Sunday, November 30, 2008

i lost him..forever

astaghfirullah..i was at madrasah n syafi called me..i was thinking y wld he call me kan,some more at noon..i rejected the call as was still in class..then i smsed him asking wat he wants..subhanallah!i was shocked to read the sms.."wanted to tell u, my friend, malik, u rmb? he passed away this morning. bike accident.."

tears start to fall from my eyes..i cant help but cried.i showed tiq the sms n she was in shock..ive never lost a fren..nvr..this is my 1st time ive lost a friend.yes it may be true that im not close to him,n we know each other just like that,but thats long enough for me to be very much affected by it..ya allah..i cant believe it..

it was juz 5days ago,yes 5days ago,it was his bday..n i regret very much not wishing himm..aiya i shy laa..ya i like,he's gone,just like that..n ard this time too,juz barely a yr,his mother just passed away,n now it's him..astaghfirullah..who can accept it?if i were his family members,i cant control myself..

i juz came back from melawat,visit his family..n i was soo sad n sebak,seeing his sis n father,who he loved very much dearly..u know,after losing a mother,u can only depend on the remaining family members..n his bro juz got married..

we were sitting down n his sis was telling hw he got into the happened jus this morning,it was ard 7am+..a paramedic happened to pass by PIE towards changi,the corporation rd thr,n thats whr they saw his kinda tercampak,fly over..his bike also..they said that maybe hit someting,a lampost or's the puzzling thing,coz just ystd,the whole family was sitting tgther n was chit chatting happily,n malik was juz as cheerful as his usual,n nothing seemed wrong or awkward with him..coz ppl always say that ppl who will leave the world will start to behave in certain ways..but his sis didnt see anyting weird or wrong with him..then,i think if im not wrong,he went out at ard 1+am,but i donno if his family knew abt it..then thats when they rcved a call jus this morning i think,saying they found him lying at the PIE..i think either the TP or who,if based on this n my understanding,he left the hse at 1+,then otw to somewhre,he got into an accident,n nobody saw his body,as it was alrdy the wee hrs,so when paramedic happen to pass by this morning,saw his body n called the family..i tink if it was discovered sooner,he cld have been saved..tapi ini sume kuasa Allah,die yg menentukan ape yg akan terjadi,ape yg kite leh uat is accept it n redha..

his sis asked his frens ard when they last saw malik,coz b4 that,he went to play soccer with them n all..then he reached hm at 7+ til late nite chit chatting with the family..then after that he went out,but with donno who n who he wanna meet coz his friends that his family know,all not meeting him he mus be meeting someone else or gg somewhr,but cant figure out anything whr exactly is he gg..

wat saddened me the most is when i see his family..i saw his dad..his dad was strong..but he did say,he tried to kuatkan his iman,but hard to accept the fact that his youngest son is gone just like that..he said that he was too young to just leave the world like that..he just turned 20 5days ago..masyallah..when i heard his dad converse,i seriously cant tahan my tears..
it's true..his father also said how a gd boy malik was.i cant deny that..knowing him for a short while,i can see his baik n all..don think im saying this juz cause i liked him..but it's true..

another sad thing is that his other sis,didnt get to see him,coz she juz flew to egypt..his 2 sis are undergrads at the uni in egypt,specialising in islam teachings i think..her sis mus be damn sad now laa at egypt..then his anor sis also had to go back to egypt this so sad i said,barely a yr ago,they lost their mom,n now their takes lotsa courage to face this kinda thing..

n i saw his baju the sight of it,i cant help it but feeling sad..

all i can now is pray for them n pray for him that he will diberkahi Allah..Amin..Allah loves him more,n hence take him away..

his mayat is still in the hosp tho now coz cant bring home until tmr morn then they will bury his mayat tmr..insya-allah,i will go his hse if i hv teman..

he was the one that helped my during esporte n ething went smoothly..he was the one who always sing the indah canggih menawan song whenever he saw me..he was the one that made me wanna sacrifice my 3days just to attend the sentosa camp..just 2mths back i went to buka puasa with him n the rest of the ppl..juz that same period,i wished him all the best in serving ns..haizz..=((

in memories of malik..i will rmb every little thing that we once share..tho it was just a short period of time here n thr..he's a great friend indeeed..

him helping me during esporte..his strong passion for soccer..admirable..

him..i coped frm his friendster..ya allah,at the sight of him,i cant help but cry,but at the same time smile coz i had a great friend like him..
Allah saje yg tau knp terjadi begini..sesungguhnya,semoga Allah memberkahi mayat die n sume akan berjln dgn lancar esok hari..Amin..

