Sunday, August 31, 2008

the greatest

ok so let's see..had a quite fun n ok weekend,n didnt expect some things to happen but im happy..heh..n it's amazing im still awake n can tahan at this time despite the long hrs during take the advantage to update my blog..=))

on friday,b4 stats tut,we had lunch at pizza hut at jp,to celebrate qianyu's bday..funny n funn!hahaha!n i happened to see my abg sdr,adik,whi was also having lunch with his colleagues..didnt know he was working in the west soo farr..haha..anw..ya,had lunch n a gd laugh,talk abt lecturers,to our tut grp mates n all..we're really a hell load of crap n happy i can tune in with them,connect with them..haha..

n due to the late lunch orders,we reached late for stats..hahahah!abt 20min late i tink..lolol..but our tutor is chilling..haha..he's xuyun btw..kind n!

after that,we went to canteen b to cut n blow the cake..since soo mnay cant stay n cut the cake,we called samuel to celebrate also,since his bday was 3 days back,on we called him along..waited SOOO long for him to we decided to go ahead wout him..but then...while we were preparing the cake,he reached! timing..lolol!!so,we celebrated!!WOOOOT!!

the cake from prima deli..i tink it's choc truffle..

qianyu's 19th bday n samuel's21st bday..omogosh..i feel sooo OLD..hahaaha!!

cool ppl..i like...=))

then headed home to pack barang2 n headed to my sis's was quite a long journey,i was sleeping in the bus..n when the bus brake,i was like moving forward..i donno if u get wat i mean..haha..n heng ar the person who sat beside me was a gal,not a guy..hahaha!if not,malu la sehh..hahaha!

so on sat,i headed down to NYP for the anugerah mendaki thing..i was like oh soo late..haha!coz i thot the train journey from my sis's house to yck wont be tat long..but it was quite long..haha!n went i passed the gantry,i saw emelia..ok so i wasnt alone..thx god..hahah..she was waiting for ira,so i waited w her..n went tgther..

we were quite late by then..hahaha..n the rehearsel alrdy started,but fret not,it wasnt our turn yet..after the rehearsel,it was lunch..n the event commenced..

as soon as Mr Lim Swee Say arrived,accompanied by Dr Yacoob n other malay MPs,the ceremony started..omgosh..i think he muz be damn tired to give out SOO many awards..all in all,i tink there were abt 302 awards altogther..

u nvr know how much HAPPY n ECSTATIC i was,to be able to shake hands with a minister from the prime minister's office..wah..i felt SOOO HONOURED laa then..heh..if i was given the chance to shake hands agn,i wanna shake mr goh chok tong's n mr ong teng cheong,tho he alrdy passed away..yea..i idolise these 2 ppl..for no reason..maybe they have the charisma n i like..heh..anw..ya..HAPPPYYY!!

it was quite a grand ceremony,all the top students from various fields,both academic n non academic..the award was given to top PSLE,gce O n A levels,1st class honours,diploma with merit,special awards like those excel in sports,then madrasah students,commendable teachers,IB students,the youth promise award..ya..wah..inspired,motivated..n im proud of these ppl..=))

n im definitely very proud of the top psle student last yr,natasha nabilah,who scored an aggregate of 249,highest ever..omgosh!!my fren was saying,all these kids are smart..back in pri sch,we were like still playing a fool,n these kids are like mugging like wat..wah..salute siaa..

n also,this 14 yr old boy,from the sports sch,i tink he broke the national 50m swmming record..donno wat style tho..i tink it's butterfly,or sthing..n he reminded me of michael phelps..haha!but u know,i wish him all the bez sehh..insya-allah,he can make it big..n some other sportsgirls n boys also won..

im very much inspired by all these successful ppl,from the lil kids to the young adults my age..i wish n hope that more n more malay/muslim will actually work hard n be like them..

me winning this award,i shld say it's my greatest achievement/accomplishment ever..i NVR thot that i will get this far,get an award,which i shld say is prestigious,coz im fighthing with all the other malay/muslim ppl out thr..all i can say is syukur alhamdulillah,n i owe a lot to many ppl..from parents n tutors,great teachers n lecturers n tutors..frens n family..i cant do it wout them..THANKS..

but i believe this is juz the tip of an iceberg,n i believe if put in more effort,i can do better than this..insya-allah..amin..

ok..skip time!credits to my sis..hahahah!

at NYP auditorium..

me queing for my turn..

me waiting my name to be called..

me shaking hands with Mr Lim n receiving the award..

me gg down the stage..

