Sunday, April 30, 2006


woke up late today..ok,maybe to u it's not late,but to me,it's late..haha!my mum reached home from the market,then only i woke up..hee~did some housework n...yeah!shopped for jeans!haha!

went bugis with fat..fat sorg jek yg rajin lyn aku,gi cari jeans.haha!bugis has got lotsa nice n cheap jeans..i like!n i bought 1 nice one!i like!cheap also..26 bucks only..i asked for 25 cannot..apa dah!haha!before i decided on that jeans,there's this particular one that i like..but no size!arrgghsize 25,cant wear..size 26,cant wear.ask for 27,no more!aarrggghh!!haha..if u wanna say im growing fatter,i don think still 4ever sekeping..haha!maybe the cutting for that particular jeans is small..anywoots,i gt wat i wanted,n i like,ok la tu..monday can wear..wee~

then,walk around again,but i donno wat else to buy..haha!it was so hot,n i wanted some air-con,so we went bugis junction..hehe..seiyu was having super sale!woohoo!haha!went to look around.i saw this very damn nice pinky sporty adidas shirt at world of's only $29,haven 10%discount yet..skali no more size la!aargghhh!damnit!see la,im soo small..haha!

then,saw this nice elle bag..but the colours are nt to my liking,soo,forget it.went to adidas shop,hoping that it has that shirt..but don,i ended up buying myself the shoe bag..haha!$19 oni,so juz grabbed it..haha!then,went to old chang kee..n i tasted the pepper o for the 1st time..haha!ok,im slow..zZz..nice!after that,then only i went to work..

work was damn sianz..zZz..haha..hmm,spent quite a lot la today..brought with me $52,then im left with $1.50 now..haha!some ppl owe me money,altogether $37..ok la..i haven bankrupt yet,so can still shop..GSS is also on already,so all the more i shld shop rite?haha!kk..till here..3 words..

ps:i cant wait for monday's outing..hee~i miss my beloved yr3 rodeos=)

Saturday, April 29, 2006

ASTRO OEI! was my first day at the astronomy club!it was super duper fun!we met at canteen1 1st..there were many ppl,n we donno who to report to,so i asked vivian to call clement,to ask where he is..then,when he came down,omg!he's gd-looking la! mad..anyway,he is younger than me by 1 yr..kuang3..but,nvm..haha!

so yeah..we went to east coast for the 1st!it was raining,so we relax 1st at hawker centre..then,when the rain stop,we went to see the stars using the telescope..

oh my!guess wat i saw?1st,i saw JUPITER!!yeah!jupiter!haha!n along with 5 moons!it was so damn super nice la!i was sooo damn amazed!n i made a new discovery..every planet has got moon!haha!i donno that la!im soo cuckoo rite?haha!

then..i saw SATURN!yeah!saturn,the planet with the ring!woo-hoo!super nice la!i like!n,i learnt hw to pronounce the word saturn properly..haha!

then..i learnt abt the south star..then,also learnt abt the jewel box..i saw all these!damn nice!i like!ni la ciptaan Allah..he is the creator of ething..

e'body in astro club are nice n friendly..i like~hehe..i cant wait to be part of them..i will be coming for the next meeting..looking fwd to it very much..maybe,shld start reading a bit of astro thingy..haha!see la how..i don like reading..kuang3..i'd rather ppl teach me..hehe..

till here..3 words..

*ps:tmr shop for jeans..hehe..

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

only 3rd day,stress liao!'s only the 3rd day of sch,n im already a little bit stress..the modules im taking are definitely tough!for me though..i donno abt my friends..haiz...n also..piles of proj!!so far,i hv 3 proj on the way..all due in june la!i think there's more to least 2 more..damn!n common tests are also in june..starting from 3rd june..n that falls on a sat!omg!i think AAA paper will be on sat..zZz..wat a day to hv a test..haizz..*stress*

i tried doin some tutorials..zZz..i cant do it la!haha!so far,i can only do FMGT..haizz..tmr muz work..damn!i think after this i hv to try to do my AAA..if not,i hv to cramp all the tutorials,get it done during the weekends..although monday is a holiday,i gotta n sun muz mugggg la i life seh!haha!

oh ya..i've submitted the bA society's main comm application form..hopefully i am accepted n the interview will go thru smoothly..wish me luck aite?hee~ muz read my FMS that at least i know what the lecturer is babbling abt..haha!till then..3 words..

Monday, April 24, 2006

1st day in sch..NICE!

WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE~today is such a nice day in sch!my 1st day in sch is superb!nice!i like!it gives me semangat to go to sch..hehe..i reached quite early..only ming jie was there..then,slowly the rest freshies also came..then,approached them coz i know they confirm didnt see me..hee~then,when all of them were there,n most of my classmates reached already,we went to the LT together..the freshies were having their macroecons lect at 22,n i had mine at 24..soo..yeah!then they all went to theirs..then i went into mine..

hmm..the lecturer was super ngade2!very dao!damn it!nevertheless,she can teach quite well..on account of her gd teaching,i will juz hv to bear with her dao-ness for the rest of the semester..haha!1st,she told us all the rules..which includes:

1)left n right seat,do not sit at the last 3 rows.centre seat,do not sit on the last 4 rows.u don understand eng,leave the LT.
2)pls switch off ur hp.if ur hp rings,pack up n leave the LT.if my hp rings,i will leave the LT.(haha)
so ya..she kept on repeating these 2 golden rules of hers..haha!wth!then only she started her lect..

