Friday, January 26, 2007

im happy super duper happy today..really..thx to all those ppl who made me happy..loves~

1st,i got back fp proj,n we gt AD for it!yeahness!i thot i couldnt do it well coz i think my wine investment was not that gd..but noooo!we did juz well!!thx ghim hui,vivian n hong gay..u guys did juz great!my grp gt the highest too!216/250!we cld hv scored higher if i handed in the peer assessment was nvm..i think 216 is like super high ben tan said that we are one of the highest among the banking tutorials happy n proud!to other grps,u did juz well too=)..they gt As n jobb guys!u rox laa!

then,i gt zest award for the 3rd time! was unexpected..usually zest was done thru voting,but mr ben tan didnt ask the class to vote,bt picked it himself n he chose me..muahaha!thx mr tan for being able to see the qualities in me..=)..sorry chang hong..heh..hmm,the prize was was a calendar cum clock cum calculator..i like the ba zest logo..=)seriously,my class made me to be optimistic,enthusiastic n hv the spirit of volunteerism..if they hv nt been sporting n helped me along,i wouldnt get the zest to my dearest tf04,u guys rox..=)it's ok if u don vote me or think like me,u guys still rox!loves~
here is the calculator..=)

cool huh?=)

after sch,rushed hm n got ready to go to my workplace to rtn my uniform n sign the resignation soooooo happy that now im no longer working's not worth my time now.i felt that the working environment is getting from bad to worse n that there's no welfare..bluek!boo to them!hah!i don care man!that workplace was nvr the same when i 1st joined..haizz..i hope i made the rite decision by kak aini,kak yati n cik mas,u guys are still the bez n i will nvr forget u..will visit u guys when i hv the free

after thaaaaat,i went NYP to see TAUFIK BATISAH!!!!!!!yaaa!mannnn!he's like super hotttttt la!he started the show by singing by fav song ONE!omg!i couldnt resist it bt sing along n shouted n screamt!lolz!

ok,i am nt really that crazy fan of him,but i admire his talent n singing..he's so kind n down to earth..boleh tahan loyar buruk jugak..this is the 2nd time i met him in person,the 1st one being at masjid..heh..=)

so yuppp!his performances r superb!i prefer him singing live mann!songs that i don like initially,i liked it when he sang live!really!i find his songs lembab la,but when i heard him sang,awwwwww..goosebumps babe!!wats more with alll his gestures n all...i can melt la!

n guess wat??he sang MY LOVE by justin timberlake n SO SICK by neyo!both my all time fav!i shouted la when he sang that!muahaha!thats me..heh..

then he sang other songs acoustically..i dream,one last,i promise forever,inc my love n so sick..then he sang his most fav usah lepaskan..then of course all coz of u,n holding on..omg!!!i cant stress enough that it was super nice laa!arrgggghh!makes me wanna hv more of taufikk!

then,it was the autograph session!!!!omg!!hoottttt!sexyyyyyyyy!he took of his top n left with his singlet!!!!wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!lolz!muscular mann!ketiak pun bersih!fulamak!so metro laa!ahhh!ive nvr been so crazy over him laaaaaa!lolz!mannnn!heh..i was so bz wanna take pic with him that i didnt shake his hands..wth rite??lolz!bt in the end also still nvr took pic with him..arrgghh!bingit babe,bingit!!zZz..nvm..guess i gotta comfort myself by saying that spore is small n that i will bump into him somewhere..praying hard yupp!at least i gt the album autographed n i wanna listen to all his songs n try to appreciate it..but still,i wish he cld sing live agn..maybe wanna go his showcase end of feb or early march..heh..smangat kan akuu?lolz!

here's my autographed album...mann!TAUFIK'S THE MANN...U ROX LAAA!=)

ok la,till here..i wanna finish up my cca pts thingy...til then,tc..3words..3words to taufikk too..lolz!=)

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