Wednesday, January 31, 2007

apa da.. was damn troublesome to sign in to blogger juz now,they die2 ask me to sign-up the google acc thingy..wth!i don wan means don wan la...sheesh!!

anyways,alamk!i got lotsa to blog laaaa,but when i come here only,i donno what to update..phhhfffftttt!lolz!

ok,ive started studying..for cm only..heh..gotta start others in 1 wk's time..i donno if im prepared n practices are happy i gt nice instructors..

oh ya!i saw hadi juz now!my sec schmate!ha!didnt tegur him though..muahahaha!weird rite?it was like he saw me,i saw him,i wanna wave my hands,bt nvr..hahaha!maybe coz we r nt close in the 1st place,n diff class..lolz!but think back,bdk mly kat sch tu da la sikit kan,pe la salah nye i smiled at him,u know..zZz..hahha!nanti org kate aku sombong lak kan..hehe..hmm..

aiya,donno wat to say already laaa!hahaha!gtg tv,eat n studdyyy!gdluck guys for the exams...jia you!!!=)tc..3words..

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

im happy part II

wooo!!i cant wait to bloggg..lolz!actually wanted to wait till tmr morning,but if i nvr blog,i cant study peacefully..lolz! i wanna say that i found 2cute guysss!lolz! hahahah!mann!hehe...anyways,thats nt the impt thing..

the more impt thing is i found myself a toppp!lolz!yupyup!!actually,i went to clementi to develop photos..wahahaha!i developed more than 100 phtos..heh..called nurul to acc me..n yup..she acc me..then went ard the pasar mlm..nurul showed me this top,super nice laa..but i cant wear coz big n lonngg!so she bought for herself..nice nice!!=)

then,walk n walk....we found another onee!hhaha!n i tried!!n it fits meee!yeah!!hahaha!withdrew moneyy n bought itt!yeah!then i wanna buy the leggings also,bt no more black clr!boo!so cheap la,10bucks only..zZz..muz go find other places liao..hopefully gt cheap2 ones..=)

here is the pic of the toppp...nice??=)

lolz!my face ugly...ahahaha!

see this table?lolz!they decorated it with posters of our events..lolz!since there will be interview for sub comm later,we cleaned up the place until soo nice...still gt deco n sweets lehh..hw gd siaa!lolz!=)

ok la..til nurul,thx for the company..=)to my dearest 3 freshies,gdluck in the interview!u guys rox!to others,im happy that there are still ppl whom i can actually mix with n depend on..i donno if u know who u are,but ya..heh..til then,tc..i needa studdyyyyy!=)3words..

Monday, January 29, 2007

ah! lazybummm!

mannnnn!im damn lazy to start studying for my examsss!!aargghhh!howhowhow??i kept on procastinating..when i wanna say ok,now now study,but ended up nt studying..arrgghh!i don hv the motivation to study la seriously..aargghh!bingit sakkk!sheesh!n wats more,ive gt 5 papers for exams,n if i nvr start,im dead!real dead meat!aarrgghh!stress stress!

anyways,i went out with vivian on sat to town to do some shopping..woohoo!i gt the shoe that i wanted!at last!heh..n vivian bought lotsa stuff..heh..soo funny gg out with her..hey gal,we shld go shopping more often aite?heh..ive found a new shopping kaki..weee~

my sis gave me her sofa bed..wee~nice nice!!makes me wanna sleep all dayy laa!lolz!anyways,i will be having baoc meeting at 7..zZz..there goes my 7 n 9pm show..booo!hope wont end soo late..i needa breakk..heh..

ok la,till here...i think i better start studying a bit now mannn!someone pls motivate meeee!til then,tc..ciaozzz!3 words..

to mr syafi,happy 19th bday!!=)

Friday, January 26, 2007

im happy super duper happy today..really..thx to all those ppl who made me happy..loves~

1st,i got back fp proj,n we gt AD for it!yeahness!i thot i couldnt do it well coz i think my wine investment was not that gd..but noooo!we did juz well!!thx ghim hui,vivian n hong gay..u guys did juz great!my grp gt the highest too!216/250!we cld hv scored higher if i handed in the peer assessment was nvm..i think 216 is like super high ben tan said that we are one of the highest among the banking tutorials happy n proud!to other grps,u did juz well too=)..they gt As n jobb guys!u rox laa!