after lect,met the freshies..explain abt this n that..clear their doubts..then,met the other batch of freshies..they had their bstats lect..then,went to canteen1 with vivien..accompanied her for lunch..then,she had to leave for work.n i was all alone..i asked her is she can accompany for a while,while waiting for the them to finish their bstats lect..but she had to go work..she cant report later..sianz.then,i don wanna go back first..promised them that i'll wait for them..haizz..rai went home already..i called hong gay n gang,they were at KAP..called dayah,she was working..aisha was still having class..i nearly went home when i suddenly rmbred marinah!haha!yeah!i nearly forgot abt her la!don b sad la girl..hehe..i was already at the bus stop opp sch..then i called mar asking where is she.she was having her break at that time,n was at canteen1!sooo,i went to meet her!syg kau mar!so,she accompanied me while i wait for the freshies to end their lect..talked n talked..catch up with one another..

then,sherry called..they ended their lect already at 2.30pm..that's fast rite? met them at the atrium..they went to buy books and collected their ez-links..then i passed them their thank u yeah..basically that..hehe..i love my freshies lots!i hope that busy-ness wont drift us apart=)

after that,left them..accompanied mar for her next class..on the way,saw alvin..hehe..he was like in the middle of the sch by the roadside,on the phone..haha!lose ur way is it?haha!

so yeah!basically,that was my 1st day in sch..heee~reached home already,ate n slept for a while..hee~i don really hv the mood to read-up n do tutorial..leave that till the last min la ok?haha!
oh ya!wed outing to seoul garden is cancelled!coz mr alex cant make it..then,wanna change to friday,but many cant make it coz of work n also,im having my date with the stars at east coast..haha!so yeah!hopefully next wk no longer cancelled..

juz now,went to buy ink last can print my notes..ok wait..damn!i juz found out that fmgt no need to print notes..arrggghh!if i know,i nvr go n buy today seh!zZz..padan muke aku!haha!

kk..till here..3 words..(wat to do tmr after sch?end at early then go home already??hmm..)

Sunday, April 23, 2006

super slack 2

yeah!today is yet another relaxing day for me..slack..wah!damn nice!woke up at 9+,got ready for my religious class..n watched a little bit of suria last i know how imran ajmain looked like..hehe..he sang sudah tu sudah..super nice!i like!

then,after my religious class,ate lunch,watched a bit of tv,then zZZzZzZzz..hehe..bez seh tido jek!haha!then,woke up,pray,n slept again!woo-hoo!haha!i really need sleep badly,b4 sch starts..

i hv exactly 13 hrs,b4 i become a yr 2 student.haha!can u imagine that?indah,will be a yr 2 student in 13 hrs time!haha!n i don look like 1 la!haha!hmm..luckily my lect starts at 11 tmr..and the lect im attending is International Economics & Finance(IEF)..wah!sounds chim rite?haha!soo scary man!hope that i can breeze thru this module easily..n get a B grade..i donno if i can get an A..insya-Allah..

anything else to blog abt?oo..i donno wat im planning to do tmr after sch..coz my lect ends at 1,after that do wat huh?wanna mingle with my freshies,but..donno they wan or not..corrine will be gg out after her class..then only left me..hmm..see la how..zZz..

oh ya!mel called me juz now..she asked me if im interested to be in the Main Committe for the next bAoc or sthing like that..of course i wan!hee~i'd prefer to work backstage than becoming an SCO or sthing like that..hee~she'll call me again when the application form is out..then go for interview..hopefully i can be part of the committe la..i wan CCA points!!yr 2 is gonna be hell for me,where i'll be busy collecting CCA points,to at least get a bronze doubly hard so that i can get at As again..insya-Allah..i juz need to pray hard..oh ya!not forgetting my workplace..wah!indah is gonna be super shagged!yeah!but im all prepared for it!
go indah go!go indah go!
indah indah!*clap clap*indah indah!*clap clap*(ok,i haven had enuff of cheering..haha!)

k la..till here..gdluck to all my dear freshies for ur 1st day in NP..u gonna hv fun!miss ya..3 words..

super slack

today is a really nice day at home..relaxing n slacking..woke up at 10+,cleaned the house,ate breakfast,read the papers,then became sleepy again,n soooo...i slept again from 12-3+..wahhh!damn shiok sia!haha!it's been a long time since i slept in the afternoon..woke up only,then i bathed..ahhh!refreshed..haha!

at 5,my mum & dad went to bt panjang,my cousin gt engaged today.we r not close cousins,so i was a bit lazy to go..haha!later when she get married,then i'll go..haha!i'm damn tired u see,so juz wanna chill n relax at home.catch up with some sleep..nice~some more the weather is soo cooling..

so,i was all alone..did some ironing,tidied my room..then,at 8,was soo sleepy again,i nearly dozed off,but then my mum reached home already,so i better not sleep..haha!

not much gg on today..but juz 1 thing that i kept pondering..there's this guy who always sms-ed me..but i juz donno who he really is!is it him?or his bro?damn!don care la..zZz..till then,3 words..*im missing bAoc..*

Friday, April 21, 2006

bA oei!

ok!yet another fun day in sch!wee~actually,i don really look fwd to it,coz i am already super tired,and the program for today is kinda boring n is the CCA fiesta,where freshmen take a look at what CCA is available,n then register if they are interested in the ya..basically that..the diff CCA booths are located at convention centre underpass,atrium n LSCT foyer..alvin is the one leading us,instead of me n corrine..haha!he's very enthu n on always..i like!some signed-up for all the diff types of sports,n many others..then,if im not wrong,at the taekwondo booth,alvin,valerie n chun yip tried to break the errr,i donno wat is that called into 2 by kicking them..wahh!they are strong!valerie is one damn sporty girl man!im impressed!alvin signed-up for triathlon n i forgot wat's the other one.wei bin tried the adventure rope course..vivian n i joined astronomy!haha!im desperate to join a cca u see..astro pun astro la..

