Thursday, June 29, 2006

S'PORE IDOL ROX! i angan2 a lot..haha!i mean..i wanna do lotsa things,but i ended up nt doin anything..hahaha!hw gd is that huh..i wanted to wake up at 6.30,to do my ief tut n some proj research,since i don really hv any sch today,juz need to meet my IS tutor for a while..but..i ended up waking up at 8plus..haha!but at least ok ar..did a bit of ief..some haven complete coz i needa read the tb 1st..omgomgomg!!!tmr im getting back my IEF test..damn super duper scared ar!!aargghh!i juz pass happy liao..serious..i don care highest or nt highest already..

oritezz..that aside..after meeting my tutor,i went to TOWN!woohoo!with mar!haha!luckily mar has gt no date..hahaha!thx gerl for accompanying me..oh!b4 that..i met my freshies..haha!had a short chat with them..hee~miss ya guys..lucky they were there,then at least i can kill time b4 meeting mar coz she'll oni reach at 3,n from sch to town is ya..we went far east,then to most of the sports shop to look for my nike bag but to no avail,then went to mango,zara,topshop..i got nthing from there..haha!still a bit to ex for me..hehe..nt many nice clothes too..the cheap ones are too revealing..i don wear that..hee~so ya..i ended up buying myself shoes..haha!nice simple cheap shoes..hee~i like!from world of costs 35+,then 20% disc,oni 28+..wee~quite an old model..but don care la..juz buy n wear..haha!still no bag..sianzzz..

nice?hee~wanna wear to sch tmr.hahaha!kanjionh ar..cant wait to wear.. =)

fun day i shld say..tho im very damn tired..mar too..hee~oh ya!s'pore super duper damn happy ar that those i don like are nt in the top 12..haha!but my primero is nt in..boohoo!sad..haizz..cant deny that he did sing badly..haizz..nvm..there's still other chances..he sang i live my life for u..ohmy..if only he can sing it for me..haha!so,from the wildcard show,norman n gayle was chosen by the judges..n mathilda n jay was chosen from the!damn happy!jay was super emo!he cried..awww....glad that he gt in..he deserves it matter wat..i still like my JOAKIM...JOAKIM...SARANG HAE!!!!!hahaha!i came across this article from on joakim n hady..super funny..hahaha!

One's a soulful performer while the other's an Energizer bunny on stage. Singapore Idol finalists Hady and Joakim may be polar opposites in terms of performance style but we can't help spotting certain similarities between them! It wasn't that long ago that everyone was talking about how longtime couples (and even, hell, pet owners and their pets) looked like each other. A study by biological scientists earlier this year at the University of London suggested an explanation: that facial characteristics indicate similar personality traits. We grossly take the study out of context… and run our very own unscientific test on the terribly unperturbed Hady and the terribly dance-inflicted Joakim.

Face symmetry rating: High!

What can this possibly ALL mean?

Verdict: It's all written on the face. If facial characteristics do indeed indicate similar personality traits, it won't be long before we see Joakim sing a song sans animation or witness Hady ditching that cool-guy image for some maniacal legbreaking action of his own.
Pssst, that's not al.lOther similarities we've spotted between the stud and the geek:The official SI forums are a buzz with comparisons to SI's first season alumni . Hady's fans are rooting for him to go the same way as Taufik Batisah (first season winner) on merit of his soulful song delivery. Similarly, Joakim has been compared to first season runner-up Sylvester Sim — as one guy on the forum put it, ‘they both got action to impress and attract XMM' (if you're wondering, ‘XMM' stands for ‘ xiao mei mei ', or ‘little girl'). Both of them dig cheeky pop singer Robbie Williams. They are Mummy's Boys . Joakim tells us how much he loves his mum every time we interview him. Hady says he would thank his mom's first if he makes to the top this season. They're sports fanatics . Soccer fan Hady professes he turns into a delighted little boy in the presence of a football and would also love to be a professional soccer player. Joakim loves wrestling so much, he confessed he'd want to be beefy pro wrestler Shawn Michaels… if he had the power to be anyone in the world. Both apparently would be 60s or 70s old school songs. Asked to describe themselves with a song, Joakim — whose middle name is Jude — says his choice is The Beatles' Hey Jude as “it teaches a person to accept someone else for who she is”. Coincidentally, Hady says Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody describes him as it has “lots of different parts and arrangements, different flows of feelings and a beautiful ending.” Hmm, we sure hope his Singapore Idol journey leads to a happy ending!