hahaha!my sis is damn funny lorr...she LOVES to take this kinda pic..hahaha!in chronological order.haha!she said that if i print,then i can arrange nicely,from queueing up to receiving n gg down the steps..hahahah!funny!

n yesss!!natasha nabilah..the top psle student for 07..SMARTY SKIRTS!

a sajak recital from the top students..i think the gal is some graduates in some literary thingy n the guy in music..respectable..

then me posing..haha!with the cert..

then i saw ppl pose with the cert i also pose with the cert sis asked me too..hahaha!

then my sis commented,muz see the Anugerah Khas,then i said ok,take landscape pulak,then zoom in the cert..hahahah!gileee kann..

at home,i took pics of the cert..hahah!the cert holder..damn nice..

the cert..happy-ness..=)

tgther with the cheque,cert n holder..

n the cheque..DON ROB MEEE...not soo much money..hahhahaha!

n madrasah was fun as usual..tho i was quite sleepy juz now..haha!i love my uztaz..he roxx!

ok..more happy stories!!

finally,im able to watch HAWICK LAU on tv agn!!Wooot!!!wats more,the drama is on weekends at 7,so i don hv to switch channels betw chan u n chan 8..woot!!i LOVE HAWICK LAU..u know who??haha..nx time post the pic..he resembles someone..=)

n n!!! SMAP'S 18th album out on 24 sept!! Wooot!! titled super.modern.artistic.performance. wooot!!n if u see properly,it stands for SMAP..!!!coooooool!!!kakkkoooiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!cantt wait forrr itt!!Wooooot!!!lovesssssssss!!!!!!!!

til then..selamat berpuasa pada bulan yg penuh barakah ini,n ambilla kesempatan ini utk kumpulkan pahal yg byk,buat amalan yg baik byk2 od bulan ramadhan yg mulia ini..insya-allah..jgn lupa sahurr!!

by NLT~she said, i said (time we let go)
another nice song..

She said, "Baby can you please just stay
It ain't too late to work this thing out,"
I said, "Girl this ain't easy for me,
At least the truth is coming out"
She said, "Why can't we make up like the last time,
I'm just afraid to hear you say go."
I said, "Baby I'm sorry, I think it's time we let go."

"Baby don't leave, don't leave, don't leave,
Tell me you'll stay, you'll stay, you'll stay"
"Gotta leave, gotta leave, gotta leave 'cuz
I think it's time we let go"

ps:suddenly,this thot came into my mind..tmr da puasa,mcm ne nk ajak die lunch?hahahah!n he was online a while ago,then away,then offline liao..zzz...i shyyy siaaa!!

Friday, August 29, 2008


ok so at this time i shld be like either sleeping or doing some tutorials,but i juz cant help it la,once i go online,i cant stop,or rather,i don wanna stop..haha..thats bad..eday,whenver i go online,i was hoping that he will be online..heh..

anw,been quite a roller coaster..i had a super long day on tues.with my mktg presentation,4 hrs of lecture straight,after that went for investment st day was from 1030-9pm..not that this is the 1st time,tho back in np was worse than this..but ohwells..hahaha..i kinda don like it laa..haizz..

ok,so some updates..alhamdulillah my mktg presentation went ok,n out tutor was quite impressed by it,tho i don like the fact that some of my tutorial mates shoot qns at us,when we don even think they shld be even asking that qn,or the fact that it is not even a qn..kns..irritating..hahaha!really lor..TSK!thr's juz this girl who juz cant keep her trap shut laa,she juz LOVESS to talk,n she can talk's juz her la,so i cant blame her,but i jz don like it..but she's a nice girl..really..haha!in my opinion,she's juz this competitive girl..outstanding too i can say..but eeyeerrr,y muz i hv her in my class?tsk..stress cann?TSKKKK! said that she loves to study n missed studying..hahaha!siao or watt???likes to study?missed studying??ewww!but shes not a nerd i can cfm that..hah!

n ive been shot with many funny questions n remarks like..ure my 1st malay friend or i don hv mnay malay friends n ure the few..n question like so how many of ur cousins actually made it to uni?ok,so thats the thing..tho my cirle of friends have been mostly chinese except for back in sec n pri sch,when i came to poly n mixed ard w chinese,i NVR came across this kinda remarks or qns..coz in one way or anor,they do hv some malay,in uni,i think most of these ppl DON HV malay friends n they admit,or even if they hv,theyre not close..i was thinking,maybe due to the fact they have been in SEP schs,whereby there is no or few im like the rare malay friends they hv..haha!that i understand,but i juz cant accept it when ppl asked my how many of my cousins make it to uni?wats ur reason for asking that?is it really that ridiculous i made it to uni?or wat?i donno..but i think thats the reason,coz it's true few malay/muslims made it to uni,wat more a biz course..i always looked ard me to find true blue malay/muslim,but i can safely say it wont even reach 50..but the fact ppl shldnt have this thinking,perception,thot,stereotype that malay/muslim are cant make it type..u know,that kinda a certain extent it's true,but the fact that u shldnt generalise..ohwells,i donno if ppl do get my point,but i tink the point is thr,juz that not so clear or the way i express it..u know,im all the way out n try to do my best n make my community the least,graduate with a gd degree n gpa,no need to be top..insya-allah..but overall,ok la..all hv been gd n i like..altho some are irritating..which im gg to talk abt nx..

