Saturday, November 14, 2009

All the BEST! is the BEST!

Happy birthday to you.. Happy birthday to you.. Happy birthday DEAR ARASHI.. Happy birthday to you..

when they sang this at the end, it moved me to tears. really. 10 years, that is a very long time. the team had a surprised for them, and brought out the cake. AWWWW! it's so sweeeet.

and i managed to capture this. how cute.. i love arashi, LOADS!

yes, i finally watched ALL THE BEST.. it was amazing. and the scene at the top is the most amazing thing from the whole DVD. i watched it for solid 6 hrs. not that the whole thing is 6 hrs, but i repeated the 2nd disc coz it was soo super nice i had to encore. yes! i love all the PVs soo much! so worthy, plus all the cute commentaries by each and everyone of them..

from the 1st disc, there were a few PVs that i nvr watched b4, and im oh so damn happy to watch them coz it's so nice. wats more, i got to watch them at such HQ on my tv screen, rather than on my lappy, in which the quality is compromised, and my lappy's screen is small.. ahh.. thanks tv, thanks dvd player, thanks ARASHI.. it made my day, really..

ok so from disc 1, main highlight is 瞳の中のGalaxy's PV. nino is so oh my goodness! he sat on the chair, while the rest stood up. the background of stars were so beautiful. and nino played the guitar.. ahh!

Lucky Man is very flashy.. the costumes are very bright. I LIKE! oh, the scene reminds me of SMAP's bang bang! but i donno if the set is the same. it seemed like.

oh, and i also watched WISH for the 1st time. nino is soo nice! they were all in red costume. ahh! love it!

and disc 2 is the best coz i super love all the singles loads! i mean, all of them are definitely love, but just that disc 2 is super duper love. heh. oh! and the animation film of Believe is soo super duper cute!! watch it, and you know what i mean.. ahh! kawaii!

and my eyes always spot ohmiya SK moments w/out fail.. and also all the other pairings.. Yama pair, jun x ohno, sakuraiba, ninoai.. name it, all also have! :DDD

all in all, this DVD is worth my every cent! happy! and now, i shall continue with more arashi! oh! they appeared in MS ystd!! im so gg to watch their My Girl performance in HQ. i shall wait patiently for the HQ minisuite and the talk part. and also, im gg to watch HnA tonight too! after a looong wait! finally! YAY! til then.. i've said it b4, now i said it again, I LOVE ARASHI! <3

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