wowowowowow!!sooo longg nvr update i guess..hahah!!been bz n no mood at work,bz w soo damn tired!
last 3 days was bamp..alhamdulillah went well..tho hiccups here n there..
my dear winston left sadly..sorry boyyy..heh..but u know it's nt ur fault..i was juz being too emooo n stressed...
later at night,jason,peifen n dixon came was worse!hahah!but i was v happy n touched that there is someone who really feel for meee...not that im asking for sympathy or wat..but u know,having to hv that feeling,i guess im still the lucky girl..thx soo much peifen!=)
cam back to work n face all the shit n i hate it v much..hahaha!hate work laa thennn..pfffttt...
oh was kak linda's engagement..n im soo the damn happy for herrr!congrats kak!i wish i could be there for u the whole 2 days..but time doesnt permits..but u know what,2 yrs down the rd,when the wedding bells are ringing,insya-allah,i'll be there for u womannn!i love u soo much cannn?heh..=)

pweeetttyyy kak linda =)
tmr's xmas n i had to work to pay back for the leave i took last frid..pfftt..haha!guess no use ranting..haha!til then..wanna rest...byeee!
still very much in love with TAKUYA!!!will nvr get enough of it laa thenn??hehhe..