i HATE my ob grp..not totally hate,but i juz cant gel in with them..they're always talking abt their hall activities,of watver crap n it's oh so irritating..nvr do tutorial,slack,nvr do article arena n talk so much..n all they think of is SMOKE..n i SUPER DUPER HATE the word smoke as it's SUPER OVERLY USED n it's nt a gd word or sthing to be proud of..WTH!TSK!hw bad can u be,when the tutor is gg thru the lecture,explaining things,n thr u are half dead..i don mind if ure half dead coz ure doin tutorial or rushing proj,but the fact that u had SUPPER with ur so called LOVELY hallmates or whoever that irritating person is,n u compromise ur lecture/tutorial???if it's cca or wat,i don mind u effing shit can that be laa???i tell u,i damn SUPER REGRET i nvr chg grp when the tutor gave us a week grace to chg grp..FUCK!k im super damn pissed seriously..i supr nvr see this coming..wat more,for ob,60% of the whole module comes from PROJECTTTT!shit shit!!argghhh!!i hope that in time to come,the situation will be better..worse still,every wk,i hv ppl absent..last wk,TWO ppl absent coz they had pageant fitting..(ewww!they're not even SOOO pretty n SOOO handsome to be pageant..)irritating!but this one bo pian ar,the committee is to be blamed..f shit!then juz now 1 nvr come donno for wat reason..damnit ar!all cock up lorr!fyi,i can choose to do the same laa,but i don want too,coz if i do as such too,the grp die..not say that im like the saviour la,but im more of the more reliable ones around..these ppl are juz TOO engrossed with the hall,or maybe they see ob as crap n shld juz heck care abt it..very well if u wanna heck care,u'll nvr know hw much is it gg to pull down ur tired of it juz staying positive n thrs no use ranting abt it coz it's not gg to chg anything..haizzz..

anw,that aside,i went to canteen A that tues,n i had ayam penyet at 3bucks..yummy yumm yumm!heh..i LOVE gg to north spine despite the fact that i had to climb up n down that super duper long n steep flight of stairs..hahahah!whenever i go to north spine,im always hoping to see him..heh..=p

oh yaa!n u know,whenever i drop at NIE bustop,i will also be reminded of him..hahha!coz thats the stop whre u can see sch of mechanical n aerospace engineering..hahah!omgosh!i sound soo like wat!hahahah!pfftt..

n ive nt been reading my text b4 lecture due to my mktg presentation..shall resume reading gg to spend my wkend doin so..i hv many things in time to come..n all the things clash on the same day..irritated agn..ohwells..uni life..nvr me..unless ure a smarty pants..

n oh yes!i chatted with len teck chong at last..hahahha!oops!he's cute..heh..=)

ok,i tink i stop gg to get my 800 on sat soon but pls don ask me to treat coz it's meant for studying..will be heading down to my sis's house tmr after sch..til then..ciaoz!

angel my natasha bedingfield

Your angel, Your angel
Protect you from the pain
I'll keep you safe from danger
You'll never hurt again
I'll be your a.n.g.e.l
I'm gona be your a.n.g.e.l
I'll be your angel

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

sent from heaven

10 hrs later will be marketing's been more than a yr i think eversince i did my last presentation..kinda scared tho it's ungraded..

proj's piling up n im oh so damn scared..stressness..later will be a super duper long day due to investment club til 9,but i can foresee it will end later than that..zzz..

but on the other note,im happy coz i finally msn him,tho i juz sent at offline message..haha..n he replied alrdy..oh so happy!!i shall sms him mann..ask for lunch..hahahaha!but of course,tgther with nat n sam..heh..

kk..thats all..ciaoz!!!=))

sent from heaven by keyshia cole..nice song..=))

i wanna be the one who you believe
In your heart is sent from (sent from heaven)
There's a piece of me who leaves when you gone
Because you're sent from (sent from heaven)
I wanna be the one who you believe
In your heart is sent from (sent from heaven)
There's a piece of me who leaves when you gone
Because you're sent from (sent from heaven)

