Friday, May 30, 2008

waiting for summer!

yoohoo!!!cant wait for arhuleta's new album..if i rmb correctly,he signed with jive records..wah!i love him laa!!eday muz listen to him laa!!his dream sky high n don't tell me that he sang when he was still young is damn nice cannn?omgomgomgomg!!!heh..woot!i love david archuleta!

eday sure read abt him..eday sure muz see him youtube..i hv favourited his performances every wk,rite from the intro to him singing n the judges' comments to him showing his gesture to vote for..awww!im loving it n crazyyy over it..hahaha!

n tmr is np grad dinner..hopefully it's fun..

n til then..i wanna watch tv..then if im not sleepy,i will ctinue david a-ing..hahah!woot!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

really officially graduated

INDAHSURIA BINTE MOKHTAR has officially graduated from NP Sch of BA, with diploma in merit for banking & financial gold cert of achievement in cca..haha!

all i can say is alhamdulillah n thx to all the ppl who hv been giving me support in watver i do,esp mak n pak..u was soo emo u know jz now,as i was walking down the steps to be sitted down while waiting for the procession to commence..really..when i saw how red my eyes are,it was no wonder ppl said i looked shagged..actually i was trying to hold back my tears..heh..can say that im also v tired laa..i only slept at 3 am,n rai's smsed me at 6+am,n i cant get back to sleep..heh..tido tido ayam jek...

anw..graduation day was fun..i was able to take photos with ppl whom made my poly life v much fulfilling..posing here n there..queueing to pose at the sign of graduation 08..n my bro in law became ppl's photographer..n he was busy taking food to eat n help my parents to take also..haha!kecoh babe!!

n in the convention itself,when i collected my transcript,afterwhich i was otw back to my seat,my sis stopped me to take photo pat tgh2 convention tu..haha!kecoh sak..malu kau..then my bro in law went..ele,malu2 konon..mcm tk biasa gitu uat bende2 gini.haha!n i tell u,my dearest nephews,yaqin n rudy caught much attention..ahahah!u know,the convention is soo big n sound surround..leh dgr die menangis sehh..hahahaha!

im happy that both the gold n silver medallist came from my esp happy for them..they deserve it laa..but u know,as much as there are some that i think i disagree,but ohwells..haha!ive gt nobody but myself to blame..lolol!anw,congrats dear vivian n changhong!=)

took pics with dearest wan qi,harjeet n like chasing them to take pics with them..esp that wan qi..soo busy..heh..

also took pic with director,mr philip lau n mr ben tan..i wanna take with mr chong kek weng..but i couldnt locate him..oh ya..took w andre also..he owes me my testy n he went.."don ask for that thing.."lol!as much as i hate him in soc,but outside soc,he's concerned..=)

after ething,my class went to holland v n ate at swensens..omg laa..we queued for 1hr laa sehh..pfftt..but anw..still had gg to miss all my classmates laa..n also those that i didnt see,esp the bs n trm cohort..n those who nvr come..

today is one of the most memorable days in my life for 2008..insya-allah,i hope that 3 yrs down the rd,i am able to wear a grad gown agn,this time,not only the gown,but the mortarboard,n a scroll that not only states a diploma,but an honours degree..insya-allah..with hardwork i put in n berkat mak n pak,i will succeed n make them even prouder of me..=)

once agn,congrats to all whom i know plus i donno,as long as u're from np,class 08,happy graduation day....!!! =))

photos will be up soon..=)

looking forward to np d&d this sat with my classmates n whole of np!woot!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


yoohoo!!u know,ive juz realised that ive been archuleta-ing,such that i wanna talk soo much abt wats happening lately..heh..ok..lets see..

been bloghopping,n i came across this really attracted me alot,plus i was thinking abt it too..the entry of the blog is regarding if i were spore's PM..he said he wanna get a request to remoce the long tv screen in the mrt undergrd thats strecthes from newton to mrt..when i 1st read abt it in the papers n news back then,i was also v pissed w was completely a waste of money,time n resources!wats more,who the hell in the world give a damn abt the screen??the mrt is always soo pack,some more it's betw newton n orchard,we don hv time to actually look at it n go waaahhh over it..n u know,this costs money ok??n whre does this money come from?it maybe from the revenues generated from us paying the fares..we don pay the forver getting more n more expensive for such things rite??haizz..anw,i think tat screen is jz a complete waste!ppl don even give a damn abt the small tv in teh mrt that shows nothing but some stupid ads..tsk!

