Friday, May 23, 2008

oh's ok=) the glory belongs to david cook..oh wat simon said,any1 win will doo..but each n evryone of us has our personal fav,so my vote still goes to much as i wan him to win,but america choose cook..i think if i were in america,i will be voting for archuleta like hell mann..haha! was a touching moved me to tears..esp when cook sang the winning song,n then hugged archuleta..awww..archuleta is juz soo adorable laa..heh..woot..i love him laa!

u know,it's ok if he doesnt win..he's still young..he's got many yrs ahead of him..he alrdy carved a name for himself..all he needs to do is to work harder n maintain that popularity..i believe that in future,he will be someone respectful,someone worthy to be an idol,a superstar..yeah..lets think positive..i think he's happy too that cook won..i mean it's juz very clear tat both deserves to opinion only laa..heh..but anw..archuleta forver..=)

pics,pics,n more pics of himm!!i wish i had a youngr bro like him..

nice wide smile..

see the hands..n see!

awww...dgn penuh smangat..

humble..adorable..cutie pie!

i love when he closes his eyes like that..

menjiwai lagu itu..aww!

oh ya..n i finally got my grad night dress for 29.90.ok la,quite cheap..nk kai skali jek..all i need now is a cardigan..then i went to cathay to watch accuracy of death..wowowow!damn nice cann??damn touching laa..once in a while,watch this type of movie is damn nice..u know,if i always watch sad,sappy lover story..nahh..haha!woot!kudos to takeshi kaneshiro..

argghh!ive nvr had enough of archuleta!!i think,soon,my blog n friendster's songs n vids will be him for the moment..hahah!oops!=p..til then..ctinuing archuleta-ing..

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