hahaha!damn funny ar!!,this spore idol,im supporting most of them coz all of them has gt their own style n ya..all the bez guys..they r coming to JP this sat at 8pm..i wanna goo!!!i wanna see my JOAKIM!!!!!!hehe..k la..til here..3 words..

ps:hv u heard this song by jason mraz?damn nice..beautiful lyrics too..hee~

life is wonderful by jason mraz~

It takes a crane to build a crane
it takes two floors to make a story
it takes an egg to make a hen
it takes a hen to make an egg
there is no end to what I’m saying
It takes a thought to make a word
and it takes some words to make an action
it takes some work to make it work
it takes some good to make it hurt
it takes some bad for satisfaction

la la la la la la la life is wonderful
ah la la la la la la life goes full circle
ah la la la la la la life is wonderful
al la la la la

It takes a night to make it dawn
and it takes a day to make you yawn brother
it takes some old to make you young
it takes some cold to know the sun
it takes the one to have the other
And it takes no time to fall in love
but it takes you years to know what love is
and it takes some fears to make you trust
it takes those tears to make it rust
it takes the dust to have it polished (Yeah)

ha la la la la la la life is wonderful
ah la la la la la la life goes full circle
ah la la la la la la life is wonderful
ah la la la it is so (and it’s so)

It takes some silence to make sound
and it takes a loss before you found it
and it takes a road to go nowhere
it takes a toll to make you care
it takes a hole to make a mountain
ah la la la la la la life is wonderful
ah la la la la la la life goes full circle
ah la la la la la la life is wonderful
ah la la la la la la life is meaningful
ah la la la la la la life is wonderful
ah la la la la la

it is so wonderful
it is so meaningful
it is so wonderful
it is meaningful
it is wonderful
it is meaningful
it goes full circle
full circle

unlucky me

wahahah!im sooo damn busy and tire myself soo much this few days..rushing proj like mad..ystd..damn tiring day ar!work ystd damn sucks really!arrgghh!coz it was near the end of the mth,n we had to change here n there..i worked non-stop..tired..then,i haven do my AAA tut,i woke up at 7 this morning to do my AAA..skipped ecd lect..i didnt intend to skip ar,but damn shagged yeah..i nvr go..haha!

oh ya!another thing..tiq missed call me ystd..i thot she gt sthing to tell me..n it was actually a damn bad news ar!!!
VINCE WAS ON TV AT MTV JUS LA!AAAAAAARRRRRRRRGHGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!thx tiq for telling,i cant help but kept brooding over it..coz i cant watch it!arggh!when im always waiting for him to appear in mtv,he didnt appear..n he has to appear at such a time,when i cant watch!arrgghh!damn unlucky ar ystd!zZz..

oh ya..another thing..on monday,moneysense organised a rdshow in my sch,gt play games la,n so on,to make youngsters like us aware of saving money,investing,etc...then,berita harian interviewed me n syafi,n asked us what we think of the rdshow..then,the interview was published in the newspaper ystd,tuesday berita harian...haha!senang2 bace la ehh..kuang3..

today,had ba society(BAS) meeting..ok la..nt bad..b4 that,we took a formal grp photos,taken by some students..this phototaking was organized by ba cares to raise ya,we supported them n took photos..all of us are dressed so damn formally juz for this phototaking..haha!peifen insist on wearing formal,much nicer..n yeah!i agreed with it..all of us look professional..hee~will upload the photos soon...winston didnt join us though coz he's sick..get well soon aite?=)..

