Monday, December 29, 2008

i give up..

ok my meeting went ok juz now n i now hv new thing to do..n send it by fri.ok laa..will try my best..ppl are shiok..some i juz feel like slapping..hah!paiseh ar,but thats me..n the irritating is that u imagine,with a gpa of 4+,n still gan to say u're not happy w their results?i was WTH!faint!hello?im not even 4 demoralised can that be?shittt!pfffft!!

anw,as much as i don wanna blog abt it,but i cant help juz angered me soo much that i feel like shouting AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!pffft!i shldnt have even initiated..n now,ppl are juz a pain in the ass n don give me face..wth..damn angry ar..i shldnt bother myself with it since some ppl jz don care abt it..n the reply was juz go ahead..thx ar much for that long term relationship that we shared..wah seh!cant stand it..waste my time,waste my energy,waste my sms..lesson learnt..don even bother sms-ing..don even bother planning..let it be..bende lain lagi penting dr kwn kan?fine..tsk!i shld hv known better than myself that u're someone like that..thx ar ehh..i told wan qi a while back abt it..let's juz fget much as i wan it,but if ppl cant be bothered,then ok lorr..heng ar i still hv othr grps of ppl who arent like that..if not,i tell u,my life is lonely..lonely n pathetic..ish!cant stop thinking abt it..

tat aside..wah seh..3posts in 1day..haha!smangat sak..ok laa..angry liao..ciaoz!

Part 1

aiyoook!who's that shuai ge??OMG!FAINT!hahahah...

Ok..long post ahead due to the thousands of pics that im patient n enjoy..heh..

So I started the day by gg madrasah..b4 that I had like such a weird dream n I cant imagine it..i was like kicking ard donno y,don ask me..i was quite awake fyi..n when i was half awake,the day alrdy break.i think it was ard 6+?mann..i was shocked that I had such a was unbelievable..n somehow,yes,somehow,xiao gui was in,xiao zhu also..hahaha!very the messy laa the!

Ok so ya went for madrasah..heng I didn’t skip coz it was gd topic today n I like..a bit sleepy tho plus I had runny nose..super tissue paper ran out n heng tiq got tissue paper..haha..

Then reached home,ate lunch,then nothing to do,ctinue w hotshot..shiok..then slept..then woke up agn,hang ard for a while,bathe to get ready to meet the soc peeps..initially wanted to go my sis’s house since there’re meeting at causeway pt,then my sis gg jogging..then ok lorr..boring,played hotshot agn..haha..i seriously got nothing better to do..then watched a bit of the rpt drama in channel 8,then finally I went out..ah the weather was a bit shiok as compared to mid noon,it was super hot like wat..

Then reached liao,waited for weiting,then went to swensens..had chicken baked rice n earthquake..shiok shiok..dee didn’t come along as last minute got family only 8 of us..ate n talked..omg..daz,siu cing n I were talking abt Taiwanese drama..haha!faint!talk abt who else,aiyoook!my show laa..hahahaha!super excited..heh..

Then coz we christina n siu cing were preparing for mat’s bday surprise,daz n I went to cd rama coz I wanna take a look at xiao zhu’s latest album..wah she!have lehh..shiok!then I was like contemplating to buy..then nvm..i said ok,we go music junction 1st..haha..then went liao,w/out thinking too much,I juz grabbed n bot it..woot!then daz also bot some dvd concert..aiyo..sinful laa sehh..hahaha!but yeah im happy!worth 30.90 now listening to it..damn nice..omg!thr’s this song that I super like in hot shot,but nvr get to find out who sang it,n also it’s not inside the ost of hotshot,n now,I only get to find out that it was sang by him!OMG!FAINT!doesnt really sound like him when I heard it over the drama..but anw,it freaking nice..wooot!

happy indah with trendy mann.. =))

my collection..wooot!

Ok,back to mat’s bday it was so hard to locate them..hahaha!they were I asked Wilson to pass me his hp n lemme talk to siu cing,then I talked to them n asked them whr exactly are they..then I see his phone,calling ZAI GF..then I was like..huh?zai gf?oh ok laa,maybe play play coz the 2 of them scandal in soc mah..haha!so I juz laughed n ignored..then after that located them liao..then sang bday song lor..

