Monday, November 30, 2009

Yano Kenta kawaii

wahh!!! uta no onii san is really damn nice! yes, 8 episodes is really too short! when i watched until ep 7, i didnt know that 8 was the last ep. love love! the making was soo funny! now then i know that the other guy is also a Johnny, from K8. i will rewatch when im free-er. Ohno is too cute! and i wish they included the part where Sho appeared as guest too. ok, im tired and sleepy. 1530 hrs, the time im looking fwd too!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

i still love NINO!

finally, a damn HQ of MS, whats more, ready with sub! love ehh! damn funny! i had a super good laugh as always, and Nino was EXCEPTIONALLY CHATTY! heh. love! repeat the funny part as always. it cracked me up so much! LOL! talk abt the legendary transparent costume and the host said that they looked like a standing vinyl umbrella. haha! damn funny! and and! OHMIYA! thats what im looking for!

but b4 that! and yes! i love this PV very much! Nino is so much love! so many footages of him. heh. and he has the privilege of sitting down. and and! GUITAR! damn kakkoiii!

i love how he always emote it so nicely n deeply..

that smile..

tell me, how can i not faint?


sorry.. but he is my ichiban..

hahaha! LOVE!

my niiban.. or sanban? i donno.. haha! maybe tie with Ohno..


sweet Aiba.. loves Riidaaa! <3

aiyoo!!! FREAKING CUTE! i love his unbreak voice!

haha! Nino is soo funny! pretending to play games with the mic. Sho, Aiba and Jun had a gd laugh ne!

and highlight of Baystorm tonight. this is what Nino said. N: By the way, we haven’t released album for quite long time. And also the tune of opening and closing haven’t changed while…YES PLS! album pls! ALL the BEST is not counted coz it's a compilation. but ne, i understand they're all busy with individual and grp project. and Nino was talking abt how he tends to say the lines of Gantz to the SP and vice versa. tough ne! 2010, is going to be great yr! wootz! and it was my 1st time listening to Ohno in Arashi Discovery. hmm, i still love Nino Baystorm the best.

my parents are not back yet. i wanna sleep already coz i wanna wake up early later to do final revision. but but, i don think i can sleep. it happened ystd, i ended up sleeping only at 2+.. all the time, i was just tossing on the bed. ok la. talked too much liao! i think i wanna go and watch making of uta-no-oniisan! yay! and hopefully i will be tired by then. nitez! n lucks for me tmr, last paper!

any regrets?

as planned, i watched AAA just now to de-stress. then i just read con rpt from Sapporo Dome one. omg! seriously, i wanna go to Arashi's con one day, ASAP. but seriously, 800 is just way too ex! but but, i was just thinking, it should be all worth it and worth-while rite? afterall, it's a 10th anniversary, and it's at Tokyo Dome! bahh! i donno! im starting to feeling damn regretful now, after watching AAA, and worse still, after reading the con rpt. damn sore and bitter now. haizz.. no luck, no fate. haizzz.. SIGH!!

my soreness and bitterness aside, Arashi loves their fan so much. ahh! i hate to admit this, but i love Arashi more than SMAP now. i say SMAP, not Takuya ya. haha! bahh!

let's brood over this some other time. im a little bit more to done in studying. i really hope all will go well tmr. if not, im really damn hopeless!

I LOVE ARASHI! each & everyone of them. and yes, i can confirm that my ichiban is still NINO! the con rpt i read was full of praises for NINO. haha! tho she's a Jun fan. haha! ehem, but of course. NINO NE! <3

Saturday, November 28, 2009

BELIEVE it or not

believe it or not, i zonked out at 1030pm ystd. yes! my head was aching like shit! it was pressing both my temples so much. the back of my head too! basically, it's the whole head! donno y.. mum was saying coz i slept way late at night always. i don think so. coz i always sleep late, so it's a norm already. i guess it was due to the car ride and i kena rain, hence the oh so damn excruciating painful headache. and i slept for 12 solid hours. but i was awake at 4am, only to on the fan. haha!

anw, it was fun at my ah ma's house. catching up session with my crazy cousins. and there's always the battle of k-pop and j-pop. LOL! just lame jokes we like to play on each other. haha!

anw, im trying my best to stuck in front of the pc for an hr only, or at least til my dl are all done. somehow, MU is soo slow today.

and there's no way i wont on my lappy coz i needa do some Arashi catch up.. haha! and yes! loads of it!

