me..yeah me!haha!soo much for putting soem make-up..but cant see!y ar?nanti aku letak la tebal2 mcm momok!haha!

see?!?sepet!tk sah klu tk kelip mata!

ahh..ni br ok sikit..

slenge!nani also sepet!

while waiting for latecomers..camwhoring 1st la!

while waiting for the concert to start..camwhoring..again..

n again..

n again..

n again..tiq!i think im sensitive to ur flash la!haha!

ahh..muz take the 2nd time br lawa..kuang2..

haha!wth with pose man?!?

yeah..us..mar MIA..zZz..

us again..

n again..my eyes..sthing wrong..

syah leh..me..nurul...i miss them..sooo long nvr take pic with them..syah esp..mcm guarded by angels gitu..haha!

part of my beloved 5A..

us n ms yee..err..i donno wat students call her now..i donno her hubby's name..so..let's juz stick to ms yee..hee~ms yee n baby boy..

us..the minorities is the cina sch..haha!seriously!u can count seh how many malays are there in the sch..

finale...hehe...posing also tired u know!penat pun senyum laa...haha!
now..next part..pics of my grp painting the banner for the upcoming orientation..hee~soo hardworking sia all of us!(pat on the back..haha!)

the banner committee..

me..smangat berkobar-kobar!

1 of our flags..nice rite?

the half-completed banner..with joy..SCO alex..rai,the leader for the banner committee...love them loads..they're lovely ppl..
ok la...till then..3 words..
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