then,after the last station,we went to SIM to eat..coz it is the nearest to the LSCT foyer..hv fun..talked n to know them better,tell them abt how's sch's gonna be like n so's fun talking to them..the girls are rather quiet though,or maybe im nt close enough with them..the guys are nice to talk to..hee~juz like the guys in my class-donn,syafi n ashwin..

then,went to sports complex to ready for telematches with all the other diff schs in usual 4 enthu freshies..alvin,valerie,wei xiang n daniel,plus the other freshies from other grps participated in the telematch n they won!BA is juz soo cool n great n powerful!in between the telematches,there were performances by NRA,MAGNUM FORCE,n the other one is the percussion grp,i donno wat is it called..superb!great show man!i like!

sch of bA is the most enthu one ar i tell u!cheer n cheer n cheer..we were soo damn united!im soo proud to be student of sch of bA..n guess what?we won,in the whole of NP!we scored 550 points man!yay-ness!n as usual,i also cheered n cheered like a maddie!n i like!haha!then,when we received the prizes,all of us,the freshies,the SCOs,SBs,SCs,in short,ALL,ran 1 round the track,carrying our sch of bA banner,zest for life!OMG!it was soo nice seeing the whole lot of us running with pride!the track was soo colourful!coz of the diff clr t-shirts we wore!n i felt the least tired!haha!ran n chiong all the way!woooo!spirit of bA is always there!n that explains y sch of bA is the best sch in NP..yeah!

we r proud of u,say we r proud of u!*clap clap*

tell me tell me who's the best?
bA bA is the best!
who's the best?

3 cheers n 3 cheers n 3 cheers for bA!!!

oh ya..i juz found out little secrets among the freshies in my grp..haha!kelly finds alvin handsome!haha!coz on the 1st day,when alvin had to lead the cheer,then kelly saw him n she went "ahhh!he is soo handsome!"haha!funny sia!too bad,he's unavailable..kuang3..
then,wei jie n jit find pauline cute..haha!they were soo happy when she sat behind them at the convention nite ystd..n they find her friend,who has super long hair n super fair face,look like juon..haha!my freshies are funny n cute!haha!i love them lots..shld go out one day with missing some of them already..hee~k la,till then,3 words..

Thursday, April 20, 2006

bAoc finale~

i had such a super duper fun today..totally cheered like mad!jump here n there!i don care!haha!i throw my face n go wild n crazy!although some things didnt work out the way i wanted it to be,but,forget abt it..i juz wanna rmbr the fun times i had with the powerhouse ,my enthu freshies n grp u guys loads man!muacks!

n yeah!rodeo has won the war!although we didnt get the best OG,we still one 3 prizes,n it's NOT by default!hehe..we won MR BA,MS BA n BEST DECO...special thx to rai,joy,mai..they hv been slogging their guts out doing them..stayed almost eday..their efforts are paid proud of them..we deserve to win the best deco! are the pics of our deco..

the entrance

see the effects of the wood?looks juz sooo real rite?

the banner!superb!

the bar..stylo rite?juz charcoal u know,to draw all that,the effects,the shading..not an easy job man!

see?nice rite?'s juz super nice la!haha!

btw,b4 i started to tell u wat happen today,as u know,ystd was games day rite..den,one of the games in called calligraphy,whereby u were given a marker to draw,but u cant hold the marker.the marker is tight to the strings..anyway,we were suppose to draw snail..and it was super cute!my freshies are all co-ordinating..i like!n the snail is super cute la!haha!

see?nice rite?it's as if we draw normally,using our hands to hold the marker..but we didnt use hands rmbr,juz strings..woo!i like!tell me tell me who's the best?RODEO RODEO IS THE BEST!

ok,back to today..hmm..started the early morning at KAP McD..haha!i had this freshie at McD..when i was ordering,he was also ordering,then he said"Rodeo Oei"haha!n of course,i replied!gd job man freshie!that's rodeo spirit!he was cute..haha!

we all sempat to take photos..haha!

haha!joy joy..

thats cute!haha!ifah can pose anything n ethingl!i like!

haha!bandit wanna kill innoncent red-scarfed lady..


alvin denise!*clap2* alvin denise!* clap2* alvin denise!*clap2*..n the cheer goes on n on..
this is during the Q&A session..n they hv answered perfectly!i like..the qn goes sthing like..dreams are the opposite of u agree?then,denise went like no,coz if we work hard,conquer the dream,it will be reality..then,alvin answered.."as we are a couple,we hv the same thot"..awww...sooo sweet rite??haha!they really deserve to win..the way they dance,the way they walk n all..there's chemistry in them,that's y..unlike other couple,paiseh2 one,dance far2 away..hee~3cheers&3cheers&3cheers for Alvin n Denise!
alvin is sooooo super on ar!when they came out for the Q&A,we were cheering for them.then alvin went like rodeo rozx or bez or wat..haha!cool man!gd job!we r proud of u!wooo!

after the whole concert,cam-whoring time!!woo-hoo!

me n alvin..yeah!he's the one whom i've been talking abt..his painted t-shirt..hee~n he won MR BA..his gf won MS BA!!they hv won for WWR!luv u 2 loads!muacks!
wee~see??i told ya!handsome+pretty=WIN!!i've gt such a gd taste rite?haha!all my efforts are nt gone to waste n go down the forcing him to join..haha!but,i didnt get to take photo with his gf..haizz.. :(

me n SCO Melissa..3cheers&3cheers&3cheers for Mel!

