Monday, December 24, 2007

emmoo siaaaa


wowowowowow!!sooo longg nvr update i guess..hahah!!been bz n no mood at work,bz w soo damn tired!

last 3 days was bamp..alhamdulillah went well..tho hiccups here n there..

my dear winston left sadly..sorry boyyy..heh..but u know it's nt ur fault..i was juz being too emooo n stressed...

later at night,jason,peifen n dixon came was worse!hahah!but i was v happy n touched that there is someone who really feel for meee...not that im asking for sympathy or wat..but u know,having to hv that feeling,i guess im still the lucky girl..thx soo much peifen!=)

cam back to work n face all the shit n i hate it v much..hahaha!hate work laa thennn..pfffttt...

oh was kak linda's engagement..n im soo the damn happy for herrr!congrats kak!i wish i could be there for u the whole 2 days..but time doesnt permits..but u know what,2 yrs down the rd,when the wedding bells are ringing,insya-allah,i'll be there for u womannn!i love u soo much cannn?heh..=)

pweeetttyyy kak linda =)

tmr's xmas n i had to work to pay back for the leave i took last frid..pfftt..haha!guess no use ranting..haha!til then..wanna rest...byeee!

still very much in love with TAKUYA!!!will nvr get enough of it laa thenn??hehhe..

Saturday, December 15, 2007



the day i look fwd to every week coz no workk on sat n sunn!!but sianzz,i hv teambuilding event tmr..pffftt...but aiya,nvm laa..close one eye,support ryan n li hong..they've been great to me,so juz support their event tho i SERIOUSLY super lazy to wake up..

went to the office,n no mood to work coz the office was well decorated with balloons on each desk,there's stage too..haha@!damn coolios rite??? u pics oncei received it..hmm..sthing like that..

work was manageable juz was yummylicious..i took super a lot..haha!1 big plate noodle,donno wat meat n fish..n 1 small plate of sushis,tarts n eclairs..burok kannn???n nw im having a bad cough..damnit..pfftt..haha!padan muke aku!!

funn..after that went town to meet aisha n fat..i wanted to go town too coz wanna get xmas present for the xmas xchange gift within my dept..juz got a gift set of shower gel from bodyshop..then went to hmv to buy 2 singles at 1 go..haha!plus men no no magazine coz the cvr pg is TAKUYA KIMURA!wooot!!altogether cost $71..wahahah!nasib gaji dpt siang,klu tk dpt ar nk beli 2 singles at 1 go n buy the men no no at 17$..hahaha!after opening the mag,i put inside the plastic wrapper agn nicely n display on my HANDSOME!i super like his new hairstyle cannn?wooot!no matter wat hairstyle he has,short or long,ppl can say he's gay for all i care,I STILL LIKE HIM!=))

n i also copy all the songs in my pc,then ive wrapped in back nicely in the plastic cover,mind ya,it has 2 layers of plastic..(v precious to mee...hence 2 wrapppers)..n soon im gg to hv quite a collection..wooot!*proud*heh..

ok laa..i tink im v tired now..wanna sleep..tmr 9am muz be there...zzzz..til my next update,ja nae!=)

im living each day positively n take things as they are..i don care alrdy..=)

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

BANG!BANG!VACANCE! very happpy cannnn!!!


hahaahaha!!!went to suntec to get my levis..ok,i tell u i hate the ladies that served mee..aku melayu laaa tau nk treat betul2 pee?i tell u,i was damn pissed that i cant be bothered..pfffttt...but luckily this chinese boy was kind enough to help me..even offered me some other designs,knowing my style n alll..thx ar..u made my day mannn..pfffttt...

then,i dragged myself to heeren hmv to see if i have any luck to get the bang!bang!vacance singles ocz citylink doesnt hv..n alhamdulillah addeeee!!!w/out hesitation n procastination n 2ns thots,lest the singles will be gone,i bought it st away..hahaha!wooot!!!worth laa then my 27 bucks!wooot!HAPPYNESSS!!!

penat tu penat ar,tapi puas,i juz cant wait to get myself the dangan fighter singles...wooot!now mux save on lunch..thats the only way to save money coz now there are sales,n i don wanna miss that out..hahha!burok kann prangai..=p eyes like tired alrdy..juz now woke up late..almost didnt wake tapi nasib tk..haha!n im listening to the new singles i liek super muchhh!ta ta thenn..=)

Tuesday, December 11, 2007



ANYONE GG JAPAN????????????????


Thursday, December 06, 2007


oh mannn!work is hectic!today,we had 5 ppl nvr come!omg laa!i n nicole so pitiful..cvr for soo many esther,sy n minghui..esther nt at work,so cant cvr nicole had to cvr..haizz...

but ok laa..time passed much faster..juz that work was a lot n i knocked off late eday..tsk..n soo mnay probs crop!i hate it laa then!!pffftt!!i hope that tmr wont end so late..i wanna shop with aisha..heh..






heh..i'll nvr hv enough of him..=)

who is gg jap??i wan the singles!cant wait for the next singles mann!

i love it v much!period!ok..i know it's v late..but im gg to hv my dinner only now..haha!kesian ehh aku..haiz..

kk..til then..ciaoz!

Sunday, December 02, 2007

saturday night fever..'s been a while eversince i blogged..partly coz im lazy,after work super tired alrdy,i juz wanna lie down n sleep..n also there's nthing to blog abt.pretty much the same eday,facing all the shit at work..pfffttt...hw i hate work so much..guess im nt ready to face the real world..=p was ok,n nt ok at the same time.was damn moody..maybe coz it's at that time of the evaluation was sucky..pffftt..that turned me off too..but cant blame them,bt at the same time,i tink they are partly to be's over anw,don wanna talk n brood over it...pfffttt...

nieces n nephews slept over for the wk..n now they are back at the comfort of their own zone.habis sume harta benda aku laa kan budak2..melenting aku dibuatnye.klu tk pekik tk sah..pffftt...but they are funn to hv ard..the house is nt that quiet n mom's not lonely..

juz now was dnd at was ok,jus that i hate the fact that i had to sit separately from my dept..pfffttt...coz they separate by the diff diet..boring sia..was quite messsy too..the dept sat separately..haizz..but i was shocked that sy did sms me n asked if i reached part aku suke laa..igtkan die da lupakan laa turn off sgt..heh..he'll be away for 2 wks for reservist..gonna miss him?a bit laa..tho i complained soo much abt him..heh..indah confuse cann?

then,bz taking phtos..more or less like that only lorr...n now im home,in front of the pc..i tink im v tired alrdy..i wanna watch my dvd,but guess later i ended up sleeping..haha!

ok..til then..enjoy the photos yaa..=)

meee...b4 i put on the accessories..heh..i like the "smoky" effect..

retrooo!!!saturday night fever...ah ah ah ah..staying alive,staying alive..

k,sempat jek kan amek pat toilet??heh..

wooot!i didnt know they are so on..or they hv no choice bt to dress up,coz their whole dept dressed up..rented that for 60buck..tsk3...anw,there're cooll..

i like the decooo!cooolios!sooo bling bling!

np bfs merrill-lynch-er...=)

my mentor n i...=)hello??r u looking at the camera?haha!=)

with nicole yeo

with aki-san

with angie

with nicole tan n claire

with my vp,joon heem n avp/manager,sharon..

