her coz she got 2nd in her class..n she was offered higher mother tongue by her,she's among the bright students..even im nt as clever back in pri sch..i hope that she will continue to work hard..saw her exam papers..haha!made some silly mistakes..n i started to naggg at her...haha!there was this qn asking,if there is a dark cloud at 5pm,at what time can the shadow be seen?
ok..i juz bought teenage mag coz i wan princess hr's poster!!haha!damn nice!but,shin was standing beside hyo rin!arrgghhh!but nvm..haha!then,walked ard at the pasar mlm..n guess what i bought?a precious moments pouch,or pencil box or watever u wanna call that..haha!donno y ehh,see only,makes me wanna buy...1.90 juz buy la..hehe..

nice?cute rite?the guy can either be ji hoon,or vince,of lee dong gun,or takuya..or whoever la..muahhaha!
reached my sis's house,we ate all the foodies that we bought from pasar mlm..ramlee burger bez!the bez ramlee burger is one that has mayonaise,bbq sauce,cheese,egg,buttered bread...wah seh!!damn nice la!yummy!!*drooling*..hahah!then,relax a while,played scrabble n uno,then i went hm at ard 925pm like that..
it was raining..zZz..luckily it was sheltered all the way..only kena the rain when i crossed the pedestrian..bus came on time..n reached hm at sweet hm..
a relaxing sunday for last...weee!
ok la..til here..gotta reach sch at 8am later for bAs..til peeps..hv a great wk ahead..3words..
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