Friday, December 30, 2005

counselling time~

yahoo!i've finished burning the whole 16 vcds of little bride,except for disc no. 13..i donnp y i cant burn,so asked syah to help me burn..

ystd,was funnnnnnn!hehe..went to PS to eat at fish&co..cari nye cari nye cari,they actually moved out already,beside parkmal..haha!..n so we walked was syah's bday,so our very own dearest cik icha treated us to fish&co..

when we finished already,then only cik zarad arrived..apa dah!org sume dahbis br die dtg..haha!so,he ate the leftover from our share(me,kak rau & aziemah)..haha..then,it started to pour quite heavily,so decided to stay for a while n chit-chat..

n of course,we chit-chatted abt sthing useful,with cik zaradi as the counsellor..muahaha!he started asking ebody around if we are doin well in sch,if we hv probs with friends,families,sch work,etc..

after much talking,he asked if we have anything to ask..haha..hmm,juz to pen down my thoughts..(u can juz skip this part coz its very lengthy n nothng much coz it's all abt me & my doubts)

1.cik zaradi said that we should never stop learning,coz that's the path to success.i've gt to agree with that.if im not wrong,he said that if things dont work out our way,lets say,this job is not the right one for us,n that we gone the wrong path,we should switch line.then,if we always keep on changing jobs,when are we gg to be successful in one particular job?i mean,if like that,we dont hv a successful career..hmm..juz pondering though..(maybe i intrepeted wrongly what he said or i listened wrongly..)there's this malay peribahasa(idioms),but i kinda forgot what it was,that say that if we keep on changing jobs,we might not be successful in our career and would not be earning much,n will nt be rich.

2.we talked abt kak rau's plan after she graduate from poly next yr..insya-allah,she wanna take her degree,then cik zaradi said that kak rau can ask for sponsorship from top 100 companies and apply for it.dapat atau tak,takpe.juz apply..but then,if im not wrong,u have to work with the particular company who will be sponsoring u for like a few yrs,and if they see potential in u,they will sponsor for ur degree.then,when u graduate,u will have a secured job in the company and ur pay will be hefty amt..woo-hoo!haha!
my pt here is that i didnt know there are many alternatives to go to the uni..i mean,ive always have the traditional method of gg to uni..after poly/jc,muz do damn well,so that u can get into those very damn uni,get gd degree,then go n work at a gd company,with big pay.then,work very hard so that u can get pay rise or promotion..
i donno whats my future like,how it will be,what i wanna do..although i still hv 2 yrs down the rd in poly,but 2 yrs are gg to pass by very quickly.i gotta start planning.

n also,hopefully i've chosen the right path,and that this is what i really wanna do..

3.we also talked abt if we shld share our knowledge with others.this is exactly the prob that i hv in sch.i've always wanted to be the best,if not the next best ever since secondary yrs..when i came to poly,there are more competitors and ppl who are always far much better than me.
ok,this is the scenario.we are quite close in sch,do like almost all of the things together.after getting to know her,i can see that she is very hardworking and do her work seriously.during our very first test,our scores are like roughly the same,and for some of the papers,i scored more than her.but,when it comes to the semestral exam last semester,she scored MORE than me!and scored all ADs n As,with only 1 B!oh my!but me,only 1 pathetic AD,2 B+,the rest A.when i first see the results,i was very happy and bersyukur that i scored that well coz i didnt expect to do so well.when i learnt that she did soo well,i was like..a bit disheartened.coz all this while,i've been like doing ok,on abt the same pace as her,but only god knows if she did extra work,n i didnt.and u know what?ive been helping her if she had doubts.she even called me to clarify her doubts.n so,i helped lor..i cant be selfish.when i was helping her,i kinda have second thots,whether i shld help her or not,or juz ignore and say that i also donno myself..i cant bring myself to lie and tell her that..haizzz..i donno leh..its not that i don wanna help her coz she always ask me but she nvr give me..its juz that i don wan her to do better than me,coz i know we are on the same pace..
the main pt here is that,i was thinking if i shld help her if she ask me,and shld i bodek2 with her and get knowledge from her so that i can do well..i donno..thats bad if i do that..haizzz...selagi aku tak dpt beat die,selagi tu lar kan,i will keep thinking abt it..
i really getting very gd grades and always be the best important and gd?even if it hurt the other party,esp ur close friends?coz my friend told me before that gd grades earn no friend..meaning??hmm..
in this case,i donno if the other party,my competitor,is having the same feeling as i have..maybe yes,maybe no...i donno!!i think i need to know this,before i take gotta work hard this semester..i've realised that we hv been helping each other quite a lot this semester..hmm..i donno..i seriously donno..sometimes i see her as a threat,sometimes not..i donno..or maybe i shld juz sit down n juz work hard,coz this actually may nt be happening,it's juz that i'm thinking too much into it..i donno..haizzzz...

oh ya..n i bought this bag from dorothy perkins..woo-hoo!!haha..actually saw it at PS..but PS left last piece,i don i tried my luck at suntec..n bingo!!i gt it!woo-hoo!haha..its a gd bargain..from 49 odd dollars to 23 bucks..hehe..i love it!today at IMM,there's URS and Elle sale..muz go n see..hopefully can get some nice decent shoes for my lovely feet..haha!!

k..till here..wish me luck for my test next week..chao!!!

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

soo paise..

alamak!!!!!!i paise liao..haha!i can burn the vcd liao..i used the wrong programme..muahaha!but luckily i hv the prog to burn my vcd..woo-hoo!!haha..nasib..

oh ya..i already got the slipper and necklace that i ordered from cik seri..very nice sia..haha..

nice rite??hehe..i love it!!

i love the pendant..heart shape in the rectangle..nice rite??haha..

today whole day slack..haha..woke up early in the morning to try n burn the vcd..then,raining,slept for solid 2 hrs..woke up,watch lovers in paris..wah seh!!!!damn nice sia!!!haha..cant wait for lee dong gun to appear..hee~tmr gg to study n do cip with syafi n donn..hopefully can finish..


damn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!soooooooooooooo angry with myself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

guess what??i bought the wrong blank cd to burn the little bride!!!!!!!damn it man!!!!!!!!!!lucky it was not expensive,$15..but still,money wat..arrrggghh!!!!!!!!takpe,mungkin takde rezeki..spoil my mood..i thot tues wanna stay home n study,but ended up,i gotta get my blank cd coz i cant wait n im very kanjiong to do sooo!!!haha!!gotta get up early,do housework,n off to popular to get the CORRECT blank cd,for gdness sake...haiz...wat a rotten day..aku da smangat berkoba2 nk burn,ni jadi nye!!ish!!

kk,til here..gotta slp,so that i'll be all energetic to buy the cd..muahaha!!nites peeps..