Monday, August 25, 2008

short n sweet =)

ok b4 i go to sleep after a long and rushing day n nite,i had funn today meeting society peeps tho it was only for a short while..credits to mr lim yue shun for organizing it..hahaha!

me,tina n mat arrived late coz i was having religious class,mat overslept n tina also i think had sthing on..we ate at pizza hut..yummmy yummm!ive been wanting to eat star bitez.hahah!then hang ard at starbucks n so called celebrate daz's bday..then hm sweet hm liao..

so nice to update each other..most of them are gg attachment n i wish them bez of mat n siu cing,jia you for society..heh..

nvr fail to laugh at ys's super powderful english..i had a gd donno when we will hv such a day agn now that they're gg to hv attachment soon..

n yes i know i owe u all a me,i will treat..jz that i always short of ching ching..hahaha!

n to mat,if u happen to read this,PLS CHG UR HP DIAL TONE OR WATVER U CALL IT COZ IT'S IRRITATING!haha..crush by archuleta or by smap is nice..hahahhahaha!=p

til then..i wanna grab a bite n off too lala land..tmr anor dead day..zzzzzz....

Sunday, August 24, 2008

he isss!!!

omgosh!i cant help but juz blogg laa!he's online!but i don hv the courage to chat w him coz 1,his status is busy..if online i stil dare siaa..2.i tink im a bit teeny weeeny shyyy..hhahaa...omgosh...aaaahhhh!!!dang iitttt!

am i crazy or falling in love, is it really just another crush

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


so darn tired my eyes are closing but i still wanna blog..haha!stubborn,yes i am..gosh..ething i do,thru n for lectures,to lunches,to marketing tutorial,im always reminded of him..sometimes,i'll juz laugh to myself reminiscing abt it..i sound as if his my loved one,as if he isnt alive anymore..hahaha!i know sounded duh but seriously i cant help it..the last time i saw him was on wed,n for all i know,on sunday,he said he decided to transfer back to aerospace..omgosh laaa!the impact on meee..unbelievable..he's like the best dude i know in ntu,other than wacky samuel..haizz..ohwells..tho we're in the same sch,i can tell it is juz hard to meet up due to diff timetable..

i wonder hw he is settling down now,with the timetable,with his chapalang class n grp proj..but i believe he's used to this..he's a pro siaa..thats y i oh soo like him..hahaha!haizz..=((

anw,with a blink of an eye,it's gg thurs,mid week juz passed..juz last sunday i celebrated pei fen's 21st bday n now it's midweek..siao liao..time is juz darnn soo fast..

joined investment club as cca..donno wats it like..all i ask for is i can juggle..

n the bubble tea shop at canteen B rox...i love the deco..drinks are nice too!woot!im gg to be a bubble tea addict siaaa!

peifen's 21st bday at csc bt batok..=)

hungry hungry..


society with tagggg...
that TWO STHING EXTRA..if u get wat i mean..hahahaha!

damn nice cake..i likeee!
society n president foo pei fen..happy 21st bday..
matters of the heart..complicated..not me,but you..

better dayss ahead plssss...

Sunday, August 17, 2008

super sadded

omgosh!!!i was damn happy at one moment today,n now,im damn saddddd n dowwwn n mooooody cann?ohwells..thats wat life is..gosh!all i can do is to move on coz if i juz continue to dwell on it,nothing's gg to change n it wont do any gd..i don even know if im ever gg to say wat it is..arggh!the thot of it..i wanna tear can?=(((

see la,coz of this,i wanna blog abt phelps n kitajima also no mood..nx time ba..watever it is,i gotta salute phelps..8 gold in 1 olympic,best olympian in history..loveeeesssss!

Kono Toki Kitto Yume Ja Nai

omgosh!!!im oh sohappy cannn?i bot my smap's new singles alrdy n im oh so in love it..nvr disappointing..i simply love the song dedicated to the japanese olympians fighting in beijing..gosh!i can feel the support n love n motivation..takuya oh so hott cann?i saw the mv alrdy too,i love his hair laaa!hahaha..woooot!the title is Kono Toki, Kitto Yume Ja Nai (this moment I know is not a dream..n the other track is two of us..=))

this is the live performance of them.b4 that,they were interviewed abt the song..this is from news 23..then it showed snippets of KOSUKE KITAJIMA winning gold medal,swimming with all his might..gosh!!i love SMAP..i love KOSUKE KITAJIMA..i love TAKUYA KIMURA!!

official mv..

lovesss!indah is happyyyy!!!=)))

please stand la la..dont cry... *singing*

n yesss!!!one more gold for phelps!!woot!cheer!!waiting for 10am to watch his final gold..wooot!!!