Friday, November 28, 2008


while i was filing all my notes neatly ystd,ive decided to take a pic of ALL my notes n textbooks that ive been using n learnt by hard most of the content for 3months n take the killer uni exam..hahah!ta dah!my notes n thick textbooks squeeeezed in 3 mths..fuh!i cant believe it..

4 modules..econs,stas,marketing n organizational behaviour..

nx sem,i will be accounting,biz law,IT,communication fundamentals & maybe take an elective..zzzz..

anw...wahhlaooo!damn faint can??haha!hot shot is sure damn nice laa!soo many shuai sure to drooooool..hahaha!esp xiao zhu!im sooo into him i forgt abt wu zhun..anw,wu zhun in the show also like a bit at donno wats gg to happen nx..jerry also damn hot laaa..tho im not really a fan of him coz they equate him with my husband..tsk..hahaha!anw.damn nice showw..wooot!

more n more of xiao zhu!




ok..continue watching!!! =)))))))

Thursday, November 27, 2008

official BYE BYE semester 1

omgosh!cant u believe it,that the exam's finally over n im damn darn happy..the past gruelling days..omgosh..only god knows wat ive been gg thru..always on the phone with natasha,teaching n discussing n clearing each other's doubts..haha!n yes finally!it's over!

but exactly 4 n half mths more,i will be facing this same thing agn..gosh!n i rcv my timetable will be a 3day week tentatively..n the exams are quite spread least no back to back paper if not i'll diee..

all i hope for now is to rest n rest n rest n enjoy n enjoy n enjoy..hahah!wanna watch more of xiao zhu..woohoo!tho i shld be in hk tmr,but it's fine with it..wat matters most is my sis get well soon..insya-allah..

ok,i donno wat else to blog..hahaha..soo boring..bye!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

life's simply just TOO short

too many things happen lately..juz too many i cant keep myself focus..

15nov,at ard 4plus in the morning,i rcved a call saying that my grandaunt da takde..she passed away on that morning n i cant help but felt sad over it as it was an unexpected death.nothing was wrong with her,she was all fine and ok,the healthiest among all her siblings..i cant accept the way she passed away juz like that..she is my ah ma's younger sis tat makes her my ah ma too..omgosh!as im typing this,i juz cant help but cry agn..

juz like my cousin,im much closer to her than my own ah ma..hence thats y i cant help it but cry..if u get wat i mean,she passed away due to buatan org..astaghfirullah..ya,she was cursed by some black magic..n the worse thing is that,i found out from my mum that it was done by OWN FAMILY MEMBER!yes!wtf rite?omgosh!ape la salah nenekku ya org sanggup uat mcm gitu pat die,sampai die mati mcm gitu saje?i tell u,she was struggling..she cldnt speak,she cldnt even mengucap on her death bed..can u imagine how damn evil that person is?my uncles n aunts all didnt wanna tell who that person is..yes they know who is this person..n do u know wat does this person said to my uncle,who lives with my ah ma?he/she said "tinggal kau sorg saje belum"..meaning only left him she hasnt do anything..subhanallah..i was like wth..speechless..but u know,semoga roh nenek dicucuri rahmat n ya,i saw her,n her face was berseri..

my mother cldnt help but cry on her knees the moment we reached my aunt's place to see my ah mother open the cloth to see her face..but i think my mother has no regrets or watsoever coz she went to see her that nite..ya,my mum was badly affected by it coz like me,she is super much closer to her than her own mother,coz this ah ma of mine was the one who tc of her when she was young,n my mum along with her younger sis,also tc of my ah ma's children..that means their mum is so close to her that she calls her kakak (sis) i/o makcik..

n u know,they are like cant be separated..always gg to geylang n jln2 together..always buying the same clothes n shoes..go for facial,share recipes..juz recently they bot a pair of shoes together to wear it to jemputan tgther..subhanallah..i super feel for my mum..many of the things that happen in her life revolves ard my ah ma..

n when we wanna go home n she wanna salam all my aunts n cousins,n my uncle,the one who lives with my ah man n is teh closest cried at the sight of my mum coz it happened that the clothes that my mum wore was the one that they bot togther..n my uncle rmb vividly..n he juz broke down n hugged my mum..n his other sisters all came hugging my mother,n comforting each other that we had to let go of her n not cry over her n that they are by each other's side..i cried at that sight..i super cldnt stand it..i super feel for it..

n juz days ago was her 3rd day death anniversary n they had tahlil but i didnt tag along as i had exams..thats y i say,too many things..i wish i can go for it..

