Tuesday, April 29, 2008


yoohoo..i tink im happy today..i tink..hahaha!alhamdulillah interview went well today..i juz hope n pray that passing down will go smoothly n the same thing wont happen agn..n n at the interview jz now,i juz hv this hots for this guy..hahah!even daz n christina can see that..haha!but nah..still a xiao di di..lolol!!but yes,he really has potential..proud!=)

n queueing for b&j jz now was crazyy over at raffles city..haha!i didnt expect the queue to be soooo that looooong..but the queue was fast..can say they are efficient..yummylicious!i had new york super fudge...menjilat jari laa seh..heh..

other than that..thats abt all..oh ya..finally,ive decided to settle with the brown dress..since no blue n i like it v much..heh..woot!hope fits me laa tho..27 seh..hmm..wait till i get the dress..then i shall see how..

then..i tink thats abt it ar..haha!i wan a job!!

Sunday, April 27, 2008


oh yeah..my blog entries are becoming more n more aimless...soo much to blog and pen down my thots,but damn lazy like shit..pfftt..

been blog hopping n ppl talk soo much abt life..n it juz made me open up to the world v much..much more exposed..

so much abt life huh..

n oh i love this boy..yes,thats his REAL hair..=)))..loves!

Friday, April 25, 2008

smapping always

ok..it's the wee hours alrdy n im still surfing the website...i was like reading the forum in jdorama..this is because i really gt nothing better to do n was reading the forum to keep myself entertained.haha!sape la kan nk lyn aku..pffftt..mesmerized in my own world with takuya n smap..will seriously nvr get sick n tired of it..haha..indulge myself with them is the best thing to do when im DAMN free..n i coped a few damn nice photos!=))loves!

after reading it,it's my wish to really go japan n see them live in concert..n it's not easy..u hv to be a smap fan,johnny's fanclub..if u arent,then they got it "illegally"..thru maybe auction or japanese friends..see,thats y i wanna learn japanese..haha!not really for the wrong reason,who knows i can work in japan company..hahaha!n also,i feel like watching the other smap members drama..hmm..seems nice..

went back sch agn today to meet mrs hana sharpe..glad that all went well..tho not really well..oh wells..watched the tribute..i like..thx daz..mon n tue back to sch agnn..zzz..

n i seriously needa get a job mann..=(it's gg to be the end of the mth...no money soon..ohmy..

n oh ya!!i v much want this blue kimono cut dress..but no more bluee!!shld i get the brown?pfftt!haizz..

Thursday, April 24, 2008

miles away

i juz needa share this..

a song from madonna's new album,hard candy..also the soundtrack of takuya's new drama,change..

the lyrics..it's beatiful..i love madonna..not all her songs laa..but her older songs..n newer songs,nt much interested..i love her singing ballad..=)

miles away

I just woke up from a fuzzy dream
You never would believe those things that I had seen
I looked in the mirror and I saw your face
You looked right through me, you were miles away

All my dreams they fade away
I'll never be the same
If you could see me the way you see yourself
I can't pretend to be someone else

You always love me more, miles away
I hear it in your voice, we're miles away
You're not afraid to tell me, miles away
I guess we're at our best when we're miles away

So far away
So far away
So far away
So far away
So far away
So far away
So far away
So far away

When no one's around then I have you here
I begin to see the picture, it becomes so clear
You always have the biggest heart, When we're six thousand miles apart
Too much of no sound Uncomfortable silence can be so loud
Those three words are never enough When it's long distance love

You always love me more, miles away
I hear it in your voice, we're miles away
You're not afraid to tell me, miles away
I guess we’re at our best when we're miles away

So far away
So far away
So far away
So far away
So far away
So far away
So far away
So far away

I'm alright, don't be sorry, but it's true
When I'm gone you'll realize
That I'm the best thing that happened to you

You always love me more, miles away
I hear it in your voice, we're miles away
You're not afraid to tell me, miles away
I guess we're at our best when we're miles a-a-away...

Monday, April 21, 2008


i juz have to update this 1st..today marks the day when takuya's new spring drama debuts on tv today..woot!much lucks to him!love him loads alwayyss!

at the promotion of Change..

from one of the scenes..

woot!Change roxx!

n randomly...him..toot...

me..toot too..hahahaha!=) LOVES!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

super irritated rite now

wthhh!!!damn irritating cannnn??the tv in my room spoil!!!!!!damn pissed like wat laaa!argghh!!i depend on tv cann?i hate to watch tv in the living room or my mom's room..coz i juz don like,n also,coz no dvd playerr!!then,how to watch my dvds?wah sianz!i cant live w/out tv laa!wtf la!arrgghh!!stooooooooooooooppiiiiiiiiiiiiiiid shittttttyyyyy!!!!!

n u know wat??i wan ntu accountancy badly siaa..like badly...=(

Friday, April 18, 2008


wahahaha!i really needa post this video mannn!!