Haha..funny laa..i think they got help from the gang of mat n minah..when we were singing for mat,they also joined in and sang for him..haha!funny..soo sporting ar this grp of mat n minah..haha..coz I thot they will think we are!

Then take pic n all..then we dared mat to pass the cake to the gal who shook hands with mat I think n wished him happy bday..then we wanted him to take pic with her..but ended up,he took pic with the grp of frens..tsk!haha!b4 that to avoid any misunderstanding,we asked her whr is her bf..haha..scared mah..then I think she anyhw grabbed one boy n claimed to be her bf.haha!weird plus a bit stupid..then ended up take grp pic with the grp..hahahaha!

Then we hang ard for a while n chit chat..damn funny when u hv yue shun ard..cant help but LOL n LMAO..hahah!sorry boy..not being mean,but ya..u really make ppl laugh..brighten up the!

Ok so here’s the I suggested that we leave alrdy coz a bit late liao,then more n more grp of mats n minahs n I cant stand it,furthermore,they still hv work we left..then donno y,they were still standing thr,not moving excpt for me n I went over n looked ard..then I saw sthing was amiss..n I cant really recall wat they said,but mat said sthing like I very lag,then my system not updated or watver..haha!then I was like huh?hahaha..then nvm..i looked ard agn,then suspected maybe they’re to tell me I looked ard,then see siu cing n Wilson so close to each other..then I realized that they’re t shirt abt the same clr..then I was like..oh they’re that wat they wanna say?haha.i donno.but I nvr say anything.i was like juz laugh,haha here n thr..then ok lorr..hahaha..then left the the pasar mlm then only I said ok la,I know liao..hahahaha!then mat ok la,ur system updated liao..hahaha!pfffft!

So ya,my 2 dearest mc are tgther..started out as scandal only,n now sweet can that be?sweeet!awww!that explained y siu cing’s now was saved as ZAI GF in wil’s hp..awww..sooo sweeeet!hahaha!thats y they sat opposite each other at swensens..haha!that explains the pics below..lolol!sweeet!i wished them a blissful rship.. =)..they were shy to tell me they are tgther..haha!shyy?or scared? fine w it laa..hhahaha!as always,im ALWAYS the last to know when it comes to such thing..hahaha!be it from soc 06 or soc 07..aiyookk!slow..haizz.jinx n fated ar..hahaha!anw..i wish them cutteee! =)

Then we head off..woot!wilson drove..damn shiok..heh..1st time sit in his car..funn..then took pic 1st b4 we drove off..but aiya..i damn paiseh ar!coz travelled the wrong way..n it was very weird I tell u..haha!but anw,I felt bad..treat him one day..hahaha!

So yeah..thats my day..HAPPY!!i love to see my soc’s very different feeling from the soc 06..donno y but yes that’s wat im feeling..nonetheless,I love both soc.. =)

so here are the pics.. =)

happy 20th bday..

finally got to take pic with him..haha!my successor.. =))

survivorr!if u get wat i mean..dee's missing tho..u see u see!soo sweeet kannn siu cing n wilson..haha!
me n kak linda..during the 40days kenduri..sempat jek amek pic..i love her to bits! =)

aiyoookk!me in hood!i like..little brown indah hood..hahahah!

this pic was ages ago..abt 2wks back?irritating wan qi wanted to take pic of me eating chicken using hands..hah!unglam sia..i only dare to post it here..heh..

ish!semangat nyee die mkn..i almost cldnt recognise myself..haha!

at minitoons..n we saw this little miss huggies..gosh!im little miss sunshine..

n this is miss chatterbox..

n this i think was taken last wk,after my fren's wedding..nice. =)

heh.little miss sunshine agnn..
hahah!my purpose of posting this pic is we wanna take pic of the xmas tress,then passerbys looked into the camera.haha!funnyy!see the ah pek n!look into my camera,smile laaa..hahaha!

then wan qi asked me to pretend to walked n pretend to be a passerby n got caught in the camera..haha..damn stupid laa..cant help laughing..tsk!
tourist pose..haha!actually i wanna take a pic of wat i wore that day coz i think it was nice..haha!ok la,self praise..haaha!