n anor one that i gotta agree is abt sch!he mentioned that there shld be local exchange prog..coz as u can see,there sooo many schs that are catered to only a single race..which is obvious,i don hv to say y..i don see the need y is there such a need?some more,that sch happen to be a super gd sch,only one race,so r u trying to say other races r nt gd enough to be in that sch?so,coz of this,somehow,i too feel that other races are outcasted..madrasahs are different's a religious sch..

these 2 pts really caught my attention..maybe we shld really think abt it..thx mann!entry is oh soo nice!haha..

today,i read today paper,n was reading abt nus biz vs ntu nbs..nus claiming that their students achieve the highest salaries among all the biz sch in spore..hmm..wats my take?i think,all unis are gd..nus,ntu n all boils down to the individual him/herself..but me,ntu's still the bes..ntu,take the lead..woot!haha..

then..the 9pm drama getting more n more interesting...frid last epi..cant miss!!

n oh yaa..ive been soo bz you-tubing david,that i overlooked takuya n smap!!haha!finally,takuya's new gatsby ad is out!i love it!damnnice!!advertising for gatsby face series..shiok!!i love him!n n..smap x smap show also..i like!!!they sang lion heart..aww!so refreshing!woot!

n n!!finally!!ive been dowloading archuleta's songs!!Woot that webby!!kudos to that webby!woot!n i hv loads of his pics in my pc now..even my wallpaper also his pics longer takuya..oops!even my ringtone also!woot!shiokness!!hahaha!i like!!thx to mat also,he helped me dl when i cant dl..heh..thx ehh mat..=)) much to say..ctinue some other time..i wanna archuleta-ing..

tmr is my graduation much looking fwd to it..finally.tf21/04/07,reunites!!=)til then..bye!!

Monday, May 26, 2008

the utah boy

im juz gg head over heels over archuleta!!heh..spent half of my noon youtubing archuleta..watched the performances way back from audition,watched the interviews,watched juz soo manyy laa!heh..i love it soo much!

u know,i didnt know that archuleta is also facing loads of rumours n controversies n all..aww..n he's handling it well...thats my idol..u know,despite the age at 17..awww..

i saw him tearing during his homecoming at gate mall during the autograph session..aww..i also teared siaa..really..super touching laa!hw i wish i was in salt lake city,utah..hahaha!

n u know,watching so many interviews,he's quite easily distracted u know..haha!then in the middle of the interview,he will like ckp diri sendiri..then when he didnt get the qn,he will like sorry i wasnt listening wat is it agn..haha!oh boy..but nvm..u're only 17..i don give a hoot abt that tho..he's juz great!love him!woot!

oh oh!!n he loves to lick his lips..i mean as in basahkan bibir..haha!soo cute laa!everytime u know!

oh mann...i wonder who likes him n has his songs..hmm..i really needa listen to him eday laa..last nite b4 sleep,i kept playing my ipod,rpt his a thousand miles..heh..woot!

soo much to talk abt him here,but i juz keep it to myself..coz i'll appear defensive towards him..hahaha!i juz love archuleta!n that's that!woot!

til then..


Sunday, May 25, 2008

awww..i like!

n so i went to sim lim today with wan funnn ehh,looking for a suitable hard drive,when my knowledge of a hard drive is like soo minimal..haha!thx to wan qi,she was my questioner for the day..u know la hor,im so shy when it comes to asking qns..haha!thx wan qi..i owe u one..the drive costs 145 for laa..

then she needa go off 1st,so i roamed bugis village once agn ALONE,yes alone..haha!bo pian ar,coz i die die muz find the cardigan..then when i found one,i jz walked ard lor,see if there's anything i like..haha!maybe belt or a top..donno..but didnt get anything exc for the cardigan at 16bucks..haizz..cant find 10bucks..oh wells..da mls..

u know,ystd while i was youtubing,i cant help but to post this video..hmm..david cook thingy aside,i like the way natasha loves archuleta n hugged him specially..soo cute kannn..awww!i love both them!woot! i like!!

ryan: natasha,no no..stay rite there..i don wanna embarrass anybody but david would like to ask u to the prom..

natasha: i hv my dress,n everything,so,if u ask me i'll come..

i like!!like it's been soo long eversince im soo into english superstar..heh..if not,asyik dgn takuya..heh..woot!i juz came online to hear his singing..haizz..mesmerising..woot!love archuleta!=)

take the lead

so ive been rejected by smu n nus..hahah!wat a waste..not that i wanna join nus or smu,but coz i wanna hv the feel of rejecting unis that wan me,but i don wan!but oh well..wat matters most now is that i get to my one n only choice of uni,that it NTU!

