my mind is full of Trevor, if not, Arashi.. can you just let me talk about him?
ahhh.. day in, day out.. i think of this prof of mine.. seriously, why is he so nice? why is he so kind? why must he be so adorable? why must he make me fluster? why? nande?
madness.. i know.. and i think people are getting sick of my Trevor saga.. haha! and they feel like boxing me. LOL! sorry la! but he's just too irresistible to me can? haizz.
and so his class started of with the mid term test. it was quite scary actually. it was quite tricky. the longer u think, the more u wanna change the answer. the more you donno which to choose. esp the T/F one.. bahh! i was so stressed! and i don't even dare to look at him. unless he's not looking at my direction, then i'd steal glances at him, just to know where he was. haha! and yes! i don't like him walking around. i don't like him to see and peek at our answers. because I'M SHY! hahaha! gosh!
after the test, it was break time. saw him at the canteen and smiled.. faint! and that's when KL wanna box me! haha! and and! BOO! he sat with these group of people. gosh! JEALOUS CAN??!!?? super jealous lor! coz, i don't like that group of people. ok not all, but these 3 girls. initially, i don't find anything wrong with them, BUT! after knowing them more, gosh! i don't quite like. they are so screechy! they're so wanna attract attention! BOO! and i hate the fact that Trevor likes them, does he? bahh! i don't know! and i don't wanna know. KL said maybe he likes M. EWWW! i hate that M can? haha! yes! coz im jealous! bahh! mad! yes! i know!
so after break, it was lesson proper. and Trevor always calls me, and i always have to answers questions that are difficult and i have to think soo long to answer! wahlao! shy lehh! tsk! if not, i will be the first one to get prize from him. but instead, it was that M! bahh! then nvm. after her, Trevor got back to me, and i managed to answer, and he gave me! :DDD but you know, i'm glad that he always call me.. so far, he's been calling me except for 2nd week i think. yes, i take note of it. i only approve of him calling me.. hehe.. <3

twisties! :D still uneaten..
at the end of the lesson, he made us do an assessment and feedback of him and the course.
Strengths of the course- i listed 5. until there was no more space for me to write. haha!
Weaknesses of the course- i listed 1..
Things that can help to improve my learning and participation- NONE! i really learnt a lot and participated a lot, as compared to other modules. yes! i wrote exactly that!
Strengths of him- friendly, approachable, helpful, ensure that you understand everything..
Weaknesses- NONE!
haha! apparently, it wasn't only me who wrote none, but others too! at least 3 more i know of. :D
in short, I LOVE TREVOR SO MUCH! hahahaha! over? exaggerate? NO!
it was an anonymous feedback.. but.. i think, he will be able to recognise prominent handwritings. because we have been giving him round up slips for 6 weeks! and he will surely rmb some handwriting right? ne, i hope he doesn't rmb mine though.. hehe.. *SHY*
so it was the end of his lesson. but my mind is still full of him and was sharing with Nat about him. haha! and, she was another person who wanna smack me for Trevor-ing nonstop.. hahaha! and she suggested to find him in FB!
AND OMG!! he has an FB account! faint! and his profile pic to faint for!! madness! haha! and im so tempted to add him! but im shy! i saw Sylvia adding him! i shall ask her on Thur why she added him.. haha! AWW~ i just love him.. if only i can be a little more shou to him like how i am shou with Xu Yun.. hahahaha! yes, my that China tutor.. HOHO!
oh my. i can just go on and talk about him. you may think i have nothing better to do? LOL! nopes! i'm actually going crazy here..
can't wait for break to be over, reason being because i wanna get my results back! i seriously hope i do well. if u ask me, of course i wanna score 40.. but.. i don't wanna set to high an expectation, if not, i will be hurt. sooo.. maybe 35? bahh! i'd prefer a 37? ahh! i donno! so im praying hard i will do well. coz it's Trevor!
ok! enough! im tired already. i needa wake up early to settle many admin stuff and also study for accounting.. til then! ciao!