Sunday, December 25, 2005


ok..let's start off with friday..

started the day off by ranking my IS modules...hopefully,i can get the I&E IN ACTION-->EVENTS MANAGEMENT

after that,i went to work..what a long day at work..tiring sia..after work....weeeeeeee!!!went to my aunt's house (cik icha)!!!woooo-hoooo!!!haha..i've decided to to take 97,then cik icha will fetch me from clementi mrt station..the bus already came late,then after a few stops,the bus broke down..walau!!!sianz sia!!!then,my cousin called me..asked me where i was,so i told her the the bus broke down,soo..out of pitiness,cik icha fetched me..hee~thanks loads ya...sarang hae!!!(love u)..hee~they fetched me from Singapore Conference Hall,along that area as the bus broke down along that area..wat a bad luck!!!
den,we went passed orchard rd to see the xmas decorations..hmm,nt that much compared to last time..then went to 7-11 to buy some stuff..

i like this....there's M&M chocolates..yum!!

reached her house already,i bathed n.....guess wat??korean movie marathon time!!!!woo-hoo!!!haha!!we watched too beautiful too lies n innoncent steps..both are fantastic man!!soo romantic,funny, more show liao..all of my cousins don wanna watched korean already,so we slept n that was around 4+.. zZzz..

next day,woke up..did nthing much...juz lazed around..cik icha went to fetch kak rina,so left me with syah,n we decided to watch---->little bride again!!haha..ok,we r crazy..haha..then,cik zaradi uat lawak seposen..he said that we gt nthing better to do,but watched tv all day long..haha..skali,the vcd showed the part where they were on the bed,then cik zaradi said "panas rumah aku...ape yg korg tgk ni??"haha..sthing like that lar..he said that his house is hot,coz we were watching the one on the bed part..muahaha!!!
then,played a game of tennis for a while..den,ate pizza hut..yummy!!!cik icha cooked some chicken..yummy!!then,late in the afternoon,we made our very own choc fondue..muahaha!!kite sume smangat nak melt the choc,but in the end,tk jadi..wasted sia!!but nvm..we still,we just sticked to our smuckers..muahaha!!

OUR VERY OWN CHOC FONDUE..there's marsmellows,strawberries n grapes...yummy!!!

oh ya,i borrowed from cik icha the undomestic goddess storybk..nice one..n also the little bride vcd for me to burn...wooo-hooo!!!haha..after that,it was time for me to go to the teater kami..sadz..i missed one day of fun..haiz..cik icha sent me to clementi mrt..thx ya..

the teater was nice n funny..i like..then,went home already,,went for madrasah n studied..tmr morning gt work...wanna go n shop by myself after that..maybe..haha..k lar,till here..bye....!!!

ps:i'm always looking fwd to sleep over at cik icha's house...*winkz*

this is her house...nice rite????hee~

this is me,@the balcony..sempat jek posing..haha..

Thursday, December 22, 2005


hmm...i should say,today was a fruitful day..i did some revising for my microecons..went to je library with aisha to do revision..

see how studious n serious we are..haha!!

den...abt the trip to my aunt's house is settled!weee~hehe..i don hv to work on saturday..but friday still hv to work til 9.30..wah sianz..i'll think of a way hw to go to her house..there are many alternatives,but donno which is the best choice...hmmmm.*thinking*...

after studying,went to search for tea..haha..i suddenly crave for the caramel tea that cik icha prepared for us during the stay @ her house...but after finding,don hv..where did u buy ar,cik icha?nice the end,i ended up buying this new lipton herbal comes in many flavours..i bought the cranberry,raspberry & strawberry herbal's nice...a bit sour,then sweet,nice smell..MMMM...haha!my mum likes it too..hee~
this's the tea im talking bags for $1.85..u.p.$2.45..haha!

oh ya,today my mum n nek maknah went to geylang..tues they went,juz now went again..haha!shopping sia..on the tues,they bought the same sandal n blouse.haha..soo cute..juz now,my mom bought another pair of shoe to go with her white bag..haha!!shopping sakai npk??hmm..i haven completed my shopping yet..still hv to find shoe and jeans..when to buy ar??haiz..

k lar..till gotta do my's soo hard..haiz..cant wait for tmr...wee~

Wednesday, December 21, 2005


You can love me....

you can love me, but i must make me happy.

you can teach me, but i must do the learning.

you can guide me, but i will have to walk the path.

you can coach me, but i must win that game.

you can even promote me, but i must be successful.

you can even pity me, but i will still have to bear the sorrow.

for the gift of love is not the food that feeds me, it is the sunshine that nourishes what i must finally harvest for myself.

so if you love me, don't just sing me a song: teach me to sing, for when i am alone i will need the melody.

by Author Unknown...

so..wat do u think of the poem,or watever it is called?nice??i love it very was given by my CATS tutor..very,i wanna share with all of u out there..hee~

hmm,lately i've been slacking a,juz started studying..i have not even touch my CIP macromedia assignment,still haven rank my IS modules...haiz..soo many things to keep in more thing..i donno whther i can go to cik icha's house on fri...sianz....coz of work lar..damn!!!y the hell muz the store open till 12 midnite?sianz...n i muz work till 9.30..aiyo....!!!how???i don wanna miss the fun!!!!sianz..i can go there by taxi after work..hehe..but..saturday how??im working in the morning shift!!!damn!!!the other part-time still haven reply me whether he can cover me for the morning shift on sat...i really hope he can..*praying hard*..actually,there's no need for me to work sat morning,but..due to some reasons,i don dare to voice out my's difficult if u hv colleague who is old and sensitive..coz old ppl tend to be sensitive sometimes...haiz...