anythng else?oh back all my common test result except for IEF..arrgghh!damn scared ar!i pass get 5o can liao lor..highest was 89 if im nt wrong..ala,no need get highest la,pass i happy other modules,ok la..u can say it's gd,but if i were to compare with my class,im waaaaaaayyyyyyyy behind..haizz...see,i really slacked last term..zZzz..
FMGT-38/50 (eee!damn bad ar!thx to qn 1 i get such loowww marks..n thx to my careless mistake..)
AAA-84/100 (highest was 96/100..n that was like soo much difference ar!damn!)

nvm..lets juz forget abt it,focus gonna be dead beat for the next 2 mths..haizz..1 event is also coming up soon,busy busy..stress stress..haizzz..

sad stories aside..i gt a necklace from BAS...hee~nice necklace..the pendant is letter I,n there's bling bling.. =) thx thx..thx to sha too,for the nice flowery blouse.. =)

k la..wanna do a bit of events and fms..till words..

ps:to all june babies whom i know..aziemah,wanqi,winston,mel..happy bday!

Monday, June 26, 2006

at last today is 1st day of the new sch term..this term..forever stress...exams coming up 2 mths time..rushing proj here n there..haizz...i juz hate this semester coz of the IEF..damnit!super stress ar ystd..coz i had to rush to finish the proj..i donno if i can pass this super duper scared to death that i cant pass..aarrgghhh!if only poly is like pri n sec sch days,whereby u fail that subj,nvm need to rpt..haizz haizz..sec sch!!!i miss u!!! was over..i juz hope and pray for the bez..

so..ief,im left with FMS n events management proj..fmgt is alomost done coz tmr is the presentation..when all the proj finish..i cna concentrate to prepare for the exams.. nt really in the mood to blog now..donno y leh..but ive gt soo much to say looking for some time for me,tiq,nani,sha,mar n fat to go out together..haizz..when ar when ar??ok la..til aite..3 words..

Friday, June 23, 2006

patience pls..

been bz as usual..with work..proj..some break doesnt seem like a break afterall..n it has always been like nvm..patience..

other than that..hmm..juz realise that im quite an impatient person when it comes to teaching,esp with little kids..u know,when they cant get that part,after explaining so many times,and that it's been taught in sch,n u juz cant simply get really get into my nerves ar..then,i'll start to raise my some mad crazy when it comes to teaching..haha!serious work,i had to teach this girl how to do closing..n she still cant get it..arrggghhh!but then,i told her ar,im sorry if i raised my voice or im always like that..i tried to mend my bad tempered-ness...its nvr easy..but,i think gt a bit of progress ar..last time,worse ar!a bit also i'll get super damn pissed n angry!i cant stand LATE-NESS!im very particular abt peeps back in sec sch days will know me..u know who u name one..tiq..forever late..n im forever angry with her..haha! i teach others...ppl did to me back..haha!now i know how it feels when that someone teaches u,n u still cant get it despite being told many times..i can be very slow sometimes..i felt bad..seriously..until i can juz break down n cry..when ppl scold me..juz like my she used to teach me ngaji..n i cant get..she juz raised her voice only u know,nvr punish,i cry already..haha!hmm..juz expressing my thots and feelings..i wanna do better..who don wan right?but,somehow,somewhere..i juz cant.. =( nvr harder..look at the bright side..

ok la...wanna do my damn stupid proj!arrggghhh!til then..3 words..

Sunday, June 18, 2006

mc camp photos are all the mc camp photos..hv fun..

1st day~


the 3 bday boys..they are the may babies..