Saturday, November 24, 2007

H for HERO



it was the happiest moment when i get to watch him in movie...he is soo oh donno i said, indescribable!heh..the plot,the funny element,the romance,the seriousness,perfect!i had a gd laugh...a gd lil cry..feeling loved at the same time when the movie ended with him smooching takako matsu..oh no!!damn nice laa ok!!!love him loads no matter wat!!!muacks!

some photos from hero..wowowowooweeee!!!handsome!!arrgghh!!irresistable!!



he is THE MAN,THE PROSECUTOR,who wants to know nthing but the truth n punish the bad!

i love him in turtle neck!

i love his pout!

i'll be there for u...forever...



love loads!anw,woke up only at 12..damn tired n juz wanna catch up on sleep coz i slept v late the past few days watching long vacation.heh..woot!i like!heh..

late noon,went to visit nenek at alex hosp..after that went out w sha n ain,ate at sakura intl buffet..shiokness!heh..sorry ehh,korg kene tunggu smp 1 jam..lolool!!heh..n for the 1st time,i can eat raw salmon n squid..shiok!didnt taste that bad..soft like jelly..i like!heh..takuya muz be proud that i can eat that..tho i cant eat the unagi,coz i tink the sauce is abit too thick..if only there's jap rice,i tink it'll taste better..thats hw japs eat..heh..mcm2 ehh aku..the dessert is also shiokness laa!heh..yummy!!

but then,now i threw all out in the jamban alrdy..otw hm,tk leh tahan nk buang dok!hahaha!

ok,n now here i am blogging away,talking abt nthing but takuya kimura..til then..ive gt loads to do,but nvr start doin..either lazy or sick or no mood..i hate work!!left 2more mths!yeahness!heh..til then..jaaa nae...=)

Sunday, November 18, 2007


ok..didnt expect that frid's bowling was funn!super duper funn!!i didnt know i can bowl..haha!coz i thot that the ball is heavy n that i cant bowl..hahaha!

get to know the colleagues better and can talk..nicole yeo was saying that in the office,i kekek keep quiet,bt actually im v noisy.haha!but take some time mah..then at work my left n rite keep wat rite?haha!

anw...tho i can bowl,nvr once i strike..haha!lousy sia..somehow,i bowled at the wrong lane,i bowled at sy's,no choice,he had to bowl on my lane n then he striked!hha!then my scoreboard ade strike!!haha!ok laa,altho not me..heh..=p

talking to aki-san is nice tho sometimes i cant get wat she was talking..n she still rmbs that i like takuya kimura neh..haha!coz i was asking her is she gg to watch hero..hahaha!n she loves to talk with neh at the back..her language afterall..she bowled very gracefully too!haha!nice jap lady..i like!

spend my sat n sun at home bumming..heh..need a rest..

but bad news had to be heard when i was over the moon..damnit..shant say here..super no mood..but wanna thx wanqi for ur listening ear..=)

til then..wanna watch hero special later!!Wooot!til then..

overall,i had gd time this wk..=)

thx ppl!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

kimura san, otanjobi omedeto!

the clock just struck 12..n it's 1am in japan..

i wanna wish my husband,kimura-san,a very HAPPY BDAY!

no amt of words can express hw much i love u..

aiseteru ne...!!!

otanjobi omedeto kimura-san!!

Monday, November 12, 2007

yasashii kotoba

damn blue laa monday!not much was soo bored,despite drinking coffee,i still wanna close my eyes..i hate sundays n mondays!

anw..juz finished watching the 1st dvd of my smap sample bang concert tour..wowowowow!speechless!indescribable!woot!now i donno whether to continue 2nd dvd..haha!scared work sleepy.damn..cant wait for end of attachment..looking fwd to it soo much!heh..woooot! end this short entry..some quotes..heh..enjoy..=)


in a day, when u dont come across any probs,u can be sure that u are travelling the wrong path ~swami vivekananda

3 sentences for getting success
~know more than others
~work more than others
~expect less than others ~william shakesphere

don compare urself with any1 in this world.if u do so,u are insulting urself ~alen strike

winning doesnt always mean being 1st,winning means u're doin better than uve done b4 ~bonnie blair

i will not say i failed 1000x, i will say that i hv discovered there are 1000 ways that can cause failure ~thomas edison

everyone thinks of changing the world,but no one thinks of changing himself ~leo tolstoy

if someone feels that they had nvr made a mistake in their life,then it means they has nvr tried a new thing in their life ~einstein

nvr break 4things in ur life
coz when they break they dont make noise but pains a lot.. ~charles

if u start judging ppl,u will be having no time to love them ~mother teresa

Sunday, November 11, 2007


hellooo!i had super duper funn ystd coz i got to shop at bugis!woot!last mth didnt get to shop u see..n it's been quite some time i caught up with dear siti..heh..n i got myself 2 tops..n n n!!most importantly!!!guess wat i got???



after we ate at the common coffeeshop,we decided to walk to suntec..da jln2,then nk blah..coz we walk thru citylink,so singgah hmv jap..n i saw the dvd..i'd alrdy plan to buy w this mth's nak beli,tapi the plastic cover torn alrdy..not nice!haha!so i dragged poor siti to hmv heeren..haha!n yessssshhhh!i got it!!wooot!haha!204 regrets!i deserve that u see..after a hardwork..heh..i shld treat myself to this type of thing..super satisfying..heh..finding one suitable day to watch it..heh..

otw to orchard mrt,saw syafi's friend..n he went.. "ehh,tu kwn syafi.."..haha!igt pulak..heh..ok laa..coz in BA,he is the only mly friend im close with throughout the usually spot us tgther..

n at bugis,i saw ridzuan n his girlfriend..his my bro in law's younger bro anw..heh..wah,da de matair..kencang...aku ni masih single!haha!the funny thing is that i tegur him..bile gi umah die,tk pernah cite lame la kan knp tk bbl..bile masing2 da bsr,we became distant..nak tau,tanye..nnt i story2 u..haha!anw..out of curiosity,i asked my niece sape name die,die pernah dtg umah ke tak..haha!tapi si bdk kecik tu tk tau die pun tk tau!ape da..but she said that he girl is kurus kedengkik..thinner than me.haha!tk tau laa kann if she's exagerrating..haha!aku pun nk turun bugis hand in hand dgn bf i..wahahah!bile tuu?LOL!

a few gd news actually n im happy for dear friend alrdy patched at last..dear kak linda is getting engaged in december..alhamdulillah..after gg thru all the hard times together..guess it's worth it..his bro,abg hadi pun same..dua2 tunang serentak..senang sikit keje makcik aku..heh..

other than that,nt much leh..juz that i didnt go for the gathering at my teacher's house today..lazyy plus no mood..juz wanna slack..i wanna do nthing in sunday if for monday u see..heh..hmm..

on the last note..for siti,thx soo much for the company..haha!from bugis to suntec n heeren...thats quite a distance..haha!yup2,i owe u a drink..nx time ok..?LOL!

it's nearing 12..don feel like sleeping coz i wanna watch the concert..but im scared tmr i will be sleepy..haha!how how??shall see how..til then..ciaoz mann!


Friday, November 09, 2007

watsons hk la dehh!hong kong!

ok...frid!woot!super nice cann??i like!haha!

anw..ystd also work..the office was super quiet..only a fews rows were occupied..the nice thing abt work ystd was that i can cab thru n fro..haha!went to work in mercedez cab..heh..shiok..the only nt nice thing was that the uncle talked too much!i thot i cld sleep in the comfy cab...sianzz..n i reached super early at 8.40..haha!n started clearing the emails n all..oh ya!i don hv the other access card,n hence i cant go in..but luckily i saw anor lady,n she opened the door for me..heng ar..heh..

despite being a public hol,i still left ard 6.30pm..then reached hm,slacked n rest..i dozed off at 10+..haha!super tired ok?

n today..bumped into nicole otw to NEL..had a nice chat w her..we were talking,or rather gossiping abt our traders..haha!i learnt n got info a lot from her..nice..=) wish i can be a trader but at the rate im gg,i doubt i can..haha!i don read papers..much less be interested in the financial news ard us..haha!but to be in the front office,i think i can..haha!like real only!LOL!but thats my aim..if not,middle..=)work hard indah!

ok la..even if im nt a trader,my husband trader can?haha!as long as he's nt someone like my dear lecturer jeffrey wu can alrdy..haha!oops!

hmm..anything else?nah..guess nthing much..the funny thing that happened today was that i wanted to call someone,but ended up calling watsons..n it's nt any watsons u's watsons hk branch leh!haha!damn funny!i was laughing to myself.hahahha!

kk..think i hv things to brainstorm my proj?or see my smap n takuya?hahha!pardon me for my crazyyyness over him..heh..=p

til then..thx for the 2 for tagging my old rusty blog that is not known to many..n i like it..haha!ciaoz!oyasuminasai!