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

pics part 2

@ hyatt before heading to esplanade..

haha!one trying to be beyonce,the other lover of beckham,n our dearest cik icha,as j lo..pweeee weeet...!
i love this pic coz of our hair..heE~

nice background..credits go to cik icha~
concentrating eating our strawberry dip in choc
the 5 of us
by the bay

@ the esplanade with crazy poses

pics part 1...

syah,cik icha,me,aziemah,the bday girl---kak rau.. the ice cream cake

eatz at seoul garden

this's the guy im talking abt..hehe..see the smoke from the pan??hehe..

Saturday, December 17, 2005

kak rau's bday outing

ahhhh...had a superb day today..started off with the human domino in sch..we are trying to beat the world record for the human domino,so juz now was the was a fun process,but at the same time,a bit nonsense lar.haha!hmm,here how it went..all the students were seated on the runnig track of my sch's sports complex.we hv to sit in such a way that our legs are far apart and teh person infront of us will have their butts in between our legs..haha!it's kinda a bit disgusting and geli,esp if u had to sit with someone u donno or of the opposite sex.eee!haha..n im one of those unlucky few.behind me was a guy,n i had to sit in between his legs..haha!but,lucky i now him coz we r in the same CATS class.then,when ebody was sitted already,we started the domino.a q was given whem we are suppose to start.soo,when the person with the flag ran pass u,u had to lie back,juz like how a domino will fall back..we did it was so scorching hot man at the track!!around 9.25,the whole thing ended n i rushed home to get ready for...kak rau's bday outing with cik icha!!!

got all ready to meet kak rau,aziemah n syah @ orchard mrt b4 meeting cik icha @ seoul garden taka..waited quite long for them.i reached orchard @ 11.55,n had to wait for them like for 15 min..wah seh!next time be punctual hor!hehe..

den,went to taka n meet cik icha there..reached there already,after ordering and settle bill,(which was very ex!!thx loads cik icha for the treat!!!)we started eating!!!yum yum!!eat lots man!!

then,while eating,came a grp of boys..syah asked if they were korean..skali,when they sat beside us,no lar..they're chinese s'poreans..muahaha!but..among them,there's this guy,he's quite gd-looking and cute.hee~dressed quite smartly and wears specs..the others kept saying his eyes small lar,what lar..but,if look carefully,not bad..@ 1st,i also thot not so handsome.haha!den,cik icha tried to take his pics..haha!n u know what??the pic was a bit nt clear coz of the smoke from the bbq pan..muahaha!!soo wasted!so,we decided to asked him to help us to take pic,so that we can look @ him when he take the pic for us..but somehow,i think he was shy n paisey,instead,he asked his friend to ele!!buang current jek!!haha!!i think he knows that we had been looking at him n was trying to take pic,thats y he don wanna help us to take pic..malu malu meow konon!!haha!!oh ya,den we made and "ice-cream cake" for kak rau,with courtesy from seoul garden.haha!since she loves strawberry soo much,we scooped 3 scoops of strawberry ice cream,topped up with all the toppings that's red in colour.haha!when we reached our table back,we sang her the bday song n gave her glad u like the little gift from me yg tak sbrp tu..hee~den,we blah from there..

den,we jln2 along orchard rd,n stopped by in front of taka to watch this band performing with their was a bit like stomp,but they juz use normal percussion.their performance was cool!!but,the more impt thing was that,i saw the handsome guy again!!(the one at seoul garden)haha!!after watching,we walked to far east..

on they way to far east,there was this teeny weeny epson booth,promoting their new photo printer.n they were taking pictures for ppl for free and printed the photo for free for them by using the new printer they are promoting.then,being kiasu,we also wanted to take the photo.while waiting,we saw the sample of how the photo will turn out like,and the girl seemed familiar in the was our cousin's friend.being kepo n curious,we asked the the 2 promoters whether it was really her,n true enuff,it was her and we started talking and make friends with them.both of them are mly,1 guy n girl.the guy quite cute.hehe..we asked them if they can print for us 5 pcs..haha..den,we pretended to be interested in buying the printer n all..haha!padahal padahal..den,after taking the photo,we thanked them n went to far east..

@ far east,we jln2 for a while..went to body shop n cik icha bought kak rau the strawberry lotion..sweet-smelling..nice..suka kak rau..haha!!oh ya,later u will see the pic where kak rau pretended to be beyonce,cik icha j lo n syah,in love with beckham..muahaha!it was a big pepsi poster with the 3 superstars..

after we went to esplanade..n took lots n lots of crazy n nice pics..i'll post the pics once it's ready..cik icha treated us to chocz...yum yum!!we had the strawberry dip in choc n also the banana dip in choc,n coated with peanut..wahhh!!yummylicious!!!den,after posing here n there,it was time for me to go to work..n bid them gdbye...

really had a fun time man!!got to eat a lot,see handsome guys and make new friends..haha!!k lar...till here..very tired liao..nitez..bye..

Friday, December 16, 2005

SW & CATS had a fun time during SW n CATS.for SW,i learnt how to do the backhand,which i think i did quite well for that..i think that my backhand is better than my,i feel like buying a tennis racket for myself,so that i can practise and play..hee~

then,for CATS,we watched this mini concert called the MOE English Learning Bridging Course.i'm not sure was it,but i think students from the ASEAN countries came to singapore as an exchange programme and learn english.i think so it's like that lar.the students are ASEAN scholars..anyways...the concert was very nice n sweet..

started off with introducing the students from all the countries. Indonesia,Thai,Vietnam,Philippines,Cambodia,Laos and ya...i think i didnt miss out any countries..

there are many items..
the interesting one was the love story between Aladdin and Nou..parents disapprove of their relationship coz of cultural differences.Aladdin was from the Philippines,but Nou is from Thai..
that's the nice ones was comical and touching too..

my class enjoyed the concert soo much...hehe..later still got work..wah outz..