me & SCO Alex..3cheers&3cheers&3cheers for Alex!

the powerhouse,me n our senior SCO,Tong..Tong Oei!

me n mai..(sepet)

cutie rai-rai n me..haha!she's gonna kill me by calling her cutie pie..haha!

my grp members..florentina,corrine,song hua..haha!im the only BFS student..but still,we are bA students!!bA rox!(ps:mataku!sepet lagi!)

me n joyful joy..hee~joy is like a mummy to us..hee~

ifah dearie n me...hey!wassup with the GR shield behind us?we ain't GR..we are WWR!!

wat are we pointing at?i donno..its juz a pose..hee~can u see me?haha!

presenting to u..JACKSON & KEVIN!!the MOST POPULAR GAY PARTNER!!*applause* jackson oei!

nice pose!i like!

the gay partners are juz soo damn popular!ebody wanna take pic with them!


rizal n joy with their IDs..

last but not least..MY FRESHIES..WWR4 OEI!love u guys loads..hv fun in np aite..miss ya guys..till then..3words..

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

rodeos oi!


yeah!i had fun!total fun for these 2 days of bAoc..woohoo!make new friends..saw new juniors..wahh..the feeling is damn gd la!!weee~i like..

ok..lets start with the 1st day..hmm..met the freshies..some are late..some r!haha!we had 16 freshies altogether,10 guys,6 girls..haha!not surprising.although it's a biz banking & finance,they r usually more guys..n ya..of course,gt handsome ones..haha!n he is chosen for pageant to represent Rodeo..wee~i choose one..see..i've gt such gd taste!haha!even Mel asked me to choose him..haha!but..i had such a hard time persuading him to join..hee~nobody can escape from me soo powerful,eventhough im small.haha!even when he went to the toilet,i waited for him outside the toilet la!haha!scared he run the end,he joined..wee!achievement seh!n guess wat?the female pageant that represent us is his GF!!haha!how sweet rite?such a BIG GREAT coincidence!the girl is also very sweet..ok bez!sweet+handsome=WIN!!
yeah!win!haha!we cheer n cheer at the exam hall.super duper fun!cheer n cheer until rai lost her job man!1st day nt much la..juz mingle around with all the freshies..get to know them..they r lovely ppl..very sporting n on all the time..hee~i like..thx guys!u rox!BFS too!!oh ya!u know wat?ystd in the toilet,when i wanted to pee,the button of my jeans broke la!haha!damn!my tummy is getting buncit!haha!byk taik(shit)!haha!!

2nd day..i shld day its saddening..coz..out of 16,only 7 freshies came..haizz..called all of them,say coming,coming..but in the end..nvr come..haizz..then,during lunch,2 had to leave,then left with 5..haizz..we hv more SCs than,we ended up becoming freshies..haha!i look like 1 too!muahaha!but..nvrtheless,our grp still rox!we shouted,we cheered,we played,we r united as 1!yay!!!i love all u all lots!!oh ya!1 dearest freshie,the pageant,alvin,n his gf,wore a white gio t-shirt,then painted it yellow!haha!they said they cant find yellow tee,so buy white tee n paint yellow!haha!i thot he was joking when he said that!skali betul sia!haha!funny!plus creative!here is the tee..

cute rite?still gt the words.. "MY OGL TOLD ME TO GET THIS SHIRT"..haha!gt stars some more..smiley face some more!haha!super funny n cute!will show u the pics of them if i had the chance to take pic with them..hee~sweet..

cheer n cheer..until im losing my voice..haha!all effort is paid off!among all the rodeo grp,my grp did quite well!we scored 48-49 out of 50..wee~thx my dear freshies n u all loads!muackz!alvin is soo on!haha!but of rodeo,so muz be like dat..den tmr can win.yeah!then,i tried to lead them 1 cheer..skali no breath already..haha!paise sia!but nvm..only that..then,after that i scared already,i called ifah to join me..haha!thx ifah n mai!luv u loads!muackz!

wat else? more..i super tired already..shagged..tmr meeting the rest at 8..wahh..damn early..then..muz think of sthing to give to my dearest freshies..still gt lotsa photo to upload..will upload once bAoc is over..

to end this post,here r some lovely cheers that i super like!haha!im in the cheering mood now.*cheering*

Tell me Tell me Who’s the best? … Rodeo Rodeo is the best!

Tell me Tell me Who’s the best? … Rodeo Rodeo is the best!
Who’s the best? … RODEO!!!
Who’s the best? … RODEO!!!
You know you make me wanna … SHOUT!!!
Put my hands up and … SHOUT!!!
Kick my heels up and … SHOUT!!!
Come on now … SHOUT!!!
Hey …. (Hey)
Hey … (Hey)
Rodeo kemama … ole ole ah ah (2X)

Shake it up (yeah) (2X)
Shake shake (yeah yeah) (2X)

Oh yeah we got the flow
Riding, riding on the go
We are the RODEOs
Mighty mighty RODEOs
Super super RODEOs
Abuge Abuge Abugebugebuge
Hold up wait a minute let me put some booty in it

Oh my god the rodeos are back in town

we know its true the rodeos will rock the house
1 2 3 4 you know that we want more
Go Go fight fight
we will cheer with all our might

Who is wild?
The rodeos 2X
Who is wild?
The rodeos 2X (Follow the tune of who’s that girl)
Wassup wassup
Wassup wassup wassup
Rodeo is here
Rodeo rodeo is here
Watch out watch out
watch out watch out watch out
rodeo is strong
rodeo rodeo is strong
Oh Yeah (5X)

Early morning late at night
Rodeo warriors start to fight
All united act as one
Rodeo will win the war !!! (3X)
1 2 3 4
Steady steady pom pee pee pom pee pee steady
Steady Steady pom pee pee pom pee pee steady
Bang (19x)
Bang (19X)(2 more times)
Bang (19x) 1 more time
Bang 19x 1 last time
Bang 19x
Aw no no no Don’t Bang with my heart

till then..3 words..