i juz wanna say that life's juz simply TOO short..n ppl had nothing better to do but get jealous of other ppl juz when ppl are leading easy life n blessed with gd life..ppl seriously has got nothing better to do n willing to go to the extent of cursing n killing people and send to their deathbed.commonly,be fucking realistic?even so if u wanna do ppl n curse ppl n send black magic,if that person has done u wrong,then u wanna do,then i understand laa!but that aside,do they even know wtf is SINFUL?wat is DOSA?wat is NERAKA? not talking as if im any kind either laa,but helloooo???can knock some sense into that fucking head of yours or nt?u do this kinda things,damn fucking inhuman can?!?i donno mann...but ya la,all's that over,n the family decided not to pursue the matter n leave it in the hands of Allah..tho my bro in law did tell my uncle to juz confront that person coz it's many vs 1..i donno...all that i ask for now is berdoa n pray that pemergian nenek is selamat n that her family will be safe..there's far much more to it but if i wanan blog,then wont end..

my ah ma aside,now my sis..she also kena..this one is done by her OWN COLLEAGUE!im like totally speechless laa,i super donno wat to laa org mly,org senang sikit,jumpe bomoh..n i hope my sis will get well soon..n she's facing this with penuh praying for her safety..coz of this,we had to cancel our holiday..but im fine with it..all i ask for is for my sis to get well soon..ive nvr seen her so down b4..

now come to think of it,if no malay frens also im not being racist against my own race but that's the fact of it..kau baik mcm mane pun,klu org da cemburu dgn kesenangan kau,org klu geram,die uat jugak..n this is very POPULAR among org MELAYU ISLAM..astaghfirullah..BERUBAH LAH!

argh!that aside,on a lighter note,CORNER WITH LOVE rox!left with one more epi to go n im gg to watch it later tonight n then go full gear to chiong stats n econs paper..TSK!marketing was ok juz now..ok only but not convince n satisfied..but ohwells..over focus on these 2 last papers n im FREE!

til then...ciaoz!

Thursday, November 13, 2008


omgosh!it's my hubby's 36th bday today laa!hahha!!

otanjobi omedeto kimura-san!hahaha!

n i saw a video of them singing a song from their latest album..takuya's hair..gosh!hahaha!but anw,still nice n handsome!!kakoiii!

n n!im in love with this song by david archuleta..damn nice ar..beautifu lyrics..i donno y,i love sad love songs..hahaha!

~a little too not over you

eh eh eh oh eh eh eh
eh eh eh oh eh eh eh

It never crossed my mind at all
That's what I tell myself
What we had has come and gone
You're better off with someone else
It's for the best, I know it is
But I see you
Sometimes I try to hide
What I feel inside
And I turn around
You're with him now
I just can't figure it out

Tell me why
You're so hard to forget
Don't remind me
I'm not over it
Tell me why
I can't seem to face the truth
I'm just a little too not over you
(eh eh eh oh eh eh eh)
Not over you
(eh eh eh oh eh eh eh)

Supposed to fade
What's wrong with my heart?
Shake it off, let it go
Didn't think it be this hard
Should be strong
Moving on
But I see you
Sometimes I try to hide
What I feel inside
And I turn around
You're with him now
I just can't figure it out

Maybe I regret
Everything I said
No way to take it all back, yeah
Now I'm on my own
How I let you go
I'll never understand
l never understand

Yeah, oooh, oooh, oooh
OoooooohOhOoooh, oh

loves!it's on repeat mode on my ipod.. =)

omgosh f!the album brought in spore doesnt include 3 bonus tracks!im sooo like urghh!if hmv have howww?dang it!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

a little too not over YOU

FAINT!i finally got my david archuleta's self titled debut album n im oh so happy coz it comes with a poster n i wanna hang it..hahaha!but i also wanna hang my takuya..howw?lol!

CRY!corner with love's dvd doesnt has eng subs except chinese n im oh so sad coz im all ever ready to part my money for the dvd..TSK!

CRY!ob was damn F hard!n im oh so demoralised!i hv 3 more F papers to go n gosh!arrrggh!so wat if it's open book?open book also i don like.close book also don exam only then i like.hahahaha!damnit!

awww!damn cute ar!i love that checked shirt n the thin2 tie..gosh!

him signing autographs at virgin record..wooot!
Cause the possibility that you would ever feel the same way about me
It's just too much, just too much

ps:something irksome i don wanna see but it urges me to see wats gg on..ewww!yucks!