then,i gt zest award for the 3rd time! was unexpected..usually zest was done thru voting,but mr ben tan didnt ask the class to vote,bt picked it himself n he chose me..muahaha!thx mr tan for being able to see the qualities in me..=)..sorry chang hong..heh..hmm,the prize was was a calendar cum clock cum calculator..i like the ba zest logo..=)seriously,my class made me to be optimistic,enthusiastic n hv the spirit of volunteerism..if they hv nt been sporting n helped me along,i wouldnt get the zest to my dearest tf04,u guys rox..=)it's ok if u don vote me or think like me,u guys still rox!loves~
here is the calculator..=)

cool huh?=)

after sch,rushed hm n got ready to go to my workplace to rtn my uniform n sign the resignation soooooo happy that now im no longer working's not worth my time now.i felt that the working environment is getting from bad to worse n that there's no welfare..bluek!boo to them!hah!i don care man!that workplace was nvr the same when i 1st joined..haizz..i hope i made the rite decision by kak aini,kak yati n cik mas,u guys are still the bez n i will nvr forget u..will visit u guys when i hv the free

after thaaaaat,i went NYP to see TAUFIK BATISAH!!!!!!!yaaa!mannnn!he's like super hotttttt la!he started the show by singing by fav song ONE!omg!i couldnt resist it bt sing along n shouted n screamt!lolz!

ok,i am nt really that crazy fan of him,but i admire his talent n singing..he's so kind n down to earth..boleh tahan loyar buruk jugak..this is the 2nd time i met him in person,the 1st one being at masjid..heh..=)

so yuppp!his performances r superb!i prefer him singing live mann!songs that i don like initially,i liked it when he sang live!really!i find his songs lembab la,but when i heard him sang,awwwwww..goosebumps babe!!wats more with alll his gestures n all...i can melt la!

n guess wat??he sang MY LOVE by justin timberlake n SO SICK by neyo!both my all time fav!i shouted la when he sang that!muahaha!thats me..heh..

then he sang other songs acoustically..i dream,one last,i promise forever,inc my love n so sick..then he sang his most fav usah lepaskan..then of course all coz of u,n holding on..omg!!!i cant stress enough that it was super nice laa!arrgggghh!makes me wanna hv more of taufikk!

then,it was the autograph session!!!!omg!!hoottttt!sexyyyyyyyy!he took of his top n left with his singlet!!!!wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!lolz!muscular mann!ketiak pun bersih!fulamak!so metro laa!ahhh!ive nvr been so crazy over him laaaaaa!lolz!mannnn!heh..i was so bz wanna take pic with him that i didnt shake his hands..wth rite??lolz!bt in the end also still nvr took pic with him..arrgghh!bingit babe,bingit!!zZz..nvm..guess i gotta comfort myself by saying that spore is small n that i will bump into him somewhere..praying hard yupp!at least i gt the album autographed n i wanna listen to all his songs n try to appreciate it..but still,i wish he cld sing live agn..maybe wanna go his showcase end of feb or early march..heh..smangat kan akuu?lolz!

here's my autographed album...mann!TAUFIK'S THE MANN...U ROX LAAA!=)

ok la,till here..i wanna finish up my cca pts thingy...til then,tc..3words..3words to taufikk too..lolz!=)

Thursday, January 25, 2007


K,so ystd was my ec presentation,n lotsa things happen,nt really my grp,bt ppl’s grp.mann!i donno wassup with all the ppl.i wanna tell u the scenario also super long la.i donno if the party is at fault,coz the tutor will also still check it thru once agn n spot the mistake.y nvr think of that?if u said that someone is like this,then u r also like this,it’s juz that u nvr realize it.ppl always tend nt to realize that when they said that others are like that,u also like that.i witnessed it myself,so wat hv u gt to say?if I were to scrutinize every detail n all,u r also at fault.but somehow,im the type who doesn’t like to talk abt it n get involve in the conflict,bt if nvr say,then forever like that.then how?now,I don really believe ppl whom I’ve known for ni sume bermuka2..mcm sial kan? starting to hv doubts.perhaps I shld try to juz shut my mouth.muahaha!haiz.i cant help but juz sigh.i hope ething will go well agn n im hoping that my class gets better each time n i don wan those ppl who doesnt belong to my class to come back to my class n im sure they also don wan my class..hahaha!we also don wan u!blueks!

