Sunday, April 13, 2008

thats all folks

ok..looooong time nvr blog..n i ve gt loads to blog..but im juz lazy to blog..but im juz contented enough that ppl close to me know what im feeling..thats enough..

finally,after a yr,society has come to an end..n wat am i feeling now?it's a very mixed much as im happy that i don hv any responsibility,but at the same time,i felt disappointed that i hv failed to lead the society as a president..hence because i fail to do so,ething juz go damn sad can?

as i was cleaning the convention centre on the last day of baoc,i juz started to tear..i think it's more of tears of disappointment rather than happiness..i donno's juz so hard to put it in words ar,these type of thing..haizz..

but juz wanna say that e'one has done a gd job tho there's definitely a lot more room for improvement..

anor headache is definitely passing down the society to the new committee..haizz..anor headache..haizz..

anw,as much as i feel sad n down abt it,smap n takuya will always cheer me up..hahahah!here's a new vid!damn nice can?i love his hair man,really mann...gosh!

i love rosanna's song....!!!i love all laaa!!haha!i love takuya!

a vid showing that madonna will be singing for takuya's new drama..

n on the last note..ive alrdy received my graduation invitation..alhamudillah,i hv graduated with diploma with merit..tho as much as i want silver medallist,cant..but nvm..merit still top10% as gold n silver..n i will also b receiving gold cert of achievement for my cca..=) sis's coming with her mum & dad..hopefully bapak can make it..

n i love deathnote!=)

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