Saturday, June 17, 2006

its been ages's been a long time since i blog...coz im super tired n lazy..slept soo damn early ystd,imagine,9.30pm slept already..haha!maybe work was tough ystd..ya..was damn pissed with this particular cust..haizz..other than that..ok ba..

had meetings for ba society..ok also..ething is gg quite smoothly and on proj..forever undone..i realy don hv the drive to do..wat happen to me man?i also haven do my tutorial..haha!next wk i'll chiong all the way ar..haha!

it's GSS,n ive nt done any shopping..ish!i wan clothes!i wan shoes!i wan bag!zZz..who wanna accompany shop??all also buzy with own stuff..haiz..indah is sad..super sad..

anything else?err..don think so ba..oh ya!i met 2 of my old sec sch friends who left fuhua n transfer to another sch..1st,i saw caixuan..i donno if she still rmbrs me..but ya..i said hi to her..she kinda in u rush..then..i met wen jie!!n i told him la,im glad that he still rmbrs me..hee~hw can not rmbr me rite?we used to compare our marks..haha!he was like super damn gd in sci n geog..n i can nvr beat him..haha!only once in a while,n thats by luck..haha!i missed those days..then..we talked abt wat happen to the others in our clas..wats has he been yup..a bit of catching up here n there..

basically,thats my day..boring huh?yup..boring..haha! trying my nez to do my proj now..til words..

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