Sunday, April 16, 2006

media hiburan is really a relaxing day for me..soo nice..soo slack..i like..haha!

started the day early in the morning at 8am by gg to the shop donwstairs to buy MEDIA HIBURAN(MH)!!yes!!MH!!y MH??coz there's VINCE!!!!who else can it be rite??haha!!i like!!MH was celebrating its 21st,they invited all artistes to celebrate with them..n yeah!vince was there too!he's soo gorgeous!!i like!!wee~btw,i know that there's Vince in MH coz of the official forum..this forum is super damn useful..beloved fans can get to know all abt Vince..nice~thx to Van's assistant,Daphne..she is super helpful..

then..went to madrasah..wahh!the mosque is super nice now!i like!hee~after madrasah..ate lunck already..super full,then i dozed off..haha!coz it was raining..nice to's been a long time since i slept in the afternoon..dendam la ni skrg..slept from 2-5pm..zZz..
at night,i did some cleaning all my trophies and photo frames..nice~

tmr onwards..will be a damn busy day..will be staying in sch from 9am-9pm,final preparation for bAoc..super tired..but it will definitely be FUN n all the effort will be paid off!

till then..3 words..

Saturday, April 15, 2006


wokie...started my day as usual..sch..haha!i thot i was late la!skali quite many ppl haven come..zZz..if i had known earlier,i also come later seh!kuang3..did quite a few things..thats gd!i only touched-up the banner and drew lines on the cardboard,so that the cardboard look like planks,wood,or watver u wanna call it..hee~

alex came later..around 12+..when he reached,rai,mai n ifah asked him to buy for them lunch..soo,i accompanied him to SIM,to buy for them lunch..they wanted wonton dry,fish hor fun,beef kway teow..i know that megabites sell all those food,and it's halal..but..alex n i went to the foodcourt one..haha!i also thot they wan the foodcourt one..i also thot that at the foodcourt,gt sell the halal one..haha!then,when we enter,i saw all chinese stall la!i was searhing high n low for the halal cert..DON HAVE!haha!then,i i was mind went blank!i thot "can la,can la..they know more than me..if they said can eat,can eat nt the one who's eating anyway."haha!then,alex started ordering..then,the auntie said no kway teow..then,i called rai to tell her no kway teow..

me:rai,the auntie said no kway teow..btw,can eat meh here?halal ke?
rai:halal..can eat one..don have?then u help me see western gt sell wat..
me:huh?im at the foodcourt one..
rai:ah?foodcourt one cant eat la!!

haha!so yeah!the conversation was sthing like blur can it be right??miscommunication..i also cuckoo la!haha!then,at that time,alex already bought wonton dry from the chinese stall..kuang2!then i told alex,that they want the food from megabites one..haha!then alex was saying "all of them are blur,but call me blur..i ask foodcourt or wat..they said foodcourt.."haha!somewhere along that line,he said sthing like that..haha!!my my..alex can be soo damn super funny at times..haha!bought ething already,we,the extra packet of wonton noodle,vivien ate..coz he was full already..hee~funny.. the late noon,started to rain..kuang3..n funny thing happen..i wanted to leave already,for around 4.30..then,when vivien n i walked to the gate,all the gates closed already la!soo early lor!!zZz..i don wanna make a's so damn far!and it was raining damn heavily la!so,we decided to climb the fence..haha!gt 2 guys climbed 1st..then,they were like standing there,n told us that the gate on the other side is open..i was like..zZz..lazy la..soo far..late liao..juz climb la..vivien climbed 1st..when she climbed already,she jumped!n broke her slipper!soo sorry la vivien..asked u to climb..causing ur slipper to turn..the guy asked me whther i wanna take off my slipper first or not..then i said no need la..they told me not to jump when i climbed over already..then,if don police?haha!i juz jumped la!then the guy caught me..haha!eee!geli la die pegang aku!klu vince takpe jugak la!niwaes..ya..super funny!nvr in my life i climbed a fence before..sch fence some more!zZz..haha!i think the 2 guys think we r weird..kuang3.. are some pics of the groups for the orientation..the theme for this orientation is carnival extravaganza..soo,we hv diff grps of diff carnival..

yeah!my grp is WILD WILD RODEO!!woohoo!rodeo rox!

this grp is called Aloha Luau..cant see the name properly..

this is cute rite?i lke..bombastic mombasa..

till here..3 words..(at last..tmr is my rest day..)

Friday, April 14, 2006

rings n jeans is a public holiday..yay-ness..eventhough i didnt get to go out with kak linda,coz her bf ar..irritating..i went out with siew peng instead..hehe..we went far east and bugis fav place to shop..n weee~i gt myself 2 rings and a jeans..hehe..cheap2,gd2 as usual..i bought 1 ring for $3 from taka jewelry..and another 1 for $2 from far east..haha!nice2..i like~but then..the not soo nice leh..den how ar?call police?haha!i donno if it can be altered or sthing..haiz..the cutting,somehow there's sthing wrong..or am i juz being paranoid..zZz..i donno..muz ask kak linda..haha!she knows best..donno when to go out with her again..haiz...will be busy already..sianzz..

then,in tv also don hv nice shows..i watched lurah dendam at suria..mak ai!cite ngarut to the max ar!zZz..totally nonsensical n illogical la!zZz..but i still watched though,coz i wanna know what's the ending like..haha!

