So,on the way to sch,I saw my pri sch friend,nurul.sch is boring as usual.i hate penny thong's cm tutorial..u know what?my class wanna pon her class..haha!but too late already coz most of us were already there n she saw us already,so cant pon.i tell u ar,her class damn boring n draggy..n she’s super slack also la!i hate it man!she talk like some old grandma telling bedtime stories..damn!CM is one of our core modules in banking and finance,n I gt a tutor like her..omg!so damn unlucky la!i pass already can liao..hehe..
There are some conflicts in class..sheesh!it’s so stressful to hv new students in much as we want them to bond with us,but cant..ok la,let’s talk not abt it.
Haizz…now I donno wat to blog abt.i’ve been very stress with all the proj.i hv the least mood to do la.i donno y ehh..Haizz..ive been slacking more n more la..sheesh!indah!!pls buck uppp!!!!
oh ya!ec tutorial juz now,tay ah bee came to our class and told us to come for lecture.hahah!guess i better start coming..zZz..
i wanna buy hady's album..woohoo!heh..i heard that it is nice..joakim bought one too..hehe..his play was a success..congrats boy!!all the wayyy!!
oh ya..donn told me abt this korean drama called green rose..n he told me that the guy is more handsome than ji hoon..haha!n that guy happens to be the one who acted in my fair lady..he's go soo..ok..he's nt bad la,but ji hoon is more handsome la!donn said that go soo looks like edison chen cum aaron kwok..haha!ya,he really looked a bit like them..but,to me,ji hoon is still far muxh gd looking than's how he looked like..he looked much better in green rose though..according to donn..hmm..maybe he has the macho-ness..muahaahah!

he was soo sweet in this drama..i like..u shld try watching it..=)

him in green rose..k,now im gg to watch the drama..hahahaa!thx donn!now im addicted to it..sheesh!
ok la..til here..i better start memorising my french oral test tmr..u guys tc aite??til then...byee!!3 words..
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