yeah!i had fun!total fun for these 2 days of bAoc..woohoo!make new friends..saw new juniors..wahh..the feeling is damn gd la!!weee~i like..
ok..lets start with the 1st day..hmm..met the freshies..some are late..some r!haha!we had 16 freshies altogether,10 guys,6 girls..haha!not surprising.although it's a biz banking & finance,they r usually more guys..n ya..of course,gt handsome ones..haha!n he is chosen for pageant to represent Rodeo..wee~i choose one..see..i've gt such gd taste!haha!even Mel asked me to choose him..haha!but..i had such a hard time persuading him to join..hee~nobody can escape from me soo powerful,eventhough im small.haha!even when he went to the toilet,i waited for him outside the toilet la!haha!scared he run the end,he joined..wee!achievement seh!n guess wat?the female pageant that represent us is his GF!!haha!how sweet rite?such a BIG GREAT coincidence!the girl is also very sweet..ok bez!sweet+handsome=WIN!!
yeah!win!haha!we cheer n cheer at the exam hall.super duper fun!cheer n cheer until rai lost her job man!1st day nt much la..juz mingle around with all the freshies..get to know them..they r lovely ppl..very sporting n on all the time..hee~i like..thx guys!u rox!BFS too!!oh ya!u know wat?ystd in the toilet,when i wanted to pee,the button of my jeans broke la!haha!damn!my tummy is getting buncit!haha!byk taik(shit)!haha!!
2nd day..i shld day its saddening..coz..out of 16,only 7 freshies came..haizz..called all of them,say coming,coming..but in the end..nvr come..haizz..then,during lunch,2 had to leave,then left with 5..haizz..we hv more SCs than,we ended up becoming freshies..haha!i look like 1 too!muahaha!but..nvrtheless,our grp still rox!we shouted,we cheered,we played,we r united as 1!yay!!!i love all u all lots!!oh ya!1 dearest freshie,the pageant,alvin,n his gf,wore a white gio t-shirt,then painted it yellow!haha!they said they cant find yellow tee,so buy white tee n paint yellow!haha!i thot he was joking when he said that!skali betul sia!haha!funny!plus creative!here is the tee..

cute rite?still gt the words.. "MY OGL TOLD ME TO GET THIS SHIRT"..haha!gt stars some more..smiley face some more!haha!super funny n cute!will show u the pics of them if i had the chance to take pic with them..hee~sweet..
cheer n cheer..until im losing my voice..haha!all effort is paid off!among all the rodeo grp,my grp did quite well!we scored 48-49 out of 50..wee~thx my dear freshies n u all loads!muackz!alvin is soo on!haha!but of rodeo,so muz be like dat..den tmr can win.yeah!then,i tried to lead them 1 cheer..skali no breath already..haha!paise sia!but nvm..only that..then,after that i scared already,i called ifah to join me..haha!thx ifah n mai!luv u loads!muackz!
wat else? more..i super tired already..shagged..tmr meeting the rest at 8..wahh..damn early..then..muz think of sthing to give to my dearest freshies..still gt lotsa photo to upload..will upload once bAoc is over..
to end this post,here r some lovely cheers that i super like!haha!im in the cheering mood now.*cheering*
Tell me Tell me Who’s the best? … Rodeo Rodeo is the best!
Tell me Tell me Who’s the best? … Rodeo Rodeo is the best!
Who’s the best? … RODEO!!!
Who’s the best? … RODEO!!!
You know you make me wanna … SHOUT!!!
Put my hands up and … SHOUT!!!
Kick my heels up and … SHOUT!!!
Come on now … SHOUT!!!
Hey …. (Hey)
Hey … (Hey)
Rodeo kemama … ole ole ah ah (2X)
Shake it up (yeah) (2X)
Shake shake (yeah yeah) (2X)
Oh yeah we got the flow
Riding, riding on the go
We are the RODEOs
Mighty mighty RODEOs
Super super RODEOs
Abuge Abuge Abugebugebuge
Hold up wait a minute let me put some booty in it
Oh my god the rodeos are back in town
we know its true the rodeos will rock the house
1 2 3 4 you know that we want more
Go Go fight fight
we will cheer with all our might
Who is wild?
The rodeos 2X
Who is wild?
The rodeos 2X (Follow the tune of who’s that girl)
Wassup wassup
Wassup wassup wassup
Rodeo is here
Rodeo rodeo is here
Watch out watch out
watch out watch out watch out
rodeo is strong
rodeo rodeo is strong
Oh Yeah (5X)
Early morning late at night
Rodeo warriors start to fight
All united act as one
Rodeo will win the war !!! (3X)
1 2 3 4
Steady steady pom pee pee pom pee pee steady
Steady Steady pom pee pee pom pee pee steady
Bang (19x)
Bang (19X)(2 more times)
Bang (19x) 1 more time
Bang 19x 1 last time
Bang 19x
Aw no no no Don’t Bang with my heart
till then..3 words..
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