Thursday, December 15, 2005


i was so tired yesterday that i didnt have the energy to blog..but today,im all recharged n here i am,blogging..hee~

k,let's see..yesterday,i went bugis to shop with kak rau,syahirah n aziemah..we started off with finding aziemah's shoe..she bought converse shoes..then,find already,we went to eat at banquet at raffles hosp..i treated them..that aziemah lar,insisted that i treated them..haha..nvm..ade rezeki lebih,so can treat..

very full already,went to bugis village,walk here and there,and i got a shirt for ten bucks!!nice n cheap..juz grabbed it..then,got nthing already,we went OG coz i wanna find my mum's bag..i bought her a white colour bag,coz she always wanted one..then,go n see clothes again..n guess what?i bought a giordano kids shirt!haha!!cute sia!!very nice too!hee~watever i buy sure nice one..haha!!oh ya,i also saw my cousin,mamat with his gf..

tired already,went home..i was soo tired that i got headache and nearly wanted to vomit in the bus..luckily i niece said i got headache coz i shopped too much..haha!im still not satisfied..coz i still wanna find shoe,bottom,n maybe a sling bag..hehe..

today,quite slack lar..haiz..went for micro lecture,then the IS Module briefing..once the briefing ended,e'body started leaving,although there's an OCOM lecture going on next.haha!and that included me..i also left..haha!the lecture is soo boring..bluergh..ok,i know im bad..i skipped almost all the lecture,i only attended twice..haha!!i didnt expect myself to do that..haha!!

tmr will be the last day of sch before term break..there are many things to do..every module surely there's thing for me to do..n also i need to study for my common test..haiz..i better rest well this week,before i start my revision..

oh ya!!i alomost forgot!guess wat??at last,i bought the vcd!!!my bf type is B...weee~happy-ness..cant wait to watch my LEE DONG GUN...haha!!

k lar..till here..outz..

Tuesday, December 13, 2005


hmm..many things happened lately..let's start with yesterday first...

yesterday was the cip proj review..basically,our tutor just commented on how our individual presentation was like..e'body did well..juz that donn was a bit soft,anh thu was reading from the for me,nt bad..hee~he also said that our R&D hardware n software was well done too!!thx syafi for the R&D stuff!good job man!!oh ya,n the diagram also!very well done donn!!& we got an A!!!!weeeeeee~
hmm..i didnt do much for the proj,thats quite bad..but..i'll do my bez for the next proj..
yesterday was also my bstats test..ok lar..not bad..but i don think i can get gd marks..haiz..coz after knowing the mistakes i made,that's full marks or high marks..haiz..
i also had to chiong all the way thru the night to finish my tutorials!!my eyes will be like a panda's eyes soon..had such a hard time with my bstats!damn probability!soo hard!i'm so stress!!

today,whole day tutorial,had difficulty in bstats..i cried coz i cant do the bstats!'s not that i'm a crybaby or wat,but really very stress..coz the topic is the building-block for the next subsequent topics.if i cant even understand the basic,i can forget abt the other topics..haiz..i know crying wont solve anything, least i feel better..
hmm..seems like i cant enjoy my hols soo much..gotta catch up on my bstats..micro also..stress!!

still got my CATS proj n research,CIP assignment..sianz...need to manage my time,seriously..

Sunday, December 11, 2005

my shoe..

lately,been busy preparing my bstats test and also my ob individual assignment..n also,sleep sooo much..'s my hand-made shoe..credits to aisha too,for helping me to paint it brown..i did the decorations...nice??hee~

n lastly,i can't wait for the 2 weeks break,coz i wanna shopppp!!!

it's juz a simple shoe though..sweet,nice n simple..
basically,there's stars on the shoe..the straps are shiny n glittery*winkz*..

Thursday, December 08, 2005

starbucks here we come...

guess wat???aisha n i went to holland v n redeemed the free starbucks coffee!!!muahaha!!!fun fun..we reached holland v at 4,we sat at bk first,while waiting for 5pm..skali,when we went to starbucks,long q liao!!!wah seh!!!shocked sia!!so,the 2 of us quickly joined the q too..haha!!waited n waited n finally!!!!our free drinks!!i had rhumba frapp n aisha had mocha..aisha funny sia!when it was her time to order,she donno wat to order..haha!!the cashier asked her wat she wanted,she donno also..haha!!funny sia..then pulled me to help her..haha..sorry ar,i really didn't mean to leave u there..coz i kanjiong to get the drink..haha!!

yummylicious!!free drink mah,of course yummy!!haha!!den,we took 61 home..we thot that 61 will pass by commonwealth mrt,but no!!!it went to tanglin halt that area instead!haha!we had to walk all the way back to commonwealth mrt there!!haha!!funny!!2 weird girls donno where 61 goes to..paisey sia!!haha!!

n yeah..we got to take some photos..hee~~

starbucks holland v

the long q...

my rhumba frap......aisha's mocha

mmmm.....savouring every bit of it...

after...the end result after drinking..

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

1st ever formal presentation..

today is the oral comm. grp's presentation went smoothly..sooo happy..hee~my tutor even commented that my presentation was gd..he said that i hv nice n lively voice..hee~however,there's still room for improvement..oh btw..this is the first time im wearing formal wear..haha!!nice??

here are some photos...some are blur...damn..

my group..

mj,ghimhui,alan,bryce,hong gay

ashwin,donn,anh thu,raihana..(donn,what's with that face??)

clara,syafi,bin,rayner (there's extra behind..haha)

Tuesday, December 06, 2005


this is the cisco tower..haha!see the policeman?that's y it's called the cisco tower..

tallest reaches the ceiling!!

haha!funny..if im not wrong,this is the inverted esplanade tower..the umbrellas represent the esplanade..hee~cute..

last but not least,mine..haha..we called this the eiffel tower,although it doesn't seem to look like one..we called the eiffel coz the base looks like the eiffel tower..haha!!

my OB grp members and our tower..

today,for ob tutorial,we had to make the tallest n most stable using just newspaper..hee~these are the 4 towers...

basically,the objective of today's lecture is abt the grp dynamics..
here are the pics....heee~

1st day---bBq...yummy!!

2nd day(part1)---SwImMiNg..splash!!!

2nd day(part2)---korean-style bbq..

the game of confidence...

last but not least...the KOREAN DRAMA!!!

