changhong's grpp..all boys..

my grpp!Pacific Credit Group..hehe..thats our bank name..muahaha!

peimin n mee..

donn n meee..

lolz!i wanted to take 2nd time with him coz the 1st time,he nvr smiled that nice..he smiled until so funny that i cant take it..n i was out of the camera!muahaha!
ok...i had a fun day today..i kept hearing gd news..im happy and bersyukur for that.. ok,early in the morning,accompanied aisha to the bank to settle some stuff..
after that went to mcdonalds' for breakfast..while having breakfast,aisha showed me the photos of them that they took at the esplanade n all..haha!ok,that's nt the pt..the main pt is that mar n fat da baik2!im happy!!really mann..now,im juz looking for a time for all the 6 of us to go out tgther w/out any awkwardness n all..im trying my bez..to nani,jgn asyik bz jek la ok?haha!
after that,went to sch n got ready for blaw presentation..it was funn!changhong's grp damn funny la!i had such a gd laugh mann!ghim hui teared la!hahah!until my tutor called me personally n told me to learn to laugh softly..muahahahah! all the grps did well..including my grp..n we managed an A!wee!im happy..alhamdulillah..i hope that i can get an AD for blaw..
after that..we went for lunch at pizza hut bt timah plaza!!!yeah!!fun fun!!hehe..all of us were like hungry ghost la!we ordered 4 sets of grp lunch,each set consists of 1 regulazr pan n stuffed pizza,4 soups n drinks..we also ordered 3 garlic breads n 2 platters..yummylicious!!hahaha!
then,we took photos!hahah!we muz take soo many photos b4 we get a perfect grp photo...but then also,nt so perfect..haha..see n u'll know y..muahahaha!
now..this is the pics that we took at pizze hut..

michelle,vivian n me..

the guyss..see mj's mouth?so full..hahaha!

2nd take...

the other end of the table..

the whole lot of us!!but mj's missing!

now ghim hui's missing!

ok..this is the perfect one..though hong gay n donn didnt look at the camera..muahaha!!i pitied the staff there who helped us took soo many phtos..muahaha!but heyy!we paid u svc charge ok?hehe..
so yupp..i had funn!now,back to studies!til then,tc aite..to dixon,get well soon..3words e'one..=)
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