Wednesday, January 31, 2007

apa da.. was damn troublesome to sign in to blogger juz now,they die2 ask me to sign-up the google acc thingy..wth!i don wan means don wan la...sheesh!!

anyways,alamk!i got lotsa to blog laaaa,but when i come here only,i donno what to update..phhhfffftttt!lolz!

ok,ive started studying..for cm only..heh..gotta start others in 1 wk's time..i donno if im prepared n practices are happy i gt nice instructors..

oh ya!i saw hadi juz now!my sec schmate!ha!didnt tegur him though..muahahaha!weird rite?it was like he saw me,i saw him,i wanna wave my hands,bt nvr..hahaha!maybe coz we r nt close in the 1st place,n diff class..lolz!but think back,bdk mly kat sch tu da la sikit kan,pe la salah nye i smiled at him,u know..zZz..hahha!nanti org kate aku sombong lak kan..hehe..hmm..

aiya,donno wat to say already laaa!hahaha!gtg tv,eat n studdyyy!gdluck guys for the exams...jia you!!!=)tc..3words..

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