Tuesday, January 02, 2007

ntv7 night of soulful stars

ok...1st things 1st,HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL DEAREST TO ME..
may this new yr be a better yr for us..smile always.=)

anyways,i had soo much funn ystd coz i watched ntv7 night of soulful stars!!wah sehhh!damn nice la!there's vince n ning baizura,taufik batisah n mia felancia..wah sehhh!they r really the true soul singerss!damn nice like hell!!they sang all the soul hits like sweet day,dancing queen,against all odds n many more old songs...this concert was a new yr concert,n also in recognition of the veteran singers...

n i watched it coz of dearest vinceeee!!mannnn!i still rmb hw i went crazy over him,went to APM juz to watch him..haha!ok..so he sang quite a few songs..he started singing my girl with taufik,then he sang solo,singing jailhouse rock,superstitions,chariot,then duet sweet day with mia n my boo with ning..

omg!!!i love his chariot!!he was soo laid-back n relaxed la!!it was as if that was his song...he's soo comfortable with it mannn!omg!!then when he sang sweet day n my boo,omgg!!!i was melting!!it was soo nice!i wanna sing with him la!or at least sang to meeee!hahahah!lol!!!

taufik was cool too!his rendition of me n mrs jones was as superb as ever..i loooooove!!then he sang so sickk!woohoo!coool mannn!taufik rox laaa too!!

mia n ning...powerful vocals mann!mia is only 22,n she sang all the high notes n the diff tunes so easily..damn talented laa!i think she's from the phillipines..very cute ar she..heh..

anyways,i loooove vinceee!woohoo!vince rox my sox!!so don say i forget him already k??hahaha!he's still in my heart..heh..mcm real jekk..k la..i wanna continue watching my girl..woohoo!im in love with lee dong woook!haha..k,im in love with ebody..muahhaah!=)tc..3words..

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