Friday, August 15, 2008

getting a lil bit excited i havent been blogging properly these few days..coz i was juz so tired after sch n i hardly hv the energy to on my the most,i will crap a few line,printmy notes,chk my email,esp ntu email which is always flooding,then logoff trying to get use to sch life now..n hopefully i can getting the hang of it now..

so today is alrdy the end of 2nd wk of sch..lemme juz update on wat happen since day1..haha!i know it's kinda late,but nvm laa kan,for my own reading..u know,then im bored,n when i read my archives,n chance upon this,i will be reminded of it n reminisce those days when i was a freshie in ntu..hahaha!

so the first,which was supposedly to be my FREE day,i ended up having to come to sch coz it was the NBS Welcome Day..i went with joyce n linh coz theyre the only ones whom i know,nvr go for any foc,so we don hv any friends..haha..but when i reaced the LKC lt,SURPRISINGLY,i saw SOO many ppl whom i know la,from BA..not only that..i found out that my own tutorial grp has ppl whom i know quite well,n they're natasha n xing zhen..i can nvr be happier at that time..i was very lucky i should say,i hv 2 ppl in my class whom i cool..loves..n i started to enjoy from that moment,constantly smsing wq n aisha on hw happy i was..of course,i also took the time to oogle at guys..haha!see if thr was any cute handsome guys in my tut grp..n sad to say,don hv..haha!okok la,not too bad laa.not buruk or wat kan,but none caught my eye at that time tho..

then 2 profs started talking,then some president of a cca grp,then we proceeded to tutorial rooms for ice breaking,lead by 2 seniors..then had canadian pizze for lunch,then had tour ard the sch..overall,i find the welcome day useful..they brought us ard the sch so that we know whr is the more impt places,n hw to go from places to ya..i got hang of it a bit..tho it was tiring to walk up n down north n south n i still find it tiring..wats more,at nbs block,it's like a maze..can go thru here n thr,tembus sana sini..pening sehh..haha! along the way,had small chats..i chatted only w the girls,guys n guys..hahaha!the girls are happening..i like..very friendly n chatty..=))..u cant put me with a mute..i'll die..hahaha!

but the ending was merepek..n i hated it very much..thr's this fashion competition la,n from whr i was sitting,i cant see was like wth.waste time..zzz..i was entertaining myself n talking to joyce who happened to sit beside me..haha..then it was reception,then hm sweet hm..

the following days were attending i shld say..the lts are HUGE!cool ar..i was jakun can?haha..always meeting natasha at the interch along with others lest we will get lost,esp those lts found on north spine..zzzz..hahaha!

then this wk,i juz started tutorial n im oh so loving it..haha!heng ar all my tutors are ok,except for marketing n econs,a bit on a strict side,but still considerable..n thats when also i got closer to samuel n zhi yong..haha!my grp members for marketing tgther w natasha..i wish i grped tgther w them for other modules too,but ohwells,their timetable is a chepalang timetable..they tried switching classes,but to no avail..haha..but we still sit tgther for lectures tho..for now,but future donno la kann..i wish future too..haha..coz im very much smittened by zhi yong..i tink he's damn zai can?from aerospace,he felt that that wasnt wat he wanted,so he switched to double degree in acc n biz..wowoow!admiring siaaa!hahaha..ok..i make sure nobody in ntu knows im blogging..even if they ask,i'll juz say err,no?or secret?hahaha!so ya..i think he's cool...juz 2days back,after econs lecture,we went fome tgther w the rest,n started chatting..i tink i can connect w him..haha..we chatted abt loads of things during the bus journey to bl interch..from lectures to tutorial,study grps n cycling,swimming,badminton n k box..haha!he asked if we k box..i replied i do sing,but i don really sing k in front of ppl im nt familiar with..then natasha teased me i sing malay songs..haha!then i said la i sing english can?then i said i sing chinese song,from 5566..haha!n that zhi yong said wo nan guo is it?haha..then he started to sing the 1st line of the chorus..hahaha!then we talked abt the oly,abt badminton n table tennis..heh..he's kinda into badminton,n said maybe we shld play tgther at ntu..haha!woot!can can..but i did told him im nt a pro..if nt paise sia..then he said he ever watched kenderick trained n yaa..woot!!SMITTENED!=)))but sthing turned me off actually,but nvm la..don wanna talk abt it..hahahah!oh yaa!!!n the moment he put on his specs,FAINT..hahha!