1st up!

yes! at it says (not that i know how to read. LOL!) dear SHO is the MC! how cool? DAMN COOL!

and this show in hiruobi, were talking abt what are the reasons behind Arashi's popularity. and why they are so popular among the 40s. haha! thanks for the trans, im proud to be an Arashi fan. seriously, i wish i know them earlier.

and ppl spent in total of 4billion yen on the curry rice just to get to see Arashi in the Disney show. wahhh! amazing!

all the different rankings.. PROUD! happy for them!

ahh! chibi them! nino doesnt change at all! yes!

and this cracked me up soo much! Aiba screamt at the fans back. LOL! and Jun hit his head. HAHAHAHAH!

and Ohno got a ring from Gackt in this week's VS. oh how sweet! i cant to watch that part! yes, thanks to the trans i know what's gg on. ahh! ARASHI's love by all! <3

ok, thats all for now. im gg to bathe, dinner and study!! last lap!!

and tmr is home-alone day again! and im gg to blast AAA! yes! haha! so i wish to finish all my revision tonight! yatta! hopefully! :D til then! ciao!

Friday, November 27, 2009

love so sweet <3

yaaa.. how sweeet! Mezamashi showed staff celebrating Ohno's bday. i think it took place when they were filming The Last Promise. love ehh!!


how cute! u're 29???!?!?!?

happy birthday! and he got a nice present from a die hard fan! some baccarat crystal thing. awww!

then there are some scenes of them shooting the dorama too. ahh! i love NINO!!!

Nino! ahh! love that salaryman costume. haha!

ah!! Sho in specs! HOT!

Jun and Meisa..

and Nino's yet anothr version of CM. how cutee!

im loving them! <3 style="color: rgb(51, 255, 51);">Selamat Hari Raya Haji..

oh! My Girl's last episode is today!! bahh! ive only watched til ep 5..

the end..

NICE ENDING! love love love!! ahh! im gg to miss him! esp his ENGLISH. LOL! Ohno is love!


results for electives allocation - Jan 08

add/drop period- Jan 11 & Jan 12-24

registration- Dec 22 9.30 am -12.30 pm

ok, im so stress with all these dates. 3 cores to do. i think it's damn hard. and i still have electives to cover. and i so wanna take Japanese. how how how?? i wanna CRY!

he's turned 29 <3

im late, but still, happy birthday Ohno! love!

bahh! ive yet to memorise all their bdays.. let me see.. i can only rmb exact dates for Nino and Aiba. the rest, only mths. hahahah!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Utaban Nov 16 is FUNNY!

i finally watched utaban, the one that aired on nov 16. not bad qlty. i cant wait any longer and wanna watch it so much, so i tried dl it and watched. DAMN FUNNY!

lucky fan who got to shake hands with Sho after 10yrs! omg! she was asked by Taka-san whose hands are the best to hold, and she said it is Sho's. then Nakai asked him to shake hands with her. KYAAAAAA! omg!

i heart him..

LUCKY! omg! i will faint man if it was me!

then talked abt best 5 videos..

at 5th place, this was the time they visited Utaban for the 1st time. how cute! their hair. omg!

glad they didnt keep that kinda hair now. haha! but it was a fad that time rite? LOL!

and nino's & jun's drama came in 4th..

yes, nino doesnt change at all. Taka-san said he's cute. but of course! kawaii ne!

this is the 3rd. now i know why they were dressed like this. how cute! arashi rangers!

i love how Nakai loves to tease them to make them dance their debut song. and Nakai said that they didnt smile sincerely, it was fake. they should smile widely until their lower gums can be seen, just like how they did back then. LOL!

im bias. heh..

and apparently, not only Ohno bickered with Nakai, but Nino too! hahaha! while stopping nakai from attacking ohno, he claimed that Nino grabbed his balls. LOL! hahahahaha!

Sho's pitching

AnS nov 16 is nice. thanks to trans i understand what they're talking. so the guest was Sadao Abe. and i went to research that he acted with Sho in Kisazaru cat's eye and Yatterman. and they were talkng about baseball, and that Sho was bad at pitching, such that the part of him pitching in Kisazaru was CG. LOL! amazing! only Sho is capable of doing that. HAHAH! i mean, funny!

and so, im so gg to watch this. other than Sho who acted in it, coz the theme song is also my fav, a Day in our life by dearest Arashi-san! yay! so more Sho's drama to watch. after nov 30, i will be watching all these. WEE!

Sho the pro LOL! but he's love! Nino's pro, Sho's pro in another way.. hahaha! <3

on a side note, happy birthday to you. i really wish i can wish you.. you'll always be in my memories..

randomly yet again

i thot i shall just rant. a lot of things gg thru my mind. so will just randomly blog e'thing down.