2nd day~

cam-whoring timw!!us...b4 setting of for games..there's blue than red huh..hee~

more ppl joining in...


err...theres sthing near my eyes...wats that?mate forver tertutup..

the blue,mel,christina,tommy,jason,harjeet,evern,jenny

the red team..peifen,wanqi,joanne,ningzhen,sayhao,winston,sabrina

crabbing game..

err..kinda bit sensored..haha!

haha!we looked like some kindergarten kids..

blue team..u see the squeeezed bananas in the funnel?eee..

red team..

the chief proj heads..they are the organizers for the camp..3cheers for them!

the bas mc family..luv ya!nice pic huh?b-e-a-utiful scenery too!

rmbr i told ya abt hitching a ride?yupz!at the!

last day~

last day..break camp..sab was nt in the pic..she was sick n went home..

Saturday, June 17, 2006

its been ages's been a long time since i blog...coz im super tired n lazy..slept soo damn early ystd,imagine,9.30pm slept already..haha!maybe work was tough ystd..ya..was damn pissed with this particular cust..haizz..other than that..ok ba..

had meetings for ba society..ok also..ething is gg quite smoothly and on proj..forever undone..i realy don hv the drive to do..wat happen to me man?i also haven do my tutorial..haha!next wk i'll chiong all the way ar..haha!

it's GSS,n ive nt done any shopping..ish!i wan clothes!i wan shoes!i wan bag!zZz..who wanna accompany shop??all also buzy with own stuff..haiz..indah is sad..super sad..

anything else?err..don think so ba..oh ya!i met 2 of my old sec sch friends who left fuhua n transfer to another sch..1st,i saw caixuan..i donno if she still rmbrs me..but ya..i said hi to her..she kinda in u rush..then..i met wen jie!!n i told him la,im glad that he still rmbrs me..hee~hw can not rmbr me rite?we used to compare our marks..haha!he was like super damn gd in sci n geog..n i can nvr beat him..haha!only once in a while,n thats by luck..haha!i missed those days..then..we talked abt wat happen to the others in our clas..wats has he been yup..a bit of catching up here n there..

basically,thats my day..boring huh?yup..boring..haha! trying my nez to do my proj now..til words..

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

gomez! i worked morning shift..super damn lazy to wake up manz!slept during the whole journey to work..haha!yuppz..anywoots..ok was nt bad..lunch crowd as usual..time passes by very fast when working in the morning yeah..i had fun..

oh ya..i had a weird dream..haha!shld i say it?hmm..donno leh..but ya..weird..hmm..

singapore idol rox man juz now!the guys in this grp are far much better than the 1st grp of guys..the 1st grp of guys,oni paul n jon are gd..others,no voice,no look..bluergh..this one,no voice also still gt look..haha!n..adeline's singing instructor is inside too!adeline was supporting him all the way ar..haha!ok la...he also nt bad..he's old..n when i said old,he is old..haha!nt like my other idols,old but still look young..haha!serious.. this round..hmm..i like most of them..some r cutie pie..n omg!u know what?joakim gomez ia a korean!!!hahaha!i read his profile..but he doesnt look like korean la!but he's still cute..he sang jason mraz'z song..ok la..nt bad..

how?cool rite?but...he's still young..haha!im older..kuang3..

k la..til here..i already started my proj..n i'll be having 3 meetings straight..zZz..til then..3 words..

Tuesday, June 13, 2006


oritez....!!!usher duty for the bA graduation day turned out well n funn..!i enjoyed myself soo much..the acad affairs (AA) ppl are be specific..dawn n doris..hee~they are friendly n bubbly..when u talk to them,it's like talking to team members are also nice n fun..coz they r my classmates..haha..but some are not,but yeah..same2..friendly..

our duty was very easy juz now..we just had to usher in the VIPs and guest medallists to their seats...ensure that they are seated at the right that oni..

highlights of the graduation...all the GOLD medal winners!wa lau!wa piang!i salute them sia!juggle studies n cca at the same time...and the cca is muz be very damn committed!like the top grad this yr, she's from mass comm..she's in dragon boat leh,train like donno hw many times...thenn her results..wa lau!damn gd ar!my my!i can be like her,in fact,all can seriously..but,it's juz a matter of whether u wanna do it or not..right?so'll be my turn in like 2 yrs,hv i find out n decide wat i want actually in life,wat i wanna achieve from my poly days..cant waste it juz like dat..right...hmm.. ya...the top bfs student also damn powerful..she got like soo many prizes from SGX,to DBS and many others...silver for CCA,donno how many ADs she has..wa lau!BIT..better sia!ACC also..BS too..the BS top student is an indon short...all did proud of sch of bA..