anyways,juz now was my global cities presentation..quite boring n dryy..hahaha!reallly!didnt really listen to other ppl's presentation..haha!ppl also don listen to mine..only the yup!all done!no more presentation!only left with examsss!!jia youuu!!

wat else?oh ya!!guess who i saw?oops!i better not say!i was happy to see him,n i cant help but smile to myself coz he was getting cuter!hahaha!wats more,he cut his hair!a bit botak!haha!soo cute la!!ok,now i know y i kinda admire him..he looks a bit like jesse mc cartney!muahahah!ok,the version somehow,he likes to follow this girl ard at one of time when all of us were tgther..sheesh!then after that i sad liaoo..muahahaha!but nah..i believe this kinda thing n crush don last long..but who knows,if i make the 1st move,it is possible??muahhaah!indah wouldnt do that bold as i am,i still don dare to approach a yupp..i find him cuteee!=p


n alsooo...i bought HAI mag..a mly magg..coz there's VINCE in it!!mannnn!he's hott!hahaha!really!they featured his house..damn nice la!3 storeys lehh!here r some pics of his house..he's a big chelsea fann la!heh..oh ya!his single is out todayy!cant wait to buyyy!he's coming out with a re-packaged album too!2 new singles!gonna be damn nice mann!wats more,he's gg to come out with a chinese album!wooohoooo!i love himmmmmmm mannnn!heh..=)

wah seh!whole rm full of chelsea!

see the figurines?

his living rm..

his bedroom...he shared with his younger bro..

living rm..

him,mom,n sis..

hmm...ystd we had bamp reunion dinner..yummy!n here r some pics..

here's a pic with my dearest angel MORI!yup,she's the one who has been buying for me all the sweet stuff..i love u!!!

wanqi,me n mori!!wanqi rox!she's one super high girl!

n this is a gift from our chief proj head for ba wa zup..loves!=)thx ya!=)

Monday, January 22, 2007


hmm...after a long time...we had a final meeting with the yr 3s,n after this,we're on our own..

after a long wait,we finally know what post we gt n which day will we be in charge of..

i gt the post of welfare officer n i will be in charge of 1st day..tgther with HAIRY n ELE!!yeah!happy?yupyup!!im happy!!

quite a lot hv to be done before we really go n hv study all stress noww...sheesh!

ok la..thats all..tmr will be my last day at work...yeah!hahah!

Saturday, January 20, 2007

rumah terbuka..muahaha!

ok..time for quite a long entry,or rather juz a normal entry..heh..

ok,ive been occupying myself with NP's OPEN HOUSE 07..woohoo!NP,that sthing extra..yupyup!that is our tagline...1st day was superb mann!i was practically enjoying myself with the performances,esp from NRA n this society that plays all the percussion..i donno wat they call themselves..heh...funnn!n coz of that,i didnt do my duty at the open house..hahaa!although i did register my duty,but later i erased back coz i felt guilty of nt doin any duty,yet i register that i did duty..i wont rpt the same mistake as i did at red camp..mann..isnt that a goodie?lolz!anywayz..yup!performances was superb!i watched aisha performed her silat performances..n there was this guy,so cute la!so i asked aisha who is he,n he turned out to be a chinese!!wooo!cool rite,a chinese interested in malay's martial arts,the silat..he's cool mann..i'll show u his photo once i grabbed hold of them from aisha..aisha performed with her keris..hahah!mcm tul jek si srikandi ni..heh..anyways,gd job!im proud of u..=)NRA next!woohoo!i like this guy who nice la!he's cute also la!but gt gf alrdy..zZz..hahaha!NRA's superb..i love their grooves mann!heh...thumbs uppp!!