NTU, TAKE THE LEAD!woot!heh.. =)

spent my saturday at my sis's house..met her at causeway pt..n she ended up buying shoes..i was the one who wanna look for things,she ended up buying..ahah!but i bought mask from faceshop at 30% disc..shiok kann..heh!i like faceshop!woot!

then went her house,slack a while..ate..then pas maghrib went hm..wanna look for cardigan..but none that i like..n now here i am online..chatting..heh..

n now im gg to flood by blog with archuleta's vid!woot!

singing falling..

n im telling u..

my most fav!!a thousand miles..=))

n definitely loads morreee!=))

im in love with archuleta!such a cutie!!!hahaha!til then..

Saturday, May 24, 2008

the loft @ 94

yoohoo!!i had soo much fun at the mc camp jz now mann!haha!i nvr regret coming down n visit them..

the place is awesome!juz look at the pics laa!!they will be staying at the hostel that has juz been renovated..damn nice n well furnished cann?even my house also not like that siaa!i tell u..u'll be in awe laa when u see it..woot!!

but the hostel is not for rental..only for sch function juz like this bonding camp..i tell u,u wouldnt wanna leave that place laa when u step's juz soo homely siaa!lucky them..not like my mc camp,stuck in a small squeezy run down!!

the hostel uses a high tech lock u key nothing!juz press the pincode then can go in liao..wah!actually ngee ann v rich one least they use the money for gd use..heh..
let the pics speak for hw nice the hostel is!woot!

presenting to u, the LOFT @ 94..
the aparment has a living rm,a kitchen,a service balcony,1master bedrm n 2 bedrooms n a common toilet..woot!=))

this is the void deck!!damn nice rite??even the void deck well decorated laa!

the living room..luxurious for a hostel!

close up..furnitures are all from ikea!!how cool!see the standing lamp?how nice!it complement the deco of the hall la!!

2 sofa beds..yess!they are sofabeds!still hv cushion!the chest has more pillows..the table cool!!

the kitchen..see!gt like a bar-top counter like that with high stools!
close up!well equipped with microwave oven siaa!
the fridge..the thing to hang ur towel..
the cabinet well equipped with utensils..all from ikea!wowow!
the svc balcony has a washing machine!!how coolll kannnn???wahlao!!i like!!haha!
walkway to the rm..

the masterbedroom is decorated with red..

the mini wardrobe..

the toilet..ahh..even the toilet is soo nice!!see the shower head?cool kann?if it's a bit bigger,leh sumbat bathtub!heh..

the balcony in the masterbedroom!yess!in the bedroom!coooooool!!

2nd bedroom decorated with the clr green..anor 2 more beds..see the ceiling deco???nice kannn?

n orange..woot!!nice clr!!i wish there's bluee!
n n!!it's fully airconditioned okkk,the whole house!!
n camwhore session..=)
joe han,the ahro n mee!i look oh damn fat!

see!the wall clock pun stylo milo kannn!

the balcony..nice!me n daz..

heh..i love that peace sign..cute ehh?stupid mat imitate me..haha!
with the new mc!!=))
ahhh..i had fun!!wooot!i wonder when will i hv the chance to step into that apartment agn..=)
now quite tired..donno wanna sleep or ctinue listening to david archuleta..haha!woot!=)
ps:n so spore won the sovereignty of pedra after soo long..