n samuel..also anor one..these goofy n funny n blur guy from hwa chong jc mind ya..haha!i love him ass kid i shld say..his friend,justin from smu law,came to crash our lecture n we had lunch tgther..haha!n he started to leak secrets abt samuel..haha!btw,samuel has a twin from nus cool..theyre wayy to cool n i hope that we will go thru thick n thin tgther,help each other..=))

so yaa,ive been busy reading textbooks n notes,trying to digest it,starting to worry the projects n's endless i tell ya..sheesh!but ohwells,thats uni la prepared for it..insya-allah..

sch aside,im also very much feverish with olympics..haha!im so happy that i get to catch most of phelps' races..from heats to semis n finals n the victory ceremony..6 down,2 more gold to goo..woot!!i love him!he's a june baby!he's born on the yr of 85..still young..can can..haha!i also like other swimmers,whom i juz got to know..they also keep winning tho it's nt lazlo cseh,i think thats hw u spell it..he's from hungary..then other american swimmer like lochte,peirsol,crocker..all these rocks!

from asia,none other than kosuke kitajima from japan..gosh!baby face guy..i love him laa!!b4oly starts,i saw his name appearing in papers,then when i support him,wats more,JAPAN lehhh..hahaha!he's gt 2 gold,all in all,he has 4 golds now..defending champion for breastroke..he's the best breastroker or watt?i loveee him..but i juz read that he may be retiring after this..ohwells..nvm..i support n love him still..wooot!!!

then thr's park tae hwan too!this korean,gosh!anor babyface swimmer..he also gt gold in one of the races last wk n i went crazyyy la watching him..haha!lemme tell ya,if both these kor n jap guys become actor,fulamak!!popular laa!hahaha!woot woot!!love love!!hahah..

bt then,i will nvr forget my susilo..tho he lost,im nt the least disappointed in him all the wayy sia..i LOVE his indon accent cann?

ok i tink this is a looong post..or is it normal?haha..til then,i update when im super happy n needa blog it..hahaha!woot!nw,im gg to happy2 olympic til sunday n hopefully phelps gets the remaining 2golds..n hit my books again..=)

Sunday, August 10, 2008


it's the beijing olympics and as usual,im gg crazyy over it..not only oogle at guys but really support my fav sportsman from all ard the world..sorry im nt rooting for team singapore except for the badminton team..hahhahaa!pardon me..=p

swimming was hell great juz now..i LOVE michael all happened 4yrs ago back in athens..=)))woot!1 down,6 more to gooo..go PHELPS!

Saturday, August 09, 2008

that's wat i call nbs

see the crowd..i simply love it..nbs students..rocksss!hahaha..all the way from north spine to south spine..yes..that whole stretch is nbs!stylo ehhh..heh..


Tuesday, August 05, 2008

back to square one

im very much stress in sch..=((

but..seeing these ppl subsided my stress-ness a bit..heh..=p

archie in specs.. *MELTING*..

takuya in gatsby deodarant ad.. *MELTING too*..

Saturday, August 02, 2008

cheap? gd? no more?

omgosh..staying at home on a sat night is oh so least muz go out n be hm at least at 9 or 10,then it's nt that bored..hahah! quite lonely now,hence i blog..n im juz gonna blog nonsense here..watver comes into my mind,juz blog..hahaha!

watched hanna montanah..n i love it..haha..i think jake ryan is!then met kak linda at bugis..ok,as usual,she's always late...tsk.irritating..lesson learnt,when she says 2.30,means 2.45-3..hahah!so i will purposely be late the nx time i meet her..haha..we headed to sim lim 1st as she wanted to repair her mp4..ok,biase gak,org c atas is oh so irritating..ape die bbl pun tk tau..tsk..nyusahkan org..benci tul la org mcm gini..da la tk tau bbl om putih..susah leh,susah!byk susah!

then we went to bugis village..woot!i like cann?? usual,all 10bucks,who can resist sia?feel like buying all siaa..too bad no budget..u know,i hv SOOO many clothes that i hv not worn,coz it's reserved for sch..or either that,i don hv a matching bag or shoes..haha!or im juz too choosy..LOL!

walked n walked..surveyed this n that..gosh!mata rambang!at last,i bot this purple top n it's VERY NICE!!can match with my dorothy perkins' necklace,then wear with wedge..woot!can wear for the mendaki graduates' tea..heh..woot woot!i like!cheap cheap gd gd nice nice!haha!then,i also bot jumper leh!but....BIGGGG!omgosh!damn irritating cann?the auntie laa,i don understand y all these shopkeepers don let us try..tak mati sak klu selop msk jekk!then hw u know muat ke tak?ok la,if tops u don let us try nvm..but bottoms?kau!nonsense sak!anw,ya im sadded that the jumper was i hope that i can retrieve my 10bucks back by selling it to kak linda n hope that she can fit n she likes it..hahaha!klu tak,rugi sehhh!tsk!