2nd day of open house was funn too!i did my duty from was funn ushering the students n bring them ard the sch..i like!n i ushered this 2 grps of cute boys..heh..1st grp has 3 boys,2nd gt 2 only..heh..i guided personally k?n hope they liked my company..there are really nice n fun to be with..i really hoped to see them in NP sch of BA n be my freshie..heh..hw i wish i could be an SB for the upcoming baoc..heh..anyways,after my duty,i went to watch taufik performed!!wow!bez laa!i like!he sang usah lepaskan n all coz of u..damn nice la!he sang live super nice la!i like mann!i recorded when he sang all coz of u..will show u all too once i get the video..heh..mann!im enjoying myself!after that,slack liao..aisha n i went to SIM to eat...the 2 of us are like hungry ghosts la..muahaha!n i ate brownie with ice cream as dessert..yummy!then,after that,headed hm..

posing time...=)

3rd day..hmm..b4 open house,i had the x campus run i helped out..hmm,i don think i helped out,bt rather slack..haha!too many ppl alrdy,until some gt nthing to do..muahaha!i was at the locker svc taking care of belongings,bt ended up dozing off...muahhaah!
open house was nt that fun,rather very tiring n hectic...super many ppl la!n i ve been rpting the same old thing agn n agn until my tongue gt twisted n i don hv the breathe...hahha!didnt do much of ushering,but rather stay at the reception counter n welcome the students..they were short of ppl n therefore cant guide i think they r able to be on their own..each rm has gt their own lecturers n students to show them ard,so i think ok ya..funn...after my duty,went to bugis with sha n her friend ain.n we did some shopping!i gt myself 2 tops and a cover for my ipod..heh..

me n vivian..=)

so ya..basically that is wat hv been happening to me..i juz enjoyed helping out in the open house..heh..=)

now,back to studies n my final report for global cities module..zZz..til

ps: NP ROXXX!!!!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

lame entry i such a super slacky dayy..woke up at 1130...laze ard n slept back til 130..hahaha!nice nice!!

anyways,there are many new shows in tv n im enjoying itt!hahah!there are 2 chinese local drama at chan8 at 7 n 9 pm each..woohoo!nice!coz gt handsome ppl!n i like this boy very much!he's so cuutee laaa!hehe...u see for urself..muahaha!

9pm also nice!i like qi yu wu n elvin ng!!i juz love it!hehe..

ok la..thats all..wat a lame entry huh?muahhahaa!=))

tmr open house!!!




Tuesday, January 16, 2007

pizza 4 u?

ok...b4 i start..let me show u pics of our fit grp presentation..not all hv though..

changhong's grpp..all boys..

my grpp!Pacific Credit Group..hehe..thats our bank name..muahaha!

peimin n mee..

donn n meee..

lolz!i wanted to take 2nd time with him coz the 1st time,he nvr smiled that nice..he smiled until so funny that i cant take it..n i was out of the camera!muahaha!

ok...i had a fun day today..i kept hearing gd happy and bersyukur for that.. ok,early in the morning,accompanied aisha to the bank to settle some stuff..

after that went to mcdonalds' for breakfast..while having breakfast,aisha showed me the photos of them that they took at the esplanade n all..haha!ok,that's nt the pt..the main pt is that mar n fat da baik2!im happy!!really,im juz looking for a time for all the 6 of us to go out tgther w/out any awkwardness n trying my nani,jgn asyik bz jek la ok?haha!

after that,went to sch n got ready for blaw was funn!changhong's grp damn funny la!i had such a gd laugh mann!ghim hui teared la!hahah!until my tutor called me personally n told me to learn to laugh softly..muahahahah! all the grps did well..including my grp..n we managed an A!wee!im happy..alhamdulillah..i hope that i can get an AD for blaw..

after that..we went for lunch at pizza hut bt timah plaza!!!yeah!!fun fun!!hehe..all of us were like hungry ghost la!we ordered 4 sets of grp lunch,each set consists of 1 regulazr pan n stuffed pizza,4 soups n drinks..we also ordered 3 garlic breads n 2 platters..yummylicious!!hahaha!

then,we took photos!hahah!we muz take soo many photos b4 we get a perfect grp photo...but then also,nt so perfect..haha..see n u'll know y..muahahaha!

now..this is the pics that we took at pizze hut..

michelle,vivian n me..

the guyss..see mj's mouth?so full..hahaha!

