Monday, November 13, 2006

awWwwW back u know what I hv been up to lately??yupp!!watch Goong’s NG from you tube..damn nice la!!hehe..i like!it was damn NG that I like most was there is this scene,whereby Shin was nt suppose to cry,but he cried when he acting coz he said that the scene was soo damn sad n touching,that tears naturally rolled down his cheeks..awwww…isn’t that cute??omg!!i love shin sooo much!!haha!

then,whenever shin,yul and his majesty said wrong dialogue,they will stick out their tongue,n did mouth exercise..haha!so cute rite??hehe..i love it!!woohoo!!!

oh yayaya!then hor,there is this scene whereby shin sang leh..awwwww!!!damn nice la!i wan him to sing for me la!!hehe..woohoo!!then,watched his model shows,his autograph sessions,his interviews...waahhh!!i cant nvr had enough of it man!!woohoo! u know what I wanna buy next?yul’s new album..hehe..kk,it’s nt that I don like him,it’s juz that im not as crazy over as how crazy I am for shin..hehe..

ok..serious matter now..Im worried for my ec’s gonna be damn hard..shit man!damn stress..aarrggghh!i hv no mood for ec la!wats more,all the other sux..seriously.. our event is not doin damn stress abt it..every time meeting,nthing is progressing,thx to the advisors..aarrgghh!!sheesh!im juz praying n hoping for the best..

ok...i gt some MSA pics...sooo..enjoy!!!

this is only the 1st nite tho..will share with u the 2nd day's pics..

all checked in..hehe..can u spot my bagg?hehe..

BBQ time!!!foooooddddiiiieee!!!yummy!!

all of us getting ready to settle down in our grp..

some important pts being brought up..

mrs lucy tang briefing uss...

n we listen attentively..

all the diff grps..

~my grp!!

hahha!detroying the tower!

some of the paul chang,mr andre,ms audrey.mrs sharpay(did i spell correctly?)

eee!heads being chopped!anyhow kill ppl!eeee!!it was dammnnn gross!

see all the faces??hahha!!


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