then u know,juz talk randomly..she bot this dress also,10bucks..damn nice also..then she needa go pasir ris liao for her dept's i headed home..that's when i tried on the clothes i juz bot n found out the jumper is BIGG!..pfffftt!ohwells...

thats abt it lorr my dayy..boring kann?if only she can spent a lil more time..nari sume org la kuar,sume org la de bbq..bosan bosan..

ok,so let's monday sch starts,or rather tues,coz monday's still wats my goal or wat is my plan?hmm..let's see,since i don intend to take up part time job coz i don think i cant cope,so i needa save nt some rich kid whereby my parents juz shake legs n moneyy will come in..haha!so ive decided to budget all my spendings from makan to belanje..n hopefully insya-allah i can keep up with that..purpose of saving is for rainy days..i can foresee a lot of rainy days..haha!anw,it's gg to be the fasting mth soon,so all the more i can save money coz i don need to eat..soo yup..for now,NO MORE NEW CLOTHES unless otherwise stated..ahahahha!ive actually prepare my budget n i BETTER MAKE SURE i follow it closely..if not,i'll juz give myself a tight slap..tsk!haha..discipline pls!

then,as for cca,i still cant decide wat cca to join..personally,it's best to hv a cca,then only ur uni life will more complete,more fulfilling,u will not only be gd in studies,but in cca..juz think laa,im sure there will be MANY ppl who will pass with flying colours,on the same par,but if u go out to work,u tell me who will be better,those who pass only,or those who pass n has cca?those with cca are definitely better..coz it shows the other side of sure u get wat i mean la,esp if u go thru poly life..been to it uni interview or work interview..i don believe in ppl who studyyyy only but cca lousy or don hv..hahahah!true watt..see how many ppl who passed,who are medallists,they don only did well in studies,but hv gd cca records..ok but not all..haha!coz I KNOW SOME PPL who are medallists,cca records gd,but fake one..ok la,not fake but kinda suck up or underground or illegal or bias ones..really,im not joking..ive seen it myself,ive witness it myself..n I DEFINITELY DON LOOK UP to such hell with them..hahaha!boo!so i still cant decide..i was telling ch ystd abt nt some smart alec like the jc students..(
mind ya the ratio of poly students to jc students in uni is 1:5/10..roughly..)..wats more if i wanna try my bez to complete my degree in 3yrs (which is hell..i can go crazyy..)..soo many things to juggle,i can yaa,still not decided yet whether i wanna hv cca..somebody asked me (i shant say who) whether im gg to studyyy n muggg onlyy or juz go w the flow..i frgt wats my answer..but even if i answer,i wont answer truthfully to tat person..(haha!yes im bad...)..this also i donno..i think i will do my best in ething i do,like how i used to back in poly..or better still,better than in poly..i'd prefer to be someone back in sec more hardworking back then..yaa..insya-allah,god willing,i will do n try my best in ething i do..

all this is just wat i think is gg to happen..things wont turn out the way i expect it to til sch starts,i donno wats gg to happen..all i can is pray hard and put in my best effort..

being national day nx wk,i cant help but be angry for my friend coz some ppl are JUST DAMN RACIST,esp if they are racist towards MY RACE..u know,ive this ugly side of me,if ppl can be racist,i can jus be as racist,or even more racistn kutuk rabak2..try me mann!i feel for my friend siaa..but he reciprocated well n i like it!gd job laa deyy!i like!anw,if u ask me,tho spore is a multi racial n multi religious,racism still exists..everywhere..seriously..juz that..u know,ppl don dare to say or jus ignore n make peace with it..klu tak,perang laa sak spore!mcm dulu2..tkmo sehh..but still,im contented living in spore..

n if u happen to read today paper..i love this one article abt cheap n gd in nt gg to talk abt it..n i wanna quote some of the lines or phrases n i TOTALLY agree with it..quite easy to get wats the message abt..

The end of cheap and good may usher in a period of expensive but bad.

It’s easy to raise prices, and much harder to raise standards.

Perhaps, we can console ourselves with three things in Singapore that are still cheap (even free) and good. Our clean air, public libraries and hawker centres. Perhaps, those are enough.

damn true..bye bye cheap n gd spore..

ok sum up..i wanna input this..LISTEN KKKK???hahahah! (fyi,i put this in friendster n facebook also siaa!hahaha!)