1st, my first paper for the semester, disastrous to a certain extent. so damn down after that i had to just sms miss tan abt it. shant talk about it. over liao. now, i have to focus on my last paper. i hope i hv enough time to squeeze all the theories.. A LOT! i already covered 3 seminars just now. so far so gd. i hope i can keep up with it, so that i can hari raya haji happily. so many shows on tv!

i did last minute revision b4 my paper, and at the same time watched Stand Up. yes, again. heh. i donno how many times ive watched. ahh! nino is so much love! he's so cute, esp when he pat chie. KYAAAA i went. damn sweet! and the father had to interrupt, if not can see nino kiss. hahaha! anw, Stand Up is nice! next, i donno which to rpt. ryusei or yamada taro. both also damn nice! i guess i rpt yamada taro coz oh u know y.. SHO! heh.. :P

and and! im an avid reader of TODAY and My Paper. My Paper changed layout. and when i 1st saw it on monday, i thot there is no more chinese section! but there is. heng ar. not that i know how to read, but i see the entertainment section and scan for SMAP, arashi n japan. hahahaha! and then my beloved self-proclaimed translator will help me translate. LOL!

hmm, is there anything i wanna talk abt Arashi? guess not. just that ive been listening a lot to them, and am slowly trying to grasp the meaning of the lyrics and internalise them.

ehh.. guess nothing else. im gg to watch AnS now.. ciao!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

FINALLY sitting for my 1st paper

im finally sitting for my 1st paper after a looong wait. i wish myself all the best. this paper is very painful and challenging. all i ask for is a B+. this is afterall an Elective. if i cant even get a B+, i can just cry. i wouldnt want history to repeat itself just like last semester. only God knows how i felt that time. ive done my best. hopefully i can still rmb all the cases, all the scientific terms, all the nitty gritty details. uwahh! SCARED! i hv some time til ard 2pm later to squeeze everything.

on a side note, more about Arashi. appearing everywhere at the end of the year. they will be appearing in Kouhaku (oh at least i know what this is and have watched b4. haha! proud!), they will still appear in Johnny's countdown. at least thats what i read. that pretty girl who acted with nino in Haikei will appear in the new Arashi's drama. which is gd! at least i know her, and can connect the drama more.

and i will get my xmas gift from Japan JE! wee! no matter what it is, im happy i got it, considering that this is only by special invite, and i just only knew her, and pre-ordered from her only like 3 times.. uwahh! happiness! she's a nicey.. :) so my gift i think will be nino related? LOL! nino's love! tho now im into Sho, i've even created a playlist which consist of only Sho's songs. and even my hp wallpaper is his face. haha! yes! not only my lappy somehow. guilty towards nino.

and and! i watched this LIVE ryusei when the TV aired the last episode. bahh! i wished fans shouted Nino more than Ryo. i replayed, i increase the volume, i don think i hear Nino's name called out. bahh! or i choose to believe im deaf. but nvm. i just wanna rant. heh.

ok, i can go on, but i needa stop. it's 2am. 12hrs to revise e'thing and get some sleep for my FIRST paper at 5pm! (bad timing!) ok ok! ciao!

i love my new wally of my blog. all are LOVE!

Monday, November 23, 2009

after this

im online at this ungodly hours as if i have nothing on. haha! today is the last day im staying up so late to arashi, i/o studying. lotsa things happen.. and i woke up only at 1230 today. haha! crazy-ness.. anw, let the pic do the talking. they made my night.

nyan nyan nya nya!

i still haven forget my ohmiya..

happily leaning against nino comfortably..

playing with his ear..

wahh! Everything performance in 5 x 10 is damn freaking nice, im so gg to faint. the music is so much diff. lesser instruments, like the piano accompaniment is more.. NICE! ahh! i love Arashi to the max!!!

Arashi's Premium Night at Disney Sea pics

these need to be posted! gosh! i wish i can be there laa!

i love that middle pic soo much!

sho's 3rd pic too!

and somehow, i find ohno good too..

my beloved ohmiya!!

they're soo busy..

ok, im also so busy now. now deciding wat to watch..

Sunday, November 22, 2009


omg!! i donno.. but somehow, im more and more exposed to Sho! i read his otonoha trans on 11/20. GOSH! how sweeet can his friends be? i'm speechless.. i'd cry buckets if that happens to me. lucky Sho.

as i was saying, i really wonder if im loving Sho more than Nino. hahaha! ok la, maybe not. maybe equally.. ahh! CRAZY!