tmr also muz go sch..haizz..i can choose not to go..but..kesian kan klu tk tlg..soo..muz go lor..haizz..then go work..ala..keje dgn la gerek sgt keje dgn die..makin lama,makin tk suke lak aku keje dgn tau la knp ehh..kuang3..

oh ya..juz wanna show this pic..u rmbered i developed all the photos..then i arranged them nicely in my album..hee~this is the APM photos that i arranged..1 of the nicest ones..n like very much!!

hehe..nice..wee~i like..there's this colourful dust around..wee~APM '06 rox..or VINCE ROX!!!

hehe..after tired of shopping and walking..kuang3..

k la..till then..3 words..

tiada kemaafan

Tiada Kemaafan

heningnya malam ku ini
terlupuslah mimpi
embun yang membasahiku

tak ku sangkakan begini
berakhir cerita
ku dambarkan cinta
akhirnya tak berupaya menanti

hanyalah diriku
mengharapkan kasih yang tak tentu

telah ku sedari kini
ku bukan pilihan
usahlah kau mencariku
andai ku terakhir

aku lelaki yang mahukan belaian mesra itu
bukannya sekadar pelepas rindu kala kau perlu
pada diriku...

usah lagi kau bertanya ke mana cintaku pergi
usah lagi kau bayangkan kemesraan bersama ku dulu
pintaku kepadamu kini agar tiada kemaafan
usah kau lagi kau mencari pengertian ini
usah lagi kau permainkan hati insan oh yang lain
yang menyayangi

di sini pasti akan ku teruskan
perjalanan hidupku ini
tiada lagi yang menghalangi daku
takkan ku kesali menerima suratan Ilahi

lagu:adnan abu hassan
lirik:mohariz yaakup

the song says it all..till then..3 words..(im dead beat)

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

better.. is such better day then ystd..alhamdulillah..i like today..wee~started my day by gg to sch as usual for bAoc..did soo many things today..i least not wasting time..we painted 91 boxes,rai touched up soo many things here and there..started drawing for the hall deco.wee~i can feel the bahang2 of bAoc..looking fwd soo much to it..yay-ness!tmr will be a very crazy day..coz one of the members,ifah is coming back..then plus another guy,rizal..wah!they r gonna rock np down man!haha!

and also,tmr is the briefing for the bAoc..the SCOs will brief who will be senior buddies,which classes will they be taking care of..hmm..i hope that i get a nice class,and that my partner is also a nice one..hee~*pray hard*..then,they will teach us the cheers..soo,i muz also save my voice nad shout out loud for the upcoming 3 days..haha!so yeah..i like today soo much!!

after that,i went home first..coz i wanna meet nurul to eat,n also develop photos..i was soo hungry mow still..haha!so,b4 we went to eat at McD,we went to develop my photos..wee~i've developed all the photos that im suppose to..APM,cult nite,etc..and i've also arranged all of them nicely in my nice cutie pinky album..wee~oh ya!i ate chicken fan-tastic at McD..haha!u can say im outdated..that food is out for soo long,now only i tasted it..kuang3...haha!

looking fwd to tmr soo much..but i cant stay long coz i had to work..alaaaaa!damnit...zZz..i hope that each new day will get better and better..k la..i wanna watch my korean movie,recommended by my dearie syah..hee~till then..3 words..

Tuesday, April 11, 2006


haizz...entah both happy n sad usual,i had to wake up early,to go to sch..sengaje dtg lbtg sikit,coz i wanna meet get my VINCE janji2 single!!!woo-hoo!!im happy!!yahoo!it's soo nice la!i bought the olay thingy,which i don think i used,but i juz kirim mar bile die gi kl dat time,den can get the cd!i like!damn nice ar!

yeah!so this is the cd...damn nice!i like!i still haven open to see the inside..haha..mcm syg gitu nk bukak plastic die..haha!

this is the olay thingy..Olay Total White Extra Cream..haha!!simpan uat kenangan jek la..

ok,that makes my day..pas tu,terus aku peng ar!geram smp nk nangis!f*&k!
ntah la being very emotional nowadays ar..i hate myself for being sooo sad n down..i don like it..i like to be happy..there's juz soo many things i wanna say,but i cant bring myself to say it..behind this smile of mine,there's always im blogging,i wanna cry!but i believe im one strong girl,n i will hold back my tears..

ok,back to usual,paint here and there..not much also..haizz..boring ar..not like the previous meetings,with soo much things to do..haiz..but that day will come..n that will be on thurs and next mon,definitely many things to do..
joy,alex n rai..smangat kutip kotak byk2!haha!they were pushing 2 shopping trolleys if im not wrong..then,there's this auntie,who told them that there are more boxes at blk 230..near their neighbourhood..haha!funny sia..then,went beauty world also,collected boxes..n im one stupid dumb dumb..haha!at 1st,only the 3 of them went beauty world to buy paints..then,rai called me n aksed me to go beauty world too,n brought along rafia,i juz grabbed the rafia strings and head down to beauty world la.reached already,they were laughing at me coz i brought the wrong strings..haha!i brought the used ones,when they told me to bring the new one,which is inside joy's bag..haha!how stupid and silly can i be sometimes..

my grp,wild wild rodeo..haizz..i donno la ehh..mcm ade prob sane sini gitu..nk ckp byk2 pun mls..aku pun mls nak nk ckp juz still sad long as i don get wat i wan equally from them,slagi tu la aku tk puas and happy..damnit!till then..3 words..i love vince!!!

ps:saw sthing new in my blog?yes..vince's pic at then end of each post..nice rite??hee~thx fat..