Friday, August 01, 2008

crush! fresh!

omgosh omgosh!!ive heard archie's new single,CRUSH!it was oh so damn nice...omgosh!beautiful lyrics,beautiful music,beautiful voice..omgosh!!!i cant wait to hear more of him!!pls pls,anyone who read this,i donno who,pls do listen,even if u don like him or give a hoot abt him,but lemme tell ya,this song is damn nice! listen..

Crush, by David Archuleta

i hung up the phone tonight, something happened for the first time, deep inside
it was a rush, what a rush
cause the possibility that you would ever feel the same way about me
it's just too much, just too much

why do i keep running from the truth, all i ever think about is you
you got me hypnotized, so mesmerized, and i just got to know

do you ever think, when your all alone, all that we can be, where this thing can go
am i crazy or falling in love, is it really just another crush
do you catch a breath, when i look at you, are you holding back, like the way i do
cause im trying, trying to walk away
but i know this crush aint goin away, goin away

has it ever cross your mind when we were hanging, spending time girl, are we just friends
is there more, is there more
see it's a chance we've gotta take, cause i believe that we can make this into
something that will last, last forever, forever

why do i keep running from the truth, all i ever think about is you
you got me hypnotized, so mesmerized, and i just got to know

do you ever think, when your all alone, all that we can be, where this thing can go
am i crazy or falling in love, is it really just another crush
do you catch a breath, when i look at you, are you holding back, like the way i do
cause im trying, trying to walk away
but i know this crush aint goin away, goin away

my archie..=)

ready to fly

so ystd was the freshmen welcome day at the ntu auditorium..gosh..i LOVE the damn big n grand..i was awed..hahha!jakun ya..went with joyce n linh..thank gdness i had company,if nt,jgn harap aku nak the welcome day was for our sch,nbs n college of science..thats the science faculty..

we got goodie bags..i loovve goodie bag..haha!inside the goodie bag,there's ntu organizer,which is damn heavy n i doubt im using that..make my bag heavy..then ntu's jacket..damn nice..tho i tink blue would be nicer..haha!then there's a bottle of magnolia triple choc milk,yummm!heh..a mini torch light..n some brochures..then there's also the gown,similar to that grad gown,except that this is worn when ure an undergrad..i tink..hahah..

then the ceremony started..there's academic procession,speeches by the professors n president of NTU SU,performances,academic recession n REFRESHMENTS..haha!i love that the most..hahah..

lemme tell ya,the professors damn cute..wearing the robe or gown,all wear different ones..i tink each one means sthing..there's blue one,red with yellow ones,normal ones n all..with the mortarboard..cute..haha!they really looked like harry porter wannabes,or harry porter students..haha!i esp looove the blue robe..n i love the professor..coz he was the one who wore the blue robe..hhahahah!i love his speech too..very i donno hw to say..haha!motivated i guess...heh..

after the speech,we were to wear the gown n recite the NTU honour pledge..makes mee so patriotic towards NTU..i recited ok?n i meant it..proud NTU student..hahahah!im proud to be an NTU student..

after that was the light up ceremony,a tradition whereby row by row will light up our it's like when the emcees gave the cue,row 1 will light up,then at the count of 3,row 2 will light up.then count to 3 agn,row 3 will light up n all the way until the last row..damn nice lorr!tho it's like ndp..haha!but ya..i love this ceremony too..=))i think NTU rocks!

then anor speech by senior associate provost,provost is the person i/c of the college in a British uni..if american eng means an impt uni official (we were one under the brit colonial rule,hence we also use this..i checked the dictionary..hahaahha!coz i tink the word damn nice..)..ya his speech a bit boring..haha..but meaningful laa..hahaha...then the academic recession,then refreshments..then home sweet home...=))

some pics..

the stage..nice.. robes..we are also harry porter students..hahahha!

overall,it was fun..=)

some lil news..smap's new single out in 13 aug n im oh so excited..i WILL head down to HMV a few days after release..woot!

archie's new single crush will hit the radiowaves in or wat?i tink shld be some time now,coz it will be aired on frid, i think shld be anytime soon..wooot!

mendaki graduation tea will be on 16aug,n most proly i'll be gg..with aisha..hmm..

wat else?hmm..ok so sch's starting nx wk,i hv like 2days to recharge,get back to normal sleeping pattern lest i cant wake up for 8.3o classes..n i wanna go out but no company,im oh so pathetic..pfft..

n i think at this pt of time,all the tertiary students will either start the semester or end the semester with exams,so i wish all of u n me n us loadss of lucks!=))

til then..ciaoz!