Tuesday, November 15, 2005

my name...

today went for the book prize.guess wat i got?haha!!!a certificate only...haha!!!make me lose my motivation to study even harder!haha..no lar...certificate also not bad bah..it's the feel of satisfaction and proudness..hee~n make my parents happy,after spending loads of $$$ on me...when the guest of honour said abt parents work soo hard for us until we become wat we are,my tears like wanna roll..sooo touched,when i think of my parents..work so hard day n night n pay for my education...

ok,that aside,lets talk abt my name...the emcee called my name wrongly!!!!argh!!!my name, became this instead.....

indu-suria binte kjfsgfld

he couldn't even pronounce my father's name,he anyhow dash thru the word until it sounded like,i couldn't even describe how it sounds like!!

den i asked him,y nvr pronounce properly.den he said no rehearsal.even if there's no rehearsal,they shld at least go thru all the names,n clarify hw to pronounce the name correctly,even if they had to learn to pronounce 1 million names..walau!!!soo much for u being in the ba communication...haiz....

gt one guy,even worse...his name is muhammad (i forgot) bin (father's name).the girl emcee also donno hw to pronounce,n his name became like this.

muhammad ~~~~ bin (she paused for a while coz donno how to pronounce) BIT...wth!!!his father is BIZ INFO TECH???

my cert... ~vivian,vivien,me,josephine~

the pics are kinda dark though..hee~
ok..enuff of blogging..gotta do ocom!!!stress!!!

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