Friday, May 23, 2008

oh's ok=) the glory belongs to david cook..oh wat simon said,any1 win will doo..but each n evryone of us has our personal fav,so my vote still goes to much as i wan him to win,but america choose cook..i think if i were in america,i will be voting for archuleta like hell mann..haha! was a touching moved me to tears..esp when cook sang the winning song,n then hugged archuleta..awww..archuleta is juz soo adorable laa..heh..woot..i love him laa!

u know,it's ok if he doesnt win..he's still young..he's got many yrs ahead of him..he alrdy carved a name for himself..all he needs to do is to work harder n maintain that popularity..i believe that in future,he will be someone respectful,someone worthy to be an idol,a superstar..yeah..lets think positive..i think he's happy too that cook won..i mean it's juz very clear tat both deserves to opinion only laa..heh..but anw..archuleta forver..=)

pics,pics,n more pics of himm!!i wish i had a youngr bro like him..

nice wide smile..

see the hands..n see!

awww...dgn penuh smangat..

humble..adorable..cutie pie!

i love when he closes his eyes like that..

menjiwai lagu itu..aww!

oh ya..n i finally got my grad night dress for 29.90.ok la,quite cheap..nk kai skali jek..all i need now is a cardigan..then i went to cathay to watch accuracy of death..wowowow!damn nice cann??damn touching laa..once in a while,watch this type of movie is damn nice..u know,if i always watch sad,sappy lover story..nahh..haha!woot!kudos to takeshi kaneshiro..

argghh!ive nvr had enough of archuleta!!i think,soon,my blog n friendster's songs n vids will be him for the moment..hahah!oops!=p..til then..ctinuing archuleta-ing..

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

potato couchie

wowowow!!im in love with dvid archuleta now laa!!haha!i know it's a bit too late..coz i don really catch AI..but wat the heck!i wan david a to winn!!go go go go!!

he's juz such a cutie up on stage..i like!so small,so fragile..u know that kinda feeling..considering he's only 17,he's gone far..damn far..i support him all the how i support my idol in SI..=)
his performancejuz now was stunning!i juz love his ballad performances,esp the 2nd song,the new contestant's choice or sthing like that..woot!!love love!!!

all the way archuleta!!cant wait for the results!

awww!i love that smile!so innocent n pure laa!!heh..
n n!!the new korean drma in ch u is fav,called hearts of 19!!i love the guy!!he juz reminded me of someone..

awww!!woot!!i love him laa!!seo ji seok!woot!quite a newbie i tink..hmm.nice drama!muz watch!=)

n n rhythm of life i shiok too!i love christopher lee in the show..for the 1st time,i like him..haha!wooot!

but no matter wat,i still like him best!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

sample BANG! day is ok today..i watched smap's sample bang concert dvd n was blasting it.hahah!woot!closed the door of course if not mak cant listen to the tv in the living rm..heh..i love takuya kimura!!loadsss!!!

more n more tv of course..currently following up rhythm of life in chan 8 and the new korean drama hearts of 19 i tink in chan u..damn nice!woot!n i was watching on the beat at ch u,they visited south korea n dropped by at coffee prince's set!!wahhh!!i wanna go mannn!the cafe is woohoo!!im loving it!i shall step onto it one day!insya-allah..

needa look 4 job soon..i hope there is someone who wans to employ me for 2 mths..hmm..til then..short entry..heh..ciaoz!

ps:saw didi's pic in siti n gang's facebook..gosh!cutie pieee!!=p

Monday, May 19, 2008


im back n i had fun in n shop til i really dropped..really..heh..imagine,5 hrs straight,non-stop shopping at sungei wang (equivalent to far east n bugis) resting,no lunching,nothing..but walked n walked..woot!shiokness!n i got myself 4 tops n bag..wahhh..nice.then,at night,we went sogo..n bought shoes!!i bought 2 for only RM20 leh..damn cheap cannn?one sandal for RM10.17,anor shoe for RM10..SGD is only like 4-5 lorr!it's branded in msia..spore has one outlet only,vincci at harbour front..thats madness rite??i almost wanna anor sandal laa..haha!coz it's also ard RM9-10 only..heh..shiok shiok!!

sunday,went to 1 utama..cik dip's friend brough us there to shop..wahhh..she's damn nice laa!she bought for me n my cousin a miss selfridge's dress which costs RM199.50,then there's a 50% disc..n a dorothy perkins' necklace which costs RM39 for mine n my cousin's RM29 after 70% disc..alhamudillah..then we rode on her jaguar..wahhh..she's a richie rich laa,husband n wife w 3kids..rezeki die..their house is at shah alam..woot!