Monday, December 05, 2005

3D2N @ binjai crest...

im slacking in sch rite now..sooo..let me blog abt wat happened the past few days..

on friday,2 dec,it was the ladies night at cik icha's(my aunt) house at jln kampong chantek,at bt was a condominium,binjai crest..wah sehh!!!her house is 4 storey leh!had lots of fun man during my 2 night stay there..
my cousins-syahirah,amirah,kak raudhah,aziemah,afiqah,hidayah,nabilah.shasha, plus riana(my niece) were there...

so,first,my aunt fetched my cousin @ jurong west,then fetched me,den fetched my other cousins from my grandma's house..n offfff we went to her house!!!zooooom!!

1st day..

when we reached there,we got changed n then got ready for the bbq..lots of yummylicious food..marinated chicken wings,stingrays,big fat otak2,satay,lamb chop,fried noodle,marshmellows n lots more..cant really rmbr..then later,my sis also came to send her,my bro-in-law n my other cousins ended up cooking for us..we juz ate n ate n ate..haha..
after having such a heavy meal,muz shed away some of the fats away,n so we played tennis..haha!fun!!i whacked the ball anyhow..haha!!my cousin worse!she hitted soo hard that it flew out to the expressway!!wah seh!!hopefully it didnt hit anybody and gt someone injured or worse still,accident..

after sweating,we went to swim!!!hee~splash!!!nice,cool water..i donno how to swim though,juz played with water..haha..then,there was this pair of sisters,pretending to be zombies n ghosts,n scared us..lame sia the 2 of them..but it was scary though,by their looks,n kept following us..haha!it was as if they are really possessed a ghosts!haha!i was also scared n ran away!haha!

when the weather seemed like it was gg to rain,we went up n cleaned up..after that,it was relaxing time..ate titbits,watched ungu violet,an indonesian movie...3+ in the morning then only we zzz...

2nd day..

we woke up only @ 10..haha!!my aunt prepared breakfast..we had western style breakfast..hee~egg,hotdogs,baked beans n bread..while eating,we watched charlie n chocolate factory..when the movie ended,we went to swim again!!haha!!played tennis and basketball also..hee~after that,did nthing much..from wat i know,i slept..haha!save my energy for the night..we had the korean style dinner..hee~we had mini bbq n steamboat in the house..wee~nice nice..n also,watched the cello,the scary korean was a bit scary,but crappy!haha..we ended our mat si so yo(delicious in korean) dinner only @ 10+..hee~
then,we played games..cik zaradi(my aunt's hubby) was the leader for this game..haha!!im kinda lazy to explain the game though,but it was fun!!we shouted n screamed like hell!!we are mad sia playing that game..haha!basically,the game is abt confidence n mind..

n guess wat we did after that??we watched korean drama!!!starring LEE DONG GUN!!omg!!i'm now sooooo in love with him!!haha!!damn nice show sia!!!soo damn sweet!!n we didnt sleep till the whole night,juz to finish up the 16 vcds!(lucky i slept in the day)haha!but still,we cant finish the whole show coz no time..spoiler!!haiz..imagine,each disc lasted more than an hr!!if there is no jemputan(wedding ceremony) n work,confirm can finish one!!im hoping that my aunt's friend can lend me the vcd n i burn,so that i can watch it over n over again..hee~im mad yeah!!haha!!

3rd day..

home sweet home..i went home,slept for a while n went to work..tired sia!!

to my aunt...
thanks for ething...i enjoyed myself very much during the 3 days..nvr had soo much fun ever since im in poly..this is considered a break from sch..heee~now,gotta study hard for my common tests n proj presentation..thanks ya..hopefully we can have this overnight stay at ur house again..hee~take care..miss ya... =)

ps:i'll post the pics once i've upload in maybe tmr then upload..hee~

Friday, December 02, 2005


im very tired man today!!my day started off with microecons lect at 9..lucky the lect was nice..i love the lecturer..he's cute n funny..hEe~very gd too..i love him..he n audrey are the bez lecturer n tutor for this sem..

after that,did cip proj..n it is still incomplete till now..wah sianz..still gt a bit more..

after that,went home,n continue with cip..wah seh!!last sem,bca was giving me headache,n now,it's cip's turn..haiz..

after that,went to work..n i've not eaten from morning till night,except for some bread n fishballs..wah already soo skinny,den nvr eat..i juz cant find the time to search for food n chew it lar..haha!!seriously..

den,@ work,there's this lady customer,who said that my name is very nice..hee~she asked if im local or not..haha!!of course lar local..she thought im from Indonesia or sthing...hEe...

k lar..dats all..later im gg to cik icha's house...weee~so..gotta finish my cip proj n micro tutorial b4 i go enjoy myself,to take a short break..wee~~

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

quiz time...

Your Summer Ride is a Beetle Convertible
Fun, funky, and a little bit euro.You love your summers to be full of style and sun!

juz wat i want..hee~

Simple amazing blue innocent dress.

HOW WOULD YOUR PROM DRESS LOOK LIKE? -11 different outcomes-
brought to you by nice blue dress

Your Power Color Is Teal
At Your Highest:
You feel accomplished and optimistic about the future.
At Your Lowest:
You feel in a slump and lack creativity.
In Love:
You tend to be many people's ideal partner.
How You're Attractive:
You make people feel confident and accepted.
Your Eternal Question:
"What Impression Am I Giving?"
What's" Your Power Color?

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

nothing..'s a small world after all..hee~

i juz find some guys cute+handsome..hee~

ok,i'm blogging nonsense ar..maybe coz im stress..haha!!


despite being soo busy with my cip proj which is due next week,here i am blogging..hee~coz i wanna share sthing..

i can't wait to go to my aunt's house!!!weee~strictly ladies only!!!haha!!we're gonna hv fun man!!i got the day off juz for this sleepover...weee~thanks ehhh pakcik hasri,for letting me off...heee~

therefore,i've gotta do all my tutorials,lectures,proj and practising my speech b4 i go n enjoy...weee~so that i can a peaceful mind there with no worries..hee~

Saturday, November 26, 2005

tiring manz...

so damn tired at work.i cant simply do work..donno y..haiz...maybe too much work plus my sch work n all..this coming week,im suppose to work for 4 days,but i asked if i can work for 3 days only,coz im verryyy tired.the other part time also cant work,coz he has got something in sch..wah sianz..

after work,went to bugis to to see my niece n nephew having a make over at jean yip...sooo cute!!!my niece dressed up as snow white,jasmine in aladdin(if im nt worng),cinderella and the mermaid..hee~she was also chosen to participate in the nephew dressed up as peter pan,winnie the pooh n tigger.he looked so cute in the peterpan costume!!haha!!too bad i don hv the pic...the camerawoman said that my nephew is photogenic..hee~of course!!haha!!

after gg for the make over,went to my aunt's open house...took some photos here and there n catching up with my cousins..very tired ar,so i was like don really hv extravaganza was nt bad..i only like the part where khairul sang..hee~ do tutorial also still haven finish..wah sianz~~

pics with my cousin plus 1 of my aunt..

