1st,to all ba-wa-zup proj heads...though at some pt of time i really felt pissed off n got angry(i didnt show it tho..),u guys hv been great n doin a lot n beyond expectations n all..w/out u guys,bwz is nthing..thx to the chief proj head,joc n jerome..thx winston,jenny,harjeet,mel,evern,ning zhen,joanne..u guys really rox..thx harjeet n mel for the performances...thx jerome n winston to oversee to ething..thx jenny n joc for the haunted house..thx evern n nz for the deco n all..thx joanne for settling the sports blast...=)) A BIGG THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART..
to the rest of the society,u guys hv been great too..despite having tests n projs,u still come n help til late nite..n like joc,i wanna say a special thx to jason for wasting petrol,travelling ard spore..u rox la!A BIGG THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART..
to my class,particularly bryce,donn,rayner,syafi,ghim hui,vivian,alan,alan's gf,chang hong..thx for being sporting n support me by joining in the sports blast..n u guys got 2nd for soccer n 32rd for capt's ball..u guys rox mannn!thx lots!i love u guys a lot!!special thx to changhong.bryce,alan n ghim hui for buying the tix from me..but a big sorry u didnt won the lucky draw..i won instead..hahah!a BIG THX mann...seriously..although i gt a bit of prob here n there,u guys still understand the situation..thx man..=))A BIGG THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART..
to jerel,ming hao,xi yao,peifen,mel,rene..thx to u guys too..when i had a prob back at the sports blasts..w/out u guys,i wld be wailing n crying..u guys rox too..A BIGG THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART..
to rai,I LOVE YOUR COOKIES N TARTS N CRUBMBLE!it's super delicious laa!hehe..but the cookies a bit hard tho..i love the tarts most!!hehe..
to tiq,mar,sha n fat..thx for coming down to the carnival..tho u didnt buy the tix..n aku tk lyn korg bab aku bz..takpe,next time nanti kite kuar same2..hehe..A BIGG THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART..
to my mum n dad,who understand my situation n didnt complain that i went hm late eday..tho i was angry at a pt where u called sis n told her abt it..
did i miss anyone?i hope not..to the rest whom i forgot to mention,i wanna thx u too..thx mann..
ok,end of the story..now life's been back to normal..i went to take the bursary juz now..n i got a bigg fat $1k in my pocket now..hahaha!im gonna use that money to settle my bills n driving...i've gt less than a mth to TP,wish me luck ehh?im gg to die n stress agnn..
pics time!!

posing with the cheque...hehe..


my new ipod..k,i hv no idea hw to use it..

my henna-ed hand..nice?by harjeet's aunt i think..=)

chang hong's the mannn!!hehe..they played one of the games at the carnival..
went to grandma's house juz now..nthing..juz laze ard n watched kak yani's wedding footage..n now im hm,tryng to do my tutorial,bt im juz plain lazy..hehe..
i still gotta meet up early tmr to clean up the carpark area..zZz..im sleepy enough la..haizz..i think i better sleep ar..tmr gg to blaw lecture,revision..so muz concentrate..the tut,i think forget it..hahahah!til then..tc aite?i love u guys a lot a lot..to prom nite proj heads,jia youu!!u can do it!!3words..=))
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