N yess..ive finally got my happy n bersyukur that I passed all..tho I know that if I put in more effort,I can get a B,more As..but anw..over happy I don hv to rpt any modules..nx sem muz buck up..which is nx gg all the way man!wats more im exempted from fmgt,so I muz do better n the rate im gg,I can only get 2nd lower class..sheesh..i wan 2nd upper sia..thats the least I can go..n also if I wanna do banking major,I hv to work like doubly or triply hard..insya-Allah..

ok la..that was a loooong post i shld say yaa..sheesh!tired sia..i fgt that i haven post dixon's bday party pics..i post this one 1st...then post dixon's party..hahha!

Saturday, December 27, 2008

funny comedy

yay!finally i got the usb port from my sis coz juz now they went jemputan with my asked her to bring the usb here are the engagement photos of my cousin..wo si huan!!

these pics are given from my cousin's side,the guy's side to gal's side..grreeeeeennnn..

taken from my cousin's hp camera.a bit blur..

the ring for the gal..

the bunga be given to the gal's side,the relatives..

then the gal's side gave the guy things also..blaaaaaccckkk clr..i likeeee!sthing different,unlike the normal conventional clrs..both the sides' hantaran/gifts are done by my aunties..she helped the gal's side to deco auntie damn talented when it comes to decorating hantaran.. =) nice horrr..heh..

wooo!coffee bean cakes..


more n more chocolates!

i like this..u see the bear?damn cute rite?that one represents my guy cousin..haha..wore specs n wore the so called black baju kurung..cutteee!

awwww...sweeeet!the love chocs damn nice..sinful..hahah!the sweeet!

the engagement cake..nice rooomantic..the wordings said "herfah & azizul 25 december 2008"..

then the a watch..

i think this one is perfume..i donno..not sure..fgt liao..

toiletries by clinique..

aiyooo!more chocs..hahah!the hantaran byk chocs n mknan fyi..

in a glimpse..

black & white theme.. =)

ok laa,step aku yg engage kann..haha!bilekah masa tu akan dtg?when ar?haha!Allah saje yg tau..

cousins..pose!ni sume blm tunang..stepping nk tunang..pose nk dpt berkat..hahaha!insya-Allah..

it's very bored staying at hm on saturday..ebody has got their own i slacked at home hotshot on dvd from ep1..then fell asleep..then woke the time my mum left for jemputan,i blasted speshow..haha!damn shiok ar i tell u..damn loud ar i on..woot!hahah!FAINT!
then kak linda called me n told me abt the vest at this fashion selling at 8bucks,so i asked her to help me buy also..then also buy this baju from first 9bucks..i hope that xs fits me coz kak linda said she was scared that it will be too big for me..hopefully's black in clr..woot!i maybe one day meet her to get the barang2 from her or pass my mum if the makcik2 meet up anytime..woot!spend agn!tsk..seee la,nvr go out also can spend..hopeless..hahaha! =p

ok laa..i still hv prob with my 4tones..i need someone to teach me n correct me n listen to mee say the 4tones..haha!hen nan ehh!pfffftt!ok..i donno wat to do now..i haven bathe in evening bathe..pagi da mandi ehh..haha!kk..tmr meeting soc peeps..soo long nvr see them..i skip the zoo trip due to madrasah..til then..ciaozz!

faint!xiao zhu's latest mv,gao xiao,freaking nice..the kissing scenes..damn impressive..haha!omg!