ya...more or less,shop n shop lor..heh..n picsss!=))

msia's ya kun kaya alike..nice coffee!

early in the masjid india..kak linda n i..

new shopping ctr,pavillion..damn biggg!!most brands can be found here..the shopping ctr cant beat even vivo here..shiokness!

wahhh!!in the midst of bt bintang,i saw my husband!!!kimura-san..wooot!!damn handsome!!arrgghhh!!im missiing himm!

u n! =p

in the hotel..lepak laa deyy..haha!my dear nephew da penat gile..see his pose..damn cute!

nepalese boy..mother is a malay,father nepalese..cute hor?!?i love his sepet eyes..haha..

me posing with my aunt's specs..haha!

til back to reality..still worrying over whther i wanna appeal or not..=(

Thursday, May 15, 2008

kl here i come!!

yoohooo..haizz...been staying at hm for the past 3days..coz i don hv any money..heh..

watched the rpt of pussycat dolls,searching for the next doll..n i hate the winner..pfft!

n i watched american idol..i teared a bit when syesha was out..i donno her that well,but im juz sad she's out..n when ryan announced who will be in,he said small david's name 1st..wahhh..then it was soo obvious laa that syesha out kann..but anw,it was v expected that she's out..but no harm mah,uat surprise sikit..announce david cooks' name's really an all david finale..

went to mar's house..initially,wanna take the digicam only..but when her adik went out,she jemput me masuk umah die..da aku duk smp kul 7..haha!then she also went meet rasyid i tink..haha..

then reached hm n pack my bag..heh..thx to ziplock,my bag not so gemuk..haha..n here i am blogging halfway..haha..time now is 0020..i hope i can sleep..zzz..til then..i hope that we will have a smooth journey through n fro..=)

Tuesday, May 13, 2008



Identity Card/Foreign Identification/Passport Number S87..

The course you accept
NTU - Business
has been registered by theJoint Acceptance system.on 13 May 2008, 11:11:43 PM

Thank you.

ok,so im officially an ntu undergrad,but..donno whther i wanna do business..tmr will be the start of the appeal application..i think ive decided to appeal to accountancy..i think..oh my..stress!!

time is gg to pass by very fast..matriculation will start on 28 july..freshmen welcome day starts on 30 july..and ntu has this qualifying english test,scheduled on 29 july..the results from this test will determine whether u will have to take English Proficiency as a subject of study.imagine,if i have to take that as one of my modules,it will be like back in n pri n sec sch whereby english is a subject..omg..cant imagine that mann..n u know,my english is not that gd..haizz..stress!

im feeling both excited n stress when sch reopens..super mixed feelings..but once im in uni,im gg to do my best n give my best shot like how i used to back in sec sch..poly was quite slack..heh..insya-allah..praying hard..

anywoots,ive collected my grad gown ystd from sch with aisha..ended up taking the smallest size on..haha!n yet,it's still long due to my height..but ok laa..heh..

and...3 more days to kl!!=)..til then..i juz wanna wish all the best to other applicants there gdluck in making ur choices..=)..and for those who don't,don't be wishing u the best too..sincerely..=)

Sunday, May 11, 2008


haizz..u know,i wanna chg my blogskin,but then,i juz cant find the proper skin!!there's always sthing that i don like abt the skin..either the backgrd,the clr,the layout,so on n so forth..can change la,but im lazy plus i don really know hw to read the codes and chg..heh..aiyo..troublesome..the skin muz reflect me u see..haha..donno ar..see how..i do hv some skins that i like,but aiya..donno la!im juz soo fickle n fussy over it..hahaha!pfftt..i tink..i will juz chg the pics at my blog..habis cite..wahahah!

anw..ystd at cik nani's house for mother's day celebration is an emo one..after my uncle read doa selamat,then all the aunts n uncles salam my nenek..n all cried n saying all the sweet was soo touching..mcm hari raya pun ade..i tell u ar,luckily i can hold back my tears,if not i also melalak alrdy..somehow,i felt the u know..i's indescribable..

then mcm biasa,mkn2..yummy!i love the cake!hahaha!choc cake from prima deli..shiokness..ate murtabak n karipap only..hmm..ya..then talked n talked..smp penat..

