Thursday, April 03, 2008

definitely maybe's alrdy 0025 n i still cant sleepp..haizz..when i wanna sleep soo much,i cant sleep but when i don wanna sleep,i always feel like sleeping..n i donno wat to do now..pfftt..

anw,sharon,my manager at ml has alrdy given birth to a baby boy,nicholas at thomson hosp..thx ch for informing..org2 pat dept aku bkn nk blg aku..meh kite tgk diorg sound tak ajak gi tgk die..hahaha..

anw..i've alrdy rcved a letter from ntu ystd n i got accepted for ntu biz mgmt,im waiting for nus..coz i soo much wanted accountancy course from ntu..but ntu decided to offer me only biz mgmt course..hmm..shall see how..but im very bersyukur alhamdulillah i still get a place from ntu,my dream uni..=)

mak n bapak sure damn happy..told only a few closest classmates n friends..haven tell my sis..haha..forgot..coz she asked me how's my result that day..n i told her,n asked her.."how,gd or nt?"..hahaha!maybe tmr sms her to inform her..oh yaa..did i tell u that my dearest nephew,rudy msk tau knp laa kan..mak ckp die muntah2..hmm..maybe ask my sis the actual cause of it..ish!degil2 die pun,kesiann lak die msk hosp..

oh yaa!!i wanna watch definitely maybee!!!okokok..pls get mee to listening to smap noww..heh..woot!hope that i can wake up later for a run..n will be having meeting with the mamak lecturer for the dialogue session..pfftt..til then..ciaoz!

i wish i wasnt treated like a trash..u want,u sms..u don wan,sick of it,u simple ignore me..=(

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