i love utada!!but i love smap n takuya mooorreee!!flavor of life,traveling,can u keep a secret,prisoner of love...shiokness!!!i love their groove n moove no matter how much ppl hate it..=)..LOVES!!!

n u know wattttt???????loads of smap & takuya vids are no longer in u tube n i donno yyyyy!!argh!frustrated!!wt* laaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!stoooooooooopiiiiiiiiidddddddd!!!!!!!!!=((((((((

Thursday, April 17, 2008

my heart will go on

u know,im just glad that some ppl enlighten mee..u know who u r..as much as i kept blaming myself n looking back,life has to go on pretty much rite?

anw..it's true that instead of asking hw is it,how abt asking something else?like asking hw am i?but then agn,i tried to put myself in that position,n try to understand..haizz..u get wat i mean?haizz..

anw..(donno how many times i wanna say anw.)..smu interview ok..the prof n student cute cann?heh..lazy to elaborate on the interview..heh..but u know,im contemplating if i ever get smu,i donno whether i wan..hahahah!that is if i get laa..heh..

bought deatnote alrdy..n im loving it v much!heh..i love L..n Light too!haha..tho he's badd...

n i ps-ed my friend's 21st bday party..v guilty can?haiz..needa meet him,so that i wont be so guilty..haizz..

other than that,nothing liao..hahah!aimless entry..hahaha!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

thats all folks

ok..looooong time nvr blog..n i ve gt loads to blog..but im juz lazy to blog..but im juz contented enough that ppl close to me know what im feeling..thats enough..

finally,after a yr,society has come to an end..n wat am i feeling now?it's a very mixed feeling..as much as im happy that i don hv any responsibility,but at the same time,i felt disappointed that i hv failed to lead the society as a president..hence because i fail to do so,ething juz go haywire..im damn sad can?

as i was cleaning the convention centre on the last day of baoc,i juz started to tear..i think it's more of tears of disappointment rather than happiness..i donno mann..it's juz so hard to put it in words ar,these type of thing..haizz..

but juz wanna say that e'one has done a gd job tho there's definitely a lot more room for improvement..

anor headache is definitely passing down the society to the new committee..haizz..anor headache..haizz..

anw,as much as i feel sad n down abt it,smap n takuya will always cheer me up..hahahah!here's a new vid!damn nice can?i love his hair man,really mann...gosh!

i love rosanna's song....!!!i love all laaa!!haha!i love takuya!

a vid showing that madonna will be singing for takuya's new drama..

n on the last note..ive alrdy received my graduation invitation..alhamudillah,i hv graduated with diploma with merit..tho as much as i want silver medallist,cant..but nvm..merit still top10% as gold n silver..n i will also b receiving gold cert of achievement for my cca..=)..my sis's coming with her family..plus mum & dad..hopefully bapak can make it..

n i love deathnote!=)

Saturday, April 05, 2008


hmm..let's see..on thu,while at the meeting for the dialogue session,smu called and told me that i was shorlisted for accountancy interview on the 15apr..heh..alhamdulillah..so,i muz start doing research on current affairs..hahaha!seram cann?heh..

n ive been rotting at hm today..with nothing to do..asyik bgn tido bgn tido jekk..hahaha!n then,since i hv nothing to do,i watched hero movie agn..haha!shiokneessss!!hahaha..

maybe later at night if i hv nothing to do agn,i wanna watch beautiful life lak..heh..no plans tmr as yet..hmm..shall see howw..

im so bored..=(

Thursday, April 03, 2008

definitely maybe

haiyooo..it's alrdy 0025 n i still cant sleepp..haizz..when i wanna sleep soo much,i cant sleep but when i don wanna sleep,i always feel like sleeping..n i donno wat to do now..pfftt..

anw,sharon,my manager at ml has alrdy given birth to a baby boy,nicholas at thomson hosp..thx ch for informing..org2 pat dept aku bkn nk blg aku..meh kite tgk diorg sound tak ajak gi tgk die..hahaha..

anw..i've alrdy rcved a letter from ntu ystd n i got accepted for ntu biz mgmt course..alhamdulillah..now,im waiting for nus..coz i soo much wanted accountancy course from ntu..but ntu decided to offer me only biz mgmt course..hmm..shall see how..but im very bersyukur alhamdulillah i still get a place from ntu,my dream uni..=)

mak n bapak sure damn happy..told only a few ppl..like closest classmates n friends..haven tell my sis..haha..forgot..coz she asked me how's my result that day..n i told her,n asked her.."how,gd or nt?"..hahaha!maybe tmr sms her to inform her..oh yaa..did i tell u that my dearest nephew,rudy msk hosp..tk tau knp laa kan..mak ckp die muntah2..hmm..maybe ask my sis the actual cause of it..ish!degil2 die pun,kesiann lak die msk hosp..