Monday, April 10, 2006

monday blues..zZz..

monday blues....muz wake up quite early today..zZz..i am soo damn lazy to wake up la!!!haizzz...but still,muz wake up..then,i was late already,rai called me to come faster,then i cant meet mar to get my stuff..zZz..boring jek...peng jek rase..

lek2,smp sch,takde org..only joy n rai..laying brown papers for the deco..zZz..we did nthing much also..haizz...coz no manpower..haizzz...waste time..then,after that went to work...sianz also..i was so hungry..reached work place already,got changed,and ate at long john work,also didnt do much work..all the stocks are arranged,i juz did some light work here and there,quite relaxing..

i dread gg to sch tmr..zZz..ngantok babe!!but,still hv to go..muz chiong all the way..still got lots to do..decorate the exam hall,paint the boxes,more and more paintings,touch-up the banner..n many others la..haizz..nasib friday ade breakk,nak relax!!!haizz..

oh ya!juz now i watched exclusive at suria,abt ari wibowo's visit to spore to meet the fans..omg!!!30 000 fans leh!!wah seh!!yg aku tk leh carry tu,there's this makcik,she actually grabbed ari by his head n KISSED HIM AT THE CHEEK!!OMG!!and the makcik is not those 30+ one leh..i think ar,at least 40+ ke 5o ar!i was soo damn shocked ar!makcik,suami kat rumah tk marah ke??klu gini,aku pun nak cium vince seh!!!haha!!makcik makcik..da tua2 ni,makin terror lak!ish!!haha..sukati la makcik..kau pun da besar,tau pe yg patut n tk patut..die hard fans gile npk..haha..

k la..till here..nari ade 2 org nye bday..zai and kak shikin,tiq's cousin..happy bday guys..tll then,3 words..

Sunday, April 09, 2006


arrrgggghhhh!!!!nurul hidayah sygku!!!!!(haha)..u shouldn't hv told me abt ur mum saw vince at jusco!!!!arrgghhhh!!!,i can't help but kept thinking abt it..

this was how the story goes..when i reached kak diana's house juz now,da lek2 for a while,all of us wanna go and shopping..i heard them saying wanna go jusco and mane2 lagi la..den..tiba2,kite ended up kat angsana..zZz..imagine if we had gone to jusco,aku da leh npk vince la!!!(ooo..jadi aeon terbrau city tu jusco ele..)and kat angsana ade byk kedai cd,1 pun takde cd vince aku la!zZz..ok la,not their fault,aku kan yg lembab n slow...but still..aiyo..klu cd yg lain yg belapok masih ade,vince yg br 3 thn,tkkan da bis???i hv no mood to shop for other things,other than the cd..then,ended up buying dunkin donut..donut pun donut la..kuang3..yg lain sume shopping..tu pun tk puas si syah n aziemah ni..haha!each of them gt a bag each,but they didnt get slipper..haha!size dahbis..1 kaki terlalu besar,lagi 1 kaki kecik..kuang3..haha!!
after that,went back to kak diana's house,mkn,lek jap then i went home 1st..

tu jek la..haizz...arrgghhh!!!i juz cant forget abt jusco la...oh ya...serious seh!the Bfs are having a hella gd time with vince smlm at mid valley,like i've said to take photos la,autograph la,borak2 la..(btw,he was there as a guest,invited by olay..olay was promoting their new product..)jeles nye aku!!vince!!!cepat la dtg spore lagi..haha!takpe..dgr jek die nyanyi,utk ubati rinduku..haha!!as a fan la..takkan kekasih kan..haha..kk..gile..out of my mind already..alamak tiq ni!!call aku,kan da lupa pe aku nak type lagi..zZz..oh ya!then there's this story abt vince cannot tahan utk kencing..haha!then he signalled vanessa,that he really cant tahan,then van said hold on a while more..haha!can u imagine how he looked like?haha!the way the Bfs described it,i laughed..haha!soo funny and cute kan??haha!kesian vince aku..diserbu peminat,kene diri situ sign autograph,smp nk terkencing2..hee~

some nice pics...hee~asal la die nk kene letak name die kat situ?(she's the owner of the pics..1 of the Bfs)haizz...mcm mane hilangkan pun aku tk tau..letak kat tgh2 pulak tu..but still..credits to kak aziya for the pics..

awww.....he's's undescribable la...hahaha!

i love this pose man!he stood the way i like to stand..hee~i juz love vince!!!

k la..till then...3 words...*singing asmara luka lara*..

Saturday, April 08, 2006


hmm...when i wanna blog,i will surely forget wat i wanna say...haizz...haha!juz wanna say that i am such a bad service staff at work..n i am disappointed with myself..haizz...i hope that i will be a better service staff from this coming monday onwards..

today,vince is at mid valley..(i donno where the hell is that,but it is somewhere in kl)wahhh!the Bfs are definitely having a hella gd time la..taking photos with him n all..n it was always the same old ppl i saw..wahh!die-hard fans la!woohoo!untung vince dpt fans mcm diorg,n me also!haha!prasan kan aku!! ya..i think vince will be at johor also gg johor to see kak diana,but will i hv the chance to see him?sape yg sanggup nk lyn aku hantar aku gi sana?kuang3...takde!none!haha!but...i will juz support him dr sini jek la..kuang3...

lagi ape?oh ya!i need $$$$$$!i don hv $$$$!!!i realised that when i've started working,i hv not been saving money seh!serious!none!zero!kosong!nt even the pocket money my parents gave me!all spent!oh my!i really need to save $$ man!utk kawin!haha!of course not..i cant even my hp n net bills this time.can only pay half!n im left with a pathetic $10!gdness!how to survive?i don wanna ask my parents money..i kinda felt bad..coz im working,then ask them money,like nt gd la..haizz..i need to shop for sch thingys...zZz..guess i'll hv to postpone..when i get my next pay,muz settle all bills,set aside some $$ for saving,gt balance then i'll spend on a nice,cheap2 gd2 worth it bag..hee~

next week..its gonna be hell for me!eday muz report to sch for the final preparation for bAoc..not forgetting i hv to work..wa lau!where is my time for rest,play,n gg out with friends?damn!this is super not nice la!but wat to do..haizz..busy as always..k la..till here..3 words..i wan vince!!!kuang3..