2nd take...

the other end of the table..

the whole lot of us!!but mj's missing!

now ghim hui's missing!

ok..this is the perfect one..though hong gay n donn didnt look at the camera..muahaha!!i pitied the staff there who helped us took soo many phtos..muahaha!but heyy!we paid u svc charge ok?hehe..

so yupp..i had funn!now,back to studies!til then,tc dixon,get well soon..3words e'one..=)

Monday, January 15, 2007


i love this photo very much!like after a long time,at last we gt to take a full mc photo..i love each n e'one of u..really..=)

jason n christina,with their fellow scos n ascos..

the whole of bAs..

the carnival itself..

lucky draw winners..

the stalls..

haunted house..scary!


the rubbish..ha!

mann!im proud with the ppl who re-arranged back the tables in such a nice order as it was job guys!u rox!=)

more pics when i get them..=)til then,tc..=)3words..

Sunday, January 14, 2007


ok...finally ething's over n im happy that ething's ending on a gd end..i hv to thank many ppl for their support n made me become closer to them n understand them more..

1st,to all ba-wa-zup proj heads...though at some pt of time i really felt pissed off n got angry(i didnt show it tho..),u guys hv been great n doin a lot n beyond expectations n all..w/out u guys,bwz is nthing..thx to the chief proj head,joc n jerome..thx winston,jenny,harjeet,mel,evern,ning zhen,joanne..u guys really rox..thx harjeet n mel for the performances...thx jerome n winston to oversee to ething..thx jenny n joc for the haunted house..thx evern n nz for the deco n all..thx joanne for settling the sports blast...=)) A BIGG THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART..

to the rest of the society,u guys hv been great too..despite having tests n projs,u still come n help til late nite..n like joc,i wanna say a special thx to jason for wasting petrol,travelling ard spore..u rox la!A BIGG THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART..

to my class,particularly bryce,donn,rayner,syafi,ghim hui,vivian,alan,alan's gf,chang hong..thx for being sporting n support me by joining in the sports blast..n u guys got 2nd for soccer n 32rd for capt's ball..u guys rox mannn!thx lots!i love u guys a lot!!special thx to changhong.bryce,alan n ghim hui for buying the tix from me..but a big sorry u didnt won the lucky draw..i won instead..hahah!a BIG THX mann...seriously..although i gt a bit of prob here n there,u guys still understand the situation..thx man..=))A BIGG THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART..

to jerel,ming hao,xi yao,peifen,mel,rene..thx to u guys too..when i had a prob back at the sports blasts..w/out u guys,i wld be wailing n crying..u guys rox too..A BIGG THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART..

to rai,I LOVE YOUR COOKIES N TARTS N CRUBMBLE!it's super delicious laa!hehe..but the cookies a bit hard tho..i love the tarts most!!hehe..

to tiq,mar,sha n fat..thx for coming down to the carnival..tho u didnt buy the tix..n aku tk lyn korg bab aku bz..takpe,next time nanti kite kuar same2..hehe..A BIGG THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART..

to my mum n dad,who understand my situation n didnt complain that i went hm late eday..tho i was angry at a pt where u called sis n told her abt it..

did i miss anyone?i hope the rest whom i forgot to mention,i wanna thx u too..thx mann..

ok,end of the life's been back to normal..i went to take the bursary juz now..n i got a bigg fat $1k in my pocket now..hahaha!im gonna use that money to settle my bills n driving...i've gt less than a mth to TP,wish me luck ehh?im gg to die n stress agnn..

pics time!!

posing with the cheque...hehe..


my new ipod..k,i hv no idea hw to use it..

my henna-ed hand..nice?by harjeet's aunt i think..=)

chang hong's the mannn!!hehe..they played one of the games at the carnival..

went to grandma's house juz now..nthing..juz laze ard n watched kak yani's wedding footage..n now im hm,tryng to do my tutorial,bt im juz plain lazy..hehe..

i still gotta meet up early tmr to clean up the carpark sleepy enough la..haizz..i think i better sleep ar..tmr gg to blaw lecture, muz concentrate..the tut,i think forget it..hahahah!til aite?i love u guys a lot a prom nite proj heads,jia youu!!u can do it!!3words..=))