The Ultimate Invincible Team

b4 i go to sleep..haha!im bored laa..

freakingly niceee!one of the songs from hotshot..i read the rap n lyrics..beautiful!it's definitely abt the storyline..damn nice n swee..woot!rocks!there's an english version of it..nice.. =)

絕隊無敵 - 倪子岡 (The Ultimate Invincible Team - Nese Ni)

Let the legend of the ultimate invincible team never be broken
I'll have to fight my way
if I'm ever gonna get back get back get get back
Let the legend of the ultimate invincible team be forever remembered
I'll have to fight my way
if I'm ever gonna get back

Yo picture this
You got a kid in a room
his hands sweatin and shakin while he's lacin his shoes
the excitement's buildin up for what's comin up soon

To get there and do what he was born to do
He's listenin to the beast, listenin to the sound
He got to get control, make every moment his own
He's just a little be tired, He's just a little bit scared
But he is so focused that he won't be sure when he's finally there

Cause now he's out on the floor
And he's catching the pass
slashin to the glass, movin so fast, right to the hole
they don't know how to stop him
and he keeps on droppin
2's and 3's by the second and the crowd is rockin
so they knock him

Knock him to the ground, he takes a deep breath before he gets up and looks around
Everything is slow motion, the crowd is an ocean
Only one minute left before he is crown as the best

Let the legend of the ultimate invincible team never be broken
I'll have to fight my way
if I'm ever gonna get back get back get get back
Let the legend of the ultimate invincible team be forever remembered
I'll have to fight my way
if I'm ever gonna get back

Yo Imagine
A girl appears
She stands out in the crowd
She is always around, who is she thinking of
Every boy wishes to give her the world

But the truth
is that there's someone on the other team
Someone that stole her heart
Someone that holds her dreams
They kissed for the 1st time just the other evening

It's 12 and number 1 and she's getting caught up in between
The drama is set, the whole scene is a test
She doesn't know which one to cheer when she gets in the set
Eyes met, game suddenly changes
Everybody holds their breath without blinking

Number 1 on the break
12 quick on the chase
Boyfriend goes in the air with lover up in his face
They come crashing to the dirt
She's about to burst
When the game is over who she gonna run to first, yo

Let the legend of the ultimate invincible team never be broken
I'll have to fight my way
if I'm ever gonna get back get back get get back
Let the legend of the ultimate invincible team be forever remembered
I'll have to fight my way
if I'm ever gonna get back
Sometimes, there are too much obstacles
But I still have to fight for my dream
Nothing gonna stop me

Hey yo this game of life is one big struggle
We gotta hustle just to make it everyday
and to find ourselves a way
to fight the fears we facin
and grab those dreams we chasin
cause there ain't no competition
when we rise to the occasion c'mon

Friday, December 26, 2008

self entertainment

it was a very boring friday..i wish thr's someone to go out with..sheesh!anw,i woke up only near 12 agn..haha!damn shiok ar..i slept for 10hrs long..from 2-12..shiokness..

since im so bored at hm,i decided to go the library to borrow books n start learning mandarin on my own..haha!soo semangat rite?'s not an easy language man..n if i wanna do mandarin as electives n wanna do well n don wanna SU it,i hv to start learning..damnit..if i had known earlier,i shld've start learning earlier,then i think by now,i shld be an expert by a bit alrdy..hahaha!k prasan..pffttt..

so ya lorr..went to the library..i donno which books are gd,so i juz grabbed any 4..haha!shld be useful im learning the 4 tones n the different pronounciation of the different consonants..hen nan ehh..hahahah!but willing to persevere n go all the way..jia youuu!!

then after that went imm..bored mah,so i went imm..saw someone i don wnna see..haha!managed to avoid..but i donno if she saw me..walked ard..went to mondo..i like this 10bucks shoe but no more size..sianz..went aries,all the rings not nice..then went to daiso n get cover suit to store my baju kurung..went to popular cd rama to see if his album is out,but don hv leh..but the weird thing is that it is playing hot shot..haha..weird weird..but ohwells..then went to ts n take a look ard see got any dvd to buy..then went to best denki to see if thr's earphone pad,but don hv..zzz..then i conclude my short outing with chocolate milk tea..haha!reached hm,juz nice for bfb..=)

i wanna go out tmrrr!!!but no company...zzzz...sianzz..tmr my mother is gg to jemputan..i don wanna go coz boring..haha..then aiya donno laa..ebody also busy..sianzzz..SIANZ ARRR!!