oh yaa!!my sis bought a new car!woot!7 seater clr..woot!heh..but i donno wat model..later when i know alrdy i tell u..heh..talking abt cars,ive alrdy had my license for 1 yr,but ive yet to drive..tsk2..haiz..such a scaredycat..i wonder if i can drive that big car..lolol!=)

today is very relaxing..watched hana kimi..woot!i think i still love wu zhun..heh..n when they played the song,i juz felt like playing fahrenheit's songs agn..especially that young song..woot!

refer to the vid!woot!=))

Friday, May 09, 2008


busy wk i had mann..eday went out..haha!shiokness!thats the thing..i can juz stay at home for one whole week,or go out eday..

on wed,i went to sch for agm..alhamdulillah all went well..i wish all the best for ba society 08/09..ive officially passed down n retire from that position..went thru a lot..but im happy that there are still ppl out there who still support grateful for that..u know who u are..the new members are damn funny n shiok cann?heh!i like ian..hahahah!n jonathan is sure damn scary..u know,he juz flicked my hair like nobody's business and said.."ur hair is nice to touch.."hahah!damn funny laa!then hor,he called me dah dah!haha!mat went ewww...hahaha!he's the third person to call me that after adeline n jeet..heh..=p..then had dinner at mc's..chit chat n laugh...i'll miss those times mann..but not the stressness!hah!

thurs..went to siew peng's 21st bday at jp pizza hut..funn!there were yong choon,teck leong,chen fong,hui sin,xue wei n wan her poly friends..yong choon is the same old funny boy..haha!n teck leong is SUPER QUIET CAN?haha!maybe if atiqah's ard,then he'll talk..hahaha!i had a sumptous meal..heh..thx siew peng for the treat n glad that she like the chomel necklace..=)oh ya!bought for yong choon levi's cap..shared with siew peng..hope he wears it..

n today,went to shop..but nothing!pfft!only aisha managed to get a sole purpose is to get my mum's mothers' day gift..i bought for her bonia bag..happy she likes it!=))then went to nafa to see the graduation show..saw fat's n iman's production..iman's damn funny cann?haha!LOL laa then??hhaha!tiq act!yg lain2 pun laa!heh..wah..damn tired..aisha n i juz sat at the seats there i think for 2hrs sia,watching all the animations n short videos..haha!ade tk fhm laa org arts..susah nk fhm..lolol!nonetheles,fun!

gg to cik nani's house tmr for mothers' day celebration..i hope it's fun..haha!actually im a bit lazyy to go..hmm..

n i hv the feeling that i cant sleep at night..haizz..=(

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

excerpts soo bored to death now like seriously..anw..ystd went imm n combed the imm to look for fat's top..gosh!the checked top she bored from fox is like damn nice laa!but it's so exx...!!if not i also buy siaa..haizz...then aisha n i bought a top also..haha!woot!the top that i wanna buy online,but heng ar i nvr buy online coz the one at imm is 2bucks cheaper..hahaha!$2 also money ok?heh..then we ate at the mc's..then headed to the library..only aisha borrowed some mly novel..ewww!hahaha!

n today accompanied aisha for interview at keppel..kau..tmpt sikitnye ulu..mendak sak!tunggu sikit nye lame...2hrs laa!wth!pfftt!!then went imm agn coz we wanna try eating at the spagetti too!woot!it's nice n cheap,for pastas n baked rice..=)baked rice is superb!=)..n there's this top at levis signature that we saw is damn nice too!!but exxx!gosh!anyone wanna buy for me??=p

smp umah lepak babe!n im oh so lazy to go for agm tmr..eday also go out sian siaa!nvr go out also sian..haiyooo!juz wat i wan laa!!!=((


once again,hannah montana has made a better for love.. frienship on fire..

do you know wat rose means in the flower language..?let's forget the past..

til then..ciaoz!

