Wednesday, November 22, 2006

my dove

thx angel for the gifts!now i feel kinda badd coz my angel bought me soo many things...wat a gd angel i hv! angel juz bought me a tiny notebook..(maybe coz im a secretary,so bought me one..haha.)..then there is this pendant in the love shape,and there is a dried flowers in the middle..thx angel!!i love u!!hehe..then also bought me chocs!yummy!

mon cherie!!sooo long nvr eat!!thx mel for it!!nice!!!=p damn boring like shittt!omg!stressing me for nthing!watse time sia this module,seriously..anyways..been hady-ing...haha!i juz love his songs la..esp merpati..i love it when he sang the acoustic version..juz his voice n the guitar..damn nice!damn natural!damn mysterious!damn poetic!hmm..can say he's also a gd infatuated la!haha!here is the lyrics to the song..the red text is the changes he made to the original composition..i still prefer the original words..nicer..and more...mysterious..esp the part masih dot dot dot...heh..initially the title is merpatiku,then change to merpati..haizz..bkn senang tau indah nk dgr lagu mly..hahaha!other than that..i also like rock with u!!!=)

Merpatiku by Hady Mirza

Sering kali ku terbayang wajahmu
Bibirmu mengucapkan cinta padaku
Belum sempat ku nikmati ku tersedar
Dari angan yg kian pudar/ Dari angan2 kian pudar

Memori cinta berbunga
Pun menghinggap di ingatan
Seperti sang merpati di dahan
Puas sudah ku bertekad/ Puas sudah ku berusaha
Tuk melupakan segalanya
Namun senyummu masih…

Hari yg berlalu/dengan hari yang berlalu
Menghanyutkan impian/hanyutlah impian
Namun ku masih menanti-nantikan/tapi ku masih menanti-nantikan
Kehadiran seorang insan
Yang bisa .....(i donno what's he saying)/yang akan menggegar

Naluri seluruh tubuhku
Menyinar bak suria
Mentari mengisi hati tanda ceria
Setelah puas mencari
Tk pernah ku menduga
Kerna senyummu masih…/ Kerna senyummu masih ada di hatiku, di jiwa ku oh senyummu

Ku inginkan cinta
Setulus bak punngu yg merindukan sang rembulan
Yg jauh di mata (this part is not inside the album..)

til aite..3words...

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