Monday, November 10, 2008


omgosh!i wanna faint when i saw this vid..haaha!

him singing crush!i will nvr get sick this song..woot!his album on the 11th..i cant wait for the album..woot!wonder when will reach spore..according to hmv it will reach 17..aiya donno laa..slow..zzzz..

some of his pics..woot!

with kristi lee cook..

wahh!damn HOT!hahaha!

n anw,im totally confirm chop plus guarantee that im completely smittened by xiao zhu n i wanna buy the dvd!yes!hahaha!damnnice ar the's been quite some time since i watch taiwanese drama..heh..woooot!

n omgosh!i saw sthing abt john legend n makes me wanna hear his songs agn..his new album i think shld chk it out..only to those who realy appreciate his kinda soulful..woot!

ok...i needa get back to ob agn..zzz..

Saturday, November 08, 2008

end of semester 1 was a BLAST!

ahhhh!!!before i start my entry,i juz wanna say that INDAH LOOOVESS HER CHINA STATS TUTOR XU YUN VERY MUCH!hhahah!it was a nice ending to my last day of this semester,ending it with a wonderful fantabulous marvellous stats tutorial with my china tutor xu yung,n my grp n i had a presentation today n xu yun said very gd..hahah!damn happy lorr!!im damn happy to see him!n for the 1st time,he wore a long sleeve shirt!hahha!coz normally he wears short sleeve..i prefer him with long sleeve..looks smarter!when i saw him once i entered the it lab,i cant help but smile when i look at him..ahhaha!yes im!he's not some goddess or wat la,but donno y,i juz like him..haha!then when he was abt to start the lesson,i teased him.."eh sir,y today wear so nice?wear long sleeve some it coz last day?"hahaha!n he smiled n!thats all he cld!funny!he's damn cute i tell u!natasha n i love him laa..we wished to be in his IT class next sem!

n i heard him converse in chinese juz now to some of the china students..haha!i love his accent..for once,i love china chinese accent..when i heard him,i felt as if im watching china drama..hahahah!ke yi ma..hahaha!ok i donno if thats the correct spelling to yes u can..=p

then we were the last to leave the tutorial,we were telling him that we hope to get into his IT class n that he wont be sick seeing our face.haha!then we were complaining abt students who anyhow sign their attendance when they actually didnt come for lesson..then i told xu yun that those ppl muz minus participation marks n we shld get high marks..haha!then he said "ok i know wat to do..u will get 100 marks.."hahahah!funny lorr!lol!i love him!woot!then he say la,wanna get gd participation marks,muz make noise..we always make noise lorr..haha!talk crap n give him crappy answers..haha!but at least we're enthu enough,we always sit in front n listen to him..haha!n for the 1st time,i participated actively today in class n that i answered his qns correctly when he asked proud of myself..haha!ya la,last lesson mah,then i wont be seeing him gg to miss him!stats class rocks tho stats sucks to the!!

oh ya!then he ended his tutorial by saying "thank you for the patience..since u all take the effort to come for the last tutorial,i have a gift for u..this is the answer to the mcq for the past exam papers.."hahah!then he ctinued saying that 2 of the papers,were not the official answers,but his own answers,he did it himself...hahaha!i think he did that coz he cant give away all answers juz like ya..haha!when he said it,damn funny laa!hahaha!

ok la,so in short,i wanna say thats the end of my 1st semester in NTU n i feel very donno wat..hah!im definitely gg to miss the tutors,not the tutorials mind ya..n also the lecturers,not th lectures..they've been great mann!woot!and having said that,this means it's exam 1st paper which is ob will be next wed..wish me luck aite?

til then,i'll be on hiatus for at least til then end of my last paper which is on the 27 nov..phew!i'll be mugging,having exam stress,n i need HIGH motivation..pfft!til then..ciaoz!
n before i go..this drama,corner with love is damn nice!n im smittned by show luo..hahaha!coz initially i find him ok only.he reminds me of someone..more of the hair..haha!woot!


Wednesday, November 05, 2008

CHANGE the world

yes!im damn happy that obama won at last!after the gruelling campaigning for the past 20mths or so..woot!finally,US made the rite yes..we're waiting n ready for the CHANGE..(reminds me of takuya's change..hahha!)

anw,yup yup!he won by a landslide..donno wats the latest results..the last time checked was 52% to 47%..ok im not sure tho..but anw,he won n im happy!it's gonna hv a lot of impact on the others ard the world,so u muz be bothered by it..interesting..!

him giving his victory speech in chicago..

obama n family..awww..soo sweeet!

listen to his speech..i think damn nice ar..ive read a bit of his speech.. =)

The greatest of a lifetime," he said, "two wars, a planet in peril, the worst financial crisis in a century."