oh ya..n for the 1st time..i met the principal..haha!hardly get to see him la u see...there are like thousands of yeah..hard..saw him..then chatted for a while..hee~he's very friendly..dawn said that he likes students very much..but coz poly too big,so cant expect to talk to ebody..

oh ya..wat i said abt bA's lecturers are true..most of them are OLD!haha!haizz..nt nice..cant wasj eyes..kuang3..oh ya..when the grads received their usual..i kept a lookout for handsome guys..hee~ade jugak mamat mly yg kacang2..haha!asal aku nye yr takde ni?zZz..boring ar gini..enggak fair dong!haha!

ok..some more wat??juz wanna said that this grad is inspiring..makes me wanna be top too..insya-Allah..keje la kuat2 indah..hahaha!

oh ya!the food!yummylicious!all of us had the 2nd or 2rd helping sia..haha!nice nice..

another thing..kak aini juz called me..she’ll be transferred to marina mext wk..ahhh!i sad!n I cried!haha!i mean..i cried coz I scared of the new sic..if the new sic action how?i scared!but kakak said that nt to worry..abg will transfer all of us 1 by 1,cant all at 1 go..haizz…faster transfer me n cikmas also la! session!haha!me n anh thu nvr stop taking cam..hp also can la..hahaha!

the stage...nice..i like..

juz outside the convention..with the pretty orchids..n the small fountain..hee~

hmm...this is nice..haha!self-praise sia!do i look like some manager or pte banker sthing like dat?hahaha!

me in the complete formal attire...err..the blazer looked big rite?haha!cartoon!

me...from far..the blazer doesnt look big..haha!

me..hehe..while sitting down also muz pose..

me n anh thu...we took this pic using alan's pic..haha!but the scenery nt soo nice leh..haha!it was last min that we found out alan's hp takes nice his hp,then juz anyhow pose..haha!

us..again..hee~can see syafi at the reflection..haha!

eee!i look short sia here!like some kiddy!omg!lolz!

me n vivien..while waiting for the briefing..

presenting to u SUPERBAND...JUZ TF!hahaha! cool huh?they looked cute..or cuckoo?hahah!

haha!while waiting for the afternoon session,we went to the library n catch some dvds..hee~

ok la..till here…til then..take care guys..3 words..

Monday, June 12, 2006

poor unlucky me is such a bad luck day..haizz..all started when i wanna go somewhere..n i ended waiting for the bus at the wrong bus stop..haha!it didnt came across my mind that the bus was not there..coz as far as i know,the opposite bus stop has gt the service,so most of the time,the other side also has la rite?but no!!damn!haha!so..i ended taking 3 buses juz to go to that place..when i can juz take 2..n ta da..reached!!zZz..
lesson learnt:don assume!pls check for gdness sake!

then..went to take my skirt that i sent for alteration..damn!ex lor!$10 mind ya!omg!juz for a 1 day event,n i had to spent like soo much for the skirt n white shirt!the skirt is $29,plus alteration $10,the shirt costs me another $29,altogether $68!omg!i spent 68 bucks for the usher graduation thingy!omg!igt aku cap duit ke?mampos aku!muflis habis!muz start digging for money frm my other acc...haha!serious man!n ive done any shopping this gss..n i spent all the $$ already on this thingy n paying my bills..damnit!work also i lazy..haha!how how!zZz..

juz now..while watching my stained glass...i dozed off..haha!nt coz of the show is boring..but im damn tired..the i off the player n slept all the way..before i went to buy my that bloddy ex white shirt..

another thing..juz now went for the blazer fitting..ok..another damnit thingy..the more size XS!!arrggghhh!n im left with S!!n the S is still big for gdness sake!haha!see la!i soo small..kuang3..i looked cartoon man!br jek aku nk cantik2,step mcm mane nye boss gitu..hahaha!but bt so bad la..still,ok lor..hee~now damn f***ing lazy to do my me!!!damn!!

hmm..i miss my green be owen n william..haha! mad...looking fwd to nieces n nephews r coming..hehe..although they can be very noisy n irritating..they r kids afterall..hee~ok la..til here..better start doin proj..arrrggghhh!!!