oh yaa!!i wanna watch definitely maybee!!!okokok..pls get mee to sleep..im listening to smap noww..heh..woot!hope that i can wake up later for a run..n will be having meeting with the mamak lecturer for the dialogue session..pfftt..til then..ciaoz!

i wish i wasnt treated like a trash..u want,u sms..u don wan,sick of it,u simple ignore me..=(

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

jakun sehh

woohooo..1st thing 1st..i slept only at 4am this morning coz i helped dear mat to do the bs cohort..he was damn sleepy alrdy i guess,so i helped him..heh..soo kind ehh..bkn senang tau aku nk jadi baik gini..heh..

then woke up at 8+ to wake mat n ys up..ended up,i couldnt wake upp..heh..reached sch only at 10+,thinking that i cld do the letters,but cant coz the print out was not ready yet..boo!but wat to do..ppl upstairs sloww..pffftt...

n oh yeahh..see this cake??haha!it's from wenjin's sc,who broke the glass window of the convention centre with a small stone thrown from blk 72 lvl 3 carpark..it was so far n so high,n yet he can threw it with a small stone!n he bought this cake..haha!damn cutee laa!

anw,saw that mamak lecturer..haha..cant escape..so juz see lorr..after that,went to do some printing for the smu registration n off i went to lavender to get my passport done..aisha accompanied me..kecohh ehh..i didnt wanna take passport photo as i had one alrdy,but the person said that the photo cant be used as my hair cover the eyebrow..hahaha!da kene amek pic baru..duit kuar..pffftt..i was comparing my last n now photo..gosh..i think i look fatter now..hahahah!but the photo made me look fairer..heh..=)

after settling the passport,i went to smu next to submit the doc n make payment..haha!mcm jakun gitu seh gi smu..padahal ni da 2nd time..hahah!in order to make payment,i must hv the access card..so had to collect the card,then took the lift to lvl 12..then paid..

then went to lvl 3 to submit the docs..then wanna take the escalator down..coz u know yy?the escalator ade sensorr!hahah!it will only move when ppl stepped at it..n u know wat?we actually purposely went to the toilet 1st coz we wanna make the escalator stop moving,only then when we stepped on it,then it will move..hahaha!kecohh kann?jakunn kann?but i like!haha!beh,cukup time kite nak turun,escalator die tak bergerak!!haha!paisehhh sehh!we thot that escalator was spoil!beh patah blk ar,nak turun lif,coz paiseh alrdy..then there's this someone ar,said that the escalator lembab..hahaha!beh,aisha tk puas hati ni..die try try..ntah mcm ne ntah,tiba2 da leh..haha!then i went back to the escalator n turun.haha!suspek the security guard kekek kan sehh..haha!coz he was smiling when we went to rtn the access card..

after that,since it was still early,we decided to go to donut factory to hv some donuts..heh..craving..so we went to eat donuts..yummy!the man who served us was EXTREMELY nice..heh..he took for us the serviettes n fork n spoon sume..baik kann..org lain sume die bo layan..kite mcm dpt vip treatment..heh..i ate choc coated donut with raspberry filling n choc cinnamon..aisha had choc cinnamon too & hazelnut choc..shiok!


my choc cinnamon n choc coating w raspberry filling..

all in my tummy..


nice part 2..i like the lighting..=)

then..walked ard for a while,n when we were abt to leave,we saw this fountain..haha!jakun laggii..hahaha!n stopped for a while to look at it n took photo..hahha!

i like the blurry hair..

perfect us with the nice fountain..=)

then...we still find that it's still too early to go home..as it was only 4+ to 5..so,we decided to chill at esplanade,since it has been ages since we last went to esplanade..=)..nice!i like!spore is nice!=)

the place i wannna be..=)

5* hotels..=)

1/2 of spore flyer..wanna ride it one day..

the durian itself..

me n sha...

act cute..haha!im soo kidddyyy!


us n the flyer..can u see?hahah!

i like my hair..haha!terbang2..step model tk menjadi..haha!
then..da nak ujan..kite pun blah..then smp je..sempat gi popular..aisha bought laptop bag..then went to the library to rtn leap of love..then went to royal cakes to buy cakes..haha!aisha bought 3 slices..mango,mango passion n dark truffle..i juz bought i mango..n still haven eat..heh..
n here i am blogging..i think this is the longest entry so far..for 2008..i think..hahaha!funn dayy today..thx soo much for the company sha..=)..
a loooong day today with 4hrs of sleep only..i needa a gd rest mann...nt gg sch tmr coz i don think i need..only thurs,to meet the mamak lecturer for the dialogue session..so yupp..wanna rest n think of sthing more impt to do n prepare..
to end my blog entry..smap videooo!!!loves!=)
i simply juz love them to bits n pieces..takuya esp..nice hair kimura-kun..=)
n i can juz forget abt it..