Tuesday, November 04, 2008

shame on him..TSK TSK!

wahh!i damn angry when i read this lorr..which is true la,at least have some respect for the winner b4 u celebrate ur victory!chet!i didnt say this juz coz it's felipe,my fav..juz anyone la,i willcriticize lor..damn rude lorr!chet!i hope he will not win the nx gp..hahaha!ok im bad but who cares?

The curtain may have come down on
the 2008 season, but one can almost hear
the noise from Hamilton’s detractors, complaining
bitterly about the 23-year-old’s
lack of grace
, celebrating at Interlagos while
Massa’s victory ceremony was going on

shame on him!

anw,im stress n i seriously need motivation..boohoo!saw nawm today very happy..whenver i do stats,i will see him..n i will always see him in fal..haha!wan qi said is my sch so small that i always bumped into him,but noo..maybe this is wat i call FATE..haahahaa!prasan laa pulak!mcm fhm!

anw,i needa studyyy!argghh!im so stress!n ive yet to get my econs quiz results back..i think im gg to flunk after gg thru the answers juz now..my macro is damn zui..hahahaha!ohwells!=((

to end my short entry,my new wallpaper..hahaha!damn nice lorr!woooot!=))

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