Friday, November 25, 2005

wah sianz~

hmm..not much thing to say today..for SW,we juz did some stretching here and there,coz it was raining,so cant play wk no SW..sianz...if i'm not wrong,mr gopi will b gg to australia with some students,forgot what was it for..den,he'll be gg for reservist also,and so,another teacher will take over him..wah sianz...he's soo nice..i enjoyed he's class..he only taught us for how many weeks,den muz go reservist..wah sianz..

Wednesday, November 23, 2005


sadz~today's the last episode for my frog miss shan junhao n dang-ou..haha!!if only there's the vcd with malay subtitle..hee~

today is also my oral communication(ocom) practice..hee~i said lotsa ah,erm,ok..haha!!but my speed was ok..gotta improve a lot..hopefully can score well in this,so that at least,if i don do that well for my table topic,i still have my proj to help me get a better grade..

n..i hv probs with probability!!!die!!!somebody pls help me!!!!

Sunday, November 20, 2005


haha!!!today went to funan for our CIP research..nice trip i should say..i mean,coz i nvr do this kind of thing before..hee~ok,i did nthing actually.syafi did most of the talking and asking..he's like professional sia..haha!!we even came out with our own company name.since we are from this IT consultant company,we called ourselves DC sthing sthing.muahaha!!funny sia..ppl actually thot we are really consultants..haha!i look like kid lor.den,donn looked like some ah beng sesat,after dying his hair..muahaha!n joel,his buddy,funny funny one..haha!syafi said we should wear sthing smart,that makes us really looked like consultants,nt wearing some shirt that says spoilt brats..haha..(that's wat joel was wearing)..muahaha!!!

but yeah..this trip is fruitful..we get lotsa info..i'm glad to hv syafi n donn in the group.okok,so since they hv done a gd job,i muz also do sthing bah..if nt,they will mark me low low.hee~

oh ya,n on my way to work,saw hong gay,busy working and concentrating.i think it's him lar.he's working at andersen's ice cream at suntec.didnt call him coz he was,dats all..tmr CIP can wake up a bit late..hee~

Saturday, November 19, 2005

damn nice whor...

waaahhhh!!!!i like this skin man!!!haha...coz gt my ming dao...weee~gt the song some more...when u read my blog,pls turn on the's a chinese song though..hee~if u don needs no translation wat..heard that b4?hee~

i like this skin,after changing the skin for 2 last i found one that i really10000000000x like...weee~happy-ness..okok...enuff of keep on changing my blogskin..back to ocom proj...sianz..i hate it soo much that i hardly did anything for it..haha!!!

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

raya to siblings' houses

today,skipped CIP lect..coz it was boring,talk abt hardware and software...waste time only...haha!!so,ended up doing OCOM proj..sianz~tmr muz do shooting for the proj,den still muz go and check out the CIP proj..time is like so little..haiz~

after sch,went to my bro's house at sengkang n sis's house at woodlands for

my sis asked me out on go for the loreal sale at expo n bring her children out coz they did well in their exams..see lar how...friday gt sianz like dat..den,at nite gt my frog show,scared i'll miss it..but..i wanna go for the sale!!!haha!!we'll see wanna do OB..wah sianz~~

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

my name...

today went for the book prize.guess wat i got?haha!!!a certificate only...haha!!!make me lose my motivation to study even harder! lar...certificate also not bad's the feel of satisfaction and proudness..hee~n make my parents happy,after spending loads of $$$ on me...when the guest of honour said abt parents work soo hard for us until we become wat we are,my tears like wanna roll..sooo touched,when i think of my so hard day n night n pay for my education...

ok,that aside,lets talk abt my name...the emcee called my name wrongly!!!!argh!!!my name, became this instead.....

indu-suria binte kjfsgfld

he couldn't even pronounce my father's name,he anyhow dash thru the word until it sounded like,i couldn't even describe how it sounds like!!

den i asked him,y nvr pronounce properly.den he said no rehearsal.even if there's no rehearsal,they shld at least go thru all the names,n clarify hw to pronounce the name correctly,even if they had to learn to pronounce 1 million names..walau!!!soo much for u being in the ba communication...haiz....

gt one guy,even worse...his name is muhammad (i forgot) bin (father's name).the girl emcee also donno hw to pronounce,n his name became like this.

muhammad ~~~~ bin (she paused for a while coz donno how to pronounce) BIT...wth!!!his father is BIZ INFO TECH???

my cert... ~vivian,vivien,me,josephine~

the pics are kinda dark though..hee~
ok..enuff of blogging..gotta do ocom!!!stress!!!

Monday, November 14, 2005


i haven recover from my cough..sianz~

i don really enjoy this semester that much,donno y..but..ya,i don like.maybe because of the long 2 hrs break,and it is like u don feel like doing anything after lunch,except to slack..unlike last sem,everyday 9-1,except wed n thurs,wil 4..haiz...faster go semester 2,faster come holiday..haha!!

oh was the last day for the recruitment of Youth Leader and Mentor Programme (YLMP)..somehow or rather,i didnt join..stupid rite??haha!!but...nah..maybe gt better oppurtunity in future..we'll see ya?lolz..

wat else?oh..i sms-ed my store i/c,nt to put me work on fri..coz i wanna watch my frog show..2nd last episod,how can miss??haha!!!n yeah,he kind of him..then i told him,hopefully he didnt regret taking me as his part-time,coz i e'time cant work this day n dat..den he replied by saying dat he didnt regret..if he can help,he'll help..he's sooo nice,juz like yati n nora..i miss yati n nora(my store i/c from the previous guardian i work) should visit them soon..hee~