nx monday,the iic meeting is cfmed..zzz..then i alrdy did the research n sent..hopefully acceptable..then..donno liao..

below are my jb pics last!

otw to city square on the travelator..gambar passsport..hahaha!pe dekat..

at teh sarabat..kak linda damn bad laa!she said that i pose with TEH TARIK..gelas kedai kopi..lain laa klu starbucks ke,cawan yg mcm ade class!pffft!byk comment kau..but funny..heh..

tourist pose..this time,im really a tourist..haha!at the bridge of the new jb checkpt..nice nice..happy indah!

snippets of the checkpt..

otw hm at the travelator agn..=)

ok im sianz..bye!=(

Thursday, December 25, 2008

karma u know

ok so im back from my dearest cousin's engagement today..i was very buruk today coz i only woke up at 12..haha!then nvm..i woke up liao i asked my mak hw come still at hm,coz i thot that she wanna go thr early..then she said no need liao..then i went ok still on the tv..on liao,my mum went..ehh u still watch tv for wat?go bathe laa!heh..cheyy..i thot wanna go later mah,so i still wanna like chill ard 1st..haha!i slept at 4am,so tired,i wanna sleep in a lil bit later..ok laa,12 a bit TOO late la hor..heh..

then reached my cousin's place i thot they all set off to the girl's side,but then haven..then i don wanna tag along coz lazy..haha!some of my cousins also nvr tag along,so i'd rather stay put..the gubahan are very side is the guy's we gave them green colour themed gubahan n the gal gave us black & white themed..damn nice i tell u..wo si huan!!it reminds me of xiao zhu laa,coz his fav clrs are black & white..hahaha!omg..i juz cant stop thinking abt him..tsk! =p

anw,ya..i like..i even like the cake from the gal's side..the cake has pic of them..very nice..very sweet..heh..but anw,i don really like the gal..action n anggek ehh org kate..not me la,but ppl mum was like saying that's y don say abt ppl,coz later karma,u ur ownself will kena..then i went..ya,u also..don say ppl..later u also kena..haha!really sure all of us believe this kate dolat gitu..wat goes ard comes ard..rmb that!

which is very true,n i can see this happening in my in my mother's cousin that im closest with,u know aunties were always like talking abt her..ok la,not always..but she etime told me abt things..then her mum will like ehh u don do this n this in front of the aunties n all..then she went like they shldnt say this kinda thing abt ppl,coz later u ur ownself will kena n yes i this happening with my own for example,juz coz my this closest cousin where nail polish n all,then the aunties went wah,anak kau da bergaya ehh,dgn kuku colour (i was like DOTS!)..then nw u see!their own DAUGHTERS n DAUGHTER-IN-LAW pun mcm gitu..the daughter in law is for the case who doesnt hv any daughters but only sons,n cause u said ppl,ur own family members pun terkena mau ckp skrg?thats y la i tell u i don understand all these punye suke laa pe org pakai,org uat..diorg ade mak bapak diorg sendiri laa sak nak jaga anak diorg.diorg tau la ape diorg nk uatkan..kau tu jaga anak sendiri sudahlah..anak sendiri tu gi jaga baik2,jgn nak sibuk dgn anak org..sheesh!it's really getting on my nerves sometimes..thats y like i said if my mum always say ppl,i will always remind her that she shldnt say this kinda thing n let them be coz they know wat they're doin n they're not some sinful kinda aunties ar..i don understand laa!tsk!

anw,that aside..this cousin of mine who juz got engaged,i wished him nothing but the best n may it last til forever..cite pjg klu aku nak blog down..haha!but ya la..he's really a nice guy..someone i will consider dating leh..hahahah!n i hope his future wife will treat him well n nt be queen!but serious..i wished him all the best..he was very handsome juz now..heh..the fiancee also pretty laa..but a bit tua as compared to him..coz she is 2yrs older than him..ya..

photos as usual,will upload when i hv the usb port..hahaha!

lemme ctinue xiao mood to do research..heh..n i wanna go out tmr but no company..SAD!