Sunday, June 11, 2006

sialan kamu! was my 1st day of work after such a long break to study for my common test..but before that i went to suntec n marina to shop...damnit!nthing for me to buy la!i cant even find my white shirt n black skirt for ushering in the grad day..haizz...m so unlucky la!time wasted..haizz..i also didnt get anything for me..nthing!haizzz...despite the GSS,i cant get anythng..y ar?haha!anywoots..will try my luck tmr again..hopefully can leg is jellying already..serious..haha!

work...nt bad la..some sialan cust as usual..i don give it a damn..u ar soo damn angry for no reason..kutuk(criticise) guardian like nobody's ur own shop then!!don shop at guardian!we don need a cust like..u damn asshole!*super pissed*!!i seriously don understand this ppl u know..f*** ar!
other than that..we still donno who our new store in charge(sic) is..abg hasri has already transferred to marina..he told me that all of us will be transferred tgether...but..only him..wa lau!boring ar!then..that time still sms me he's gg to transfer me there...but nvr still stuck at millenia walk..wa lau!i don wan any other sic!i oni wan abg!!!haiz scared that the new sic will be strict n ngade2..then i cant choose when i wanna work n i transfer to marina,muz meet new colleagues again..adapt there first..if the staff there all how??suggestions?last time when i work ues..abg also kena transferred,but after that..i transferred there also in the end coz he asked me to work with him..then,transferred to millenia already,after that,he was transferred AGAIN,to marina..then left me alone..haiyoo.tell u ar,guardian gt nthing better to do ar..kept transferring ppl..i can savely say that guardian's mgmt SUCKS big time!

k la..think thats is a bit sucky..hope for a better tmr..til then..3 words..

Friday, June 09, 2006


yayyyyyyyyyyy!finally!the day ive been waiting for...common test is finally over!im super duper happy ar!weeeeeeeee~now can relax a bit before i start doin my proj n events for bA society..

so..fms went pretty smoothly juz now..juz that i donno a bit here n thre n usual..hehe..then..after that,went to the facial centre to buy a cream for my face n that easily costed me $27!omg!then..head to IMM..n before that..i saw some vcds from poh kim gg on,i was like.."y nt check it out?maybe im lucky enough there is stained glass or some other dramas by ldg"..which has subtitles that i can read.(which is obviously oni mly n eng..hehe..)..n true enough..THERE IS!STAINED GLASS!WITH MLY SUBTITLES!yay!i was super duper happy..sooo..w/out 2nd thots...I BOUGHT IT!FOR ONLY $26.90!damn cheap compared to those i bought from johor..oh my!im one super duper lucky girl la!haha!happy!nthing can make me happier other than this..haha!my next precious after lovers in'll be vcd marathon for a few days..hope to finish it before sch are the pics of my precious..hee~

kinda dark..hehe...anywoots..this is the cover..omg!super damn nice ar!i love ldg!haha!

this is the first 10 vcds...oh my...*melting*...

the last 10 ha neul..*hearts*

oritez...stained glass new fav taiwanese drama...guess wat is it?haha..Green Forest, My Home..ok..finally i know the title..i mentioned it before in the previous wanna tell u that im gg gaga over the actors la!haha! mad...u know me well enough..i cant see handsome actors..once seen...die!i'll go mad..crazy!i like...LEON JAY WILLIAMS....n i like ETHAN RUAN JING TIAN...soo...wats so nice abt the drama?read up..