Friday, January 12, 2007

reflections.. far,many things hv been gg thru in my life,from society to sch, n to work..been quite neglecting my sch work coz i was too tired to do anything after the heavy n tonnes of prep that is needed to be done for ba wa zup..

so,let's start with my common test results...i donno if i shld be happy,or sad with it,coz with the amt of effort that i put in,i feel that i deserve that Credit Management(CM) result was disastrous..i think im quite sad abt that,considering that the mr chong gave the points n hints..i managed only a 32/ was my Biz Law paper..ok,im happy with it..i got 89/100..i aim for an AD for this paper..juz gotta work hard..highest was 98/100..zZz..E-commerce paper ok la..40/50..anyhow hoot also can..hehe..

next is my presentations..haizz...badly done..esp CM..i hate PENNY THONG!seriously,15min,to say out all the financial ratio analysis?mad or wat?our presentation ended juz nice 15min,n i think that we hv covered ething!man!damnit man!i hate her la!bias bitch!arrgghh!i cant stand herr!she sucks!n that explains y i did badly for CM,coz i hate her!!!FIT was ok..although we managed only a B grade..but least she's impressed with our name card and the effort we put in our report..=)alhamdulillah..

wats left now is only Financial Planning Report and Biz Law presentation..i hope that all these will go well..

oh ya..n nt forgetting ba wa lazy to update on word to summarise it..TIRED...ya, it's very tiring n gg mad..almost cab home eday..reached hm only at 1+..early morning went out hm is like a hotel..hah!

i seriously look fwd to saturday,when ething will b finally over with a gd n happy ending..n i can hv a gd rest b4 i start my,wish me luck aite??u guys,tc jz gonna say thx to some ppl who understand me n sorry if i hv cause u trouble..ur help is greatly n deeply appreciated..though i may be stressed,but when i see some of u guys,somehow,i feel happy n relieved that at leats,i still hv u u all soo much!to my angel,i love u too!=))

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

tonnes of work

hellloooo pppl!!sorry,ive been busy like hell with my sch's one whole wk of even n tonnes of due proj...seriously,i can go madd!but thx to my grp mates,who kinda help me in the proj..although at one pt of time he asked me to quit..heyy..i wont go to that extend la..that makes me irresponsible rite?

anyways..ya..wont be updating any soon..i hv another 2reports n 3 wish me luck ehhh?


til then,tc guys..3words...=)

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

ntv7 night of soulful stars

ok...1st things 1st,HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL DEAREST TO ME..
may this new yr be a better yr for always.=)

anyways,i had soo much funn ystd coz i watched ntv7 night of soulful stars!!wah sehhh!damn nice la!there's vince n ning baizura,taufik batisah n mia felancia..wah sehhh!they r really the true soul singerss!damn nice like hell!!they sang all the soul hits like sweet day,dancing queen,against all odds n many more old songs...this concert was a new yr concert,n also in recognition of the veteran singers...

n i watched it coz of dearest vinceeee!!mannnn!i still rmb hw i went crazy over him,went to APM juz to watch him..haha! he sang quite a few songs..he started singing my girl with taufik,then he sang solo,singing jailhouse rock,superstitions,chariot,then duet sweet day with mia n my boo with ning..

omg!!!i love his chariot!!he was soo laid-back n relaxed la!!it was as if that was his song...he's soo comfortable with it mannn!omg!!then when he sang sweet day n my boo,omgg!!!i was melting!!it was soo nice!i wanna sing with him la!or at least sang to meeee!hahahah!lol!!!

taufik was cool too!his rendition of me n mrs jones was as superb as ever..i loooooove!!then he sang so sickk!woohoo!coool mannn!taufik rox laaa too!!

mia n ning...powerful vocals mann!mia is only 22,n she sang all the high notes n the diff tunes so easily..damn talented laa!i think she's from the phillipines..very cute ar she..heh..

anyways,i loooove vinceee!woohoo!vince rox my sox!!so don say i forget him already k??hahaha!he's still in my heart..heh..mcm real jekk..k la..i wanna continue watching my girl..woohoo!im in love with lee dong woook!haha..k,im in love with ebody..muahhaah!=)tc..3words..