Monday, November 14, 2005


i haven recover from my cough..sianz~

i don really enjoy this semester that much,donno y..but..ya,i don like.maybe because of the long 2 hrs break,and it is like u don feel like doing anything after lunch,except to slack..unlike last sem,everyday 9-1,except wed n thurs,wil 4..haiz...faster go semester 2,faster come holiday..haha!!

oh was the last day for the recruitment of Youth Leader and Mentor Programme (YLMP)..somehow or rather,i didnt join..stupid rite??haha!!but...nah..maybe gt better oppurtunity in future..we'll see ya?lolz..

wat else?oh..i sms-ed my store i/c,nt to put me work on fri..coz i wanna watch my frog show..2nd last episod,how can miss??haha!!!n yeah,he kind of him..then i told him,hopefully he didnt regret taking me as his part-time,coz i e'time cant work this day n dat..den he replied by saying dat he didnt regret..if he can help,he'll help..he's sooo nice,juz like yati n nora..i miss yati n nora(my store i/c from the previous guardian i work) should visit them soon..hee~

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