on friday,b4 stats tut,we had lunch at pizza hut at jp,to celebrate qianyu's bday..funny n funn!hahaha!n i happened to see my abg sdr,adik,whi was also having lunch with his colleagues..didnt know he was working in the west area..travel soo farr..haha..anw..ya,had lunch n a gd laugh,talk abt lecturers,to our tut grp mates n all..we're really a hell load of crap n fun..haha.im happy i can tune in with them,connect with them..haha..
n due to the late lunch orders,we reached late for stats..hahahah!abt 20min late i tink..lolol..but our tutor is chilling..haha..he's xuyun btw..kind n funny..lol!
after that,we went to canteen b to cut n blow the cake..since soo mnay cant stay n cut the cake,we called samuel to celebrate also,since his bday was 3 days back,on tues..so we called him along..waited SOOO long for him to come..so we decided to go ahead wout him..but then...while we were preparing the cake,he reached!haha..gd timing..lolol!!so,we celebrated!!WOOOOT!!

the cake from prima deli..i tink it's choc truffle..

qianyu's 19th bday n samuel's21st bday..omogosh..i feel sooo OLD..hahaaha!!
cool ppl..i like...=))
then headed home to pack barang2 n headed to my sis's house..it was quite a long journey,i was sleeping in the bus..n when the bus brake,i was like moving forward..i donno if u get wat i mean..haha..n heng ar the person who sat beside me was a gal,not a guy..hahaha!if not,malu la sehh..hahaha!
so on sat,i headed down to NYP for the anugerah mendaki thing..i was like oh soo late..haha!coz i thot the train journey from my sis's house to yck wont be tat long..but it was quite long..haha!n went i passed the gantry,i saw emelia..ok so i wasnt alone..thx god..hahah..she was waiting for ira,so i waited w her..n went tgther..
we were quite late by then..hahaha..n the rehearsel alrdy started,but fret not,it wasnt our turn yet..after the rehearsel,it was lunch..n the event commenced..
as soon as Mr Lim Swee Say arrived,accompanied by Dr Yacoob n other malay MPs,the ceremony started..omgosh..i think he muz be damn tired to give out SOO many awards..all in all,i tink there were abt 302 awards altogther..
u nvr know how much HAPPY n ECSTATIC i was,to be able to shake hands with a minister from the prime minister's office..wah..i felt SOOO HONOURED laa then..heh..if i was given the chance to shake hands agn,i wanna shake mr goh chok tong's n mr ong teng cheong,tho he alrdy passed away..yea..i idolise these 2 ppl..for no reason..maybe they have the charisma n i like..heh..anw..ya..HAPPPYYY!!
it was quite a grand ceremony,all the top students from various fields,both academic n non academic..the award was given to top PSLE,gce O n A levels,1st class honours,diploma with merit,special awards like those excel in sports,then madrasah students,commendable teachers,IB students,the youth promise award..ya..wah..inspired,motivated..n im proud of these ppl..=))
n im definitely very proud of the top psle student last yr,natasha nabilah,who scored an aggregate of 249,highest ever..omgosh!!my fren was saying,all these kids are smart..back in pri sch,we were like still playing a fool,n these kids are like mugging like wat..wah..salute siaa..
n also,this 14 yr old boy,from the sports sch,i tink he broke the national 50m swmming record..donno wat style tho..i tink it's butterfly,or sthing..n he reminded me of michael phelps..haha!but u know,i wish him all the bez sehh..insya-allah,he can make it big..n some other sportsgirls n boys also won..
im very much inspired by all these successful ppl,from the lil kids to the young adults my age..i wish n hope that more n more malay/muslim will actually work hard n be like them..
me winning this award,i shld say it's my greatest achievement/accomplishment ever..i NVR thot that i will get this far,get an award,which i shld say is prestigious,coz im fighthing with all the other malay/muslim ppl out thr..all i can say is syukur alhamdulillah,n i owe a lot to many ppl..from parents n tutors,great teachers n lecturers n tutors..frens n family..i cant do it wout them..THANKS..
but i believe this is juz the tip of an iceberg,n i believe if put in more effort,i can do better than this..insya-allah..amin..
ok..skip emo-ing..pics time!credits to my sis..hahahah!
at NYP auditorium..
me queing for my turn..
me waiting my name to be called..
me shaking hands with Mr Lim n receiving the award..
me gg down the stage..
hahaha!my sis is damn funny lorr...she LOVES to take this kinda pic..hahaha!in chronological order.haha!she said that if i print,then i can arrange nicely,from queueing up to receiving n gg down the steps..hahahah!funny!
n yesss!!natasha nabilah..the top psle student for 07..SMARTY SKIRTS!
a sajak recital from the top students..i think the gal is some graduates in some literary thingy n the guy in music..respectable..
then me posing..haha!with the cert..
then i saw ppl pose with the cert opened..so i also pose with the cert opened..my sis asked me too..hahaha!
then my sis commented,muz see the Anugerah Khas,then i said ok,take landscape pulak,then zoom in the cert..hahahah!gileee kann..
at home,i took pics of the cert..hahah!the cert holder..damn nice..
the cert..happy-ness..=)
tgther with the cheque,cert n holder..
n the cheque..DON ROB MEEE...not soo much money..hahhahaha!
n madrasah was fun as usual..tho i was quite sleepy juz now..haha!i love my uztaz..he roxx!
ok..more happy stories!!
finally,im able to watch HAWICK LAU on tv agn!!Wooot!!!wats more,the drama is on weekends at 7,so i don hv to switch channels betw chan u n chan 8..woot!!i LOVE HAWICK LAU..u know who??haha..nx time post the pic..he resembles someone..=)
n n!!! SMAP'S 18th album out on 24 sept!! Wooot!! titled super.modern.artistic.performance. wooot!!n if u see properly,it stands for SMAP..!!!coooooool!!!kakkkoooiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!cantt wait forrr itt!!Wooooot!!!lovesssssssss!!!!!!!!
til then..selamat berpuasa pada bulan yg penuh barakah ini,n ambilla kesempatan ini utk kumpulkan pahal yg byk,buat amalan yg baik byk2 od bulan ramadhan yg mulia ini..insya-allah..jgn lupa sahurr!!
by NLT~she said, i said (time we let go)
another nice song..
She said, "Baby can you please just stay
It ain't too late to work this thing out,"
I said, "Girl this ain't easy for me,
At least the truth is coming out"
She said, "Why can't we make up like the last time,
I'm just afraid to hear you say go."
I said, "Baby I'm sorry, I think it's time we let go."
"Baby don't leave, don't leave, don't leave,
Tell me you'll stay, you'll stay, you'll stay"
"Gotta leave, gotta leave, gotta leave 'cuz
I think it's time we let go"
ps:suddenly,this thot came into my mind..tmr da puasa,mcm ne nk ajak die lunch?hahahah!n he was online a while ago,then away,then offline liao..zzz...i shyyy siaaa!!