Sunday, May 04, 2008

roses are red

wahhhh....bara no nai hana ya is sure damn nice mann..seriously..ive finished watching the whole dvd n seems like i'll be repeating it like how i repeat all my takuya's drama..gosh!shingo sure act damn well..he is juz like the whole diff person from smap's like i cant recognise him siaa..

damn serious,soft spoken,kind...u'll juz go awww...he's such a nice father..seeing him taking care of his juz melted my heart sure to cry every episode..such a nice strong mann the show...oomph ah!!=))

thumbs up to bara no nai hana ya..!!!oh ya..the title means the flower shop without translation from the title,i think it will sound roses flower don hv shop..i think sooo..heh..or is it roses don hv flower shop..either one..heh..

the humble flower shop that has soo much meaning behind will shake when the train passes by etime..lolol!

the cute lil daughter..awww!shizuku- chan sure damn kawaiii!!!

seee!gosh!seeing her makes me wanna marry a jap n give birth to a kawaii girl..lolol!

oh oh!!the lead actress..yuko-chan..=))her name in the show is mio-san..y post her pic??coz i like her hair!! long n straight..i wanna keep my hair as long n straight!=) soo crazy over this drama for a while..=)..since change is now still airing,guess i gotta for may 2-3 mths for the dvd..n i will be gg gaga over takuya agn..woot!

Saturday, May 03, 2008


wahhh...finally,i reached town today..haha!like after soo long..met siti at ps 1st coz she wanna see dorothy the time i reached,she was alrdy queueing to pay...heh..then went to pizza hut to eat..bluek!food tasted awfulll!lesson learnt- nvr ever order thin crust pizza..n pepperoni n cheese topping..very salty like watt..haha!if my father was to eat that,he will be like cursing..haha!n i saw 2ppl i know at ps..some relative that im not close with..they're from my father's side..tegur pun tidak..elak lagi ade ar..haha!suspek,klu npk pun,mcm diorg kenal aku kan,aku jek kenal org..hahahah!oh ya!i ended up getting myself shingo's latest drama from ts..woot!shiokness!it's my 1st time watching him act in drama..i bet it's gg to be nice!nominated for many awards ok?=))

then headed to hmv..hoping to find cd that siti was looking for..hahah!but to no avail..i love hmv..heh..can juz oogle at my SMAP!!heh..while i was walking towards the smap area,i saw 3guys i decided not to go over 1st..igt cinonet mane laa kan..bab tk npk muke..skali dgr diorg bbl,jepun laa!heh..tau approach ehh..konnichiwa!!heh..nothing new or old from smap..i hv most of it nothing to buy..then i searched for the player that is playing utada's latest album..woot!hv!heh..damn nice ar i tell u..i love flavor of life n i tink heart station too..aiya,all also nice laa..if u ask me,she's like the only female singer i like..=)

after that,went to cineleisure..thot that there was still sembawang music..hahaha!takde laa...kental..zzz..otw there saw fifi..haha!mane jek die nk gi,pun tk sempat nk tanye bab pat tgh2 rd..heh..tu lah atiqah nye bf..then saw this guy from my blk..haha!i juz bumped into soo many ppl..

then went to find siew peng's present..tough mann..ended up buying for her heart shaped pendant tgthr w the chain from chomel..heh..hope she likes it..after that,lepak at coffee bean for a while..urgh..i juz don like coffee bean..hahaha!the pure choc tk shiok..puas hati aku beli choc ice blended pat kedai bubble tea..cheesecake,ok2 only..nothing can beat cheese cakes from secret recipe..

after that,im contemplating whether wanna wait for sha to end work or go pasir ris for spidey's bbq..i ended up gg hm..haha!i cant stand the mats n minahs in town..kau..pusing sana sini npk minah..bluek!beh,nk gi pasir ris,jauh sgt..yg lain2 sume buih..jap nk gi,jap tk..aduh!da,aku blk pun jadi la kan..heh..n here i am blogging away..haha..

mum went to aunt's house baca im all alone at home..wanna watch my new dvd..woot!shiok shiok!tmr,maybe juz stay at hm..spent quite a lot today on food that sucks!damnit..anw..haizz..

til then..after so long,i tink this entry quite long as compared to the rest ehh..hahaha!okok..ciaoz!

Friday, May 02, 2008

veoh oh veoh

omgomgomgomgomg!!!before i even start blogging,guess wat i sawww laaaa!!


veoh's my saviour laa youtube's damn freaking lousyyy now n i hate it soo much!pfft!change is DEFINITELY gg to the bez n top hit drama seriously..strong cast,v diff story and's super wowowowow!!nt the typical drama..juz like Karei naru Ichizoku..wooot!!

thats all..haha!bo liao!pfftt!=)