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

take off!

ok...its midweek..tmr thurs,then frid..i wanna enjoy my weekends..i needa break mann..damn tired from ething..damn stress of ething..argh!

society has been gg thru in my mind n i donno who i can talk to abt it..ok,i did talk to aisha abt it,but i needa talk to someone who understands society or gone thru society..seriously,i really feel like a failure..i cant even command respect..haiz..i wonder how to command respect wout being fierce..haiz..damn ar..being shoot by ur own ppl in front of ebody,hw do u feel?hw do u feel when ppl whom u hv trust n hope leave u,1 by 1?i donno juz soo shagged n i had to handle soo many things that im now nt at my means n desire to do it..argh!f ar!

i donno if ive make a big mistake by joining agn..wonder n wonder..n i donno when all this is gg to be settled..too late to say all this rite?now,the only way is to sit n think of hw to solve the prob..but if only me solving,hw sia?when the prob is among u?hello,wake up laa..u big enough alrdy..haiz..damn ar..i donno!shit ar!argh!don wanna talk abt it ar!

anw...on a happy note,i donno gt happy note or nt..haiz..juz miss my friends..bile ni nk kuar jumpe korg???mcm nani kate,kangen bangat!haha!okok..wanna sleep..u all hols,i still needa come back work tmr..zzz..til then..ciaoz!

indah is soo down despite smiling n laughing n crazy-ing always..

Wednesday, October 31, 2007


ok...sooo long nvr update..heh..i went back sch ystd for meeting..yup..kinda miss sch laa i admit..heh..the funny thing is that i received a call from raihana asking me whether there is PM..n i was like..huh?wats PM?haha!portfolio mgmt laa..she didnt know that i was on attachment..heh.then she wonder didnt see u in sch..haha!apa dah!

ok..i knew wat to blog abt..but now,i forgt ething..tsk..haha!

ok laa...i had funn today relaxing..heh..tmr thur!after that frid!weet!god..but i hv trial

Friday, October 26, 2007


arggggghhhhhhh!i need a breather!!!damnit mannn!assholee ar all thesse ppl..i shant say who..u wanna know,ask me..n i'll tell u..damn it!argh!!

been so tired n sick of ething always getting myself into trouble and unnecessary stress..f*** laa!argh!!eeeeeeeee!!!!!bingit nyeeeeeeee!!!!!!c************!!!

anw,on a happy note,i was brave enough to cfm a trade with morgan stanley london juz now..haha!i nvr thot i sld ever do it..mau confident lebih babe..heh..tho sy was nt here for 2 days,i was able to cope with work,tho i didnt dare to pick up his calls..n once i see no outstanding work,i quickly left..haha!bertuah kan aku..heh.

nthing much to share stated earlier,im juz pissed with some ppl who arent helpful ar all..n call urself that...f off laa i tell u...when im damn angry,i'llget damn vulgar ok??don tink im this n ure that,i don dare to scold n demand u..enough is enough laa b***!pfffffftt!!

jz wanna share some things i received from my work email..=)

a long time ago there was an emperor who told his man that he could ride his horse and cvr as much land area as he likes, then the emperor would give him the land area that he cvred.true enough,the horseman jumped onto his horse and rode as fast as he cld to cvr as much land as possible.

he kept on riding n riding n whipping his horse to ask it to go faster.when he was hungry or tired,he didnt stop coz he wanted to cvr as much land as possible.

then came to a pt when he had cvred a substantial area and he was exhausted and was dying,then he asked himself "y did i press myself so hard to cvr much land area?now im dying and i only need a small land area to bury myself.

the above story is very similar to the journey of our eday life. we push very hard eday to make more money,gain more power n recognition.we neglect our health,time with family and to appreciate thr surrounding beauty and hobbies we like to do.

one day,when we look back,we realise that we don really need that much.but then, we cant turn back the time that we've missed.

life is nt abt making money,acquiring power or recognition.LIFE IS DEFINITELY NT ABT WORK!work is only necessary to keep us living n so as to enjoy beauty and pleasures of life.

life is a balance of work,play,personal life & family.u hv to decide hw u wan to balance ur life.define ur priorities,realise wat u are able to compromise,but always let some of ur decision be based on ur instincts.

happiness is the meaning of life,the whole aim of human,take it wat u wan to do and appreciate's precious,life's short.don take for a balance lifestlye n enjoy life.

watch ur thots,they become words
watch ur words,they become actions
watch ur actions,they become habits
watch ur habits,they become characters
watch ur characters,they become destiny!

i know its easier said than done,esp living in spore..but maybe we shld try..n see,even if there is lil improvement,at least we still try..=)

Monday, October 22, 2007

aku sungguh la bosan!

i donno wat to update..all i know is im sick of work n i wan to get done n over with sucks!bluek!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

still raya moood

before i start...juz show some pics...he is my husband,takuya kimura!!wooot!!aiseteru!!! & work & work & more work!!v stress!b gd too..time passes v fast!the thing i hate abt work is that when there are soo many things to do,there are sooo many!and when there is lil,theres sooo lil i wanna sleep!dengz..

anyways..ystd n today was hell yeah!pfft..went hm only 7+..reached hm at 8+..tired..n i dozed off super early ystd..haven even finish 1epi of my hubby's show,i slept alrdy..lucky thing mel called me,if not i will jz sleep with my lappy still on n my sofabed still in the sofa form..haha!buruk kan aku!ish!!

anyways,im still in raya mood..but no chance to n work..fri-sun will be msa camp..bile mau ray beb?kentut tul..tapi pe nk uat..terpakselah sacrifice kann..haizz..nasib badan..

n for now,i juz wanna tell u that i cant get enough of takuya!!pay is nx wk..guess i wanna spend on muz save on eating..sanggup beb!haha! nk uat..

Monday, October 15, 2007

slamt ari raya!

assalamualaikum sume!!

ok,1st of all,b4 i start,indah disini nk ucapkan slamat hari raya maaf zahir batin..klu de terkasar n tersilap kate,mintak amoun byk2..halalkan mkn minum ehh..semoga berbhg disamping keluarga slalu..=)

ok..raya was definitely fun!!tho u know..i don wanna elaborate pte sometimes..but nonetheless,happy time muz be happy rite?heh..

oh ya!frid,eve of raya,i dpt blk siang..alhamdulillah..heh..thx colleagues!reached hm,tk abis2 kemas smp tido..haha!tlg mak sikit2..nk masak tk tau,jadi tlg laa ape2 yg patut..n i watched my hubby at night..heh...

ok,lets start with 1st day raya..surprisingly,my dearest 3rd bro was early!bab slalu die lbt dtg umah..heh..yg lbt this time was my sis..LOL!3rd bro peng jek..i pun!haha!soo late!kite spm umah nenek lbt seh!org sume da tinggalkan kite..haha!oh kakakku..apa dah!haha..n i loved to take pics!haha!at the last house,posing jek!haha!muka da minyak2,br nk posing..heh..nanti i da get from my sis i will post ok?heh..1st day was v penat..almost sume umah makan,minum air gas..ish!heh..smp umah lepak!tapi,tetap sambung dgn watching my hubby's drama..heh..woot!

n 2nd day raya,which was ystd,tk kuar..tapi org dtg amai!aduh!smp tk terlayan!umah aku da la kecik,then org sume dtg serentak..kecoh dok!waduh!tk leh angkat ehhh..i ni da la pemalu..mane nk lyn org nk solat,nk tumpang toilet..lemao jek..but can say that my mom yg paling abis2 masak jek..aku ni tk tau!jadi tlg kemas2 jek..heh..oops!mcm ne nk kawin ni?lol!

cik seri came only at 11..LOL!lbt tu..smp nk tertido2 tunggu..haha!n i sempat sambung drama hubby i..heh..smp da abis pun tgk..haha!melalak2 ar tgk..haha!beh,sedih leh carry..y muz he die in the end??yyyyy!!!!

anyways...ill be gg to sch day off..ended up gg to shld be for a while..tired..ok la..think ive done wat im suppose to do..society laa then..wat else..yeap..til then..ill update agn..n i donno when that'll be..LOL!slamat ari raya once agn!=)

Tuesday, October 09, 2007


he is ohh so talented!

he can sing
he can dance
he can rap
he can act
he can host

most beautifully n naturally..=)

wat more can i ask?my husband..TAKUYA KIMURA!!!aiseteru ne!!