from channel u website

Su Fei (Sophie) is an innocent and happy child born into a musically-inclined family. When her family’s chauffeur passes away in an automobile accident, Sophie’s parents decide to adopt his daughter Luo Shan into the family and treat her like their own. Luo Shan is renamed Su Shan (Susan).
Unable to shake off her humble background and persistently seeing herself inferior to Sophie, Susan fervently hopes that she can one day become the kind of person that Sophie is; only then can she be truly happy. The little girl grows up believing that she must have whatever Sophie has, even if it means stealing Sophie’s childhood sweetheart…
The girls are enrolled at the Spencer Royal School of Music. One day, William, the young son of the founder of the School arrives from Austria to sit in on a class. Sophie, thinking that the ‘new student’ has forgotten to bring his textbook, graciously lends him hers, landing herself the punishment for not bringing her book. Reluctant to see Sophie wrongfully punished, William drags Sophie out of the classroom and into the Green Forest. There, the children see the legendary emanating green light, where within, an elderly lady tells William he will meet a girl whom he will love very deeply.

William gives Sophie the Spencer family crest and promises to protect her forever. On this surreal day, the young couple becomes Prince William and his Princess, even as Sophie remains anonymous to him. Before he returns to Austria, William returns to the School to look for Sophie, where he bumps into Susan who deliberately lies to him that the girl he is looking for is named ‘Susan’.
Years pass, and Sophie, Susan and William are all grown up. Susan (Song Zhi Ai) is now the artistic director of Spencer Royal School of Music, while Sophie (Esther Liu) returns from the Spencer school in Austria to teach at Green Elementary School, an open-concept school situated inside the Green Forest. Their childhood friend Yuan Fang (Ruan Jing Tian) now goes by the name ‘Owen’ and is a world-renowned violinist.
William (Leon Jay Williams), now the new CEO of Spencer Royal School of Music is back to search for the girl from his childhood memories – ‘Susan’.
Because of the deliberate lie made years ago, William is united with Susan, the wrong ‘Princess’ while the real one battles to save her beloved Green Elementary School - the place that holds fond childhood memories for her – from demolition.
Owen, putting aside his affection for Sophie, finally reveals the truth to William and Sophie, but the fairytale romance is far from reaching a perfect ending…

hehe...i like this type of stories..hehe..there are some funny sad ones too..n i juz cant help but cry..haha!i juz cried juz now..super damn sad..i pity owen aka yuan fang..haiz..2 guys fighting over a girl..nobody wanna fight over me?haha! are some pics of the 2 guys..hehe..

all the casts in the drama..psst..i hate the girl in boots..she so bitchy in the drama!damn her..haha! this 2..who is better looking?comments..hehe..i like 1 greedy gal..yeah!haha!

ohmy...can u play for me when i wanna sleep?haha..he's young..born in in 1987..haha!can rite?*shiok sendiri mode*kuang3..he's a model also..he has it all to be a model..wooots..

jing tian...aww....coool..haha!

Name: 阮經天 / Ruan Jing Tian / Ethan Ruan
Nickname: 小天 / Xiao Tian
Date of Birth: 8 November 1982
Place of Birth: Taiwan
Height: 186cm
Weight: 71kg
Blood Type: B
Star Sign: Scorpio
Profession: Model / Actor
Model Agency: Catwalk

william..aww...he looked kinda boyish here..hehe..but he's 30 already..oops!old sia..haha!
Chinese Name: 立威廉
English Name: Leon Jay Williams
Date of Birth: 1976.7.30
Star Sign: Lion
Nationality: German, English, Singaporean
Height: 180CM
Languages: English, Malay, Chinese, and Japansese
Bust: 38
Waist: 31
Hips: 36
Eye colour: Black
Hair colour: Black
Shoe size: 10
Clothing size: L

huh?s'porean?ok..i donno..but he kinda look familiar..hmm..malay?i wanna hear u say aku cinta pdmu!!!haha!

so post today nice rite?abt cutie pies...haha!
current status:watch stained glass n green crazy over the 3 guys as always..but..i haven forget my vince..

hehe..til then..3 words..