Sunday, November 13, 2005

discount n customer

the post before this...the test 123,was to test my blog..haha!
ystd,i was changing my blog skin..when i edited some parts n previewed it,n all my posts didnt appear.i thot it will only appear after i republish ething..skali,when i republish already,my posts all gone!don hv!i was so shocked!didnt know what happen!asked fat,den she also donno..soon,i figured out myself that i dowloaded the wrong blog,as in the type,or watever u called dat..haha..den,gt to re-do again....n taaaa-daaa!!!!my new orangey...bright...i like!!!haha!!

fat said the fonts are too this big enuff???haha!!

ok,let's talk abt wat happened at work juz now..there was this regular cust,she's a worker from one of the shops in millenia walk.she was browsing for sooo long..looking for lipstick n all.den,she came across this uv protection cream which costs $58.
den,she came to me n said this:

cust:u think this one gd or not?i want to buy,but i scared not suitable for me.some more very expensive,$58.

me:ya,very expensive..(my comment..i donno wat else to say)

cust:i tried on my skin,from the very gd,nt oily.but i scared my face cannot.i think i bring a small container n take some from the tester,then try on my face for 2 days.if gd,then i buy.can lar hor?if not,wasted,$58,den my skin not suitable.

i didnt say anything of course.walau!!she think wat?wanna bring container n take some..nonsense u know....i mean,come on lar,it makes u look pathetic man!!i juz donno wat to say..she thinks she knows my store-in-charge,she can do anything?wait till the big boss finds out.. the end,she bought xando(slimming pills),cotton pad n another thing i forgot wat was it..
she said this:where is the guy(my store-in-charge)?he etime give me 10% disc?
den i replied:ok ok..i give u disc..

when i scanned ething n pressed the sub-total button,den pressed the disc button,only deduct 20cents,out of the total of $94+.i also wondered y..nt my fault...den i jus ignored lar..i covered the receipt with her nets card so that she didnt see the disc is only 20cents.haha!!

but den..she came back after that,she saw the soo little disc. n asked me y only 20cents,n y the xando no discount one?i donno how to answer her,so i asked the 2nd i/c to explain to her.she explained sooo many times,n she was still nt satisfied.she said dat the guy(store i/c) etime give her 10% disc on every item,nt like me,only give disc. after totalling ething.the 2nd i/c also donno wat to say n called our store i/c.he said juz give her watever freegifts we have to her,as compensation.wth!!!die die also wan a disc..damn ar she!!it's gd enuff she gt the slimming bath gel,she still asked if she can get a shower gel also,as free gift!walau!!!so kiasu sia!!she think wat?her ancestors own guardian is it?tell u ar,if she go other guardian ar,don think she can get all this ar...

the disc. system works 2 ways.u either scan item by item n press the disc. key,so that each item is discounted,or u scan ething n subtotal it,den only press the disc. key.i did the 2nd one for her,n somehow the system only gave disc to the cotton pad which costs 1.95 after disc. 1.75.see!!even the system is able to detect the expensive item n didnt give a disc,coz we will make a big loss..we can only give disc. using the 1st method to staffs.staffs only!!!

i don wanna give her disc coz 1st,she's not a staff under cold storage n group.2nd,the xando is expensive,$89.if i give the disc.,we will make a loss of $8.90..i don mind if she buy cheap2 things,disc. a few cents..if we kept giving her disc for the xando,walau!!!!wat a loss we made!!!my store i/c also another one...don give disc anyhow's an offence u know!!!

rite in the first place,they shouldn't be giving discounts to tenants.other shops may hv disc. for tenants,but we,y give?if they ask,juz say lar we don practise dat way!!!haiz...i donno wat to say..

wat a rotten day,thanks to this cust..haiz...still gt lotsa things to do..proj n all..soo,outz...bye~

Friday, November 11, 2005



Monday, November 07, 2005


a damn tiring week last week,thats y didnt update..

hmm..lets see..sat,went for work in the morning,then went for raya in the evening..reached home at 12+..tired..

sunday also went for raya..went to my auntie's house,gt open more..haha..i damn sianz lor,start sch already..haiz..muz work so hard..haha..wat a lame post..haha..bye lar..donno wat to say already..hee..bye..

Thursday, November 03, 2005

happy n tired

today's hari raya!!!weeee~was so tired man,coz i spent the wee hrs doing my tutorial,n it was still unfinished.sianz..

woke up at 9..clean my house,den get ready for hair nt so nice lar,as i expected.haha..but ok lar,still look 3rd bro,he ar..forever late.we left him.haha..

went to all the older generation's houses.i don really much enjoy this raya lar,maybe coz im tired n weak.haha!!tapi nasib duit collection byk!!haha!!

tmr still gt sch at 8,and work at 4,damn sianz...haizz...

hmm..think thats all lar..i very tired already liao..cant wait to bro is still here..haha..i will upload the raya photos soon..hee..nitez..

raya>digicam>book prize

1st of all..slamat hari raya maaf zahir batin kpd semua umat islam di seluruh dunia....hee..

i did a very bad thing today!!i skipped my lecture.microecons lei!!!ya lar!who the hell wants to go for a lecture,which was 5 hrs away from the last lect?it's from 5-6 lei!n furthermore,it was hari raya eve wat ystd!!!where gt mood sia,go for lect?soo damn stupid sia,whoever plan the make-up..other sch still so nice,they gave half-day n earlier damn pissed!!haiz...then,when i saw the tutorial juz now,i went ooopppss!!haha..quite a lot i donno lei..die!!! like gt abit regret..haha!!nah..over liao..sooooo,juz forget it!!gotta mugg for micro during the weekends..hopefully,after reading the tb,can understand..

ok,bad news aside,i've gt gd news!!!i juz received a letter from sch,saying this..

Congratulations on ur excellent achievements!you have won the following prizes for the may semester of academic year 2005/2006..

