then only i woke up at 4,n got ready to go to cik yam's house for open house..yummy!!!food was waiting for me... bro-in-law doesnt really know the way to her house...haha!so we went round n round..n like finally!!we've reached!oh ya!!n u know wat??we passed by bishan!!haha!but i didnt see his house tho..sheesh!been thinking abt him lately..heh..
reached already,relax a while,then mkn time!!!ate tom yam!!mee siam!!ayam!!nice kuihs!!woohoo!thenn hor..still gt tulang ehh!!wah seh!bbuuuuuurrrrrpppppp!!haha!yeah man!damn full!alhamdullilah...rezeki byk..n now,all i can think of sleep is agn..hahaha!i don think i gt the mood to do anything at this moment now..hehe..
anyways...let me post some from raya..enjoys...
~hari raya pertama

my mum,me n dad..=) love them lots..

me n my we look alike?heh..
~ @ nenek's house
all the anak daras..(ok..this is only like 1/30 cucus of my grandmum..)heh..oops!kak yani,u r nt gg to be an anak dara already..getting married in december huh?gdluck!*winks*
me n kak linda on the 1st day of raya...=)
guess whose room this is?yes!it's my grandmum's!gawd!her rm is like some teenager's rm la!i like!sooo,i pose..heh..
seee...sooo nice!
~ @ my bro's house in sengkang..
haha!they insisted i took their photos..haha!
me,shasha,wani n boyboy..wani has difficulty taking photo man!he always wanna pose like some superhero..sheesh!
me,rudy n riana...
me...n his pokok bunga..heh..
~ @ cik nin's house..
kak linda n me...kite tak janji pun leh kai green same2..=p
wooo!!all of us are soo green huh?all the diff shades of green..nice!
kak linda,kak diana n me..
~ @ cik yam's house..
me n syah...she looks damn chinese la!i wanna be fair like her can??heh..
aziemah n me...
me n my 2 younger cousins..all of us are grown up now..hehe..=)
haha!hw cool is this uniform!!changkat changi's sch uni..muahaha!gt tel no sia!haha!i think they purposely put there so that students wont tuck it out..but nah..students are nt stupid..they sew the uni like st marg's uni that type...u know..haha!i think u get wat i mean..
ok la..til here...aziemah,jgn byk ckp k?aku da upload sume pic..amek kau!!!muahaha! peeps...3 words...i wanna princess-houring now!woohoo!
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