Sunday, May 11, 2008


haizz..u know,i wanna chg my blogskin,but then,i juz cant find the proper skin!!there's always sthing that i don like abt the skin..either the backgrd,the clr,the layout,so on n so forth..can change la,but im lazy plus i don really know hw to read the codes and chg..heh..aiyo..troublesome..the skin muz reflect me u see..haha..donno ar..see how..i do hv some skins that i like,but aiya..donno la!im juz soo fickle n fussy over it..hahaha!pfftt..i tink..i will juz chg the pics at my blog..habis cite..wahahah!

anw..ystd at cik nani's house for mother's day celebration is an emo one..after my uncle read doa selamat,then all the aunts n uncles salam my nenek..n all cried n saying all the sweet was soo touching..mcm hari raya pun ade..i tell u ar,luckily i can hold back my tears,if not i also melalak alrdy..somehow,i felt the u know..i's indescribable..

then mcm biasa,mkn2..yummy!i love the cake!hahaha!choc cake from prima deli..shiokness..ate murtabak n karipap only..hmm..ya..then talked n talked..smp penat..

oh yaa!!my sis bought a new car!woot!7 seater clr..woot!heh..but i donno wat model..later when i know alrdy i tell u..heh..talking abt cars,ive alrdy had my license for 1 yr,but ive yet to drive..tsk2..haiz..such a scaredycat..i wonder if i can drive that big car..lolol!=)

today is very relaxing..watched hana kimi..woot!i think i still love wu zhun..heh..n when they played the song,i juz felt like playing fahrenheit's songs agn..especially that young song..woot!

refer to the vid!woot!=))

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