Friday, August 15, 2008

getting a lil bit excited i havent been blogging properly these few days..coz i was juz so tired after sch n i hardly hv the energy to on my the most,i will crap a few line,printmy notes,chk my email,esp ntu email which is always flooding,then logoff trying to get use to sch life now..n hopefully i can getting the hang of it now..

so today is alrdy the end of 2nd wk of sch..lemme juz update on wat happen since day1..haha!i know it's kinda late,but nvm laa kan,for my own reading..u know,then im bored,n when i read my archives,n chance upon this,i will be reminded of it n reminisce those days when i was a freshie in ntu..hahaha!

so the first,which was supposedly to be my FREE day,i ended up having to come to sch coz it was the NBS Welcome Day..i went with joyce n linh coz theyre the only ones whom i know,nvr go for any foc,so we don hv any friends..haha..but when i reaced the LKC lt,SURPRISINGLY,i saw SOO many ppl whom i know la,from BA..not only that..i found out that my own tutorial grp has ppl whom i know quite well,n they're natasha n xing zhen..i can nvr be happier at that time..i was very lucky i should say,i hv 2 ppl in my class whom i cool..loves..n i started to enjoy from that moment,constantly smsing wq n aisha on hw happy i was..of course,i also took the time to oogle at guys..haha!see if thr was any cute handsome guys in my tut grp..n sad to say,don hv..haha!okok la,not too bad laa.not buruk or wat kan,but none caught my eye at that time tho..

then 2 profs started talking,then some president of a cca grp,then we proceeded to tutorial rooms for ice breaking,lead by 2 seniors..then had canadian pizze for lunch,then had tour ard the sch..overall,i find the welcome day useful..they brought us ard the sch so that we know whr is the more impt places,n hw to go from places to ya..i got hang of it a bit..tho it was tiring to walk up n down north n south n i still find it tiring..wats more,at nbs block,it's like a maze..can go thru here n thr,tembus sana sini..pening sehh..haha! along the way,had small chats..i chatted only w the girls,guys n guys..hahaha!the girls are happening..i like..very friendly n chatty..=))..u cant put me with a mute..i'll die..hahaha!

but the ending was merepek..n i hated it very much..thr's this fashion competition la,n from whr i was sitting,i cant see was like wth.waste time..zzz..i was entertaining myself n talking to joyce who happened to sit beside me..haha..then it was reception,then hm sweet hm..

the following days were attending i shld say..the lts are HUGE!cool ar..i was jakun can?haha..always meeting natasha at the interch along with others lest we will get lost,esp those lts found on north spine..zzzz..hahaha!

then this wk,i juz started tutorial n im oh so loving it..haha!heng ar all my tutors are ok,except for marketing n econs,a bit on a strict side,but still considerable..n thats when also i got closer to samuel n zhi yong..haha!my grp members for marketing tgther w natasha..i wish i grped tgther w them for other modules too,but ohwells,their timetable is a chepalang timetable..they tried switching classes,but to no avail..haha..but we still sit tgther for lectures tho..for now,but future donno la kann..i wish future too..haha..coz im very much smittened by zhi yong..i tink he's damn zai can?from aerospace,he felt that that wasnt wat he wanted,so he switched to double degree in acc n biz..wowoow!admiring siaaa!hahaha..ok..i make sure nobody in ntu knows im blogging..even if they ask,i'll juz say err,no?or secret?hahaha!so ya..i think he's cool...juz 2days back,after econs lecture,we went fome tgther w the rest,n started chatting..i tink i can connect w him..haha..we chatted abt loads of things during the bus journey to bl interch..from lectures to tutorial,study grps n cycling,swimming,badminton n k box..haha!he asked if we k box..i replied i do sing,but i don really sing k in front of ppl im nt familiar with..then natasha teased me i sing malay songs..haha!then i said la i sing english can?then i said i sing chinese song,from 5566..haha!n that zhi yong said wo nan guo is it?haha..then he started to sing the 1st line of the chorus..hahaha!then we talked abt the oly,abt badminton n table tennis..heh..he's kinda into badminton,n said maybe we shld play tgther at ntu..haha!woot!can can..but i did told him im nt a pro..if nt paise sia..then he said he ever watched kenderick trained n yaa..woot!!SMITTENED!=)))but sthing turned me off actually,but nvm la..don wanna talk abt it..hahahah!oh yaa!!!n the moment he put on his specs,FAINT..hahha!

n samuel..also anor one..these goofy n funny n blur guy from hwa chong jc mind ya..haha!i love him ass kid i shld say..his friend,justin from smu law,came to crash our lecture n we had lunch tgther..haha!n he started to leak secrets abt samuel..haha!btw,samuel has a twin from nus cool..theyre wayy to cool n i hope that we will go thru thick n thin tgther,help each other..=))

so yaa,ive been busy reading textbooks n notes,trying to digest it,starting to worry the projects n's endless i tell ya..sheesh!but ohwells,thats uni la prepared for it..insya-allah..

sch aside,im also very much feverish with olympics..haha!im so happy that i get to catch most of phelps' races..from heats to semis n finals n the victory ceremony..6 down,2 more gold to goo..woot!!i love him!he's a june baby!he's born on the yr of 85..still young..can can..haha!i also like other swimmers,whom i juz got to know..they also keep winning tho it's nt lazlo cseh,i think thats hw u spell it..he's from hungary..then other american swimmer like lochte,peirsol,crocker..all these rocks!

from asia,none other than kosuke kitajima from japan..gosh!baby face guy..i love him laa!!b4oly starts,i saw his name appearing in papers,then when i support him,wats more,JAPAN lehhh..hahaha!he's gt 2 gold,all in all,he has 4 golds now..defending champion for breastroke..he's the best breastroker or watt?i loveee him..but i juz read that he may be retiring after this..ohwells..nvm..i support n love him still..wooot!!!

then thr's park tae hwan too!this korean,gosh!anor babyface swimmer..he also gt gold in one of the races last wk n i went crazyyy la watching him..haha!lemme tell ya,if both these kor n jap guys become actor,fulamak!!popular laa!hahaha!woot woot!!love love!!hahah..

bt then,i will nvr forget my susilo..tho he lost,im nt the least disappointed in him all the wayy sia..i LOVE his indon accent cann?

ok i tink this is a looong post..or is it normal?haha..til then,i update when im super happy n needa blog it..hahaha!woot!nw,im gg to happy2 olympic til sunday n hopefully phelps gets the remaining 2golds..n hit my books again..=)

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