then woke up at 8+ to wake mat n ys up..ended up,i couldnt wake upp..heh..reached sch only at 10+,thinking that i cld do the letters,but cant coz the print out was not ready!but wat to do..ppl upstairs sloww..pffftt...

n oh yeahh..see this cake??haha!it's from wenjin's sc,who broke the glass window of the convention centre with a small stone thrown from blk 72 lvl 3 was so far n so high,n yet he can threw it with a small stone!n he bought this cake..haha!damn cutee laa!
anw,saw that mamak lecturer..haha..cant juz see lorr..after that,went to do some printing for the smu registration n off i went to lavender to get my passport done..aisha accompanied me..kecohh ehh..i didnt wanna take passport photo as i had one alrdy,but the person said that the photo cant be used as my hair cover the eyebrow..hahaha!da kene amek pic baru..duit kuar..pffftt..i was comparing my last n now photo..gosh..i think i look fatter now..hahahah!but the photo made me look fairer..heh..=)
after settling the passport,i went to smu next to submit the doc n make payment..haha!mcm jakun gitu seh gi smu..padahal ni da 2nd time..hahah!in order to make payment,i must hv the access had to collect the card,then took the lift to lvl 12..then paid..
then went to lvl 3 to submit the docs..then wanna take the escalator down..coz u know yy?the escalator ade sensorr!hahah!it will only move when ppl stepped at it..n u know wat?we actually purposely went to the toilet 1st coz we wanna make the escalator stop moving,only then when we stepped on it,then it will move..hahaha!kecohh kann?jakunn kann?but i like!haha!beh,cukup time kite nak turun,escalator die tak bergerak!!haha!paisehhh sehh!we thot that escalator was spoil!beh patah blk ar,nak turun lif,coz paiseh alrdy..then there's this someone ar,said that the escalator lembab..hahaha!beh,aisha tk puas hati ni..die try try..ntah mcm ne ntah,tiba2 da leh..haha!then i went back to the escalator n turun.haha!suspek the security guard kekek kan sehh..haha!coz he was smiling when we went to rtn the access card..
after that,since it was still early,we decided to go to donut factory to hv some we went to eat donuts..yummy!the man who served us was EXTREMELY nice..heh..he took for us the serviettes n fork n spoon sume..baik lain sume die bo layan..kite mcm dpt vip treatment..heh..i ate choc coated donut with raspberry filling n choc cinnamon..aisha had choc cinnamon too & hazelnut choc..shiok!


my choc cinnamon n choc coating w raspberry filling..

all in my tummy..


nice part 2..i like the lighting..=)
then..walked ard for a while,n when we were abt to leave,we saw this fountain..haha!jakun laggii..hahaha!n stopped for a while to look at it n took photo..hahha!

i like the blurry hair..

perfect us with the nice fountain..=)
then...we still find that it's still too early to go it was only 4+ to,we decided to chill at esplanade,since it has been ages since we last went to esplanade..=)..nice!i like!spore is nice!=)

the place i wannna be..=)

5* hotels..=)

1/2 of spore flyer..wanna ride it one day..

the durian itself..
me n sha...
act cute..haha!im soo kidddyyy!
us n the flyer..can u see?hahah!
i like my hair..haha!terbang2..step model tk menjadi..haha!
then..da nak ujan..kite pun blah..then smp je..sempat gi popular..aisha bought laptop bag..then went to the library to rtn leap of love..then went to royal cakes to buy cakes..haha!aisha bought 3,mango passion n dark truffle..i juz bought i mango..n still haven eat..heh..
n here i am blogging..i think this is the longest entry so far..for 2008..i think..hahaha!funn dayy today..thx soo much for the company sha..=)..
a loooong day today with 4hrs of sleep only..i needa a gd rest mann...nt gg sch tmr coz i don think i need..only thurs,to meet the mamak lecturer for the dialogue yupp..wanna rest n think of sthing more impt to do n prepare..
to end my blog entry..smap videooo!!!loves!=)
i simply juz love them to bits n pieces..takuya esp..nice hair kimura-kun..=)
n i can juz forget abt it..
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