Monday, October 08, 2007

seputeh qaseh ramadan

somehow,im v tired n wanna sleep,bt at the same time,i don wanna sleep coz the radio is playing all the raya songs..haha!i wanna listen! was a long day for me..

in the morning,da p geylang dgn mak cari kuih utk jiran cine kite..then jln2 kat half the bazaar nk cari accesories n i managed to get the 3 for $5!after that,went hm to put all the heavy kuih n headed to my sis's house next..bab nk amek baju kak ipar yg die tempah..then also i kirim my sis mask from face shop.haha!at 1st tknk buka umah die,bt she told me causeway pt de accessories,so decided to go there n buka at her house.haha!

n yeap!i managed to get necklace for one of my baj kurung,n anting2 hair clip.hhaahaha..woot!tinggal nk raya jek.haha!i need to get eye lash curler coz i cant seem to locate the current one.haha!n also get the foot petal.yeap2!

watched soo lazat..joakim..heh..cute..supporting him as always..=)i thot they are gg to cook some eurasian or korean food..skali portugese..hmm..

then rushed hm to catch seputeh qaseh ramadan.damn shiok cann?tak leh dok!!melalak tgk..damn sedih like wat laa...mak pun nangis ar..dgr die tersedu sedan..haha!i tell u,im in love with fahrin..haha!i like the part where he said this..somewhre along that line..

sudikah awak jadi kekasih saya
walaupun soalan saya ni bodoh
saya tau hati awak da tertutup krn dlm hati awak cume ade satu lelaki
tu sebab saya mintak kebenaran awak utk saya mencintai awak
supaya awak sentiasa dlm hati/hidup saya..

awwwwww!then he touched her hand...awwww!omg!argh!i like!haha!seriously,damn touching like hell!

n when he talked to her husband,qaseh adalah kekasih saya,saya sanggup gadai nyawa saya den donno wat else he said..omg laaa!im lost for words mann dgr die ckp gitu..the love he had for qaseh is juz soo deep!somehw,he has this affinity with her.even her own husband tak feel like that for her..awww!!wil i ever get that type of man,who will loveme with all his heart?aww!haha!

the best mly drama ive ever watched mann..its been a long time since i melalak watching a malay drama..n this drama is so short n sweet n like!bez!wooot!heh..

ok la..i tink i wanna zzz alrdy..tho i jz saw him online now,don thnk i wanna chat,nnt aku tk igt tido,then sok eje tertido2 nnt,mati dok aku!heh..had a nice chat w him ystd like after soo long..happy!=)

kk...sleep indah!haha!mlm raya nnt leh dgr lagu raya..haha!okokokokok...til then..i love u all loads!=)

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

finally..updating..heh..=p back updating my berhabuk blog..hahaha!im damn shagged n tired kinda lazy to update sometimes..but nw i kinda hv the i'll update..

ok..lets see..last wk was wuite was ok..over the weekends,i got a haircut..heh..i donno if i shld say it's nice or not..n im telling myself once n for all that im nt gonna cut at that bloody place..argh!when i was abt to give him the 2nd chance to let him cut my hair nicely n do a proper rebonding..damnit!dats it mann!i don hv any more trust in u!ni laa org mly klu uat bisnes..kadang2 tk betul.mcm manenk maju.i complained to my sis n my abg ipar seh.haha!glad abg rizal was on my side..haha!he rox!my bro in law!hahaha!haizz..dats more!argh!mls nk cite pjg2..nk tau story nanti indah citekan..heh..

after getting the haircut with my sis,we went town to jln2 cari baju raya rudy..after that buka ayam penyet..yummy!heh..u know,my abg ipar is sometimes very contradicting..coz he was talking abt gg geylang the following day,then my sis said tk ya bw budak2 ni sume,leceh..but my bro in law said klu tkde diorg mcm boring.haha!then indah ckp ar,beh klu bw diorg,dirog degil nanti abg rizal gak yg geram..haha!die ckp mmg tul,tapi takde diorg boring..hahaha!LOLOLOL!contradicting mann..anyways..he still rox..haha..then,he sent me home..haha!takkan laa aku nk blk sorg2..sheesh!haha..anyways..nice night out with them..if only i don hv work on the monday,i da tido umah diorg n slack on sunday kat uman diorg..dearest rudy kept asking me on that day where i was heading to after the shopping trip..haha! soo sis was like saying,despite me always scolding him,he still likes me..haha!my rudy!woot!i love u too lil kid!=)

sunday,i was sick..that sat da seme2 sikit,then sunday makin teruk..batuk2 sume!byk phlegm..smp laa nari..i didnt help mum with uat kuih pun..nasib my sis in law de..i spent one whole day sleepin so that i can get well for work the next day..heh..indah damn pemalas dat day..seriously..haha!

n ystd was the 1st day of the wk of anor routine of work..dead..haha!soo many things to doo laa!argh!tired!stres!argh!but in a way it's nice..time passes by more quickly..i like!heh..but i hate it when i had to make calls n email traders..argh!all these ppl really get on my nerves..y muz there be broker n trader?seriously..argh!

oh ya..did i tell u that mr lee came to our workplace n had lunch tgther last frid?heh..he was super damn funny..haha!i cant eat tho..but he said he will treat me the next time..make sure ar..hahha!then we were talking abt our investments results..i think most or all of them on the table gtan A,except me,a B..then he saw saying that im nt the academically-inclined person,bt more of an all-rounded person..hmm..i donno laa ehh..if i wanna be proud of being as such,or kate ape,keliru??hahaha!haizz..but seriously ar,my gpa did dropped by a lot..but i only gt myself to blame..heh..anyways..da lepas lupekan jek laa..hahaha!

on the last note,i received an unexpected email from my aunt!!hahaha!awww!so damn touched cann?this is wat she emailed me..

Hi ur u? how is ur studies ... hope ur doing fine.
I heard from ur mum sekarang u banyak project eh .... and also dah boleh drive seh ..congrats .... :)

ah tau takpe..maybe my presence from all the kenduris n family gathering explains soo busy with society n work..wat can u expect...i hv to make sacrifices.thx soo much laa cik idah!waiting for a reply from u..thx soo much for asking!muacks!

ok la..til then..i wanna ciaoz liao..bayangkan ni blm mandi..haha!busuk!!ish!nk mandi n tido!!woot!heheh..til then..lagi seminggu lebih nk raya..heh..kk..bye!!

ps:siti,ive updated..hahaha!

ps2:eh org tag..sape tuuu?hahha!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

my 1st pay..woot! long nvr usual,im tired n lazyy to come online..heh.. has been better i think..getting used to it..more daring to email the traders n make call to brokers..but still not daring enough to make calls to counterparties..haha!

sy also ok..i like cann..heh..woot!haha!n i was juz told by my colleague that im quiet..haha!ya laa!wat to talk rite??we r nt in the same also quiet..both my left n rite also quiet..who can i talk to rite??tsk..n claire was saying i can compete with sy to see who is keeping quiet most of the time..haha!funny ar..lolol!!so,if i meet u,pardon me if im noisy..deprived of making noise at work ar..haha!jgn mcm fhm!heh..

oh ya..n i received my 1st pay alrdy..happy!!heh..wanna save some,spend some..wanna give mom some too..wanna shop for working clothes,shoes n bags..for raya my bills..waduh!!1k enggak ckp sih!haha!

ok la..til happy to keep in touch with ah qiqi..heh..til then..wanna rest liao..heh..tmr gt appt with gcw..tired sia..okok..3words all!muacks!=))

Friday, September 21, 2007

ramen ten..thx!

wowowowowowoweeeeeeeeee!heh..i juz love frid laa..looking fwd to end of work..heh..n somehow,i ended quite early i shld was like shooing me away..heh..maybe coz it's frid,n i had been staying back lately due to large volumes of verification to do,n him gg away for training..heh..n jz now,really nt much work..then i tink i know y..he did some of the verifications..hahaha!thx a way,i like it when he smiles or laughs..heh..changhong said that his looks nt bad..of course!!haha!to me n him i said,n i cant emphasise this enough,i love him in specs!!his specs is esprit some more!woot!i like!lolol!heh..k im madd..don bother mee..

niwaes..juz now changhong treated to ramen ten..woot!yup!ramen ten juz opened at harbour front..coolios..but jz now,my tummy was nt at the bez condition,n i cant finish my wasted..lucky changhong helped me finished it up..if nt,wasted sia..still got the handroll..i tapau hm..n still haven eat..heh..maybe later..cant waste..ex u know..2.50 siaa..heh..

then..i think somehow,i gt the hang of my job..everyday,stare at the 2 bloody PCs,with all the papers with soo many currencies n numbers n counterparties n brokers n banks from all over..haha!omg!thank god i enjoyed least enjoy a bit tho..haha!imagine if i dread my so gg to die!heh..i'd rather study..heh..

bt somehow,i still haven really clique well with my dept..donno y leh..maybe still early?or maybe the environment?i donno..sume cinonet..walaupun da biase kat sch,tapi bile kat keje,mcm lain ar..ntah laa ehh..i hope i can clique with them..or at least sy..haha!sial arr!mentel nyee aku!heh..nah..but im fine..i jz go there to work,gain the experience n graduate..heh..

tmr i hv society..sunday i will be buke-ing at my nenek's house..looking fwd to it..soo long nvr see my cousins..miss them as much..

soo many things to do yet so lil time..really..aiyayaya...let me list a few to keep in mind..