3rd most outstanding performance (bfs level 1.2)

weee!!!!soo damn happy sia!!cant believe it!seriously...coz all this while,ive been thinking that there are many others out there who are much cleverer than me..syukur alhamudulillah!!!!i was like...oh my god!haha..seriously,cant believe it..hopefully,this sem i can get 1st..insya-allah..gotta work hard n be more serious,although the modules are abit boring n dry..hee...n im gonna beat all my competitors..haha..say only,but if nvr do wat for rite??go indah go!!!ganbatte!!!hee...

n..finally...i gt myself a digicam!!! brand one lar,but nah...i don care..cheap2 good2 can liao..haha..i budget n cheapo mah..hehe..

k lar...till here only..muz do the lame n waste of time hw from lck3..haha..sianz...cant wait to dress up later for raya..haha!!nitez..

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

@ last

oh no!!i was late when i wanna meet up my cousin..haha..the bus lar,wat a long took around 1-1.5 hrs lei!!haha..but....weee~i got my accessories for hari raya!!!weee~haha!!gt a necklace n earring..thanks kak linda,for acompanying me..

tmr sch til 6!!!!damn sianz!!!

Monday, October 31, 2005

1st day of sch..

not bad lar,first day of sch..except that i don like the make-up lect for oral communication(ocom) damn waste time sia!haha!!but,for wat i know,ocom is like scary,coz muz do lotsa presentation n speeches,n im the paisey type,to talk in front of the class,den muz eye contact lar,n i muz read the national day rally speech again,to prepare for the speech..oh my!!the topic damn bored lor!!hopefully i can talk a lot n talk well,with proper english n all..heeez..i pray hard man!!

den,went for biz stats lect..haha!!the lecturer damn cute lor..not bad lar her teaching,can understand..i hate the BIT students!they are so rude!the lecturer was busy explaining n teaching,there they were making noises n wat not.wth!if u don like the lesson,then get out!don disturb the others!i hate BIT students!!y the hell they put BFS together with BIT??bluergh...

n yeah!!i got the tape from changhong liao!!weeee~hehe..cant wait to watch...thanks man,for helping me to record for 2 days!!!i really appreciate ur help!!u r the bez!!!heeez..hopefully tmr jadi gi geylang seh!!if not,i don hv any accessories for raya!!haha!!dats all..bye..

Sunday, October 30, 2005

curly wurly..

woke up at 12 in the afternoon..nice deep sleep.haha..den woke up,slack here n there,n off to work..b4 dat,went to aries,to buy curler..haha..i wanna try n curl my hair for hari raya..haha..hopefully jadi..hehe..

oh ya..i heard that my supervisor muz work full on hari raya!!i so pity him!!haiz...i mean,of course he also wanna celebrate hari raya wat,that only comes once a yr..if only i can help,i will help sia..the new manager hopeless sia..loves to complain,but nvr least,last time,the old manager will help to find those non-muslim to cover for the's only fair that way wat..den if cny,we help those chinese to cover...haiz..not like the new manager,ething do n find yourself.poor management!!haha..wait till i become a manager..haha..insya-allah..hopefully somebody can cover for him..

later start sch liao..wa lau!!sianz..

oh ya..btw,i gt someone to help me record my frog show..weeee~no worries..

Saturday, October 29, 2005

nice name usual,went to work..did quite a lot of things lar..there's a lot of stock to clear for display..while i was standing at the cashier,there is an indonesian man,who beri salam(greeting).so,i replied.he's very friendly.every week he surely come one.i donno y..haha..but,ya,i saw him twice,n he's friendly.last week,he asked me whther i was fasting,juz now,he asked me what is my i told him.he said that my name is very nice,juz like the person.muahaahah!!!kembang aku kejap..(happy)den asked me what is my full name..haha..thanks bapak!i like the name.den,he asked where is the other man,my the end,he juz bought sweets..haha..the funny thing is,is he a muslim or not?he beri salam,i replied,but he didnt fast juz now,coz he ate the sweet!!haha..what im trying to say here is that we muslims cant reply the greeting unless he/she is a muslim also.i told my mum abt it,she also donno wat to say.haha..weird man..but he's nice n friendly..

worked til 3,actually suppose to be only til 2,but my supervisor told me to stay a while,til kak aini working for free for half an hour sia..coz he counted my hours from 10-2.30 instead of til 3..hopeless!!haha!!coz every week,the part-time hours cant exceed 44 hours,so muz cut down hours..wth!guardian cheapo!!haha!

bad news!!!i hv to work on the second day of hari raya!!like wth rite??i hv to sch on that day,den work!!damn sianz sia!!cant watch my junhao again!!i missed sooo many episodes already!!!haiyo!!!how???who wanna record for me??sadz!!

den,i also missed my religious class today,coz the uztaz gave the wrong message..he told us the class will b changed to sunday,but that will take effect only after raya.for now,it is still on saturday..missed class again..haiz..tiq also didnt go,coz nobody goes..haha..nah,basically thats all lar..i hv soo many things in,sch,raya,tv..haiz..

Friday, October 28, 2005

spring cleaning

let's did nthing much..juz cleaned the house,prepare for hari might be a bit too early,but next week start sch already mah,no time,so clean today..scrubbed the floor,wipe the windows,dust here n there,n yeah,basically that..

oh ya..finally,i got the pcd's song,stick wit u,from nurul..thanks ehhh...damn nice song..i like the chorus part..dedicated to my future bf...muahaha!!!when will that b??'s how it goes..

Nobody gonna love me better, I must stick wit u forever
Nobody gonna take me higher, I must stick wit u
You know how to appreciate me, I must stick wit u, my baby
Nobody ever made me feel this way, I must stick wit u

nice rite??haha..after breaking my fast,i watched my fav frog drama!!!weeee~my junhao!!!damn nice sia!!i think it's the best taiwanese drama after mvp..heeez..luckily im not working today,so no need to record..i still havent get to watch the previous 2 episodes that i asked my friend to record for me..sianz...when to watch??i don hv vcr...sianz...

tmr gt work...thinking of shopping after work,but lazy..still havent get accessories for hari raya...sianz..

Thursday, October 27, 2005

hmm.. last i hv a blog..actually i don really like blogging,but after reading ppl's blog,y not i try blogging..heez..
next week sch start liao..sianz..i juz printed my notes..the notes seem stats..wah!!soo many formulas..scared sia..CIP,eee!!computer a computer,i think im gonna hate that..micro,a bit like macro,but seems harder..others,no comment..haha..
k lar,thats all i gotta say now..thanks fat for helping me with the blog..heez..