"There are many who won't agree with every decision or policy I make as president, and we know that government can't solve every problem. But I will always be honest with you about the challenges we face."

damn down to earth..damn humble..wats more he's gdlooking n young!hahaha!wooot!i love him!for once,im so involved with his whole thing..hahahah!but don worry,i wont chg my wallpaper to his face..hahhaha!

ok laa,i wanna ctinue doin my marketing..oh yes,talking abt marketing,my grp is the only grp in our class that got an A for both the marketing proj n im oh so happy..haha!no no im not boasting..but ya la,juz sharing..hahaha!wooot!i think we deserved it n i love boey..juz now was the last time i see him..then no more liao..he's gg to be missed!hahaha!n yes ive received my econs quiz results too n i gt 7/10..n im happy n contented..hahahaha!same as my micro quiz,so ok la..=))

ok ciao!

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

shame on him..TSK TSK!

wahh!i damn angry when i read this lorr..which is true la,at least have some respect for the winner b4 u celebrate ur victory!chet!i didnt say this juz coz it's felipe,my fav..juz anyone la,i willcriticize lor..damn rude lorr!chet!i hope he will not win the nx gp..hahaha!ok im bad but who cares?

The curtain may have come down on
the 2008 season, but one can almost hear
the noise from Hamilton’s detractors, complaining
bitterly about the 23-year-old’s
lack of grace
, celebrating at Interlagos while
Massa’s victory ceremony was going on

shame on him!

anw,im stress n i seriously need motivation..boohoo!saw nawm today very happy..whenver i do stats,i will see him..n i will always see him in fal..haha!wan qi said is my sch so small that i always bumped into him,but noo..maybe this is wat i call FATE..haahahaa!prasan laa pulak!mcm fhm!

anw,i needa studyyy!argghh!im so stress!n ive yet to get my econs quiz results back..i think im gg to flunk after gg thru the answers juz macro is damn zui..hahahaha!ohwells!=((

to end my short entry,my new wallpaper..hahaha!damn nice lorr!woooot!=))

Monday, November 03, 2008


smacked with _________ rite across my face but i donno if i shld be feeling it..argh!it's all coming back,it's all coming back to me..there were moments of gold n there were flashes of light..there were things i'd nvr do agn but then they'd always seemed rite..there were nights of endless pleasure,it was more than any laws allowed..

HAIZ!big mistake?i donno!

that aside.i stayed up late ystd to watch the brazilian gp.damnit!hamilton won!pffft!i was damn angry laa..haha!emo loooorrr!TSK!i still love massa..n im now gg to be a follower of f1..haa!ask me anything,i think i know..hahha!from alonso to kimi n of course felipe..hahaha!i love felipe laa!i think he's damn cute..haha!like babyish like that.hahah!i know very well wat happened in the race ystd.i wish i can talk abt it who has the same interest as me.hahaha! gg crazy over f1 liao..hahahaha!
he teared..thats my man!wahah!=))
2009 season will start off in aust melbourne..i will support ferrari team,esp felipe n also alonso of course..lewis hamilton,nah..i don deny he's gd looking n gd also..haha!but ohwells!LONG LIVED MASSA!
ok la!my mind is in soo feeling argh! =(

Sunday, November 02, 2008


omgosh..i had a blast?no?yes?i donno..but am juz happy to meet my pri sch teacher,like after SOOO long..yes..when i say long means very long coz i cant even rmb when was the last time i saw her..haha!ohwells..all the memories back in pri sch came flashing back juz like that..i was reminiscing the days..time flies huh..n oh ya,not forgetting mr khusni,my sec sch teacher back in sec 1..n fyi,their husband n or wat?haha!such a coincidence rite..n they're sweet i tell ya..mann..i envy them..blessed with 2 lil cute!haha!i love them..haha!

anw,that's nt the highlight..but i donno if i shld talk abt the highlight..haha! much as i wanna say,but sthing's holding me back,part of me told me not to breathe a word abt it..haha!maybe,nx time,maybe donno..hahhahaha!

watver it is,ya im happy to see them..=)i watched hanna montana jz a few days ago n the guest appearance was jesse mccartney!damnit!cool or wat?damn cute lorr!he's got loads a baby fat..haha!damn chubby damn cute ar!i likeee!hahaha!i looove jesse!woot!


n that reminds me of his song,it's over..nice one!=)

Cause I'm not coming back
I'm closing the door
I used to be tripping over missing you
But I'm not anymore
I got the picture phone
Baby, your picture's gone
I couldn't stand to see your smile
Every time you dial

envy,but NOT with green..i wish it was ME!but still goes on..moooove on..nawm pls can?hah!not funny! =((