-constantly keep in touch with society
-buke with my 5gals
-buke with the ains n gang
-do my hair
-uat kuih raya
-kemas umah
-shopping for my room's stuff

sheesh!ok laa..think i end here leh..wanna do my rpt siaa..zzz..haizz...heh..til missing soo many ppl badly..maybe coz im too quiet at work i need to rant n talk..hahaha!kk..ciaoz!bye!nitez!3words my beloved!!whoever u are..hahaha!=)

Thursday, September 20, 2007

aching all over!n i wan sleep!

tired,shagged,stress,bored,sick..thats wat im feeling rite now..the high volumes are making me madd n crazyy..either my eyes are gg to pop out soon,or close soon..lolol!!

booo!im missing soo many ppl!!=)

Sunday, September 16, 2007

got my raya shoes!!weee~

weet!finally,i gt my raya shoe from charles&keith..weet!happyness!thx aisha for the company..n i also bought mascara from faceshop..woot!my lashes will be damn long n curly..i like!woot!haha!

ystd was meeting in sch plus running with christina..heh..shiokness!i took 16.10min for 2.4km..aiming to run for 14min..heh..mcm leh gitu..insya-allah leh..heh..if i wanna take napha,i make sure i can do my standng broad jump seh..tsk..thx christina for the company n sending me hm too after acc me for the run..=)

tmr is work agn..zzzz...n after that meeting agn in sch w mr lee..long day mann tmr..sheesh!penat..tahan jek laa..

got soo many plans..but donno when will i b able to do it..i wanna buke with the 5girls..with ain..bile nii aku nk gii?heh..n i also need to kemas my room too..heh..hmm..tgk laa ehh mcm mane..stress aku dibuatnye..

ive yet to start in my periodic rpt..mendak dok..zzz..oh mann!nature's calling mee...haha!gtg then..til all!=)3words!

Friday, September 14, 2007

results out!

TGIF!!haha!frid,the day that i always look fwd to..away from!shiokness mann!haha!n today was the day i gt my results..i thot that im gg to do damn hand was shaking when i wanna type in my student no n password..but alhamdulillah,i passed..tho nt flying clrs..heh..only one A..n the rest Bs and B+..but bloody hell i gt C+ plus for stupid IS..damnit..tsk..IS is really waste time laaa!argh!anyways..over juz forget it..wat matters most is that i can graduate next!haha!

bt wat chang hong said was's nt abt whether u clever or's a matter of whther u put in effort when hard u smart too..even if u r clver,but nvr put in effort,u will be the same like those who nvr study..but u know wat?i think ive done my best n im happy with it..heh..

anyways..was reading this article in TODAY paper ystd,abt live the simple life..thats juz wat i wan,maybe nt now,but soon..when im settling down with a family..haha!juz wanna share..can the money we earn replace the intangibles that we have missed out on in our materialistic pursuit?

..thru the long hours n a lot of hardwork..had many of the trappings in the modern lifestyle,but we didnt hv the time,n sometimes nt even the energy to enjoy them..n even worse,we had lil or practically no time for ourselves..

it's nt surprising that divorce rate is increasing..ppl sacrifice their r/ships rather than work,which eats in to their personal time..

tiem to think n ponder everyone..=)

til then..ciaoz!3words all!=)

Thursday, September 13, 2007

ngantok babe!

omg laa!damn sleepy sia at work juz now..tak leh carry dok!no many trades came in..i was so damn bored..some more i juz stayed in..heh..

swee yong damn funny laa..ade ke die tanye am i ok without lunch..haha!wat a qn..pas tu tanye i gt go out n walk walk or nt..muke aku jln sorg2 kat vivo?haha!kekek dpt ar..malu sih..lain laa klu dgn ehem ke..sape2 ke..haha!

like at last,tmr is frid!im soo happy!work is stressing n boring at times..unless u hv the rite ppl by ur side..heh..aku ni sume laa shiok sgt..takde kaki mly nk bbl mly..sheesh!no common topic u see..

my eyes wanna close alrdy also..nanti nk bangun sahur..blm gosok baju..tido pun cantik..heh..til then..aku nk tido!!zzzz...3words all..

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


oookkk..nt much to update..all day work..juz some random things to share..

u know..sometimes on the way hm in the bus,i wa thinking of my future hubby,whoever he is..haha!sometimes,i thot that if my hubby works in the same line as me..u know,in the banking and finance sector,how cool is that!haha!n he dresses damn smartly..u know..with cufflinks..wowowow!kk..u shld know who im talking abt here..haha!guys who dresses smartly,wears specs..wowow!haha!but,on the other end,if he is like my bro in law,in the engineering sector,also nt bad..haha!if u know who im talking abt too..haha!wat matters most is that he muz hv a stable job n doesnt depend on me..n of course!i wotn depend on him..both my sis and bro-in-law said that we shldnt depend on be able to stand on our own feet..heh!yes mdm n sir!heh..

talking abt work..i donno if i wan to work in the banking line..u know ar,i knock off at near 7 u know,when im suppose to go hm at 6..ok,im nt juz thinking if this is wat i wan in future..u wanna work in the bank,this is wat u'll expect..late working!i donno if this is wat i wan..aku nk kawin n ade anak sehh..haha!hmm..entah ehhh..

anyways..cite cine kul 7 is shiok!but too bad i cant catch it..i only managed the last 5mins of it..lolol!

oh ya..puasa is tmr..i wanna try to lose some wt..haha!aisha n i had a bet..those who nvr lose wt will have blanje mkn..hahaha!ok ar girl!set ar!talking abt puasa,suspect hari2 aku buke dlm bus siol!haha!

oh ya..back to dear mentor is gg for a 4days training next wk..n im gg to cvr some of his duties..argh!im nt that prepares mann!ohh noo!praying hard that all goes well for mee..i made some mistakes here n there n after that,phobia!!n i hate hongkies!fullstop!bluek!

last bt nt least..juz wanna share some quote..

beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder..=)

til yaa!3words all!slamat berpuasa too!

Friday, September 07, 2007

m hotel

wooot!soo long nvr update..haha!tired lazy let me start on tues..

tues was the 1st day of word..shiok shiok!!food was also shiok!haha!altho i nvr eat the buffet spread..desserts were shiok enough..woot!heh..the whole day was shiok laa..though the biz presentation was dead sleepy..some wwas funnn tho..made new friends..ok least at work,when we see each other,we smiled..heh..kevin chay rox k!woot!gonna miss him..i like the way he calls my name..haha!good stuff n excellent are his fav words..LOLOL!damn funny n shiok!

wed was the 2nd day of equal funn!bentley william rocks like helll too mann!nicola tooo!omg!hahaha!im soo lazy to elaborate here tho..haha!but the 2days of induction was shiok n it was a gd break from ething..some funn n slackong b4 work starts..

so work started for me officially ystd..heh..i love my mentor cann?hw i wish he can be more outspoken..=)..guess he's jz too quiet..heh..i rmbred him asking me y i move or sit so far away when he came to my table to teach me's nt that laa juz making way for u..haha..i wanna sit close to uuuu tooo!i like ur scent!haha..i sounded sick rite..haahah!he always asked me if im ok,the load ok or nt..or if i hv any probs..such a caring mentor..definitely v diff from my last attachment..swee yong rox ok??heh..=p

n today work as per normal too..i think im too tired to blog more..haha..all i can say is in working life,this is wat u will always wan to look out is lunch..2 is knockoff time..3 is weekends..hahaha!

tmr will be anor long day for soo dead noww..haizz..til then..ciaoz..3words all..