Thursday, June 08, 2006

tv,tv & more tv

haizz...had been a damn tiring day for me for the past 2days...studied for if im studying for exams..haha!but ystd i can say i was super soo much tv..serious!haha!11 watched grounded for life,at 4 watched that 70s show,530 hollandv,6 watched stained glass,followed by this new taiwanese drama,then spore idol,then the chi drama at chan8,then bathed then watched incredible tales,then proj runway..then only i studied..for a while only..after that i slept..haha!power rite me??haha..donno y leh..but i no mood to study..haizz...donno y...tmr last paper..also like lazy to study..5 chp,all theory..die!how how??zzz..

anywoots..fmgt juz now was ok...i hope no calculation errors n all..tmr fms..sianzz..guess i'll be sleeping late...soo much to memorise n read up..btw..juz now i was looking at some of my jr fuhuaians friendster pg...n...i miss sec sch's life soooooooooooooooooooo much..ya...the teachers..the great friends..the canteen..the classroom..all la..i still rmb all the fun n crazy times back then..super damn all of us always sleep in class,n hide it from the teacher..wanna skip lesson la,but nvr..bullied teacher...i got bullied..stayed back in sch slacking doin nthing..look at cute boys..younger ones pun bedal..haha!kutuk2 org sume...wah...gerek...haha!n crushes i had on boys..woooo...sape ekh...fhm2 jek la...hehe..ya...poly is nvr the same like sec sch..i tried to make it like it..but's juz poly mates are fine..they are kind,helpful,funny..hee~u shld know who u are..yeah..

ok la..till here..oh ya!spore idol!don forget to vote for rahimah!she's gt the pontential!yeah!will be rooting for her,paul,jon...yeah..these 3 so far..the rest..errr...lek one corner dulu..haha!til then...3 words...

ps:let's all chiiiioooooooooooooong for the last paper!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


damnit!ief sux big time man today!i know nuts on the tariff qns!that is one thing.another thing is i donno 4,yes!4 abbreviations!arrrgghhh!n i mistaken ASEM for ASAM!no wonder i couldnt find ASAM coz there's no ASAM,besides the asam used for cooking!!arrrgghhh!i juz hoped that i pass ief coz i don wanna take the'll be harder definitely!arrghhh!damnit!i hate ief...n i hate .....better nt say...damn!zZz...

lessons learnt:
- DON SLEEP in ief lect..seriously..thats y i donno tariff!padan muke aku!
- it's ASEM,not ASAM! sadded...super sadded..da la!wanna study another killer paper..damnit!ciaoz...3 words..

Monday, June 05, 2006

art of seduction

before any are some pics in random that i like n wanna share..hee~enjoyzz..

the big bA me..hehe..

rudy the pooh..

riana white & rudy pan!

rudy-pan!i like this best!


yeah!won a medal!

hmm...donno wat to post..i've juz been so busy with studying for the common far,oni 1 paper done,n that's AAA...i simply hate ief...i mean..i love to study it,but i hate taking the's killing my 1 n every brain cells..oh my!i can go bonkers..

other than that...hmm..i juz watched the art of seduction..superb!brilliant!funny!cute!romantic!yeah!2 thumbs upppp!hehe..u wanna watch,can get it from me...i hv it..hee~thx dear rayner for sending me the movie...saved my 7 buckeroos..kuang3..

then..ive been watching stained glass too..although no subtitle,juz watched coz there's LEE DONG GUN!woohoo!i don understnd,but i hv my personal translator..haha!thx adeline..haha!ur svc is very much appreciated.

err...ive juz watched oprah a while ago..there were showing tim mcgraw n faith hill..ok,im noob coz i donno that they are husband n wife.haha!they were sweet..hee~

lagi pe?hmm..nt much..juz wanna resume studying my ief..zzz!till then...3 words...