Friday, April 07, 2006


okok...there's lots i wanna share..but where do i start?hmm..maybe let's start with me gg for another banner meeting..hmm..the banner's so nice now!with the saloons all painted..juz need to touch up here n there..the deco..hmm..still got lots to do..more drawings and paintings..more cardboard boxes needed..esp for the entrance at the exam hall..hmm..talking abt the boxes,we need same sizes of boxes..but i think we don hv...then,sco alex was stress abt that..(me,mai,joy n him was in the rm cutting the boxes)bAoc will be in 2 weeks time,n we don hv any boxes..then..sco mel came alex told her abt that..then mel said we already had plenty..same sizes some more..but alex didnt know abt that..haizz..i realised that there's communication breakdown..seriously..nvr in my life i've seen alex and mel actually talk n berborak n how i saw all the scos used to be at the last bAoc..hmm..that's saddening..maybe partly coz our grp is made up of scotland n spain(from the previous bAoc)..and there's actually more scotland than spain i think...maybe this contribute to part of the comm breakdown..i donno..that's juz my pt of may not be rite..anyways...juz hope that ething goes well on that day and rodeo will win..go rodeo go..!!!oh ya..alex..forever blur..haha!laughed a lot today..hee~

reached home,gdness!i've got headache!so damn painful!i cant take it man!i donno y suddenly got headache!damn!i hate that!ate..still headache..massaged my head..also still headache..finally,ate 1 panadol,still headache..ate another 1,then ok..i usually don like to take panadol one..until i really cant take it,then only i take panadol..

then..juz now,i watched gila2 pengantin popular...wahhh!it was nice and funny!hee~i like..esp the last was soo touching that i moved to usual..tak nangis tak sah kan,kan,kan???kuang3x..

now..nthing to do..after blogging,maybe sleep lor..oh ya!i've been listening to Ria la nowadays!haha!i like~and will nvr fail to request for janji-janji if i hv the oppurtunity..i love janji-janji...*singing*..hee~k la..till here..3 words..

Thursday, April 06, 2006

events mgmt.. i've juz enrolled for my IS taking events mangament..wanted to take the morning classes,so that i hv the remaining afternoon!i didnt get!damn!coz i did a silly mistake..this was wat i did..

after choosing the class,u are suppose to click "submit request"..but,the 'clever' me,nvr click!haha!damn rite???zZz..then..not same with donn liao..haizz..i donno if i hv any classmates who has the same IS class with IS class will be every thurs,from 1-5..wah seh!mendak dok!haizz...but..the gd thing instructor is malay!yeah!n u know who?ZARINA YUSOF!!!haha!she's the former tv producer,presenter and newscaster..hee~i hope that she's gd..i wan an A for my IS..which it's not easy to get..coz muz see who ur grp members are..haizz..guess i juz gotta pray hard..

wonder wat the rest rotting at home..wanna go n play badminton,but nani gt sthing on at usual,gt date..haizz..when else can i play badminton? wk busy already..with the wk is also nani's last wk of hols b4 she starts sch..haizz..ething pass so quickly..n i don think i hv done anything..nt enough rest also..(it's nvr enough although it's enough..hee~) now..wat to do???paint my cowboys?put inai at my nails?spring clean?i donno..wanna go out also no $$$..haizz..

oh ya!u know wat?abt m&m chocs..the packaging is smaller now la!and the net weight is 10g lesser,but same price!nt fair!10g is at least e few chocs seh!haizz..ething is so ex now..even chocs..zZz..k la..till here..3 words..

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

pics...more n more n more pics!

orite!many pics 4 entertainment...took me ages to upload ALL the pics..hee~

me..yeah me!haha!soo much for putting soem make-up..but cant see!y ar?nanti aku letak la tebal2 mcm momok!haha!

see?!?sepet!tk sah klu tk kelip mata! br ok sikit..

slenge!nani also sepet!

while waiting for latecomers..camwhoring 1st la!

while waiting for the concert to start..camwhoring..again..

n again..

n again..

n again..tiq!i think im sensitive to ur flash la!haha!

ahh..muz take the 2nd time br lawa..kuang2..

haha!wth with pose man?!? MIA..zZz..

us again..

n eyes..sthing wrong..

syah miss them..sooo long nvr take pic with them..syah esp..mcm guarded by angels gitu..haha!

part of my beloved 5A..

us n ms yee..err..i donno wat students call her now..i donno her hubby's's juz stick to ms yee..hee~ms yee n baby boy..

us..the minorities is the cina sch..haha!seriously!u can count seh how many malays are there in the sch..

finale...hehe...posing also tired u know!penat pun senyum laa...haha! of my grp painting the banner for the upcoming orientation..hee~soo hardworking sia all of us!(pat on the back..haha!)

the banner committee..

me..smangat berkobar-kobar!

1 of our flags..nice rite?

the half-completed banner..with joy..SCO alex..rai,the leader for the banner them loads..they're lovely ppl..

ok la...till then..3 words..