Monday, September 03, 2007

millions of dollars!

wooot!!alhamdulillah 1st day wat work went ok..i took bus there n i reached super early at 8.10..LOL!coz i was super scared of traffic jam,so i went out early,to experiment the timing..heh..

sharon n swee yong are friendly and helpful..glad to have them as my manager n mentor respectively..the experience here in merrill is definitely diff and far much better than back at AHA.. in charge of back office operations..juz wat i like to may sound mundane n bored,but that's wat i like..heh..but im nt a boring person okkkk??=p..

didnt do much today coz much wasnt!i was soo bored to death,i closed my eyes at some pt of time..hahaha!really sia!i cant juz sit down n do nothing!

they asked along 4 lunch..which is cool..=)we ate at thai express..ok laa..not that special n nice..mcm kedai kopi nye mknan..haha!tapi takpe..esther duit aku..heh..thx esther!oh oh!!i think i kinda hv a fetish over swee yong..wahaha!when i saw him for the 1st time that frid,i didnt really find him that gd-looking..but juz now..omgg laa!hahaha!handsomee!maybe coz the way he dresses..i love guys in formal wear u see..haha!tk sume org sajak kai gitu.wats more,he wears specs!!i love guys in specsss!hahaha!reminds me of roger sia..heh..ohoh!!n he is soo softspoken..a bit shy2 also..haha!he talks super soft laa!i muz be soo near him to hear him speak..haha!i deaf laa cann?tsk..heh..lucky he has nice scent..woot!heh..sial laa!pe mentel akuu!wahaha!so,all i hope is that the next days will be better..i will be stuck there for 5mths plus,so i hope i do learn sthing form there..=)..praying hard..

oh..n he's from ngee ann too..major in maybe that explains his quiet-ness..maybe..hahaa!but wonder y he goes into banking n finance..hmm..*pondering*..

anyways..tmr n wed will be induction day..sort of introduction to M hotel some more sia..woot!heh..soo..relax n chill 1st b4 real work starts..i'll deal with millions!haha!slamatt dok!

ok laa..til then..tmr wanna sing k!woot!heh..wanna hv a gd sleep..most probably,i will be taking train there..heh..coz i wanna wake up later..heh..pemalas sakk!k la k la..3words all!

Sunday, September 02, 2007

scholarship? beyond my reach..

ok...half a day wasted in sch..hmm.not really a waste laa..haha..coz i attended the scholarship training,whereby i got to know more abt scholarships that are offered to poly students,n hw u go abt preparing urself for much for attending n spent half a day there,chances of me getting the scholarship??i think zero lorr..hahaha!really!considering after gg thru this sem,scholarship is beyond my reach..unless a miracle happens or sthing..i donno..heh..

after that..thot that i wanna accompany siti..but ended up,i was soo super lazyy laa..sorry ar kak..jauh malas n penat n no the end,i went running with nurul at clementi stadium..shiok shiok!!heh..seriously,it's soo nice to run with ipod..heh..=)

after that,reached hm,relax time..n i watched 13 gg on of my all time fav movie..shiok mann!the movie is oh so damn sweeet cann?heh..seriously,love soo strong..hw i admire that..i teared when both of them expressed their love for each other..for more than 20 over yrs,since elementary sch,matt has nvr not in love with strong..awwwww!i love mark ruffalo laa!in a way,he was somewhat hot in that show..hahaha!tho hairy..wahahha!who cares?hahaha!this movie really rox!!some snapshots below..awwww!i wanna be in someone's arm too!haha!

jenna:i love u..
matt :ive always loved u...
 soo damn lazy to do my!n i donno wats the plan for tmr,or rather,!i soo much wanna see that..but somehow,my heart mcm heavy to see..i donno y..has the feeling fade away or sthing?i donno..=(..

Friday, August 31, 2007


wahhhh..super damn tired today...that goes to show hw unfit i can be..haha..juz ran 2.4km,which is 6 laps of track..da pancit..n my timing is 16.44minutes...oh mann!no gd no gd!nt my standard..nvm..slowly..all i need is to run more regularly n improve each time i run..i believe i can do it..mau tak mau jek..heh..

it was fun running juz now u know..heaven..heh..ran at ard clementi stadium's track..with tiq n nurul..woke up as early as 5.45am jz to ke smangat name die?hahaha!i ran while listening to my ipod..the feeling i shiok..really..more running plsss!heh..then after running,jz did a bit of sit-ups..heh..yg senang2 jek..nk step mane nye athelete ntah ehh..wahahaha!

after that,reached hm to get ready to go to the airport to send my partner off..tapi tk jadi..ade laa org2 yg buih laa..org2 yg lbt laa..aku mls gile nk lyn..da tk kuasa..igt de janji mly jek..janji cinonet pun de..bingit aku..sheesh!da laa..boring ar..da boring,tido..heh..penat berlari..heh..

pas tu,last min plan,nk turun bestway building to buy tix for the salam lebaran..went with aisha n nurul..kecoh dok kat sane!!they only accept cash,n we r short of 20cents!pathetic 20cents only lehhh...hahahah!so,we had to go and withdraw at MAS..somehow,in the lift,this kind soul was asking us we needed to draw money n asked by how much..when we told him we need juz 20cents,he went...doinkz..hahahaha!then he said,"aiya,20cents only..come ar i give u...."whahaha!thx ar bro!u rocks ar bro!wahahah!then we went upp agn n paid..hahaha!anor funny thing was aisha n i were super kebetulan over there has vending machine..n the snacks are super cheap!mamee is only 10cents! we juz bought..nt knowing that by rite u cant buy..hahahaha!we bought liao,then the receptionist was like telling us we cant go over wth laa..u didnt put any sign or barrier saying u cant go there,who know sia??so we juz go ar..alamak!i hate the receptionist soo much laa cann?idiot shittt!argh! nk lyn die..kite da beli pun..sorry..hahahaha!

after that,headed to suntec to eat..heh..after that,walked ard at the IT fair..then headed hm..n here i am..super tired..haizz...ria is playing anuar zain's new song..damn nice..i've always love anuar zain..reminds me of that some1 singing mungkin..he sure can sing laa..awwww...mesmerising mee laa..heh..

oh yaaa...untukmu selamanya,ungu's latest album..damn nice!!muz muz listen!!heh..=p ungu roxx!woot!heh..

ok ar..wanna sleep soon..tmr scholarship training from 8.30-6.30..gawdd...mendak dokk!slamat ar..heh..after that,hopefully can play badminton..=)til then..3words all..

Thursday, August 30, 2007

joggggiiinnnnggggg laaaaaa!

hmmm...funn day i shld the same time,i regret sooo much today for nt gg jogging with!i thot it was gg to rain heavily laaa..i even asked mak 1st whether it's gg to rain the whole day..hahaha!like mak will know like that,since ain had car with her,aisha asked me along to follow ain president to make her pass for her attachment..fikir byk kali ni sblm uat the end,gi jugak..haha..aku adelah harap2 hujan lbt gile..skali tk..reda sehh!aduh!sakit hati dong dibuatnye..hmm..mungkin de hikmah disebaliknye..haha!mcm fhm!heh..anyways,bile lagii sih mau jog sama si dia?!?!?!?booo..

anyways..after that,we went to west coast to eat..yummy!!heh..tgk!bertuah tul!org adelahh nk jog,lead healthy lifestyle,ni tk..melantak!hahahah!takpe2..make sure this is the 1st n the last..haha..ckp jek..

then..we lepak2 at west coast park..takde keje,we did an mv for ourselves..hahahah!satu2 emooo sehh!hahaha!we did an mv to,i donno the song!main komat kamit jek ar..hahah!then we step to do magic,like the show ilusi..LOLOL!seriously,mcm tkde keje..hahahah!pas tu main obstacle laa..ala2 mcm kids at work..if u rmb that kids central show back then..heh..kite menang!!yeahhh!tag team with aisha..heh..

it was 6+ alrdy,then we juz hangout for a while at short,i had super funn!heh..thx ain,ain n aisha..hahahaha!shiok klu org de kete..heh..

wanna spend my last few days having funn b4 i go for attachment..soo..donno wats the plan for tmr..waiting for tiq to call me..whether she's free to play badminton or jogg..then donno whther i wanna send ahqiqi n jeetjeet or not..booo!pls tiqq..cpt laa call akuu..heh...

i seriously wanna workout n run constantly..wanna keep fit n healthy..wanna stop putting on weight..hmm..but i donno ehh..hmm..ish!nk jaga badan punnn susah..amcm niii?hahaha!nk jaga mkn pun susah seh..ishhh!i try..time puasa,nanti pandai2 ar jage..lagi2 nanti da keje,asyik terperap dlm office..kene workout slalu sih..heh..

hmm..ok laa..i think til so bored to deathh now..somebody,entertain meeee plsss!booo!3words all!

me myself n i..indah..