n xiao zhu's album is officially out by now..time chk is 0025..wooot!!will consider whether i wanna buy coz u know la,taiwan always come out with a lot of version.hahaha!dilemma sehh! =)

i love xiao zhu!!!if i really have the cash,im rich,im daring,i hv company to fly to taiwan n my parents let me go to taiwan,i will FLY to taiwan n attend his autograph session on new yr..hahahah! =p

MOney vs ARmani

huhu!i've finally uploaded my pics thx to kak linda..coz her camera is also sony,so i used her usb port to transfer my pics juz now at her hse..heh..

so here how's the story goes..i slept only at 6am plus this morning coz i was busy xiao zhu-ing n hot shot-ing that i don wanna sleep..haha..then suddenly at 11am plus while i was still asleep,suddenly my hp went nya nya nya nya nya,u cant catch me...(ya,thats my ringtone..haha!who else but xiao zhu's song..heh..=p)..very loud,so i quickly picked up the was kak linda..she was asking whether i wanna go vivo city as she wanna see armani exchange..then i was like.."ehh,money exchange?at vivo or suntec lagi tinggi (vivo or suntec the rate higher?).."then my cousin was LMAO..haha!coz she was like "huh?money exchg?ARMANI EXCHANGE laa!"hahaa!then only i was a lil bit more awake n started to LOL also..haha!aiya,ppl still sleepy mah..hahha!so ya,she wanna ask me accompany her to vivo to see armani exchg as there is a sales thr..lolol!funny!!

so i met her at vivo juz now..ended up i was late..heh..anw nvm coz she's always the one who is late so once in a while i am the one who is late..oh yes b4 that lemme tell u laa!i saw ahmad laa!tsk!always seee him leh..not fate hor..hahah!saw him in sch..saw him whenever i wanna go out..haiyooo..can let me bump into other ppl??lol! ya..back to my story..since it xmas eve,it was jammed pack everywhr n i hate it when ppl juz bump into u like nobody's business pas tu uat muke tak salah..pantat!ok,so she bot one t shirt..i bot i top form mango for 10bucks..same same as kak linda..heh..mcm dosa gitu tk beli,so buy lor..10bucks only also..heh..then went to her hse b4 we went to cik jijut's house for kenduri..thats's when i transferred all my pics..tadaaa!pics pics!haha..

proud owner of SHOW ON CRUEL STAGE..



see that muscles...wooot!

muacksss!!LOL!vomit all u want i don care..hahaha..

LOVESSS!!wo de ai qing..hahahha!

do u know that i took all these pics on the day i met wan qi,which means sunday,after the wedding..hah!since i hv camera,y not take pic for memory n collection rite?hahah!i use self timer to take a pic of myself n the album..wahlao!i donno how many shots i took b4 im satisfied with it..haha!faint!sweating like wat..still got time to take tissue to wipe away my!kecoh laa sak!HAPPYYY!! =))

ok then these are the pics when i attended 2weddings.. =)

gg to kak yati's wedding,in the bus..nice rite the SBS?i think it's an F1 bus,hence the black n white i like!!hahah!like camouflage also hv..nice nice..wo si huan!!

ni laa org2 guardian..haha!u know my cousin damn bad..she said the husband like innoncent n pose like little kid..haha!n they stood so faraway's like i can crop it to make juz the 3 of us.hahha!=p

me & the happy bride,kak mentor back in guardian..she guided me a lot.. =)

otw to kak yati's wedding i n nurul..

then this is my fren,fizah n her hubby..soo pretty rite?beautiful hor..i like! =)

nurul n me n the sweet couple...

once agn,semoga berkekalan hingga ke akhir hayat..Insya-Allah..Amin..

ok laa..actually i stil hv the jb pics to upload but i fgt abt it..upload it later's alrdy 4 now.i wanna sleep coz later still got my cousin's engagement..tu lagi 1 cite..nanti free aku citekan.kecoh babe!hahah!til then..ciaoz!

im like oh so in love with him,shld i join the fc?hahah!!crazyyy!