Your view on yourself:

Other people find you very interesting, but you are really hiding your true self. Your friends love you because you are a good listener. They'll probably still love you if you learn to be yourself with them.

The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:

You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes.

Your readiness to commit to a relationship:

You prefer to get to know a person very well before deciding whether you will commit to the relationship.

The seriousness of your love:

You like to flirt and behave seductively. The opposite sex finds this very attractive, and that's why you'll always have admirers hanging off your arms. But how serious are you about choosing someone to be in a relationship with?

Your views on education

Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.

The right job for you:

You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.

How do you view success:

Success in your career is not the most important thing in life. You are content with what you have and think that being with someone you love is more than spending all of your precious time just working.

What are you most afraid of:

You are concerned about your image and the way others see you. This means that you try very hard to be accepted by other people. It's time for you to believe in who you are, not what you wear.

Who is your true self:

You like privacy very much because you enjoy spending time with your own thoughts. You like to disappear when you cannot find solutions to your own problems, but you would feel better if you learned to share your thoughts with a person you trust.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

shiok arrr!

wowowowowweeee!super duper funn la deh nari!hahaha!thxx soo much girlfriends for all the fun!omg!hanging out dgn korg power gilerr laa babe!im gonna miss the funn v muchie!

i left hm as early as 945 coz aisha fetched me to sch..she had attachment briefing while i had to meet mr lee to get the prom budget n submit it to finance..heh..

after that,we went to fetch nani n tiq laa..pas tu..hujan lebat gile babii dok!serious!kite tk npk langsung road tu!nt even the markings on the,we juz tag along the lorry in front of us..

da exit rochor rd,our cashcard noo moneyy!!omgomg!haha!panic stricken laa thenn!hahaha!then sesat!lost!we went to donno where ar..all roads we went!all expressways too!LOL!then,we passed by hospitals too!from kk,to tts,to mt e..whahaha!damn funny cann??!?!?LOLOL!!then,we topped up the cash card at some petrol kiosk,n somehw,found ourselves in we ended up in town instead of bugis..LOLOL!we had lunch at ramen ten..

after that,shopping time!wah!shoppin sakan kao!hahaha!we gt q few tops n bags..satu beli,sume beli..haha!sehati sejiwa laa katekan..heh..i got myself 3tops,1 bottom n 1 bag..maut gile dok!haha!i spent $84 bucks for all that..then,plus car n food,altogether was $113..n now,bankruptcy!!hahaha!tapi takpe..nk sedapkan hati nye pasal,duit tk leh bw mati..heh..jadi,blanje jeee laa..heheh..

ok,so after shopping,we went to fetch mar from her workplace..then headed to bugis..heh..smp bugis,cant find parking!aisha was already damn pissed n stressed..chill laa,we ended up parking near nafa..heh..

then walked ard bugis village n nani,aisha n me got ourselves bottoms..=)mar was hungry,so we went to eat..yummy!heh..

after that,tired liao..headed hm lor...hahaha!

it was fun..really..n u know wat aisha?u drive power laa!if u wanna compare urself w me,aku haprak,i hope that this wont discourage u from driving anymore..pelan2 blj ar ok?heh..chill babe!u rox ar!50sen,50sen!!LOLOL!!

n to nani,tiq n mar..i hope u had fun too!we shld go out more often yaa?maybe insya-allah,kite kuar time buke puasa kee..=)

n now im v tired..heh..i feel like jogging tmr..shall see how..the weather's not gd lately u see..hmm..i will b staying at hm the whole day most probably..which i think it's gd..coz im broke!boo!

til then..i wanna like rest?hahaha..shall be posting up photos sooon i guesss...=)3words all then..=)

im missing those funn times alrdy..really...=)

Monday, August 27, 2007

break! time at the camp..a gd break from ething i shld say..tho at some time pt of time,i didnt like it..shant say much in details here..

anywoots..tmr will b gg out with the girlfriends!yahoo!heh..wats more,we hv a carr!!looking fwd to it v muchie!=)

til then..3words all..

thats it?til here?no more?we cant?=((

Yakinkan aku Tuhan
Dia bukan milikku
Biarkan waktu waktu
Hapus aku

Sadarkan aku Tuhan
Dia bukan milikku
Biarkan waktu waktu
Hapus aku

Thursday, August 23, 2007

it's over..once agn..

omg!!!finally it's overrr laaa!im super duper damn happy laa thenn!!treasury was ok..wat i didnt study didnt came out..alhamdulillah is all i can say..berkat dr allah..u know what?when i salam-ed my mak juz now b4 gg out,i asked her to pray for mee..guess berkat doa tu termakbul..i did put my always,i can always do better than that..=))..i believe..

tmr is the seazzle looking fwd to it..hope that it will be funn..after so long,finally i get to go for a camp,rather than organizing it..heh..

when queensway for a while to get fbt shorts..hahah!n i bought 2 siaa!coz when i bought the black one alrdy,i saw the white with green stripes..damn nice!then i buy lorr!hahaha!nthing better to do rite??heh.. so happy now..gotta enjoy myself b4 i start my attachment..til gg to....sing??hahaha!yeah!til then..ciaoz!=))

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


ok..i needa blog..hahaha!paper was fine juz now..i can do,but i donno if my answers are correct..format was almost the same as past yr's paper..all i can say is more to gooo tmr n tmr is a killer n hell yeah!i feel like screwing up the paper sometimes..

heh..but coz of someone out there,i wanna persevere n endure til the end..considering this is the last paper im taking in my whole poly life,im gonna give my best shot!my deary beautiful eyes..*ehem*..pls don close..hahaha!

had a short chat with him..n i like!!hahaha!pendek pun pendek ar..yg penting bez chat dgn die..i like it when ppl actually end their sentence with ok..u get wat i mean?like for an eg..go study okie?mcm manje gitu..hahaha!prasan nyee aku!haha!klu aku tak prasan,sape pulak kan nak prasankan utk aku..hahahaa!oh oh!n he said that frid im not free..y ehh?when i ask whther is it coz of the camp,he said no..he juz said im nt free..aiseh..wat does he mean sia?hahhaha..meh laa aku shiok sendiri..woot!heh..

ok..til here..lets mugg for the last time babeh!=p..

forever missing him..

gantung by melly goeslaw

Ku harus menemui cintaku
Mencari tahu hubungan kita
Apa masih atau tlah berakhir

Kau menggantungkan hubungan ini
Kau diamkan aku tanpa sebab
Maunya apa ku harus bagaimana
Sampai kapan kau gantung
Cerita cintaku memberi harapan
Hingga mungkin ku tak sanggup lagi
Dan meninggalkan dirimu

Detik-detik waktu pun terbuang
Teganya kau menggantung cintaku
Bicaralah biar semua pasti

Tentunya hubungan cinta denganmu
Membuat ku sakit
Hingga mungkin ku tak sanggup lagi
Dan meninggalkan dirimu

Tuesday, August 21, 2007


when mugging gets bored..this is wat indah does..the sun is soo oh b-e-a-utiful..=)

mcm cine masuk islam..LOL!!my cutie yaqin..=)

you may be only one person in the world, but you may also be the world to one person..

every one bad thing you know about that person, there are 9 more good things that you'll find out about him/her..

bersama bintang-drive

senja kini berganti malam
menutup hari yg lelah
dimanakah engkau berada
aku tak tahu dimana

pernah kita lalui semua
jerit, tangis, canda, tawa
kini hanya untaian kata
hanya itulah yg aku punya

tidurlah selamat malam
lupakan sajalah aku
mimpilah dalam tidurmu
bersama bintang

sesungguhnya aku tak bisa
jalani waktu tanpamu
perpisahan bukanlah duka
meski harus menyisakan luka

Monday, August 20, 2007


OMG!!!damnit!!!investment paper was a killer!!IM SO GOING TO DIE LIKE SHIT!!!all i can do now is pray hard that i will juz pass the paper..i don aim an A or B..C or D will choice!!

now,im worried over TR..CFAS still ok i guess..but TR is definitely another killer..die die die!!i hv to start studying for TR now mann..n tmr chiong for CFAS...damn shitty semester..i hate it soo damn mucchhhiiie!

anyways..after the iv paper..went to study with ain n aisha..then another ain came along n join in too..after that,bored liao,we went to the library n played the games..shiok shiok!we played Imaginiff n Taboo..wahahah!damn funny n shiok like hell yeah!LOLOLOL!!hanging out with them is as fun too..

n ain is a pesilat also..n she knows at least we hv some things in common.=) least wont feel awkward..then we went to west coast to eatt!! dman full like..woohoo!!haha!went with mail..their silat gang also..along with some other guys..mail's friend..yeah!!we hv a car u shiok laa!!thx soo much ain for the ride!i likkee!!when the hell can i drive like her??hahaha!so much for having license alrdy..but still doesnt dare to!heh..

ok laa..enough of funn n is back to studying!!i think im gg to take a short nap 1st..heh..wish me luckss mann!i hate examsss!sickkk!!=(((

n im sure i wanna hv a longer chat with him..really..very much missed..=)

n i wanna watch him play soccer too..when will i get the chance agn??

~kekasih gelapku by ungu

ku mencintaimu lebih dari apapun
meskipun tiada satu orang pun yg tahu
ku mencintaimu sedalam-dalam hatiku
meskipun engkau hanya kekasih gelapku

yakinlah bahwa engkau adalah cintaku
yg kucari slama ini dalam hidupku
dan hanya padamu kuberikan sisa cintaku
yg panjang dalam hidupku

ku mencintaimu sedalam-dalam hatiku

meskipun engkau hanya kekasih gelapku
ku mencintaimu lebih dari apapun
meskipun tiada satu orang pun yg tahu
ku mencintaimu sedalam-dalam hatiku
meskipun engkau hanya kekasih gelapku

kekasih gelapku

Sunday, August 19, 2007


wowowowoowoww weeeee!!!omggg!!today is super duper funnn mannn!studying with mar n the library was damn shiokk!hahaha!

when we were alrdy damn bored and tired of studying,n there was not that many ppl in the library,we shot ourselves for MV..hahahaa!really takde keje!!we formed a band called MK..haha!aisha's creation..MK stands for Minah Kampong..LOLOLOL!!n we sang to hapus aku by nidji..before that,we sang sudah..hahaha!im the drummer,aisha's the guitarist and marinah's the singer/soloist..hahahah!damn funny like shittt!hahaha!i likeee!!

LOLOL!!emo siaa!!red red,hair long long..sajak sungguh!

yeahh!tu dia!!MK!!hahaha!mcm fhm!see how engrossed n smangat we are..hahahaha!

that wasnt enough..we packed our bags and headed to KBOX!!hahahah!n we sang and sang and sang..super damn funnnyyy!!hahaha!i like laaa!wa lao!!more singing pls!heh..we r gg to sing our hearts out on thurs,after our last paper..n before we go for the seazzle camp on frid night..weee!

n the funny thing is that aisha only knows malay songs..n i know most english aisha can only go to cash studio..situ byk lagu mly..KBOX takdak ar..hahaha!anyways..still loads of funn tho..n that costed us 96.51!!omg!!near a hundred lehh!crazzyyyy!!bankrupt!!=((

nvm..needa start saving...til then..still..

Saturday, August 18, 2007

marsala pizza..

super duper funnn!!hahaha..studied with aisha in sch agnn..heh..coz she wanna repair her lappy,so i accompanied her..n we studied too..studied a lot sia..heh..tho we chat here n there..shiok shiok!heh..

ard 5+,hungry..atrium no more food,we headed to student plaza n rombak cheers..haha!n we tried this pizza..n it turned out this way coz we microwaved it for 10mins..LOLOL!!ni laa name nye marsala pizza..LOL!!ohoh!!n the makcik at the cashier thought that im chinese..heh..mly laa cik..LOLOL!

it's super duper hard let me tell ya..ewww!how gross can that bee..wahaha!

wahahaha!sempat pose...
then we continued studying all the way til 930..tired siaa...halfway,we actually bought redbull to energise ourselves..waahahah!mcm fhm jekk kann kite..heh..funny sia..then..a bit mendak alrdy,cam whore...wahahaha!each photo,confirm got funny caption..hahaha!
ok..i like this..most perfect i gues..heh..pose with redbull..

ni aisha mcm pirate..hahahah!mate sblah mane gii?haha!

ok..i like this too..coz i look nice..hahahah!prasan!

ni aisha kate rambut br habis roman..hahahaha!mcm sialll!!dgn sape ehh?hahahaha!shant say here..ewwwww!LOL!

see how hardworking we are...thank you..heh..

n here i am blogging..i need some time off mann..i think i hv enough of PLB in my head..zZz..all the bez to mee mann tmr..i donno..tawakal jekk..ive studied wat i shld hv..klu kuar ape yg aku tk blj,slamat pengantin baru ar!!argghhh!!
til then..ciaoz...=))3words..muakcz!

Thursday, August 16, 2007


aiseh mannn...guess i can forget abt that wishful thinking part of mee..

juz let nature takes its course and ill go with the flow..

let's snap back to reality..

im fine with it..=)

STUDDDYYYYY!!!AARRRGGGHHH!!!=(((('s wayyy too fasssttt..tskk..

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

random stuff

alhamdulillah my studies are progressing...*clapppsss*..

my sleeping hrs are weird's 5am-11am almost's nicer to study at night i guess..n i hv the wind,the fan,the radio,n the hp beeping which means aisha was sms-ing me..hahaha!kite 2 btl takde keje nk uat..wahahah!

n yess life's bored..i hate to the core..a waste of my precious time..tsk.i cant wait for 23rd mann..really..oh ya..n i got my PLB's proj result..we scored at i hope i can get an average B for will be much better if i can get A though..heh..=)

n im down with a bloodyy runny nose..tsk..irritating..haizz..ARGGHH!

n let me tell you finance sucks!!argh!forver rejecting my MOB..go n die laa!wt* mann!!argghh!til then..faster come 23rd!!!

n oh oh!!im also looking fwd to the don disturb meee!i wanna get away from anything n ething on that day..i wan nthing but the company of my 5girlfriends..*winkz*..=)so don plan anything on that day yaa..heh..thx..woot!

til then..3words..

im sick..sick of ething..n how i wish i can be your friend,your companion,your listening ear,be there when u need help..that's all im asking for..or is it wayy to fast to start off with?i donno..i alrdy made the

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

a quick one..promise..hahaha!

ok..indah is soo degil..she juz cant stop herself from on-ing her lappy..hahaha!very tempting laa..heh...anyways..juz a quick update..

went to study with aisha in sch..n we waited for the bloody 52 for frigging 45 minutes laa!wth laa!soo super duper damn pissed..nasib laa aku puasa..jadi sabar..cobaan laa katekan..heh..

then studied,n crapped ard..with aisha ard,i will laugh non stop like a mad woman.haha!thx for making me laugh ehh..smp nk pecah perut aku..=p..

then break fast at fish&co..yummylicious..seafood platter is shiok!heh..super damn kenyang..smp nk ekk-ekk..hahahaah!while at fish&co,there's this song,real love by massira or whoever the singer is..damn nicce!!n n!!my fav!!if i let u go by westlife..oh mann..i really wanna hear the song agnn!!heh..shant say here y..paiseh sia..hahaha!n ive been hearing mariah carey's song lately..hmm..maybe shld get the cd from my sis..i like her too!=D..

been stress lately with the exams..hence lotsa breakouts..n i juz found a strand of white hair..heh..da tuaa kot..pfftt..heh..

n i get to know more abt him today..thx ehh sha for the info..mann..stalker sia!i prefer to remain like this..really..watching someone from much as i wan to be closer to i donno how to..if aisha can be close to him..then i leh??how how??tsk..ahh!like i said,i better concentrate on my exams 1st..heh..aku ckp jekk,tapi tk uat..tsk..

k la k laa..blj!!!argh!!heh..wish me lucks mann!n to gg to like disturb u whenver i hv updates..hahaha!slamat!!heh..3words all my dearest!=)

Monday, August 13, 2007

pics galore

the pics are enough to show how happy i was that night..thx gals!muacks!

while waiting for fat..

in the train to the airport..=p

@ popeye..i looked juz like the chicken..LOL!

the remains..LOL!

bon voyage!thx for sending us..LOLOL!

aiseh..kul brp niii?

mane aje sky train die..penat seh..baru turun flight..aiseh..

mar!i love u!LOLOL!looks like i wanna kiss her huh?LOL!

me & mar..

with fat...she treated us chocs coz she was late..heh..thx!

lastly..with aisha..=)

enjoyable night...=))))